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Single Site Band (5S8) oa 2s BW +26 . mit) S \ S 7 ssh_ seu q —> Vsh Ls ge redace RW \s& “ae lo Coleen hemrodale den Boy 1) Cas Caafe ei We see by t fe Example If mp(t) is the Hilbert transform of m(¢), then show that the Hilbert transform of m,(t) is —m(t). Nast Ka : A ln (-§) aS oe My (4) = CoS (2 Tout os) =Sa oral) wae si (2a Swt- B) -— os erat) Example The baseband signal m(t) = 1000sinc(2000¢) is to be transmitted using SSB with carrier frequency f. = 5000 Hz 1. Sketch the spectrum of m(t) and the corresponding DSB-SC signal. Find the LSB spectrum by suppressing the USB component from the spectrum found in (a). 3. Find the time-domain expression for the LSB signal, y,sz (t) 4. Follow a similar procedure to find the time-domain expression for the USB signal, Puse (0). m(+) (lo oe sine (2000 +) =) —> T Sine Crk z) rect (= : Se Ksinc(aizle> + rect ( xb) arte = 20et re. C+ (4 mle) = ese =. ect j= a Sin C ese +) i Zsoo ak S660 ge* o a uae Pull = | wa ( Ete" | at +H veer ( Ps Gor’) ne ve (+ ( oe > Sinc Cart - b22) heat Asa lt! ~ AL \s2e Sync (.0)| = 2 Cason (seer §2)} Ny woot 2 Q oe S60 Sing (\seo) © s kalsao-) & A x oot 5 Q fH) 5 Soo Since (\cea*) oS Rulseo ©) Ls& : (th= Coo Sine Cisse} Rusk cos (am ( sooo 5 S225t) 2. gece °K ‘ . 1902 See Sone 47 2 mCt) @s Cemfe*) —+M 2(+) San (2afct) RW =28 ~ 2 signeh “J LS @-[i+o- Two baseband signals mj (t) = 100sinc(100t) and m,(t) = 200sinc(200t) are QAM-modulated using a carrier frequency of 10 KHz. a) Write the time-domain expression for the QAM modulated signal. b) Find the expression for the spectrum (frequency domain) of the QAM- modulated signal. ©) What is the bandwidth of the QAM modulated signal (justify your answer). d) Sketch the QAM demodulator that should be used at the ¥eteiver to recover m,(t) and m,(t). @ ae Lal = (oo Siac (wot) Cos (Gur \o >) ) Sin Qi (4 i) + reo Swe Ces0t (\) eclt) >» == (xt) Ps inc (at) —s drect( £) whe = (GoAé a ¥te 200 & = (02 i 7 c 2 es fae o TH pect =| wn Q {oe re ( a rect ( = ai 7 — Wwe BW = ca —. Ryu lf = loo 4 rif vec (ES) wT \ ( l ~(o4 | % sp* 2, \vect — re ae zy 28 ZB ( Geet (LBP) erect (At) <2 = ae (EY — ect igh oom ow, wre wt das usw ( 2a 4) re (4) UpPF y Lz sgn (4) Am (pSb-Te) Rw > 2 “Tae = FEL byt? aa! Sa Uh | RB CBW c2b gs c -~ Coleen 1 howd \S6 TO en lepe de fecter Wd & axa dual ot \ = pat) x (wav — cos (zm fet) ae —S Gf) \— Qs (amet) Helle Cate nd-afo)] HCY) WW Wi (0~fe} + Hh (9+ fc) The carrier frequency of a certain VSB signal is fe=20kHz, and the baseband signal bandwidth is a) The VSB shaping filter Hj(f) at the input which cuts off the lower sideband gradually over 2 kHz is shown in the figure on the next slide. Find the output filter H,(f) required for distortionless reception. AS) fami [ee / /\ §—— \ 26-2 | -i8 of oe f= kHz pki @ | a] olf = Gel 4 Cade Wi (Q-Be) 3F ul ) i Gade 2 ve\- @s(27bnt) a Tf 5(9-Sul4 510+ §sJ] Dy ct) _ eae) 4 en) be G rl! a fe YeSan - Geshe), (fs) {ta a -{. Gere) {Ju i. a KG) = = ty LX) a a = \s we a ; 7 : of , yee > | Y 7 \ ral) L ==: X f ex eee Cer cs lard Ywteys 2S (ance ~ B) : SK) = LX) Sw (x-B) = — €S% a < (He Sy n(am{ct) welt —> al) Malf) = ma)uce) ae a mW) =auju ut) _ sg al) Ae whe 2 + —— a wtf) ~ \ (- s sul) hog (i= (dhl) = w(t) + C+ saab) = Uwe mids el mal) = Cuts) + 3 MuCO)) = & Cond)- J Aad) cae Dep MER = Ma U-te)4 M- (fate) 2.4! aye ka m({-fe) te) ed Ma(E-Le | at (mile tatd - Ma ( (L40] | =+(nil 5 am(C xf .S\ oc... Ws) Aas, S) = LUwif-Se M()4 Ss} ) ed) wi D(H = Welt) @sl anf Haman Coie a : Disp lel mac) Cos 2ALHB MAH sin DS sin w | DSBSC ]_ al!) sin ot ee Dusp ld] 2 mCfoos (2 Tfer)— ay 4) sina) Rusgct) 2 coslatbet) Buse (t/ ra = zwlt) @§ lamfct) — 2 wt) ane asa!) meth & (1+ os Gnclesy) _ 2M, (4 ele) Bead (axle) i) mf) ¢ wt) &S Cam (2St) t m(t) sia on (Hy LOE sii wilt) Ls tunes (coherent) i) Example A modulating signal is given by: a) m(t) = co: 2cos 300r1 b) m(t) = sin100ntsin500nt Incach case: (i) Sketch the spectrum of m(t). (ii) Find and sketch the spectrum of the DSB-signal 2m(¢) cos(1000xt). (iii) nee the spectrum obined in i) spose LSB speci oobi he USB (iv) Knowing the USE spectrum in (ii), write the time-domain expression for the USB signal. \se @) wz (Wa we) + 200s (200 7) mi) \ On L -\e -se se \s° (i) Dende 2H cos ((sesrt) . * a ~$6e 35° We O56 go ¢se Py (Ile Lf si. iso) 4 g(f +450) | g ($56) 4 § (+560) ] ai 5 (e386) + + 6(§ +750) | fab (s@- sol + § (Lesa | —t tae ) a =e -S5° Se -fe fe Se Oe Pose Ul) - +{s (§- sse) + & (¢ +Sse}] 2 4k (Shree + § ({ <650)| Dasa) = 4 es Gm (550) t) 4 cos lon CEs) t) Qysp= 4 Gs C Wee rt) - Gs (\360 Tt) () ma(f}2 Sia WoTt SwnsooTt =e { cs (use at) — cos(6oo 4] mit) L ct Pysplll i +{ s(f-3eo)4 Slt 4320) | a { s({- eo 4 S\C-+ Yee} + Sc{4220)] _y Vs(h-20) & (Jee a se bet) i 4 . Joe cove U= Lusp F\< 4 i S(f_ Pee) 4 SCL + oo) | [s((- ces) + §({ +G

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