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Describe Job And Describe why you

like/dislike the job.
Name : Triyunita Sitohang
Class : A
Subject : English
Supporting lecturer :Duti Volya, S.Pd.,
Describe The Job I Like

Singer Photographer
01 A singer is someone who
brings a song by emitting a
03 photographers are people
who make images by
melodic tone through the capturing light from the
voice from his mouth, subject of the image with a
whether accompanied by camera or other photographic
music or not. equipment.

Pharmacist Mining expert

A pharmacist is a pharmacist Is an expert concerned with conducting research
who has passed the
pharmacist competency test 04 on and, designing and developing and maintaining
a commercial scale method of sifting ore, or
minerals, water, oil or gas from the earth and
and has taken the
pharmacist's oath of office. developing new alloys of metals, ceramics and
other materials, or studying and advising
concerning mining or metallurgical aspects of
certain materials, products or processes.
Describe why I like the job

The reason I chose singer as my favorite job is because I really
like singing, even though I'm not as good as Agnes Monica. When I was a
kid, I used to imagine myself singing on stage, being watched by lots of
people having fun while I was singing and being known by lots of people,
that must be really exciting. Apart from being fond of singing, the reason
for choosing a singer is that when I sing I feel calm and at peace. Music
is part of my life. When I'm in a bad mood I will listen to music and sing
to express my emotions, even when I'm happy I will listen to music and
sing to my heart's content
The reason for choosing pharmacist as a
preferred job is because pharmacist is one of the
dream jobs. By becoming a pharmacist I can help
people such as giving medicine to the sick, and

providing knowledge about medicine to people
who are still blind about health and medicine. In
addition, a pharmacist is a promising job because
no matter how many pharmacies in the world, a
pharmacist will not lack patients or buyers. One
professional website noted that in Indonesia the
average salary of pharmacists per month is in the
range of IDR 4 – IDR 6 million.
The reason I chose Photography job I like is because I like to
photograph things. It is true that the results are not as good as
professional photography but by taking pictures I can capture some of
the events that occur in my life. Photographers themselves usually
earn between IDR 2,627,446 to IDR 4,991,990 net per month at the
beginning of their work. And in the millennial era, photographers are
needed in many events, such as weddings and other formal events.
After 5 years of work, this is between IDR 2,877,845 and IDR
6,398,541 per month for a 40 hour work week.
The reason for choosing Mining
expert is because I like adventure and like
extreme things. Although for some people,
Mining is a tough job and mostly done by men,

but I think mining is a very fun thing.Despite
the huge risks, the income of mining experts
ranges from Rp. 6-8 million for fresh
graduates and Rp. 10-40 million for the
elderly. COO salaries in mining can reach Rp
150-300 million.Mining experts themselves
are among the 8 Highest Paying Jobs in
Describe The Job I Hate

Architect Judge
is an expert in the field of
architecture, design Judge is a State Official
expert or built who presides over the
environment expert. trial.

Artist Programmer
a person who plays a Programming is a type of
particular role in a stage profession or job that
act, television show, or aims to create a system
film. using a programming
Describe why I Hate the Job

❖ Artist

I hate being an artist for a number of reasons and I don't want to be an artist. The
world of entertainment is cruel. In the millennial era, we know that an artist no longer has
privacy, they like to share their personal life and I hate that. Netizens also want to be curious
about the artist's life. In addition, now many artists are famous not because of their talent but
are famous for problems or scandals. Moreover, in Indonesia, many artists are famous for
having problems, and what's worse, they are not ashamed, they are even happy.
Becoming an architect is not easy. In
addition to drawing, there are things that are
more needed when becoming an architect,
namely mathematical skills. During college or
studying to become an architect, he practiced
more logic and mathematics. And basically
architecture is more specifically related to
buildings between Building Physics,
Architectural Design, Structural Principles,
Architectural Tectonics, Environmental and
Construction Systems, Building Construction
Structures, Architectural Design Methods, and
City Architecture. An architect must have
careful attention to the details of his work, be
patient and diligent in designing designs to
produce the best work.
The reason for choosing a programmer as one of the
disliked jobs is because to become a programmer one must have
the skills to write program code (syntax) and design systems. The
programmer's own task is quite difficult, namely analyzing
requirements, designing and modeling systems such as UML,
flowcharts, ERD etc., writing program code (HTML, CSS,
Javascript, etc.), debugging programs and testing or testing
programs. This makes a programmer obliged to master
Algorithms, Code Reading Skills, Mastering One or More
Programming Languages, Mastering OOP (Object Oriented
Programming), Mastering Computer Networks, Application
Layout Design and Databases, Mastering English, Mastering
Operating Systems and Other Applications, and Mastering Source
Management. Besides that, programmers still have a lot to learn
and master such as package managers, unit testing, code reviews,
etc. The soft skills that you need to hone are speaking skills, and
Being a judge is a job I
avoid and hate. To become a judge,
one must understand the laws and
regulations, government
regulations, and other regulations.
In addition, judges must have a code
of ethics that is fair, honest, wise
and wise, independent, highly
integrated, responsible, upholding
self-respect, high discipline, and
professionalism. There are many
rumors circulating that the judge
was bribed, the judge was dishonest
and several other rumors. And for
me personally being a judge is a big
and heavy responsibility.

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