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Name of Student: Kristil Marie E.

Chavez Section and Group number: BSN2H and Group 2

Name of CI: Ms. Chita Legislador RN, MN HEALTH TEACHING PLAN Area of Exposure: Barangay Health Center

Objectives (Patient Centered)

1. To conduct health teaching to the patient to allow them to monitor and manage their diabetes as well as possible.
2. To identify and address any concerns with glycemic control to enhance it.
3. To assess diabetic problems and treating them as needed.

Medication Exercise Treatment Hygiene Outpatient Diet

Generic Name: Aerobic Exercise The following are  Hand hygiene-  Instruct the client Foods and drinks that are
Glimepiride treatment for patient Before eating and to return for a okay with Diabetes are:
The Advantages of Aerobic with diabetes: after using the follow-up check-  Vegetables
Brand Name: Exercise in Diabetes: toilet are up.  Non-starchy
Amaryl Aerobic exercise improves Healthy Diet examples. This  Inform the client broccoli, carrots, greens,
mitochondrial density, Contrary to common effectively that she needs to peppers, and tomatoes
insulin sensitivity, oxidative belief, there is no such prevents check your blood  Starchy
Sulfonylurea- antidiabetic agent
enzymes, blood vessel thing as a diabetes diet. infectious sugar level from potatoes, corn, and green
compliance and However, it is critical to infections, which time to time for the peas
H-How will you know the drug is effective?
Glimepiride belongs to the class of drugs known as responsiveness, lung center your diet on a are common doctor to know  Fruits
sulfonylureas. It lowers blood sugar by causing the function, immunological healthy meal and snack complications of how her condition. oranges, melon, berries,
release of your body's natural insulin. function, and cardiac output. plan that is consistent. diabetes.  Assure that the apples, bananas, and grapes
Moderate to vigorous aerobic Smaller portion of sizes.  Make time every client knows and  Grains
E- (Exact time to be given) activity is linked to Increase your intake of day for foot care. will take the drug at least half of your grains
3 times a day (every after meal) significantly decreased high-fiber foods such as Wash, dry, and prescription given for the day should be whole
cardiovascular and overall fruits, non-starchy inspect the tops by the doctor. grains includes wheat, rice,
mortality risks in both type 1 veggies, and whole and bottoms of  Conduct health oats, cornmeal, barley, and
and type 2 diabetes. Aerobic grains. Reduced your feet. teaching with the quinoa examples: bread,
exercise improves consumption of refined client on ways that pasta, cereal, and tortillas
C-Client teaching — drug reaction cardiorespiratory fitness, grains, starchy veggies,  Examine your she can help in the  Protein
Health teaching with the Patient/The family lowers insulin resistance, and and sweets. Small skin for cracks, treatment of her lean meat, chicken or turkey
about: improves lipid levels and portions of low-fat dairy, scrapes, condition and on without the skin, fish, eggs,
 Checking of serum glucose level. endothelial function in low-fat meats, and fish. scratches, sores, proper hygiene to nuts and peanuts
 Lifestyle to determine extent of learning, people with type 1 diabetes. Lower caloric intake. blisters, redness, prevent diabetes dried beans and certain
emotional needs. Regular exercise decreases Medication calluses, and wound. peas, such as chickpeas and
 Management or serum glucose testing A1C, lipids, blood pressure, Taking of Glimepiride other changes. split peas
technique. and insulin resistance in through oral route. Notify your meat substitutes, such as
Adverse Reaction: people with type 2 diabetes. Glimepiride decreases doctor straight tofu.
Overdose or insufficient food intake may produce
Alternatively, high-intensity blood sugar by stimulating once if you
hypoglycemia (esp. with increased glucose
interval training (HIIT) the pancreas to create notice any skin  Dairy—nonfat or
demands). GI hemorrhage, cholestatic hepatic
jaundice, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, improves skeletal muscle insulin and assisting the problems. low fat
pancytopenia, agranulocytosis, aplastic or oxidative capacity, insulin body in utilizing insulin  Use antibiotic milk or lactose-free milk if
hemolytic anemia occur rarely. sensitivity, and glycemic efficiently. creams as the client has lactose
control in individuals with Insulin administration prescribed by intolerance, yogurt
K- (Keys to remember/ nursing type 2 diabetes and can be Insulin therapy was once your doctor, and and cheese.
responsibilities/consideration) done without affecting considered a last choice, when putting
Baseline assessment glycemic control in type 1 but it is now being sterile bandages Foods and drinks to limit
 Check serum glucose level. diabetes. administered earlier if to protect the cut, include:
 Discuss lifestyle to determine extent of blood sugar targets are not make sure that
learning, emotional needs. Aerobic Exercise includes: attained with lifestyle your hand is  Fried foods and other
 Ensure follow-up instruction if client or  Dancing and Zumba changes and other clean or the foods high in saturated
family does not thoroughly understand  Jogging/Running medications. The doctor people who are fat and trans fat
diabetes management. will advise you on the best putting it.  Foods that are high in
Intervention/evaluation sort of insulin to use and  Controlling your salt, also called sodium
Monitor serum glucose level, food intake. Assess when to take it. Depending blood sugar can  Sweets, such as baked
for hypoglycemia (cool/wet skin tremors, on how steady your blood increase your goods, candy, and ice
dizziness, anxiety, headache, tachycardia, perioral sugar levels are, your body's ability to cream
numbness, hunger, diplopia), hyperglycemia insulin type, dosage, and fight infection  Beverages with added
(polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia, nausea, schedule may fluctuate. and prevent dry sugars, such as juice and
vomiting, dim vision, fatigue, deep or rapid Physical exercise skin. Use talcum regular soda.
breathing). Be alert to conditions It aids in the regulation of powder in
that alter glucose requirements (fever, increased blood sugar levels. Before infection-prone
activity or stress, trauma, surgical procedure). beginning or changing areas and
your exercise regimen, moisturizing
Contraindications: consult with your primary lotions and soaps
Hypersensitivity to glimepiride, sulfonamides. health care practitioner to as needed.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (with or without coma). ensure that the activities  To keep your
Cautions: Renal/hepatic impairment, glucose- are safe for you. skin hydrated and
altering conditions (fever, trauma, infection), healthy, avoid
G6PD deficiency, elderly, malnourished. Allergy bathing in very
to sulfa. hot baths and
showers, use
gentle soaps, and
immediately after


Hygiene for diabetic patients. Controlling Dry & Cracked Skin from Diabetic Complications. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2021, from

Matt Vera is a registered nurse with a bachelor of science in nursing since 2009 and is currently working as a full-time writer and editor for Nurseslabs. During his time as a
student. (2021, September 20). 17 diabetes mellitus nursing care plans and nursing diagnoses. Nurseslabs. Retrieved September 30, 2021, from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Diabetes Diet, eating, & physical activity. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Retrieved
September 30, 2021, from

Type 2 diabetes and exercise. EndocrineWeb. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2021, from

WebMD. (n.d.). Diabetes treatments and how it is diagnosed. WebMD. Retrieved September 30, 2021, from

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