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Income statement

Sales 1,000
Costs of goods sold -500 CGS/Sales -50%
Interest payments on debt -32
Interest earned on cash and marketable se 6
Depreciation -100
Profit before tax 374 374
Taxes -150 -40% Tax Rate
Profit after tax 225 224
Dividends -90 -40% Div Payout Ratio
Retained earnings 135 135
Balance sheet
Cash and marketable securities 80
Current assets 150 CA/Sales 15%
Fixed assets
At cost 1,070
Depreciation -300
Net fixed assets 770 NFA/Sales 77%
Total assets 1,000

Current liabilities 80 CL/Sales 8%

Debt 320
Stock 450
Accumulated retained earnings 150
Total liabilities and equity 1,000
Year 0
Sales growth 10% Income Statement
Current assets/Sales 15% Sales 1000
Current liabilities/Sales 8% Costs of goods sold -500
Net fixed assets/Sales 77% Interest payments on debt -32
Costs of goods sold/Sales 50% Interest earned on cash and m. securities 6
Depreciation rate 10% Depreciation -100
Interest rate on debt 10% Profit before tax 374
Interest paid on cash and marketable securities 8% Taxes -150
Tax rate 40% Profit after tax 225
Dividend payout ratio 40% Dividends -90
Retained earnings 135

Balance sheet
Cash and marketable securities 80
Current assets 150
Fixed assets
At cost 1070
Depreciation -300
Net fixed assets 770
Total assets 1000

Current liabilities 80
Debt 320
Stock 450
Accumulated retained earnings 150
Total liabilities and equity 1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1100 1210 1331 1464 1611 1772 1949 2144 2358 2594
-550 -605 -666 -732 -805 -886 -974 -1072 -1179 -1297
-32 -32 -32 -32 -32 -32 -32 -32 -32 -32
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522

Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
165 182 200 220 242 266 292 322 354 389

Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
847 932 1025 1127 1240 1364 1501 1651 1816 1997
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522

88 97 106 117 129 142 156 171 189 207

320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320
450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5
Profit After Tax Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Add: Depreciation Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Subtract: Increase in Current assets -15 -17 -18 -20 -22
Add: Increase in Current Liabilities 8 9 10 11 12
Subtract: Increase in fixed assets at cost Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Add: After-tax interest on debt 19 19 19 19 19
Subtract: After-tax interest on Cash and Marketable securities Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
FREE CASH FLOW Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Valuing the Firm
Weighted average cost of capital 20%
Long term free cash flow growth rate 5%

Year 0 1 2 3 4
Free cash flow Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Terminal Value
Total Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522
Value of the firm Err:522
Add in year 0 Cash & Mkt Securities 80
Assets value in year 0 Err:522
Subtract out value of firm's debt today -320
Equity Value Err:522

Year Cashflow DCF PV

1 176 0.833333 147
2 188 0.694444 131
3 201 0.578704 116
4 214 0.482253 103
5 1826 0.401878 734

NPV (For yearly discounting) 1231


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