Din 8077 2008

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DEUTSCHE Nom seoteer 08 DIN 8077 DIN 1052504020 ‘Supersedes Dn 77200705 Polypropylene (PP) pipes ~ PP-H, PP-B, PP-R, PP-RCT — Dimensions Rohe aus Polypropylen (PP) ~ PP-H, PP-B, PP-R, PP-RCT — Mabe Document comps 3 pages “anton DNSpracertond. ven can com oS ae an ete et © Smetana mae tsa Samay sca com oman, MMe ABIL DIN 8077:2008-09 Contents $098 nnn Normative refer Terms and det enn Sas crs Dimensions and designation. General ened Outside diareicr,wallhicnesse, SISDR series and massa ‘Tolerances on mean outside dameters and ou-otroundness. = Tolerances on wall hcknesses nner vnrsnenernnnnsnonnnnnnnnan ‘Allowable operating pressures. = nnn ‘Allowable operating pressures fr pipes conveying wate. 1 ‘Allowable operating pressures fr pipes conveying other lds nnn 18 7 Form supplied a 8 Marking enn nnn 32 Annex A (normative) ExpLANBONY 10108 wenn 8 Annex. (nlomative) BIBUOG PP nn poe 32 33 6 4 Figures Figure 1 — Outi ameter and wa thickness 7 ‘Tobles ‘able 1 — Sete factor SF a8 a function of te temperature 6 “Tobie 2 — Outside sameter, wal thicknesses, SISOR sees and masses. a Toble3— Tolerances on mean eusde deters and outoroundness ” “Table 4 — Tolerances cn wal thicknesses - - 8 ‘Table 5 — Alowabie operating pressures for PP-H ppos conveying water, ‘atey factor (SF)= 1.6125 (emparauredependen), ee Table 6 — Allie operating pressure for PP pes conveying le, safety factor SF 0 Table 7— Alowaleeperaing pressures or P-S pipes conveying water, saley factor (SF) * 1,28. 20 Table 6 — Alowabeoperaing pressures for PP-S pipes coneyng water, safety fcr (SF)= 18. 22 Table 9— Alloabie operating prestres or PP. pipes conveying waa, safety for (SF) = 128.0 24 Table 10 —Alowatecperting pressures or PP-R pipes conveying wate, sally far IF) = 18... 28 “able 11 — Alowable operating pressures fr PP-RCT ppes conveying water, ‘ley facor(SF)= 1.28 ‘Table 12 — Alowable operating pressures for PP-RCT pipes conveying water, ‘fey factor (SF)= 15. ‘Table 13 — Tolerances on renal length. —— IN 8077:2008-09 28 20 a” IN 8077:2008-09 Foreword Tie standard hos been prepared by Technicl Cormnitee NA 054-05.01 AA Autenduchmesser und ads ote Rommonausechus Kunsttoe Pasbes Slandars Contes. ‘The telaonsip wih 150 161-1 publcned by ne International Orpsnzsn for Standartaaton (160) is shown Appensa ‘IN, he German Insitute or Standaréestion, woud ike to bing tenon to ho fct that coming wih this ‘Standard canine expotaon of Pater EP 1448831 n regard to material PP-RCT. DIN aes no postion on the eitmacy vay or scope ofthis patent. “The heir of is patent has ecard to DIN he is prepare fo negate wth apleanstom any sat of te tod Yeances under reasonabie 8nd non-Sacrmnalery business cndtans ae laa down ne Secaraton ‘The declaration of he eae f patent EP 144853 ergiserd wih DIN, Information canbe obained em the pate’ ler at is soso ‘At Managing Deter Boreas Tecreley Oy | .0. Box 390] FLOB101 Porc | Fans ‘etsa6e 8364000 mal: pefigoereleprup.con [Atsoton demo the poss tht sme of the laments ofthis cient may be te subj of patent ‘ght IN shal nol be has espanable or Kenn sy Fa sen pate Amendments “This stand lors rom DIN 8077 1999-07 a fous 8) The mate designation hasbeen amended (tee Expanatary notes in Append) ») Type PP-Rer polypropylene nee been nce ©) Tae SISOR caries nab been extend inthe dimension and operating posse tables 1) The cperaing pressure tables have been revised and conecod. ©) The explanatory noes have boon reise. “Thi standar flrs tom DIN 8077200705 a8 flows: 8) Areleronce to patent hts has been adéed tothe Frewors 1b) The deszspon of PP-RCT polypropylene hasbeen modes. ©) Ataference to exiting European produc andar hes bean ad othe Scope ‘IN 8077 1874-02 19800, 1907-12, 1000-07, 2007.05 in 8077:2008-09 1 Scope ‘This standard is appleable to pipes made tom temopolmer pelyprersene (PP-H), block cepalmer polprapyine (PP) random coplymer poypropyiene (PP-R) and anion copaymer poypreyiene wih ‘rodted ental suture and elevated omperaure resistance PP-RCT) 2 epected i IN 2073. ‘Aeon s brought othe fact that existing European product standards apply for some speci apscatons, Wien ae fo be compled wth were necessary. Some ofthese product standards ae Isto hte Bistography for he ntrmaton of urers ofthis anda less nee that berate Evepean Stance sre conta Geng developed, te it not exhaustive. 2 Normative references “Te folowing reterenced documents are indspensble forthe apltin of tis document. For dates Feferorees ony the eation co apps. Fr undated refereces, te latest edtion of te Poreced ‘locurort (scudng ay anders) apps. DIN 8078, Paypropyone (PP) pes — PP, PPB, PPAR PPLRCT — Ganerl ually quran and testing 180 465, Thomoplatice pps — Univorsal wal thickness tale 3. Terms and definitions Focthepupoees ofthis document the folowing tems and defntion ap a pie series numbor 8 Romina pipe series number akon rom 180 4085 NOTE Tocatuetne wal tres ng enutn te “eet Salen ISO 4065 aes bowed a ise ° 32 ‘Standard dimenston rato ‘Son {atoofthe ouside damete of apie tits wall hckness NOTE isco ining eutn 2) spr=28+1-4 @ IN 8077:2008-09 4. Safety factors Set factors shall be specie inthe appcation standards. Minmum aft factors SF ae gen in Table ¢ land take account ‘of the matanal carats. Cin the pact siengih of PP decreases ae the Temperature teases, the salty factors have been caused oto clos fhe leprae. ‘Tabla 1 — Safty factor SF a8 function of the temperature Matra designation “oer torotess nan4oc | 40to ess tan 60°C | trom 60°C upwards Pea 7 7 12 Pee 125) PPR 125 PeRCT 125) Value forthe stewable operating pressres are gen in Tables 5,7, 9 an 1, tating nto account he salty ‘eer specie n Table 1 Tables 6,6, 10 and 12 ele anal values based on 8 conta sly facat SF of 7 or PH) and 15 (or PPB, PP-R_PP-ACT). i : z i i i : i | i i | IN 6077:2008-09 5 Dimensions and designation 54 General Figur 1 — Outside diameter and wall thickness Designation fa pipe made rom PP-B, wth an oud cameter df 50mm and a wal hickness «2:9 Pipe DIN 8077 ~ 50 x 2,9 PP-B. i ‘esseu uw saps ugBIS seesouy2NN Fem "ION BpIEING— Zee, sosseui pue seuss Yass ‘SOEsaUyoIKN em ‘oI0UEIP apIBIN 79 60-9002:1208 Nia 60-9002:1208 Na gael bff afafafa org00e:1208 Nia IN 8077:2008-08, 52 Tolerances on mean outside diameters and outof-xoundness, ‘Table 3— Tolerances on mean outside diameters and out-of roundness Dimensions in niimetes dameer®™ | Seaight | cotea “damawr® | Stigne | coina bes | ‘ipes Pree | oes a a a a a a vo} 8008 |, ° ‘ wp mes | na 12 was | 12008 28 a ce we | 800) |, ° ‘ . ce wl sem |g, a wep ren |, a ° alsa eee Tr o ° a = (eacenles 22 Tone uapetoageamet i dentate i sti " In 8077:2008-09, Table 3 (oon) Tose | ana ees aa «| mimes | Tsmasng ene [Sig [ea anew” | Saige | ai mp aaa | te we] ae at me] arn | we Fe] ae me we] ae | a cr Ta] 88 =] 38 | Tam] ea] a wpe | ae ve] 0] aa a Te] 88 a ‘Meameron naan ee eat eee Se eon = Sapne—¢= S0 08= 45 ne ded pt ee, £2 Tha aes nner tn omg ry sane 2 5.4. Tolerances on wall thicknesses tm 4— Tolerances on wall thicknesses. IN 8077:2008-09 saa oe "28 over2003 : owrtswr |“ ee ‘over to 5 a ore 151016 “ over 26 1027 i om 508 rs ome 161017 A over 21028 “ over 107 oe Co ovr 261029 od orties fa owiae20 | 2? omsooa | a re ae owston | ee oeraama | 2? owrsne | 38 7 trauma gor as bn aed a ain wa unt 09 OZ HH ea 8 ‘in 0077:2008-09 Table 4 foncudoe) rr—OSOCOCaCOCOCRCsCs. eer 34 1 35, Sal over 44 10.45, “rn over 54 to $5, baal 5 ° A 7 1 | ow | [ae | 2 36037 oad over 48 to 47 eal over 58 1 57 nad ovven | || owoen | | | owome | se ee over 3910.40, in ‘over 43 10 50 a over 580 60 be i ° ° over 401044 “ over 501054 “8 over 6010 61 nd owava | || owmen | 2 | | owawe | owoou | | | owmen | The ats gan ts ca ao ne ow TNE = 840m ne “4 : : IN 8077 2008-08 6 Allowable operating pressures 8.4 Allowable operating pressures for pipes conveying water ‘The allows operating ressues have been calculated acco to equation (8) on the bass ofthe long term nyesate avenge shown nthe reference curves in DIN B78 and lking Secoun 8 sy actor & po gigt0 ° her 1p isthe allowable operating pressure, ba 1 the relevant longterm hyrostatc strength om the reference charactertic curve in DIN 807, n Ps ‘5 _ ithe pipe series number taken rom 150 4065 (calculated va), {62 Allowable operating pressures for pipes conveying other fluids Fox pipes conveying tide other than water, reconmmended thatthe user obtain futher infomation om {he pipe mantactorerSupplamert 19 OI 8078 gives saationl oman sears MPa In 8077:2000-09 Table 5 — Allowable arsng peers PP ipe conveying wat, net factor (sr) 481.25 Ppsscrens »f«lelels[s|+|slels Temperate ‘Bandar dimension rato SOR «[=lslestols[s[mlele ‘owl open reer 7 [as Ter [7 [oe [na [wo [mr [me] mo [aa [ar [2 [es [os [toa [165 [ome | 262 [ a0 | ae 7 wo [40 [so | 63 [a6 [100 [10 [mos | 263] a8 | «0 25 [aa [ae | oo [er [os [2 [ws [as] oo | ae so [ae [a6 | se [ae [sa [ue [va | 292 | m2 | ma oo [a6 [aa [se [oe [oo [ras [arr | 22a | aus | a6 [ae [as [ar [os [ee |ise [soe [oar [ats | 02 [3s [a5 [se [os [ae [uaz [oro | zs | maa | 057 2 wo [sa [as [sa [ar [ee [re [wo [ave | aa | us woo [a0 [ar [ar [32 [7s [a0 [sss | 90 | 0 | wor + pas [a2 [ss [ao [ea fa [see [ana | a6 | se [a0 [ae [ae [22 [a6 lian [esa [aoa | 20s | 20a wo [20 [a6 | «8 [as [7a [ne [us | we] ans | ms afar [aa | «3 [ee [eo [ee [nae | mal are | me woo fas | as | a0 [eo | 6a_[rao [var | 1e0-| aos | asa + [az [ao [ss [77 ]ar [ee [169 | 205 | ase | ms | 28 | a6 [as [ro [ra [ns [ue | vee | 292 | ana © wo [2 [as [aa [ar [x0 [ss [0 | wre | 222 | ano zs | 2¢ [as [a1 [es [oe [ins [92 | 166 | 208 | asa so [25 [ar | «0 [eo [ea [ao [26 | w50 | 290 | 252 wo [24 | 30 | 38 [57 [oo [os [20 | a2 | vas | oar 127 [sa | «3 [os [os foe [136 [wa [ave | anz | 2« | 30 [ae [se [er [ar [rer | va | 193 | m0 » wo [2s [28 [36 [ss [se [oa [v6 | ms | se | az zs [ ar [er | sa [o? [sa [as [oe [7 [vs [ae so [20 | 26 | 33 [os [52 [oa [104 | was | 155 | me wo [se [2a fsa far [ao [re | 90 | 2s] 57 | a ‘6 IN 6077:2000.09 “Table (eoncuded) =» f«leslels[sl]+[slsl? Temperature | Year ot ‘Bandar dimension ao SOR oe | Nemce =s[*[elo[ul[s [leds ‘Alone oping rss [22 [as [ss [ss [ss [es [ne [us [ve [as eo [Par [as [as [sr [es [as [ror [ise ras fara a [se [2s [ar [ar [so [7a [mo [ne [ee [ae so [se [2s [28 | aa [as [za | es [nz [us [as + [20 [26 [32 [«o | sz [ez [ios [iso [ree [ar © [a | 22 | ae [aa [as [ra [on [ns [us [ee wo [pw [a7 [as [ar [ar faa [oe [es [ros |rar_[ra [|e | ae at [os [09 [ros fra | © = [as [ar [ae [aa [as [ss [70 [oe [ma [oe [os [oa va | 22 | 23 [a7 | a7 [os [28 | 94 + faa [sa [se [ar [ae [as [se [rs [oe [ne os = [eres [a2 [se [se far [ee [ae | ee | ra cor [os [oo foo fos fos lee [es fan [en [ee Taos ac hes eng cn tou ave en ed rege nano aS OTE ” in 2077:2000-09 Table 6— Allowable operating pressures for PP-H pipes conveying water, efey factor (SF) #47 Pipe »]eleslelels|+)slsl2 Temparare | Years of “andar dimenaan aio SOR ese [out] esol] on tira ecru) eva oe [ozad ted] ‘Atom opern eer + [a2 [ss [er [ua [or [vo [aa [me] me | ar [as [ae | 62 [oa [oe [ise [vos | oar | ou | aos . ja [a7 [ar |e [so | 04 [160 | 199 | 238 | one | an7 [as [45 [56 [as | a0 [ras | tao | ze | 205 | 50 | [94 [as | oa [aa [er [or [va | ae | ms | me wo [aa | 42 | 52 | re | 03 [132 | 167 | 210 | 268 | o53 + [as [as [se Poe [oz [ims [oem [za | 293 | oe [as [a2 [sa [eo [en [oa [eee [212 | a7 | mo 7 wo [32 [ao [si [a7 [or [rae [oz [aoa [as | 223 z= [30 [38 [aa [rs [27 [a2 [oss | v0 | m3 | 07 wo [ a0 [a7 |e [70 [74 [n7 [7 | 190 [maa | ons [26 [a6 [a5 [oe [es [ra [a | 190 | 227 | 200 » wo [ar [ae [aa [os [oe ioe for [ma [oe | ara [25 | 32 [as fer [6s [ras [sso [ves | me | 250 [24] a1] ae [se [62 | 0 |izw | vs7 | var | mo so_| 23 | 30 | a7 [57 | 50 [os [ss | 150) m0 | are s [2a tae fae [or [so] 98 [ro [15a | 199 | ona « wo [as [as [a6 [ss [57 [os [ns [ms | 195 | a0 zs [2s] 27 | 34 [a2 [84 [ee [08 | 197 | va | 207 so | 20 | 26 | a2 [as [62 [ea [104 [31 ves | 207 woofs [2s [aa [ar [oo [20 es [157 [98 + [22 [ae [as [os [56 [oo [a2 [us | ve | ma [20 [2s [ar [as [50 [eo [wo | we | 150 | 20 - Fr CC [or [22 | 28 [as [as [7a | oo | na | a2 | oe so par ar] ar far [4s [oe | 05 | oa [me | ora woo fe | 20 | a5 fae fer fas [os 03] 29 | ea 8 IN 807,208.08, Tale fontea Toner Tempers | Yar t Sundar een hd wee Le] = [mila] le[mlele ‘orate oping wm [ae [ia | ve | 28 [ae far | 82 [ao] a8 fos a a a0-[ ar Poe [an raz vor [oo os|on|an|aa| ae | eal foe laa | IN 2077:2008-08 ‘Table 7— Allowable operating pressures for PPB plpes conveying water, safety factor (SF) "4,25 »]*lelelel[s|+*|=lels Temperature | Youre ot ‘andar diversion ato SOR je Tata ls[us[e [ule [mlels ‘Mowe coon restr | se] 6 [70 [ne [oa [or [me [oa | wa] os 5 [as [se [za [no [as [es [ass [ar | ee | a . wo [ae [se [30 for [2 [re aa [zea [oss | a7 | 2 [42 | 8 | oe [oa for [oa [as [aa [os | os so] «1 | 52 | 6 | os |roa [ros [aoe [asa [ant | oe vo [40 | 60 [a4 [oe [tor [10 | 202 [ass | san | aon 1 [ar [s2 [ee foo fas [iss [a0 [asa [ms [ae = [36 [5 | s7 [as | so [us [sso [zr | me | s50 [fae Pas [es [os [or [iss [ara [no [a7 | ae wo | aa} ar [sa [eo [ea [ne [oe [ra | me | a7 + [as [ae [as [oa [ee [mo [ire [za [ave | a2 [az [ao | 51 [27 [on [as [162 [ms | ove | ms » wo [ a1 [as [as [rs [7 [ras [ur [roe | m0 | ore z_[ 30 [a7] ar [er [75 [re [50 [me [20 | 200 @ [20] ae] as [es [ra [rns [14s | 2 | 230 | a0 oo [2a | a6 | a4 | a7 20 los | 40 | ws | azz | a0 ee . wo [28 [a2 [at [oa [os [10s [sao [16a | 206 | 250 2 [24 | 31] ae [ss [or | 98 [126 [ine | m6 | 207 | 23 | 29] 36 [ss [sa [oa [ne [us | me | ma woo [19 | 24 [a0 [as [ae [27 | a7 [a [ose | we 1 |e [sofas [ea [oo [os [ras [ase [ona [202 sez [er [3s [sa [ss [as [na [ne |e | a wo [ar [2s [as [sr [ss [oe [ae [roa | vee | a3 [19 [23 | 20 fo [as [73 | oz [ne | we | 0a [15 | 19] 26 [se [se [or [27 | 6 | a2 | 150 woo [ oz | s6 | 20 [30 fz [ar | oe | oo | 108 | a in 8077:2008-08, Table 7 (conclu) Pipe cones »[«[eslelel+[*[#lsl2 Trompratre | Year ot “Sadar onsion rato SOR c | woe pe [elo te |e Dw le le ‘owl opring peste 7 [te [par] | © | 7 | oo [as [or [we 3 [se [ae [a0 [as [a5 [7 | 90 [a [9 [00 a a [12 [as [se [29 [ar | ae [62 | 0 | a8 |e [12 [sa [se [2a fae fas | 52 | os | a2 [iow + [ae [a0 Pas [30 [40 [6a | 90 [tor far feo 70 we [so [as [ar [26 [ar [as | ss [os | a7 [os [es [io [as [20 [ar [oa [as [se | oe [os + [2 [16 [20 [30 [32 | s| oa | or [roa [ee 2 [os | or [os [1a pss [aa] 30 | 38 | ae [os + [os Po [sa [20 [24 | ae [as fos [oo [ar s 5 [es [er [as [ss | s«| 22] 28 | 36 [as [ar wor Leo fos fontontoal eal esleo lan lan [rae nro oy er ing be nha Ban i re or a 10" a IN 9077:2008-09 Table 8 — Allowable operating pressures for 2B pipes conveying water, safety factor (SF)= 1.5 Pi sores 5 ~[«lespelels[«]elel? Tompersture | Year of Standard dmanaan ai SOR me | nice «[=[=[l7]s[*[*lels "owai pesing eros + [ar [se [es | 98 [ws [ea [mr [eo [ae [as © [se [4a | 60 | o2 | a0 [ia [veo [22 |o05 | sea e wo [a7 [as | so [as | os [ue | tes [255 [ave | sv2 a [2s [as | se [as | ee | va | wa | aos [ane | oe wo [ 3a [as [ss [0s | a7 [vse |e [oo [ars | sar wo [as [42 [ss | 00 | ea [isa [rea [az [oer | we » wo [a0] a9 | as | 76 | 70 [24 | vor] 197 [ae | ans [30 [ar [ar [oa [7s [as [160 | 199 | ane | 200 so [29 | se] a6 | oo | 7a [us [us [199 [m1 | 290 woo [2a [ss [aa | a7 | zo [2 [ran [arr [oes | ae [28 [se [as [ro [7a [ne [ur [ras [ass | za © par [ea] 2 | ea | oe [or [ves [v0 [ars | ma . wo _[ 26 | sz | at | o2 | es | a [ass | 105 [aor | zor zs [26 [a1 | as | ss | on | oo | 25 | 167 | 16 | 260 oo _| 2s | 20 | a7 | 55 | 50 | 92 | uz | 7 [10s | ana + [ae [so [sa [sa [ar] or [22 [ise [ome | 20a [22 [26] 35] ss | se] oe [ na [us |e | aa [19 [aa | se [ae | ae | 77 | on | 22 [rea | 04 wo [16 | 20 [as | a8 | a0 | 64 | 9s | 2 [vee | 89 + [ae as [sa [+e | so | eo [vos [rar [reo [aoa 3s [se [20 [20 | oe | as | ra | oa [ve | 4s | 1a o wo [sr [aa [a0 [aa | aa | 70 | oe [ne [us | or [15 [19] 24 [ae fae | er] 76 | 96 | as | 150 a [42 [16 | 20 [30 [a2 | so | on | eo [0s | 0 wo |e [ss [ie [as [ae [a2 | sa | or | en | 108 IN 8077-2008-08, “Table 8 (oon) »[«ele>elelel[*l=@lels ‘Temperature | Years of “Bandar diensin ao SOR ove [Ts ls iteste [els [wlels ‘owt spring sre o wo [43 | 16 | 20 [3a [aa [52 | 68 | 83 [toa [2 so [os [10 [ss [20 [ar [sa [a3 [54 [oe | 26 | 06 | o7 | oe | ta | ts | 25 | a0 | ar | ar | eo | + [te [1s [17 | as [ar faa [sa [or | os [wor 4 © [or [os [12] se} se} a0 [ae [ae [os | 77 sa | 06 | os | xe [as [se [26 [32 [ao [st | oe [os [os | oe [az [az 20 | 25 | 32 | «0 | 50 * 5 [oa [estar [ar [aa | ve | 2s [30 [ar [ao CE CE SN CO 7 ee ess hae ee cr target aera 10 IN 8077:2008-09 ‘Table 9— Allowable operating prescures for A pipes conveying water, efty factor (SF) = 1,25: Tsao =e [w[el+]+[+>elal? Tome | eat Sand down at BR © wwe Ta Le] i[eel eile) lle le ‘en genes afar [ae [7 [re [me [wr [ae [amr ara [on [as [ar [2 [os [ns [ua [ao [ae [se [9 wwe [ ae Tae [20 fer [na [we [eee [me aes [ar topes Dae [ae [on [ira [one os | oe [a sae [as Ler [rot [ns [oe [ats [en [ar La ee [ae [er Par] as | er [ie [ws [es [oe [as wa [eae ae Pa Doe Lae [abs a Lae [as |e Pes [arp ee [ae | we [as [ane [se mss [ arpa |e fe [ao [we [m7 [oer [we par pee pao pre pe far we far ase [a 7 paz perpen] te [2 [we [es [oe [ae we e [se [se [ae [rs [re [ers [ea Pane | wo Leben Par Par Papa Tine ae [oar [ae [ae [ar Par [as Pes Pos [irae [ire [as [ar io [ ae [a3 [oe [oe Ler [or Pas Pies Pate [ae tar [ae Pas [oe Poe [no Poe [nel ae [te Pe eS OE [ae [ae [ae Par [ee [as [a0 [rar [0 | 0 = [a [ae [ ae pee [se] ae [ne [ar [ws [as wo ae [oe [as [se fee [oo Dos wa bre [ae IN 8077:2008-09 ‘Table 9 (conti) ~ fw lespetel[s[+[lel2 ‘Temperature | Years of “Bandar iansion rato SOR oe | Neice =[=[*l[ve[7[ul]e]mlels 72s [28] se] ss] s8] [ne [ur [es [as [21 [ar] sa [ss | aa | a6 [vo [ise [2 [ave « wo far} 26 [3s [so] sz | os [os [sz [196 [20 ms | 20| 2s [at [ae | 60 | a0 [os |r [reo [aos [1 [2a [a0 [ae [ae | 7 | or [res [res [ras + [se [aa par [ae [a0 | 7a | on [rea [res [196 70 so [17 | a2 [ar [aa [aa | 70 | oe [os [0 [rs + [se [20 [26] ae [at | os | oz [as [90 [164 . 3s [14 [ie | 2a [aa fae [or 72 | or [oe [as wo [sz [a5 [ie [2 | 0 [ae [oe |e | or [oe * © [er [es [1a [se | s0 | ar | se | ae | ea | 78 vor [oo os fools lus] as ex ]en lea | 6H Tre seuesnese were ante wn eben is Eng Pane ara-G IN 8077:2008-08 ‘Table 10— Allowable operating pressures for PP-R pipes conveying water, safety factor (SF) = 4.5 6 [as fe eet] ae | oad | Temperature | Year ot Standard dimension rate SOR ce jee Va Te [siesta [nls [mlele ‘Mlowabi cpern str 7 [oa [s5 [vo [ws [os [ws [ms [oe [on [on s | 41] 82 | 66 | a9 [104 [es | 208 | 262 | an0 | ate wo [40] 61 | a [a7 [ros [ros [ms | ase | ma | os (PsP Tos Toa [os [on [ise a [392 wo [se [a | ao [as | o6 [vse ‘aa | 3a ee ET mas | ora = + [ar [ar [se [a0 [sa |i60 as [7 [ss] 4e | se [ea [oe [ur ‘as | 354 wo [se [as [se [a2 [oe [or za [ms [33 [a1 | se | re [es [az maa [333 [= + [a2 [ao | 50 | 76 [20 _[127 a | 0 3 [se [ar ar [aa [as [ns [ae | 300 wo [20 | se | ae [70 | 73 [ne "a [282 m= [28 | 35 | «a | or | 70 [m2 a3 [aa wo | 26 | 93 | 42 [es | e6 [108 7 | 268 @ + [ar [aa [a [es [ae [roe aie [ ora sas [32 [40 | 60 [3s [os 72 | 264 wo [2a [as [ae [se [6 | oe 96 [347 [23 [2s [ar | se | 56 | sa 88 | 237 a [23 | ae] se [ss | se | 92 3 [mas wo | 22 [28 [as [ss | se | wa | 4 @ + [as [20 [a6 | ss [sr | os 02 | 0 spar} a7 [se] sa | ss | os wo | 24 wo [20 [26 [sa [as [52 [a2 as | 208 z= [20 [as [ar far | 50 | 20) 152 | m0 [18 [24 | so [as | ae | 2 | 07 | va | o5a | v0 wo [ve [2s [28 [as [ar [os [om [ie [ee | woe ‘in 8077:2008-09 Table 0 (conc Posen »[elmlel+l]+[+l=[*l? Tomes | Yur onda renin OR 7 wwe Tals leilewl els) lmwlels es oeig psu Te Te [ae oe Pe a [ae Pee [oe [ve [aa [ae [as [as [a0] 20 [na [as [mo co (ea Pea Par [ar [as Dee Dar [ne [ae fs a [se [ar | ae [40 aa Dae | ee [es [ma [7 Fe se [ae [2s [oe [at] es | er] ws [as [wo [ts [ie [oa [ae | ae | ao] va | os [oo [oe wm (Cee Pia [as [ae [ae se | ta | oa [one | we [aa [18 20 [ae Par] so] a2 | a0 [oo [ar wf ve [aa | [ee [ ae [ae oa | or | oe [or va [ar [ar [sa | ae] se | oa | oe [roe [rar wo Combe bis [ae Pas [ae fae [oo | 78 | oe Pan Fa CO + poe [a2 [os fas faa [ ae Dae Lor |e | oe i [oe foe Poe Pio Tis [ae [ae [ae Par [se | oe 3 cor [es Teolen toa lusten[en|aa lanl es i ei as sain sa TS ho ns a rR TS IN 9077:2008-08 ‘Table 11 — Allowable operating prossures for PP-RCT pipes conveying water, satety factor (SF) = 1.25, »[elelelel[sl+*]slels empertie| Yew ot ‘Standard dimeralon ate SOR «[=[=][7["ls[ulele |e [72 [on [oar [oe [me | mee [me | se | oe © [ss [ro] 20 [93 | mo | aan | are | oss | aaa | sor an wo [ss] se | ar [iss [we | as | vs | 7 | a7 | sso zs [sa] ea | as |e [us [as] | mr] ao | oo so [sa | o7 | a [ar [ue [az] m7 | mo] os | oo oo | -s2 [es | 03 [a6 | 2 | me | 269] m2] ae | wo + | so [63 [29 | s9 [ras | 199 | aso | 18 | m7 | 00 a [40 [se] 7 | 2 [nr | we6 | as | ne | va | 0 [48 [se | 73 [ro [we | rea | as | 292 | oar | 002 + [as [se [a8 [ros [ros | w2 | a7 [ara [a [ss [ar | sz | 6 | 100 | wos | 166 | 200 | ana | me | wie 5 wo [ar [sr [as | 20 [0 | 150 | ane | oso | s27 [a2 ws [40 [so | e4 | 06 [vor | ss | 202 | 255 | 321 | won so [se [so as | 95 | 190 | wa | o9e | 25s | a6 | oe wo | se [ae |e? | om | se | 6 | var | m0 | ov2 | oma + [ar [ae [ss [es [9 [0 [sae | mas | a96 | oa spas [+s | 57 | e6 | 90 | m9 | wo | 226 | ans | a0 5 wo [as [am [se | em | ce | vet | ovr | maa | a | ose [ea [aa | sa | 03 | ar | 0 | a | asa | ors | me wo | as [a2 [sa | eo] en | ra | vee | 212 | wer | me + [sx [ao [so [te [a0 | 6 | va9 | aor | ass | oe [30 [se [4s | va [v7 [22 [60 | wa | ana | me » se [20 [ar [or [2 [zs [20] 158 | 90 | 230 | mos Fa ECE 0 wo} 28 fas [as] oe] vr] ma | ma | 0 [226 | 295, 20 ‘IN 077:2008-08 ‘Table 11 (concluded) Pie soree =f lesl>ele[s]+l[@ls]7 Tempe | Yer ‘Standard dimension rao SOR a[=[a wi["[+l[mle]s ‘Alon opr ean [2s [a2 [ar | 62 | 5 [vos | 130 | 63 | 208 | 250 © wo [26 [92 [40] os | em [ros [27 [eo | 202 | 256 | 2a} s+ [ae | so | 6 | os | 2a | 167 | 90 | 0 a [22 [28 [30 [54 [57 [oo [ais [res [30 | oar pes [a7 | sa | 52 | se | ae | roe fra | ws | or | 2026 [39 | so | 62 | 03 | 04] 101 | 65 | 200 [20 [2s [a2 [as [or] as [eo | a9 | 62 | 208 + 1a [aa [a0 [as |r | ts] os [rie | 150 | 08 > Tees nr eyo ory nt shown rae en owed ori Ban om Ya 0°C in 6077:2000-09 ‘Table 12— Allowable operating pressures for PP-ACT pipes conveying water, salty factor (SF) "4.8 Piece =] leslele[s|«|s]m]? owe (als [=i[ms[v[u][elmlels “Alowableoperang presure o wo [as [sz [72 [ms [rvs [rea | 220 | 200 | ona | ase 2 [as [se | 71 [oor [ua [oe [ms | 200 | o67 | 50. [ae [as 70 [v5 [ins [rrr | maa | 200 [oss | oa Wo [aa [55 [oo [ms [v0 [ve | are] are | oe | 8 [ao] so | e« [o6 [rox [sso | 2 [ase | 0 | we o wo -se [so [os | 05 [wo [vse | ves | 251 | sie | ma so | 38 | ae [ar | 2 | oe [oss | 105 | 243 | 206 | mes woo fae [ar [oo [as [os [as | a0 | 240 | 202 | s00 1 Pas [as [57 [06 | 0 [ua [vos | oar | 207 | aes 5 [a [as [56 [es [or [os [4] 20] m7] ue - wo 34 | 43 | sa | a2 | oe [os | wa | a7 [aa | a 2 [as [az [ss [00 | o« [om [6s | 212 | 260 | a [as [ ar [a2 [re | os [102 | 166 | 209 | 254 | m2 oo [a2 [ar | st | va | 02 [190 | 154 | aoe | 260 | mar wo [20 [ar | as | ro | sa [rar | v7 | 96 [250 | 25 25 [28 | se | as | oe [72 [ns | ma | nea | 20 | me so 2a [as [as [om | za [na | 2 | we | me | moa oo [20 [35 [ae [or [ro [in | wo] v6 | za | 200 + [26 [aa [4a [es [oe [ns | 09 | 167 | 210 | as © [as [a2 [ao | a | oe [rar | vee | ver | 200 | 258 ©» wo [2s [a1 | se [eo | as [roo | 26 | 150 | we | 25 25 [24] 0 | sa | se [or | a7 | 2s | os | os | me so 2a [30] 30 | o7 | co | oe | vas | wa | v2 | ma wo [23 [2s [ar far [ss [oe | ne] 50 | 00 | a0 30 ‘iN 6077:2008-08 “Table 12 (conse) Pipe saree S| =[«les>els[s[+lslsl? “Talsls rail eea |e 1 [2 [2s [as [es] ee | oo [oa [a [ve | os @ wo [ar [26 [aa [50 | 53 | ea [106 [90 ose | aia as [20 | a6 [a2 | as | oz |e | on [as | ves | or psa | 22 | 28 | as | as [22 sa [ee [a » wo [ar [a2 [ae [az [ae | 70 wa [a [ae as [a7 [ar [ar far [ aa | oo | a7 [ros [20 | 170 so [ar [ar ar [ao [ar [oe | os [or [vos | v0 5 + [a [oe [aa [ee [ee [ar | se | oa | oa | ne i os Fa 3 wor fan [oalonleslanlas| oes) an lao i > toe aes ns years nb en av RO et ge Raa a 19°C 7 Form supplied ‘The pes are to be supped in cols or staph ppes supple’ n fed lengths, win the tleances Specfedin Table 13 ‘Table 19 — Tolerances on nominal lengths Form suppioa Tolerance Gala, unwound enh etal nga las than nomial nat nt penned ae wom [210mm fuea erg over iam By aeerert PT IN #077:2008-09 8 Marking Pipes conforming to this standard shallbe permanent marked wih tho flowing infomation att minerals, = Nanuactrrs identicaton com — Matera designation eg pPH — OWN nameer WN 007719078, — Pipe saries Sor SOR eos — Oude ameter wathidoess eg. 52 29 — ate of ranacure 9.310507 — Machine number e97 ‘Such marings shal ely be used on pipes whch arena specie ia standards other techricl es a8 being Intended for spect applatons 2 DIN 8077:2008-09 Annex A (informative) Explanatory notes, Thi sanderd hat bean prepared by Technical Commitee NA 5405.01 AA Auendurchmesser und Betrebsdicke and conforms fo 150 11-1 a regards cusde Gareters ad fo ISO 4065 a5 regards wal {heknetsos for SISOR saree The tlerances on ouside ameter cut ourdness and wa hres meet ‘he regurerensof1SO 11822-. The pb cutsse artes have boon based on preted nuTbers In the material designation, the csacaton number bated on the MRS vaie an DIN EN ISO 12162 has ‘been cmt as ths claseeaton does net conform tothe longterm hysrostt:srergth requremens In ‘adaton, the MRS classteaton descabes the behavior onl) fra dtd intra of 60 yeast 20 "C and Goos not cover Behaviour at elevated temperatures. However, PP pes ae frequent used at elevated {enpertives. The log-enhyrosaie erength specie in OIN 6078s the defining chersctes fr he sutabity and dmensoning of Ppp, ‘The maori dosignatons PP, PP, PPAR and PPLACT ae in accordance wth DIN EN ISO 1048-1. The ‘mie eed for P-RCT indeate te fact tat there are random copolymer (= random). wih moded rtalnesbucure (C= exystane) In adlon, PP-RCT ls characereed by mgroved ingle hydosate ‘Stngtnparicult elevated tmperatrs (T= temperaue esstance) ‘The stand thus covers PP pipes sual forall pose fits of sppcaton, Longer tests and expvence show tat the extended saree Me for PP pipes spin the July 1680 ‘den ofthe standard as bong a least 10) yeast operating tmpeattee of up to 60°C cah be atl be “The noinal sizes ane allowabo operming pressures which are tobe used inthe varius applatons of pes {ns standard shal be species fr each incl appcaon ana ad on application slandats oF ‘ter tecial les ‘in 2077:2008-09 Annex B (informative) Bibliography ‘Supplement to DIN 8078, Polypropylene (PP pes — Chemical esstance of pes and tings DIN EN “451-1, Piasies ping systems fer sl and waste dechamge (low and high emperat) within to ‘bulngstucire ~ Pebprepyon (PP) Pat Spocticatons far pipes, ings and the yt DIN EN 1852-1, Pass piping systems for ronressure underground drainage and soworoge — Polypropylene (7) — Part Spoctcatons for pes, ings and th atm DIN EN 1S0 1043-4, Plots — Symbols and abbvited fms — Pa: Bact polars and tr special characters DIN EN 0 1873-1, Plates — Papropyione (PP) mauling and exiuson materials — Part: Designation ‘sytem and bas or spetostons DIN EN 1S0 12182, Ciasifeaon of temeplasie maori in pipe frm based onthe resistance apainst froma hyorastat pressure — Mato Seeaton and cakcaatone DIN EN 180 15494, Pastis ing systoms forint applets — Plybutyone (PB), plyethylane (PE) and paloropylene (PP) — Specicaons fr components ae tho stom DIN EN 180 18874-1, Pastis ping eystoms for ht and eal water instalains — Paypropyane (PP) — Pam General 'IN EN ISO 158742, Pastis piping systems fer hot and cok water nstlatens — Peypopyane (PP) — Pa? Pies tn EN 120 150749, Mess pining eytame fr hot and cok mater nstlatons — Paypopyene (1) — Pan’ Pitas i [IN EN ISO 158745, Pass piping systems fer het and cold water intlatene — Pajpopyeno (PP) — Part 5 Fitness for purpose othe yom DIN SOT 15874-7, Pass pin sytoms fr Pe and cok wae Metals — Palrepyane (PP) — art 7: Recommendations fr contomiy assessment 150 161-1, Thameplesics ppas for the conveyance of fds — Nominal cule lamsters and nominal precsuce Pat Mote sens 150 118224, Thrmoplsics pipes forthe conveyance of Muds — Dimensions and tolerances — Matic

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