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The 6th grade students I would like teachers to think about for possible GT referral are:

Claire Smith-Early Finisher

Andrea Villalba Acosta-Remarkable Language Acquisition
Sophia Howe-Leadership Skills
Eric Torres: Math/ELA

6th Grade Meeting Minutes 2021-2022


Date - Purpose:

Time and Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Facilitator: Stacie Timekeeper: Minutes:

Topic/Who Details To Be Discussed Notes/Comments/Questions

(Action Items in RED) (Action Items in RED)


Americorp Americorp Kiddos - High risk


Students of Concern
Sat School Form The first Saturday School will be next week
October 30th. We will be focusing on
supporting students with skills and executive
functioning along with providing time for
classes and interventions. We may also be
having speakers or outreach programs come
in to provide support and communicate
available opportunities for students.
The purpose:
- Support students through lessons and
activities around a variety of skills and
executive functioning (proficiency in adaptable
thinking, planning, self-monitoring, self-control,
working memory, time management, and
-Create an environment of enrichment versus
being punitive.
-Provide an environment that supports
student goals.
-Provide time for students to practice the skills
learned and implement planning, organizing,
prioritizing, time management and hopefully
self-control ;)

Please use the following form to nominate

your candidate for Saturday School.
Saturday School Form

Parking Lot Attendant:

Time and Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Facilitator: Stacie Timekeeper: Minutes:

Topic/Who Details To Be Discussed Notes/Comments/Questions

(Action Items in RED) (Action Items in RED)

Celebrations/All 7th Grade LA is here and started working.

12:50-1:00 Susan’s boys and applying to CO schools this
week (free applications).
Trevor is a twin.
4 days without Facebook….
Nancy is joining our 2nd hour! YAY

Kids of Concern: Sofia Luevanos - mom in hospital with sister.

Noah and Valerie - Robin will talk to Valarie.
Valerie is saying things to Noah and about his
sister and making him uncomfortable.

Wylliam (Behavior Plan):


Alllson P. - Adrianna E.: Allison feels that

Adrianna is not being nice to her. Allison is
here today and the girls seemed okay, but
keep an eye. Allison could use some positive

Skylar - Susan helped with a structure at

home and Skylar says that it has helped
communication between she and mom. She’s
very distracted again, and remind her of all
the expectations.
Nicole Macias - comes to office multiple
times a week - tearful. She needs to use the
counseling request form.

Derrick Gallegos is not here because mom is

very sick and in the hospital.

Arturo - going to truancy court due to

absences. We had a family “engagement”
meeting for him and mostly for his brother.

Saturday School - Learning opportunity, instruction and school

Torrey assignment support. Hope and I are creating
a google form for nominations, will be ready
next week for Saturday October 30th
Tier 2 intervention in LA and math (mix in
school assignments) - Assign students because
of learning gaps, not for not doing work. IEP
and/or 504 kiddos can be candidates too.
45 -60 min of direct instruction.

Robin, Torrey and Bullying presentation next Monday, October

Dave 25th from 8:47- 9:37 and we will have an
assembly style schedule for the whole school.
Take attendance in dens and open screens to
watch and discuss virtually.

Robin will send out comic strips about

bullying. Use as you want. You could use them
to have kids create their own comic stripts in

Adopt a Family If you know of a family, send Robin a student’s

name or send to a family to fill out an
application. There’s adopt a family for
Thanksgiving and again for Christmas.

HKCS Given in all AFA sections Survey questions:
Dave will send out reminder with more CqJA8/view?usp=sharing
FAQ for parents/guardians/etc:

SOS Pgrm - Cheryl -SOS Program Ski or ride

-Feedback: Procedure for forgotten Sunday after Thanksgiving and 1st 2 weekends in December
Applications ($95) - DEN Thursday or Friday

Students get Chromebooks in DEN, then bring them back by the

end of the day

Afa plan for next

week -week 10 l7t1LC9AMG3be_u6Lt8ZQVo00fj0VMk0ILh1Mqi

Parking Lot Attendant:

Math questions- Faith has questions about

procedure. Thanks for clarification

Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Roles Minutes: Timekeeper: Facilitator:

Time Topic Notes Action Items


12:50-1:00 Bathroom Only 12000 ahead of me for Hamilton tickets...who wants

1:00-1:20 Kids of Concern:
(debrief conferences)
Daniella M - shouldn’t leave class for any reason (per mom)

Angel M. Carreno-ELA-Missing summative, reminders, discussion says

he’ll do it, does not (Brooke emailed parents). SS missing assignments.
(Doan - Den)

Ryder-No work Missing so much content(Brooke emailed parents).

Missing work in SS - map (will do in LaDuke Den)

Esteven - Behavior was really bad during conferences. He can do a lot

more then what he’s showing. Long history of behavior. Maybe he’s
figured out that behavior can get him out of doing things. Use firm, clear
choices (2 choices - “do ________, or call mom”)

Chance - The family wants his teachers to know that he used to have
80-150 seizures a day so he has come leaps and bounds. He now takes
medication. But with all those seizures he has some parts of his brain
that were affected.

Armando- he needs help in Social studies. He has Mjanger for math- he

should not continue to need to leave early (it was an issue with picking
up his mom in Glenwood). He does need to go back and review the
math concepts that he missed.
Last year, they were supposed to be connected with someone to get
help with his handwriting but it never happened. The family would like
some follow-up to have him assessed for ADD and possible issues for
mixing up letters when writing.

Micah - might need noise canceling headphones. Struggling in Math and


Luis S - Behavior? Chatty

Zeus - new to school (went to EVE). Says english is difficult, but if he

has a buddy he’s okay. Was identified as an NEP in Kinder. Need to
update alert now b/c he’s not.
Girls Group: (Robin) Valerie, Renata, Azul, CAmilla, Betzy M, Daniella
M, Betzy B, Adrianna L, Nick, Alejandra A (?) Jacquie Zuniga (?) Robin
is going to check in with each of them and their parents. Will start
meeting after break.

Bathroom Passes - Please make sure kids are using these.

Toys - take them (kids have been warned)

Bookit - 20 min a night to read.

MaryAnn will create new dens with numbers (no names) - that way
when she gets tracking sheets she can fill in the numbers for each den
to make this a competition.
Encourage kids to sign up online

Brain Break - Rotation for teachers to stay inside to keep kiddos

outside or monitor whose inside in the hallway.
Monday - Faith
Tuesday - Trevor
Wednesday - Jared
Thursday - Haygood
Friday - Erik

LaDuke/Kenney do snacks

Mandy- 6th grade students I would like teachers to think about for
possible GT referral are:
Claire Smith-Early Finisher
Andrea Villalba Acosta-Remarkable Language Acquisition
Sophia Howe-Leadership Skills
Eric Torres: . grade level in math and ELA, gets nervous=affects testing
Skylar Weiss - high level thinker
Jesus Garcia - Asks high level questions.
Fernando Reyes Soto - notes from RHE say should be GT
Elisio Pereda - high level learner
William Henry - high level thinker
Christian Pena - high level learner and very creative
Zeus-High in SS

Something To Howl About: Friday Morning during Den and AFA in

AFA Week after break - Trevor is going to give us a math packet.
Stacie will plan the rest:
Mon - reading act. (and math packet)
Tues - Sec step (and math packet)
Wed - sec Step (freckle)
Thurs - Math act.
Fri - Games

Co-teaching Planning for co-teaching How can we plan to support our

co-teaching model?

Field trip oct 27th Vilar - NO - nobody is delegated.

IEP Accommodations Esteven:cannot be held late after class Make sure you review the
ON IEP states to allow him to speak in 3rd person, thus feels accommodations for each
socially,emotionally awkward verbally expressing himself or reading individual student and implement
aloud. all of them.

Parking Lot Attendant:

Key Points to Communicate to SIP Alignment Needs:
other Staff:

How we plan to communicate to Collaboration Plan for next week

other Staff:
Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Roles Minutes: Timekeeper: Facilitator:

Time Topic Notes Action Items

12:50-1:00 Bathroom Break and Celebrations (please type these in)

1:00-1:20 Kids of Concern:

Esteven-When tapping, reminder and 2 choices-get back to work or call

Daniela M- keeps leaving class. In the hallway a lot. Try not to let her
leave class unless she has an emergency.

Eric B - watch him leaving to go to the bathroom.

Skylar - Stacie will speak to her today. She’s avoiding classwork. If she
does, it’s a call home, and if she continues, a thinksheet.

Arturo - He’s here today.

Derrick - haven’t heard why he’s still gone.

Louy - Hanging out in hallway and late to class.

Alex v - set up in Istation. Nancy is going to pull him this during den and
AFA in Faith’s room.

Bathroom passes- Each kid gets one to take to bathroom and bring

Abbey - high risk kids for interventions Letterrs going home to kids who
will be scheduled into these

AFA next week - catch up on second step? Podcast? Graded work, how
to email teachers.

PT conferences - encourage them to apply for free and reduced lunch.

193 families who haven’t applied yet, but can. (free and reduced lunch
includes fees.
Make sure to give star scores to parents.
CMAS results for literacy go home at conferences with parents. Red Hill
envelopes are postmarked, but GES aren’t so just give ones that aren’t
here to office to mail home.

Something to Howl About We will do this next week

Going to meet in auditorium on 10/8 to give these out (Friday).

IEP Accommodations Esteven Make sure you review the

accommodations for each
individual student and implement
all of them.

Parking Lot Attendant:

Key Points to Communicate to SIP Alignment Needs:
other Staff:

How we plan to communicate to Collaboration Plan for next week

other Staff:

Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Roles Minutes: Timekeeper: Facilitator:

Time Topic Notes Action Items

12:50-1:00 Bathroom Break and Celebrations (please type these in) Had W.H do
his work without escalating!
Dave: Renee and Lora are in da house!
Robin: Hope Squad - Suicide Awareness Prevention Day was a success!

1:00-1:20 Kids of Concern:

Alex V- Met with Amber Gonzalez. ELL. WIDA hasn’t changed since 1st
grade (no growth). Reading from 1st to 4th grade has significantly
declined. Writing (level 2 in 1st grade, and then stayed a level 3 from
2nd - 5th grade). Oral Reading Fluency - 50 wpm to 100 wpm and in 5th
grade he stayed in 80’s for wpm. Accuracy was at 90% (slow reader, but
accurate). NWEA never above 16th percentile.
Make a schedule change to be in co taught classes.
Provide auditory supports, graphic organizers,
Amber can come in on Thursday 8:30-9:30 to do a phonics assessment.
Amber will come and do an intensive intervention once a week 9-9:30am
- Thursdays (for all of first semester) - she will determine what his needs
Needs to start an MTSS plan for him.

Wylliam (Megan) - Mom says they moved over the weekend.

Aggressive with computer. Needs to be a consequence. Accessing
Renee for support. Continue to set expectations. Challenging home life
inconsistency. Triggers: the more you try to have him stop doing
something the more he reacts. Transitions can be overwhelming. Does
he need a structured session about what’s expected. Have him
participate in this. Note what he was doing, for example if he’s not doing
the work, and then explain what he did instead.May need a behavior
plan. Math is a trigger for him. And the consequences. Importance of
him verbalizing. Often refuses choices given (accommodations) He
doesn’t want to be different from others. Renee’s Room: Cool down spot.
Intervention: Check-in check out system (include
expectations/transitions that will occur) Trying to be positive and use
positive reinforcement. Collect ABC data. Possible form. Drawing
accommodation works well.

Ryder - I’ve tried to reach out but haven’t gotten anything. Back on
Friday. Talked to mom this morning.

Noah - may use a fidget under desk (shouldn’t be a distraction to others)

mom is supportive of this. Stacie will send him to the iquad during AFA
on Wed to choose a book with Cheryl.

Derrick -

Beckham is now the only 6th grader without a chromebook - due to still
needing the annual update - maybe we can get them to do it at
conferences if it's still not done before then? -Cheryl

Bradley - got his chromebook today. Helps himself to treats/prizes. Very

happy at school. Loves teachers.

Conferences (do this in den this week)

-Lesson for den this week
Portfolio for kids

Week 7 AFA (next week)

Something to Howl About We will do this next week

IEP Accommodations Esteven Make sure you review the

accommodations for each
individual student and implement
all of them.

Parking Lot Attendant:

Key Points to Communicate to SIP Alignment Needs:
other Staff:

How we plan to communicate to Collaboration Plan for next week

other Staff:
Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Roles Minutes: Timekeeper: Facilitator:

Time Topic Notes Action Items

12:50-1:00 Bathroom Break and Celebrations (please type these in) Had W.H do
his work without escalating!
Dave: Renee and Lora are in da house!
Robin: Hope Squad - Suicide Awareness Prevention Day was a success!

1:00-1:20 Kids of Concern:

Alex V - Stacie has email from Missy C:

I have worked with Alex for years.

He has had intervention since kindergarten and has worked

with me, robin and mitzi.

I have attached them on this email to add additional


He was brought to the MTSS team for many years. Of course

he isn't in the system now -so I can not pull up his data in
alpine or in dibels. (because you own him at the middle school)

He has always been an ELL learner - so we had difficulties

deciding if language was a factor in his difficulties with reading.

He often responded to intervention and would get into the

yellow with intense intervention.

He has had Burst, Read live, Read Naturally, Orton Giliiaham

(with Mitzi or Robin).

Part of the problem was deciphering if motivation was an issue

or difficulties with learning. He would perform well when he
was highly motivated. Teachers often felt that motivation was a
huge issue and when motivated - he was able to perform.

Valerie S - Low Moto, Low classroom performance. Girl drama - Renata,

Alexa, Adrianna, Camila.
Attempt to hurt self last school year. Was in services last year. Mom
doesn’t want counselling this year.
Classroom behavior is generally good.
Robin is meeting with Adrianna, Alexa, and Renata

Wylliam- We will come back to him next week. Sonja is talking to his dad
in a week.

Micah - CQ (give Stacie work and I’ll get it to mom). You can also email it
to mom.

Derrick - email him work. Trevor is his den teacher and will reach out to
him too.

Bradley - Torrey will get him a chromebook

Beckham - computers??

Esteven - give opportunity to write on a whiteboard instead of respond

verbally. Michelle Berella is working with him. Give him two choices that
are involved with engaging in academics. Susan met with him today.
Susan will ask Mindy about glasses.

RISE - training during team meeting. Will give us tools to help with
kiddos. 1st training is the end of october.

1-20-1:22 Reading for 5th and 6th periods: shorten this to 5-8 min if needed.

Den - Trevor will send a math problem out to all den/AFA teachers
Bookit - kids earn points for icecream. Mary Ann will keep track of it
all. Den competition. Mary Ann will give more info. Send Mary Ann a
roster from your den.

1:25-1:35 AFA Grades - Torrey

Binder rubric
2nd form

Plan for next week (Week 6)

Something to Howl About We will do this next week

IEP Accommodations Esteven Make sure you review the

accommodations for each
individual student and implement
all of them.

Parking Lot Attendant:

Key Points to Communicate to SIP Alignment Needs:
other Staff:

How we plan to communicate to Collaboration Plan for next week

other Staff:
Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Roles Minutes: Timekeeper: Facilitator:

Time Topic Notes Action Items

12:50-1:00 Bathroom Break and Celebrations (please type these in)

How did I not know about Twin Lakes? I feel like the guy who just
learned about frolicking.
Renee - arrives in Denver tomorrow

1:00-1:20 Kids of Concern: Roster for 4th period Reading

Beckham- No chromebook. Faith is giving him paper assignments Intervention Class:
starting tomorrow. Reading at a second grade level. Well below ● Alex Venzor (READ Plan)
benchmark. ELL concerns/growth. Trevor (den teacher) will have him ● Maybe Beckham G.
put hat in locker during den/AFA. Needs reminders and scaffolded ●

Alex V - ELL and Read Plan. Well below benchmark. Needs scaffolded
reading/writing. Start documenting intervention.
Below grade level since 2018 or earlier. Reading, academic
performance and motivation.
Team will get an intervention from Abbey to start using.
Faith will ask student in AFA what worked well in 5th grade
FOR 2nd Q - Add to Intervention class with Abbey

Adrianna and Alexa - missed a week of school. Feeling overwhelmed.

Bradely - Brooke H spoke to him about going to the bathroom only when
needed. Susan meets with mom and dad tomorrow and will fill us in.

Esteven - Susan Update - doing great!

Skylar - Susan Update - Susan meets with mom on Thursday. She says
she loves school here.

Ryder - Susan Update - Susan is meeting with mom on Thursday.

Urgent Intervention in reading and math STAR.

10 min silent reading at the beginning of each core class.

1:20-1:25 Vilar Center 9/23 Thursday (music starts at 10am) Bus at 9am. Return
to school around noon and do picnic lunch outside 6th grade in grassy
area. Need to contact lunch room about sack lunches (who needs these
- den count?), and that we will not be there for lunch. Kids go to 4th
period specials. 5th period - students do writing prompt reflection. 6th
period - students do visual reflection

Who is CPR and who has Med Delegation? Trevor has both.

1:25-1:35 AFA Grades - Torrey Will discuss AFA grades next

Plan for next week

IEP Accommodations Make sure you review the

accommodations for each
individual student and implement
all of them.

Parking Lot Attendant:

Key Points to Communicate to SIP Alignment Needs:
other Staff:

How we plan to communicate to Collaboration Plan for next week

other Staff:

Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Roles Minutes: Timekeeper: Facilitator:

Time Topic Notes Action Items

12:50-1:00 Bathroom Break and Celebrations (please type these in)

First football game tonight! (8th at 4:30, 6th and 7th at 5:30)
At the end of 3rd period, When I announced it was time to go they
all’Moaned and booed!!!!!!” Someone said, “can we finish this
tomorrow?” BHyagood
Engel- Great maps!!! Notebooks are working this year.
LaDuke: KIds are understanding standards and moving on the grading
scale 1,2,3,4.
Cheryl - only a couple chromes left to give out in 6th grade

1:00-1:20 Kids of Concern:

Skyler - volleyball. Doodles. Susan starts seeing her this week. She has
had hope center support prior to now. She’s working hard to stay
regulated. Susan will follow up and request a family session. 8th grade
level reading on star test.

Wylliam - Autism spectrum disorder. Robin spoke to his parents this

morning. Parents are separated. IEP (look at plan). Struggling to adjust
to middle school. Feels like he doesn’t have friends and isn’t connected
to teachers or students yet. Offer a partner, and lots of encouragement.
Transitions are very hard (will work with Megan to work on strategies
during these transitions). Three things that work (from parents): Exit
situation with boundaries to get a drink of water/walk, wear noise
canceling headphones, draw.
He drew some violent pictures in his notebook. Keep an eye on him
(potential self harm, or threat to others).
He transitioned from EVES to RHES mid year in 5th grade.
Works well with Eric Torres.

Ryder- Susan will start session with he and mom. New baby in home.
Susan will follow up.

Bradley - taking advantage of bathroom? He goes several times in

class.Susan and Robin are meeting with mom (in person), and dad (on
zoom) on Friday.

Leo - frequent reminders to focus. Likes to move, easily distracted. Keep

an eye on him. He needs structure.

Jackie-Paper doll maker. Crafting while instructing.

1:20-1:25 Bathroom use - seems like kids are going during class time. Can we
remind them to go during passing, lunch, and right at the beginning.

Chromebook chargers left in rooms. How much? $25.00

1:25-1:30 AFA plan for next week (week 4)

Don’t forget to do: Assessment: (post link on schoology for second step)

1:30-1:35 Grading - 4 = A+, 3 = A (meets expectation) ?? Is this correct?

Shouldn’t 4’s be going above and beyond, making connections, giving
1:35-1:37 The Best part of me Den project: (should be done by 9/2)

1:37-1:45 Reading Levels

If kids have a broken chromebook -send to i-Quad to create a help Policies/procedures for Student
ticket and get a loaner. Parents will be billed by district. Loaner is Device Damage/Loaners, Forgotten
also their responsibility. devices. One-pager for printing if
Forgotten - Send them to Cheryl to get a loaner *for the period*. you like

IEP Accommodations Make sure you review the

accommodations for each
individual student and implement
all of them.

Parking Lot Attendant:

Key Points to Communicate to SIP Alignment Needs:
other Staff:

How we plan to communicate to Collaboration Plan for next week

other Staff:

Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Roles Minutes: Timekeeper: Facilitator:

Time Topic Notes Action Items

12:50-1:00 Bathroom Break and Celebrations (please type these in) HOW many kids still need
I ate mexican food 3 times last week and still lost 2 pounds. Johnson computers?
Bradley Benson
Elementary school is going well for my kiddos Beckham
Learned ALMOST everyone’s name. Engel 2 for Engel

1:00-1:10 Kids of Concern:

Arturo Gallardo - keep him on your radar. Interacting with other kids and

Jacqueline Zuniga - diabetic. Family has opted out to get tested by

nurse. She’s going to Faith’s room after lunch and call her mom. She
has a port on both arms. Watch bathroom use.

Justin Nestor - mom is supportive. Watch behavior.

1:10-1:20 AFA plan for next week (week 3)

Assessment: (post link on schoology for second step)

Johnson email Mjanger for freckle

1:20-1:25 The Best part of me Den project:

1:25-1:28 Conferences 9/28 (Tues) and 9/30 (Thurs). (we will prepare student led
conference stuff before this).

1:28-1:30 Need spanish second step stuff? How many?

Nancy - Can do (reading, writing, listening, speaking)
These kids have been taking access test since Kindergarten.

IEP Accommodations Make sure you review the

accommodations for each
individual student and implement
all of them.

Parking Lot Attendant:

Key Points to Communicate to SIP Alignment Needs:
other Staff:

How we plan to communicate to Collaboration Plan for next week

other Staff:

8/17/21 Purpose: Next Plans, Breakfast Program, Students of concern, Norms

Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Roles Minutes: Timekeeper: Facilitator:

Time Topic Notes Action Items

Party at Torrey’s friday: Counseling Team 8/24 (Tues) What happened to the
806 Brush Creek Ct Counseling Team at Dens and AFA’s for 5-10 min to introduce selves celebrations?
Food provided, BYOB(D) and have kids introduce themselves.
We Can then show kids how to submit a counseling request form.
What might we see a counselor for. (Please do this on Tuesday)
regardless of whether Robin and Susan make it to your den on Tuesday.

Teach in AVID- (lessons are all pre-set, you follow along)

Second Step - Each Tuesday and Wednesday Starting 8/31 and 9/1
25-30 min each.

Password: GCMSSTEP

There are additional activities that can fill the rest of the time.
Suggested that discussions happen in a circle

Plan for before school:

Monday, Tues, Thurs, Fri (Stacie will put together a schedule for
morning duty outside cafeteria doors)

IQUAD Den Schedule (See here for Mon/Tues morning schedule)

Plan for Wed before school - For tomorrow (have kids wait at the 6 in
the pod.

Kid Concerns:
Bradley Benson 504
Wyliam Henry IEP
Dani Avila
Jose Villegas
Eric Baldares Parga

Eligibility/Academic Probation: New procedure

Lunch Duty on Tuesdays (grade level teams are assigned, we need to

figure out how to schedule this best) (Haygood, Engel, Laduke, Johnson,

Could take a whole quarter, alternate weekly, whole team every

Tuesday, etc.
AFA plan for next week (week 2 8/23-8/27

Nancy - access scores

IEP Accommodations Make sure you review the

accommodations for each
individual student and implement
all of them.

Parking Lot Attendant:

Key Points to Communicate to SIP Alignment Needs:
other Staff:

How we plan to communicate to Collaboration Plan for next week

other Staff:

8/10/21 Purpose: Next Plans, Breakfast Program, Students of concern, Norms

Location: LaDuke’s Room 160A
Roles Minutes: Timekeeper: Facilitator:

Time Topic Notes Action Items

Procedures Locks, lockers, schedules, planners (planner scavenger hunt? - I’ll take
a look and see what needs to be changed)ha
Walking Field Trip forms (get signed during open house or send home
and collect the first week. Give to Faith Engel)
Bathrooms - use Bathroom Spot in room (Stacie will have bathroom
sign for each room - I’ll put in your boxes) Kids have bathroom passes
to sign out.
Movement break: 2:40-3:00 snack time).

Den orientation Wed.

5:30-6:30pm _BWFAu1zQoMp0eHH8XpG0s/edit#slide=id.p
Fri. 7:30-8:30
Print off den roster and post on door.
Everyone goes to the gym first. The whole team can meet in Stacie’s
room for the whole group presentation. Then, we can break off into
dens to introduce again/answer questions...

Kids Spreadsheet Esteven Sedano Ortiz: trauma and has an IEP and behavior plan.

504 Plans

1st day and 2nd day Den & AFA: Locks, lockers, binder set up, school tour.
plans Science: Get to know you, routines, Respectfulness.
SS: procedures for nurse/counseling, nutrition, healthy lifestyle
Math: Resilience
LA: Iquad ELA

August 2021:
Week 1 AFA is planned
Plan for Week2 (day 1 for week 2 is pretty much planned)
Mon-organization, planner, freckle, notes?. Tues and Wed - SEL
Thurs - drop everything and read. Fri - get to know
you/games/independent study/catch up.

Team Meeting Days Stacie will send out an invite.

(Tuesdays 4th period)

Cheryl Bring classes to iquad, she can help collaborate, access databases,
book talks (can bring into your classroom).

If kids are looking for Kaddatz’s den - send to Haygood.

IEP Accommodations Make sure you review the
accommodations for each
individual student and implement
all of them.

Parking Lot Attendant:

Key Points to Communicate to SIP Alignment Needs: Nancy will give student access
other Staff: scores at next meeting.

How we plan to communicate to Collaboration Plan for next week

other Staff:


Time and Location:
Facilitator: Katie Timekeeper: Minutes:

Topic/Who Details To Be Discussed Notes/Comments/Questions

(Action Items in RED) (Action Items in RED)

Parking Lot Attendant:

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