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10:2, 193±206, 2001

Relationship between spatial distribution of the Patagonian

stock of Argentine anchovy, Engraulis anchoita, and
sea temperatures during late spring to early summer

J. E. HANSEN,1,* P. MARTOS1,2 AND immediately above that, although a few ®sh shoals
A. MADIROLAS1 were located below the thermocline.
Instituto Nacional de InvestigacioÂn y Desarrollo Pesquero Key words: Argentine anchovy, distribution, Engraulis
(INIDEP), P.V.Ocampo 1, 7600 Mar del Plata, Argentina anchoita, Patagonian stock, sea temperatures
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Funes 3350, 7600
Mar del Plata, Argentina

Anchovies (Engraulis anchoita) are the most abundant
The relative abundance of adult Argentine anchovies and most ecologically important pelagic ®sh resources
(Engraulis anchoita) and the thermal structure of the off Argentina. Two anchovy populations are recog-
sea between 41° and 45°30¢S during four research 3 nized south of 34°S, the Bonaerensis and the Patago-
surveys were compared. Acoustic data were collected nian stocks (Brandhorst et al., 1974; Hansen et al.,
while making parallel transects along which CTD 1984; SaÂnchez and Martos, 1989). These ®sh tolerate
2 (conductivity, temperature, depth) stations were wide ranges of both temperature (8±23°C) and salinity
regularly distributed. Anchovy abundance was related (14±35 p.s.u.), like other species of the genus Engraulis
to both the sea surface temperature and the strati®- (Reid, 1966), but their main concentrations would
cation of the water column, as classi®ed according occur where those environmental variables show sharp
to the / parameter of stability (Simpson, 1981). gradients (Hansen et al., 1986; Hansen and Madirolas,
Regarding the whole water column, the sea tempera- 1996). In the daytime, these ®sh (like other small
tures where adult anchovies were recorded ranged pelagic species) respond to the light by forming com-
from 8.5 to 16.5°C, but anchovy echo traces from pact shoals at different depths. On the other hand,
waters above 14°C were obtained mainly at night. The they are widely scattered at night, in water layers close
sea surface temperature bounds for anchovy distribu- to the sea surface (Gudmundsson and Gamberale,
tion were 11 and 17°C, with a preferential range 1972; Hansen and Madirolas, 1996; Castello, 1997).
between 12.5 and 16°C, but no absolute value of sea The distribution area of the southern (Patagonian)
surface temperature was found to be most favourable stock extends from 41 to 48°S, and mainly between
for the species. The highest ®sh abundances were 41 and 45°S during the last quarter of the year (Fig. 1).
related to sharp thermal gradients, either horizontally From the oceanographic point of view, a large portion of
recorded in frontal zones (» 0.02°C or more per km) or that zone, especially the area which is close to the
vertically associated to the occurrence of a thermo- ValdeÂs Peninsula (42°30¢S), offers several conditions
cline (stability > 10 J m±3). Sea fronts seemed to be that favour the formation of sea fronts in spring and
the axes for the distribution of anchovy shoals, and the summer. Among such conditions are the occurrence of a
annual changes in the positions of the fronts seemed to clear thermocline during spring and summertime
be followed by analogous changes in the locations of (Guerrero and Piola, 1997; P. Martos and R. A. Guer-
the main anchovy concentrations. Within thermally 4 rero, unpublished data), as well as a great energy dissi-
strati®ed areas and during the daytime, anchovies pation due to tides (Miller, 1966; Glorioso and Simpson,
apparently preferred the thermocline layer or the layer 1994). The sea fronts represent the border between
strati®ed waters and those intensely mixed by tides.
Martos and SaÂnchez (1997) have preliminarily
*Correspondence. e-mail: described three frontal zones of a seasonal nature
1 Received 4 October 1999 within the region: a thermohaline sea front located off
Revised version accepted 7 September 2000

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194 J.E. Hansen et al.

Figure 1. Distribution area and survey design for the study of the Patagonian stock of Argentine anchovy during late spring to
early summer. Grey lines, Strata 1±5 used to estimate anchovy biomass; dotted lines, acoustic transects; A and B, oceanographic
sections mentioned throughout the text.

the mouth of San MatõÂas Gulf (41±42°S); a tidal retention areas (Iles and Sinclair, 1982). It has been
front close to the ValdeÂs Peninsula; and another tidal shown that the spawning areas of the Patagonian stock
front that extends along the Patagonian coast, close to of Argentine anchovy are related to the above-
Escondida Island (43°40¢S). mentioned sea frontal systems (SaÂnchez and
Sea fronts usually have great biological importance Ciechomski, 1995; Martos and SaÂnchez, 1997).
5 because they are suitable for ®sh spawning, as well as Although the distribution of small pelagic ®sh is
for egg and larvae development. They are highly generally associated with the main physical features of
productive zones and at times correspond to areas of the marine environment (Castillo et al., 1996), most
accumulation of the early stages of some ®sh species, as studies about adult Argentine anchovy concern the
they can represent geographically stable larval spawning grounds. Most of the research work has dealt
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Distribution of Argentine anchovy and sea temperature 195

with the Bonaerensis stock, which also inhabits the During the 1994 survey, a scienti®c echosounder SIM-
southern shelf off Brazil between 28 and 34°S during RAD EK500 was used, but the original system was used
winter and springtime (Castello, 1997). The present for storing and processing data. Since 1995, a Graphic
paper is directed to the analysis of the relationship Workstation HP9000 and the postprocessing software
between the distribution of adult Patagonian ancho- SIMRAD BI500 were linked to the EK500.
vies and thermal structure of the sea during late spring Hull-mounted 38-kHz transducers and a pulse dura-
and early summer. tion of 1 ms were always used. To enable comparison of
the data from different years, the scienti®c sounder was
calibrated before every cruise, using a standard target
and the procedure suggested by Foote et al. (1987). The
Design of the surveys output signal of the echosounder was processed by
The basic data were recorded during four research echointegration (Forbes and Nakken, 1972) and echo-
surveys directed to evaluate the Patagonian anchovy integration layers of 10 m depth were de®ned, the ®rst
biomass between 41° and 45°30¢S, from the coast to, starting at 2 m from the transducer (i.e. 5.5 m from the
approximately, the 100 m isobath (» 42 000 nm2), sea surface). The symbols in the ®gures displaying
during the season that is known to be the peak of anchovy distributions correspond to the square root of
the spawning activity of the stock (SaÂnchez and the column sound backscattering coef®cient, sa (Foote
Ciechomski, 1995). These cruises were carried out by 8 et al., 1991), normalized for a square nautical mile and
7 the Research Vessel `CapitaÂn Oca Balda', a 65-m-long measured in units of m2/nm2. For every survey, anchovy
stern trawler, in December, every year from 1993 to biomass estimates were derived from the values of the
1996. All those surveys kept the design adopted in column scattering coef®cient. The formulae utilized for
1993, which has been already described (Hansen and converting the sa values to biomass density by using the
Madirolas, 1996). The area of the surveys, which size±target-strength relationship corresponding to
covered most of the area of anchovy distribution during clupeoid ®sh, as derived by Foote (1987), are described
the southern late spring, was split into ®ve strata in Hansen and Madirolas (1996).
according to previous records of relative abundance of At any time of day or night during the acoustic
both egg and adult ®sh of the species. The design of the tracking, ®shing hauls were performed to identify echo
acoustic surveys included 23 parallel transects, which traces when they indicated great quantities of anchovy
were randomly distributed into the different strata or other species. A mid-water trawl net having a 10-mm
based upon the expected variability of the above- mesh size at the inner cover of the codend was used.
mentioned parameters (Fig. 1). Stratum 1 is located at From 12 to 20 hauls per cruise were made. In every haul
the mouth of San MatõÂas Gulf and is characterized by where anchovy was caught, samples of the species were
the presence of a thermohaline sea front. Stratum 2 is a taken (m ³ 120 individuals per haul). Besides other
large zone mostly in front of the ValdeÂs Peninsula and biological data, total length and total weight (precision
southwards, which is dominated by the occurrence of a 5 mm and 0.1 g, respectively) were recorded.
tidal sea front. Stratum 3 comprises deep, completely
Oceanographic data
strati®ed waters. Stratum 4 includes the main spawning
ground of the anchovy stock during this season (SaÂn- Between 54 and 94 oceanographic stations were
chez and Ciechomski, 1995), which is centred in regularly distributed in each cruise on the acoustic
Escondida Island and related to the other coastal, tidal tracks. Continuous pro®les of both temperature and
sea front mentioned in the Introduction section. This conductivity were obtained by either a compact CTD
front also extends over the inshore part of Stratum 5, 9 (conductivity, temperature, depth) `Meerestechnik
which is the southernmost extreme of the anchovy Elektronik' (1993 survey) or a `Sea Bird 19' CTD
distribution in this season. (cruises since 1994). The data series were then proc-
essed using standard Seasoft routines (Sea-Bird Elec-
Acoustic and biological data tronics, 1997) and reduced to values of temperature
The acoustic equipment used in 1993 was a scienti®c 10 and salinity corresponding to a 1-db interval. The
echosounder SIMRAD EK400 connected to a digital CTD was calibrated by measuring water samples with a
echointegrator SIMRAD QD. The echointegrator salinometer and reversing thermometers.
output was recorded in real time by using a personal The acoustic records of anchovy abundance were
computer and the software HYDRO to store and process compared with the distribution of the sea surface
the acoustic data (Madirolas and Rodriguez, 1996). temperature, as well as with the strati®cation of the
water column. To quantify that strati®cation, the /
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196 J.E. Hansen et al.

parameter of stability (Simpson, 1981) was used Figure 2. Annual values of total anchovy abundance (sa) at
(in J m±3) as a measure of the work needed to mix the the grid nodes (empty circles), and mean of these values
water column. The parameter is de®ned as follows. (dark circles) as a function of the respective acoustic biomass
/ ˆ gh …q ÿ q0 †z dz

g is gravity acceleration,
h is total depth,
q is density,
q0 is mean density of the column and
z is depth.
Two vertical sections per survey were selected, one
off the ValdeÂs Peninsula (42°30¢S) and the one other
(43°20¢S) about the latitude of Escondida Island, to
examine the relative abundance of anchovy shoals by
water layers according to the thermal structure Thereafter, anchovy abundance at the grid nodes
(Transects A and B, Fig. 1). was computed as a function of their corresponding
values: either SST (class interval, 0.5°C) or stability
Interpolation of the original data onto grids index. The latter were split into four categories, or
The raw data on anchovy abundance (sa), sea surface stability classes, as follows.
temperature (SST) and stability index (/) from each
(i) Stability values £ 9.99, representing zones where
year were used as input for the software Surfer 6.01
the water column was homogeneous.
(Golden Software, 1995) to produce regularly spaced
(ii) Values between 10 and 69.99, which were asso-
arrays of values corresponding to the same geograph-
ciated with the presence of thermal fronts, as the
ical locations as the original from the irregularly
mean value of this range, i.e. the stability line of
11 spaced latitude±longitude recordings, by kriging. The
40 J m±3 was used by Martos and SaÂnchez (1997)
same grid geometry (24 ´ 29 km) was produced as
to de®ne the mean position of the fronts.
output for every year and for all three kinds of data.
(iii) Values between 70 and 129.99, corresponding to
This procedure was analogous to that used by Swain
de®nitively stable zones, which are located rel-
(1999) to compare the distribution of bottom tem-
atively close to the fronts.
peratures and cod abundance in the southern Gulf of
(iv) Stability index ³ 130, representing highly stable
Lawrence. In the present study, the goodness of ®t of
marine zones, which are located far away from
the interpolated, grid-node values to the original ones
thermal front axis.
was evaluated by analysing the residuals for every
annual grid (sa, SST, stability), and neither trends nor To look for any relationship between the environ-
signi®cant distortions were found. mental variables and the anchovy abundance data
Figure 2 shows also that both the total abundance from the four surveys together, the values of ®sh
by year (sums of anchovy sa at the grid nodes) and density at the grid nodes (sai) were standardized by
their means were fair indicators of the respective sur- taking into account their annual mean (…sa ; y†) and
vey biomass as estimated from the original acoustic the greatest annual mean, which was that of the year
values. The lack of independence between the two sets 1995 …sa ; 1995†, as follows:
of abundance values is evidence of the agreement
resulting from the kriging method, even though the sa i; y ˆ …sa i, y†  …sa ; 1995†=…sa ; y†
anchovy distribution is patchy. Nevertheless, the high for y ˆ 1993; . . . ; 1996
coef®cients of determination included in the ®gure
may be not very meaningful, because they are largely These standardized values were also tested for
due to the occurrence of two clusters of values for each relations to the above-mentioned categories of both
data type. SST and stability.

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Distribution of Argentine anchovy and sea temperature 197

RESULTS shows the average of the annual percentages of ®sh

according to size within the ®ve strata. Most of the
Distribution and abundance of anchovy during the surveys anchovies at almost every size were found in Stratum 2,
Anchovy were found on most of the acoustic transects in front of the ValdeÂs Peninsula, i.e. between 42 and
during the 4 years of the survey, mainly on the inner 43°S. One constant pattern was the occurrence of the
and intermediate shelf up to 70 m deep. Even though smallest ®sh at the mouth of San MatõÂas Gulf
the estimation of the absolute abundance of the spe- (Stratum 1), but they were not exclusive to that zone.
cies is not the main aim of this paper, Table 1 indi- They were immature, as the size at 50% maturity has
cates the estimated biomass by survey, and the been estimated to be » 120 mm (Hansen and Madir-
coef®cients of variation. The magnitude of the inter- olas, 1996). On the other hand, the highest abun-
annual oscillations of abundance agree with those dances of medium-sized and larger ®sh (> 125 mm)
observed both in this and other anchovy stocks were found in different regions from one year to
(Ciechomski and SaÂnchez, 1988). Size sampling another. Within the Strata 3 and 4, larger anchovies
showed that ®sh ranged from 78 to 199 mm in total prevailed, whereas medium sized ®sh were often found
length, with little variation between years. Figure 3 in the southernmost stratum.

Distribution of sea temperatures during the surveys

Table 1. Estimated values of anchovy biomass and coef®-
Three frontal zones have been identi®ed: (i) at the
cient of variation, by survey.
mouth of San MatõÂas Gulf; (ii) in front of the ValdeÂs
Year Estimated biomass (t) Coef®cient of variation Peninsula; and (iii) along the Patagonian coast, close
to Escondida Island (Fig. 4). Within the area corres-
1993 764 710 13% ponding to the thermohaline front off San MatõÂas
1994 975 298 19%
Gulf, the maximum surface temperatures (» 16°C)
1995 1969 881 11%
were recorded in the northern part, whereas the
1996 2198 822 20%
minimum values (» 13°C) corresponded to the zone

Figure 3. Average of the annual percentages of ®sh according to size within the ®ve strata.

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198 J.E. Hansen et al.

Figure 4. Sea surface temperatures and relative abundance of Patagonian anchovy (from acoustic measurements, m2/nm2), as
observed during 1993±1996.

closer to the ValdeÂs Peninsula. The horizontal features, i.e. minimal temperatures on the coastal side
gradients in this front were greater during 1995 and (12±13°C) and maximum values towards the strati®ed
1996 (0.030 and 0.025°C km±1) than in 1993 and region (13.5±15°C). The front had a weak manifes-
1994 (0.015 and 0.020°C km±1). tation in the surface during 1995, and reached its
Within the frontal zone off the ValdeÂs Peninsula, maximum gradient in 1996 (0.035°C km±1).
minimal surface temperatures (12±13°C) were recor- There were some interannual changes in the mean
ded from the coastal side of the front, whereas the position of the fronts (Fig. 5). In 1993 and 1994, the
highest values (13.5±16°C) corresponded to the sur- axis of the front off the ValdeÂs Peninsula and that of
face layer of the strati®ed side. The sharpest gradients 13 the one south of 43°S were located » 100 km from the
of SST (0.020 and 0.025°C km±1) were found in 1995 coast. Both fronts were closer to the continent during
and 1996. Finally, the front along the Patagonian the following years, particularly that off Escondida
12 coast south of the ValdeÂs Peninsula, even though it Island (20 km in 1995, and 28 km in 1996), when the
was closer to the coast than the others, showed similar highest values of stability index, and the widest
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Distribution of Argentine anchovy and sea temperature 199

Figure 5. Values of the stability index and relative abundance of Patagonian anchovy, as observed during the different surveys.

water-strati®ed areas were found. The position of the tal, homogeneous zones from strati®ed, outer regions.
front off San MatõÂas Gulf was similar during the The strati®ed zone of both fronts had a similar
4 years, showing a maximum variation of » 10 km. structure, consisting of two homogeneous layers with
The distributions of temperature (Fig. 4) and stability a thermocline layer in between, from 20 to 40 m
(Fig. 5) in San MatõÂas Gulf look orthogonal at times if deep. The temperatures within the coastal region
they are superposed, e.g. in 1994, because this is a ranged from 12 to 13°C over the 4 years, whereas
thermohaline front not a tidal one. within the strati®ed part they oscillated between 13.5
Vertical sections at the latitudes of the ValdeÂs and 16°C at the upper layers and 8±10°C in the
Peninsula (Fig. 6) and Escondida Island (Fig. 7) have lower layers.
shown that those tidal fronts had also bottom mani-
festations (particularly strong off Escondida Island Sea surface temperature and presence of anchovy
during 1995), which were farther from the coast than The species occurrence, as acoustically determined by
the manifestations at the surface. The ®gures show integrating echo values from the total water column,
typical sections, where frontal regions separate coas- was ®rst graphically associated with sea surface
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200 J.E. Hansen et al.

Figure 6. Vertical pro®les off the ValdeÂs

Peninsula (42°30¢S) showing the distri-
bution of Patagonian anchovy density
values (squares, see the sa scale at the
bottom), as observed during the surveys
carried out in 1993 (A), 1995 (B), and
1996 (C). Arrows and station numbers
show the sailing course. Suns and moons
23 denote daytime and night, respectively.

isotherms (Fig. 4). Notice that the biggest squares, 1993 cruise (Hansen and Madirolas, 1996), as the
representing the highest records of anchovy abun- thermal gradient of SST off San MatõÂas Gulf has
dance, were related to the presence of the sharpest shown to be a favourable zone for small anchovies.
gradients of sea surface temperature, » 0.02°C or Great concentrations of anchovy were always found
more per km, as indicated by the relative proximity of within the frontal zone off the ValdeÂs Peninsula. They
the isotherms. were maximal in 1995 (total sa ˆ 319 856 m2/nm2)
Within the area corresponding to the thermohaline and 1996 (407 230), when the sharpest gradients of
front off San MatõÂas Gulf, the highest anchovy densities SST were veri®ed (Martos and SaÂnchez, 1997).
were recorded in 1995 (total sa ˆ 371 181 m2/nm2) and High ®sh densities, which were maximal during 1995
1996 (221 379), i.e. when high horizontal gradients (total sa ˆ 421 163 m2/nm2) and 1996 (393 795), were
were found (Martos and SaÂnchez, 1997). The results of also observed along the Patagonian coast south of the
the four surveys support previous observations from the ValdeÂs Peninsula. In 1995, this sea front had a weak
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Distribution of Argentine anchovy and sea temperature 201

Figure 7. Vertical pro®les near Escondida Island (» 43°20¢S) showing the distribution of Patagonian anchovy density values
(squares, sa scale at the bottom), as observed during the surveys carried out in 1995 (A) and 1996 (B). Station numbers show the
sailing course. Suns and moons denote daytime and night, respectively.

manifestation at the surface, but the sharpest gradients The total abundance by SST class re¯ected the same
of water temperature occurred at the sea bottom. The trend (Fig. 8B) because none of the well-represented
surface manifestation of the front reached its maximum classes had a very high mean abundance.
in 1996 (Martos and SaÂnchez, 1997). The same conclusion arises from pooling all the
The results of pooling by survey the anchovy standardized abundance values (Fig. 9A±C). The fre-
abundance at grid nodes as a function of the SST class quency distribution (Fig. 9A) is approximately nor-
at the same positions are represented in the Fig. 8A±C. mal, around the range of 13.5±14°C, and none of the
The thermal bounds were 11 and 17°C, with a pre- SST classes showed an especially high mean, except
ferential range between 12.5 and 16°C, even though a those of 16.5 and 17°C, which corresponded only to a
pair of very high values was located at SST of 16.5 and single pair of values, as mentioned before.
17°C during the 1996 survey (Fig. 8C).
Within the above-mentioned limits, the absolute Anchovy distribution and location of the sea fronts
value of SST did not seem to determine the massive A ®rst view of the horizontal distribution of anchovy
occurrence of Patagonian anchovy. In different years, abundance values for the whole water column showed
the frequency of observations (Fig. 8A) was distri- that the species was found both in thermally strati®ed
buted around different mean SST values, i.e. 14°C in and mixed areas (Fig. 5). Nevertheless, the shoals
1993 and 1994, 13.5°C in 1995, and 15°C in 1996. seemed to be mainly found near the mean location of
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202 J.E. Hansen et al.

Figure 8. Annual anchovy abundance (sa) by sea surface Figure 9. Standardized anchovy abundance (sa*i, y) by
temperature intervals. A, frequency distributions, i.e. fraction sea surface temperature intervals. A, frequency distributions;
of the total area associated with each temperature; B, total B, total abundances (m2/nm2); C, mean abundances
abundances (m2/nm2); C, mean abundances (m2/nm2). (m2/nm2).

The results of comparing the anchovy abundances

at the nodes with the stability of the water column
at the same positions are shown in Fig. 10A±C.
the fronts, which appeared to be the axis for the dis- Figure 10A shows the number of sa,y-values
tribution. The ®gure shows that the above-mentioned (y ˆ 1993,¼,1996) within each stability class. As the
annual changes in the position of the tidal fronts grid is regular, that number is proportional to the total
agreed with some variations observed in the location marine area of each stability category during the
of the main concentrations of adult anchovy, which respective cruise. It is noteworthy that the area of
were found closer to the continent during 1995 and homogeneous conditions of the water column (Class 1
1996 than they were during the previous surveys. stability) was rather constant throughout the whole
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Distribution of Argentine anchovy and sea temperature 203

Figure 10. Annual anchovy abundance (sa) by stability class. the homogeneous zone (1) and the most stable one (4)
A, frequency distributions; B, total abundances (m2/nm2); C, was also signi®cant.
mean abundances (m2/nm2). The most relevant of our results, in our view, is that
the mean abundance by stability class indicated, for
every survey, that the zones in¯uenced by thermal
fronts contained the most dense anchovy concentra-
tions (Fig. 10C). Most of the time (the 1994 cruise
being the exception) those zones did not represent the
widest of the surveyed areas, as mentioned before. The
means within the homogeneous, coastal zones were
rather high and followed the respective trend of the
total values. On the other hand, the means corres-
ponding to stable areas were de®nitively lower, even in
the surveys when the total abundance within these
zones was important (years 1995 and 1996). These
results indicate the occurrence of many low-density
®sh shoals.
The standardized abundance data (Fig. 11A±C)
suggest that the four stability classes are well repre-
sented. As mentioned before, the mean abundance
within the homogeneous class is high. But both the
mean and the total abundance had the greatest values
within the areas associated with thermal fronts.

Anchovy distribution and vertical thermal structure

The vertical pro®les at the latitudes of the ValdeÂs
Peninsula (Fig. 6A±C) and Escondida Island (Fig. 7A
and B) show anchovy shoals within the range
8.5±16.5°C. Nevertheless, most of those inhabiting
> 14°C were recorded at night, when ®sh usually
occupy a water layer near the sea surface, even though
they could not be detected within the upper 5.5 m.
The highest ®sh concentrations in the daytime were
found in waters ranging from 10.5 to 13.5°C, whereas
they ranged from 13 to 16°C at night.
During the day, anchovies seemed to prefer the
thermocline layer or the one immediately above it
(Fig. 6B and C), whereas only a few ®sh shoals were
located below the thermocline (Fig. 6A).
Another kind of distribution observed in these
surveys consists of some ®sh shoals inhabiting a
coastal region of vertically homogeneous waters
period, and a bit less than that in the areas corres- where a thermal horizontal gradient is present at the
ponding to the other three categories. In the 1993 and surface (Fig. 7A). Under these conditions, the
1994 surveys, the most represented categories were 2 15 biomass in coastal regions south of 43°S can be high
(zones of thermal front in¯uence) and 3. On the other (Fig. 13A). It can also be high (as seen during the
hand, most of the data from the 1995 and 1996 cruises 1996 survey) when the sea front is very close to the
corresponded to the category 4, which showed a wide coast and no homogenous zone is present at that
extension. latitude (Fig. 7B). As a result, abundant anchovy
The zone of the fronts was generally the most were often found near either surface or bottom
important with respect to the total abundance at the manifestations of the front.
grid nodes (Fig. 10B), even though during the last two The above-mentioned patterns of Patagonian
surveys the total occurrence of anchovy within both anchovy distribution in relation to sea temperatures
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204 J.E. Hansen et al.

Figure 11. Standardized anchovy abundance (sa*i, y) by DISCUSSION

stability class. A, frequency distributions; B, total abun-
dances (m2/nm2); C, mean abundances (m2/nm2). In conclusion, Patagonian anchovies were present on
almost every acoustic transect during the four surveys,
mainly on the inner and intermediate shelf 70 m deep,
and remarkably in front of the ValdeÂs Peninsula
(42±43°S). The occurrence of the smallest ®sh at the
mouth of San MatõÂas Gulf was also a constant feature,
whereas the location of medium-sized and larger ®sh
differed from year to year.
The lower and upper sea surface temperature
bounds for anchovy distribution were 11 and 17°C,
with a preferential range between 12.5 and 16°C, but
no absolute value of SST could be indicated as the
most favourable for the species. Our results con®rm
and complement the preliminary analysis concerning
the main oceanographic features of the area performed
by Martos and SaÂnchez (1997). Although anchovies
were found either in thermally strati®ed or mixed
areas, their annual distributions were clearly related to
the three frontal zones occurring in the region during
late spring to early summer, and they changed
accordingly to the mean position of the fronts in
different years. Both total abundance and mean
abundance within zones of thermal front in¯uence
were usually the most important, and most of the high
anchovy densities were usually recorded within the
areas showing the sharpest gradients of sea surface
temperature. The bottom manifestations of the fronts
were also sometimes important in that sense.
Vertically, anchovy were distributed within the
temperature range of 8.5±16.5°C, with an apparent
preferential range between 10.5 and 13.5°C during the
daytime. During several research surveys carried out
on the southern Brazilian shelf, Castello (1997) has
found adult anchovies inhabiting waters between
9.5 and 21.7°C. In Patagonian waters, ®sh seemed to
prefer the layer above the 20±40 m-deep thermocline,
but they were also abundant in vertically homogen-
16 eous coastal waters south of 43°S when a thermal
horizontal gradient was present at the surface.
In close agreement with the results presented in
and stability can be regarded as valid for the main this paper, some other studies of seasonality and
concentrations of the species during all the surveys. geography of anchovy and sardine spawning activity
Though more complicated images were observed on have shown that temperature itself, provided it falls
some occasions (Fig. 7A), no relationship existed within the species tolerance, may be less important in
between thermal structure and the mean size of ®sh in de®ning favourable seasons and/or locations for
trawls. In that sense, the only clear trend observed was spawning than the occurrence of mechanisms pro-
the presence of small adult anchovies off San MatõÂas moting retention of larvae near the coast while min-
Gulf, where (as mentioned before) the highest sea imizing turbulent mixing of the water column (Bakun
surface temperatures were recorded. Castello (1997) and Parrish, 1991). Accordingly, Green Ruiz and
has also pointed out that small anchovies from Hinojosa Corona (1997) have pointed out that the
southern Brazil preferred the warmest waters. patterns of water masses and temperature fronts in the

Ó 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd., Fish. Oceanogr., 10:2, 193±206.

Distribution of Argentine anchovy and sea temperature 205

Gulf of California, as derived from satellite images,

could be related to the distribution and abundance of
northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) eggs. In a per- This paper is INIDEP contribution number 1156.
haps wider context, Castillo et al. (1996) have con-
cluded that the distributions of three pelagic resources
from northern Chile (anchovy, Engraulis ringens; sar-
dine, Sardinops sagax; and jack mackerel, Trachurus Angelescu, V. and Anganuzzi, A. (1981) Resultados sobre la
murphyi) were associated with the occurrence and alimentacioÂn de la anchoõÂta (Engraulis anchoita) en el aÂrea
explorada por el B/I `Shinkai Maru' durante las campanÄas VI
intensity of thermal fronts. In particular, the Southern y VIII en el mar epicontinental argentino. In: Campan~ as de
Paci®c anchovy was found to be associated with the InvestigacioÂn Pesquera Realizadas En El Mar Argentino. An ~os
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stronger. coastal pelagic ®sh reproductive habitats: the anchovy
(Engraulis anchoita) of the southwestern Atlantic. ICES J.
Bakun and Parrish (1991) have described the Mar. Sci. 48:343±361.
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and lead to positive conditions for anchovy repro- D.A. (1974) EvaluacioÂn de los recursos de anchoõÂta
duction in late spring. They include strong tidal (Engraulis anchoita) frente a la Argentina y Uruguay. VIII.
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(maximum at this time) and production of food par- lididae, Pisces) no sul do Brasil, Vol. I. Tesis doctoral,
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the af®nity of mature or potentially mature anchovies tivo de las estimaciones de la biomasa de la anchoõÂta
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immature ®sh like those found off San MatõÂas Gulf surveys. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 82:981±987.
were also more abundant in frontal zones. The results Foote, K.G., Knudsen, H.P., Korneliussen, P.E., Nordbo, P.E.
might suggest that the preference of the species for and Roang, K. (1991) Postprocessing system for echosounder
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Foote, K.G., Knudsen, H., Vestnes, G., Maclennan, D. and
sexual maturity itself. Simmonds, E. (1987) Calibration of acoustic instruments for
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