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Page 110

1. Most of their new products are profitable, while the other industries half
of all new products fail within 12 months of launch.

2. It makes the company more able to innovate.

3. Kraft, coke and unilever.

4. a) True

b) False

2. Get employees to exchange 4. Stop testing so much

5. Give designers more power
3. Reach outside for ideas
6. Know what not to do
Page 111

1. Hire stars from outside: line 86

2. Bonuses for innovation: line 85
3. Consumer’s experience of the product: line 73
4. Internal website: line 47
5. Labs: line 57
6. Reduced product launch time from laboratory to roll-out: line 68


Logical order:
1. Market research was carried out.
2. The drug was developed in the labs.
3. The drug was tested on animals.
4. The drug was tested on humans.
5. The results of the trials were published.
6. The trials were approved by the ethics committee.
7. A licence was applied for.
8. Approval was granted by the authorities.
9. The drug representatives were trained.

Page 112
1. First a designer is chosen.
2. Then he produces a design.
3. Next a model is built.
4. After, the R&D department and the engineers make modifications.
5. Then the design is modified.
6. Then a prototype is built.
7. The company can use an existing engine or develop a new one.
Developing a new engine can be very costly.
8. Following that the new model is tested on special roads.
9. Next they have to deal with any problems. This can be costly if the
problems are serious.
10. After that journalist are invited to test drive the new model.
11. The reviews are written by journalists for major newspapers and
car magazines.
12. Finally, the model is displayed at a famous motor exhibition like
the Geneva or the London Motor Show.

1. It can be useful and depending on the occasion, because if it’s a

serious situation it will not be a good idea.
2. It could to help explain an important topic but if it’s something
informal it could be annoying.
3. Can be useful, this will always help to create a good atmosphere.
4. It’s essential since it’s important to know the disposition of the
public and they incorporate what is being said.
5. It’s useful as it keeps the audience active.
6. It is essential since the objectives must be well established and
follow them as they are.
7. is helpful, this could help make the presentation more
8. Like the previous point is something useful.
9. It can be useful but moderately since if it is read all the time the
public can get bored.
10. Is essential as it indicates respect and greater disposition to

B) What other useful techniques do you know for giving a


- Maybe show images and make the presentation more interactive.
- Use examples and have good information using keywords that are
easy to remember.

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