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Lv 100 Unique:

Approx. Lv. 95 Harlem

Epic equivalent.
about 2~3 pieces per There is no set
day with daily “Grad Epic + Mythic.”
“20x Ghent” But rather, variants
such as upgraded set +
Lv 100 Legendary: dropped epic or
Approx. Lv. 95 S:TB/ LV 85 + Product of
Prey Epic equivalent. Technically you can do every lv 100 content
Wisdom + 3 acc + 2pc
~1.5 days per piece (including Oculus) at this step. specials can all be
with daily “10+10” considered “BiS Grad”

I highly recommend
Epic Calculator made
Guide of Wisdom Hell
by DawnClass
(100 Hell)
(translated version
is available after
can be found in DFO
Ghent Scenario Quest
reddit) to find best set
(Episode Quest unlocks
options / combo from
when you unlock
epics you own.
Ancient Wisdom Remains
Mark of North-Peace
- 100 Unique Gear Mats
Farmable Materials
*DFO exclusive Special Rewards /day By: Yong*
- Product of Wisdom Mat
[Lead of Time (100 Hell)]
[Ghent Palace] [Breaking Product of Wisdom]

Crystalline of Extinction
- 100 Legendary Gear Mats Daily (20x)* Daily (10x)* Daily (10x)* Weekly (2x)
[Land of Memories, Bottomless Tunnel]
Essence of Darkness Easiest Dungeon Exo 5168 Exo 5168 Exo 5750
- Upgrade System Material
[Basement of Pain, Black Shrine, Oculus]
Aiolite (tradable)
- 100 Gear System mats
[Stormy Route, Cursed Ruby, etc.] Daily (2x) Daily (2x) Infinite
Time Guide Stone (untradeable)
Time Crystalline (Tradable)
- Guide of Wisdom (100 Hell) entry mat Exo 5400 ~ 5600 Exo 5400 ~ 5600
[lv100 Dungeons, Trade with Epic Soul, DI, RSS*] CANNOT ENTER
*20 DI = 1 TGS @ Exo below 5424
Fragment / Crystalline of Wisdom 2 RSS = 1 TGS
- Transcend 100 Epic 1 Epic Soul = 20 TGS
& Purchase Engrave Stone ** 18 TGS per run
[Guide of Wisdom (100 Hell)] 16 TGS with VIP Infinite Tower

Engrave Stone
Daily (# special rewards* /day)
* No entry limit, but no mats drop
- Upgrade/Engrave System Mat beyond # of “special rewards” Choice of Incarceration
[1:1 Crystalline of Wisdom] - lv100 Epic Weapon Pot
Weekly (2 rewards** / week)
**3 entries / week, Similar to Beast (3m Gold to open)
Dark Soul of Grim Seeker Tower (Daily / Char.) [Pit lv 3, 4, 5]
- Quest Epic (Transformable Epic)
Infinite (FP farming)
By: Yong*
Upgrade System
“Pre-Selected lv 100 Epics” There is no Weapon Upgrade
Regardless of what 95 grads you have, they will all upgrade into sets defined below.

Breath of Acc. of Normalized

Mother Nature Spiritualist Synchro
Tier 1.5 Trash for DPS Tier 1.5 for DPS
(Tier 1.5 for Buffers) (Trash for Buffers)
@ Chest Town # of Engrave Stone needed varies depending on Reinf and Amp level.
Clean State : 0
up to +10 : 1
+11 : 11 Estimated Completion Date
+12 : 14 > Assuming you do [Essence* farming]
+13 : 19 Ex: Basement of pain (2 / day)
Ex: Black Shrine (2 / day)
+14 : at this level you don’t care because you are so rich
The Oculus (2 / week)
(tradable) 50 Iolite 1850 # Engrave Stone Engrave Stone : Normal-100 Hell drops 7~11 frag / run
(Account-Bound) Expert-100 Hell drops 9~14 frag / run
Essence of Darkness* It will take 23 days per piece
You need 100 fragments per Stone
Engrave System By: Yong*

Any 95 Epic, including Harlem Epic can be engraved on to

100 gear (Unique, Legendary, Epic, )
> Equipment can only be engraved onto same part (ex: Belt -> Belt)
lower Maintain > Item grade (Inferior ~ Superior) will NOT transfer
Amp level Amp level # of Engrave Stone needed varies depending on Reinf and Amp level.
up to +10 : 1
Choosing “lower Amp Level”
+11 : 11 (why would you..)
+12 : 14 will lower amp/reinf level to 10
Engraved stats +13 : 19 and only require 1 stone
Amp / Reinf /
Ref / Enchants

Engrave Stone : Normal-100 Hell drops 7~11 frag / run

Expert-100 Hell drops 9~14 frag / run
You need 100 fragments per Stone
@ West Coast
(Left to Alliance Camp)
(tradable) 50 Iolite # Engrave Stone (Account-Bound)
Inherit System By: Yong*

● Any 100 equips (Unique, Legendary, Epic, ) can be

inherited onto every 100 equips.

● Equipment can only be inherited onto same part, regardless of

material type (ex: Leather Belt -> Plate Belt)

● Weapons can only be inherited between same type

Inherited stats (ex: Musket CANNOT be inherited onto Bowgun)
Amp / Reinf /
Ref / Enchants ● Gear that inherits (left side) will be retained as “clean state”

● Item grade (Inferior ~ Superior) will NOT transfer

● Any stats left on the equip before inherit (equip on right side)
will be overwritten.
@ West Coast
(Left to Alliance Camp)
> Inherit costs the least among three “gear systems”

**The idea behind inherit system is to immediately equip a new

gear whenever you pick up a better equip without much cost.
(tradable) 50 Iolite
Quest Epic (Ditto Epic) By: Yong*

• Quest epic, what I call Ditto Epic, is “Fail-proof” mechanism for

100 cap, to ease up “forever 1 piece away” sadness.

• Every character receives 1 Ditto Epic upon completing quest

- Requires 1260 Dark Soul of Grim Seeker
- Each Oculus clear (2x / week) drops 90 ~100 + 100 Gold flip
(Approx 6 weeks of Oculus farming)

• Ditto Epic can be converted to any Droppable Epic* indefinitely,

(*Excluding Weapons and Product of Wisdom) and can be reinforced,
amplified, and enchanted like normal epics.

• It costs 70 Souls and 1 Epic Soul to change into another piece

• When you decide to change it to a different epic, any reinf, amp,

enchantment on Ditto epic will be deleted.
So make sure to inherit the stats to same parts before doing so.

70 Dark Soul of 1 Epic Soul

Grim Seeker
Product of Wisdom By: Yong*

Tuning System
• Product of Wisdom is Tradable Epic that uses unique system
It is a stand alone epic (no set), and some of them makes lv 85
armor viable at lv 100 (increase stats, gear lv, and exorcism)

• Lv 100 Dungeons and Lead of Time (100 hell) has very low
chance of dropping tradable epic.
• A random recipe can be drawn from pot
*purchasable with materials from The Oculus

• It cannot be Reinforced, Amplified, Enchanted, nor Refined

• Instead, it uses “Tuning System”
• Each Product has 5 levels of Tuning, and each level adds rather
drastic effects such as “40% additional Counter Dmg”

• Penalty for failing (Protection tix cannot be used):

0 → 1 : No Change
Residue of Wisdom
1 → 4 : No Change or -1 Level
*Needs additional Residue per level 4 → 5 : No Change or -1 Level or Destruction

Apparently DFO has exclusively high drop rate compared to other servers. Some KDNF players claim that PoW from hell are more rare than mythics.

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