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Frederick R.

Institute for Atomic Research I Oxidation Reduction Mechanisms
Iowa State University, Ames

During the past twenty years, and case, and the radical RCHOH plus RCHO in the
particularly since 1945, the field of oxidation mech- other. Such radicals may be studied through reactions
anism studies has been a busy one, and enough is now which they induce in normally unreactive substances
known concerning such mechanisms that the informa- placed in the solution (17). [Such reactive inter-
tion may well be incorporated into oxidation-reduction mediates have been called leoctates (18). The chem-
theory as it is taught to undergraduates. Inclusion of istry of reactates is not well studied and deserves much
mechanistic along with thermodynamic theory in this more work; their importance is emphasized by the
area adds spice and interest to the subject for most realization that probably most oxidations would not
students. proceed if reactates of moderate energies did not exist.]
When one is considering electron transfer from one In the case of the Fe(II1)-I--reaction, the acid base
particle to another, it is fair to ask how the electron intermediate may be Fe12+or FeI(OH) +, but not FeI++
makes its move; since the electron may be credited (I). Apparently the radical ions 4- or IOH- have
with no senses, it is immediately clear that an easy much lower free energies than the bare atom, I. In
path must be provided for the transfer. In most of the general, when halide ions are oxidised by one-electron
cases which have been studied, this path is provided oxidants, the reaction involves two halide ions leading
through close association of the oxidant and rednctant, to the electron-transfer intermediate, Xz-, where X is
the bond between them being of the Lewis acid-base a halogen. Reactions of this sort, then, tend to he
variety. In other cases, the electron apparently is able higher than first order in halogen. Another example of
to penetrate a thin-skinned insulation in moving from this effect is in the cerium(1V) oxidation of chloride
reductant to oxidant upon collision. These situations (19), where CeC13+is an important intermediate.
will now be considered in turn. The cation may he either oxidant or reductant. For
example in the case of the perchlorate oxidation of
Reactions Involving a Cation and an Anion titanium(III), it is believed that weak complexes of
cation and anion are formed prior to electron transfer
The simplest mechanism of electron transfer involv-
ing the acid-base properties of the reactants is that in
which a cation reacts with an anion. Cations, par- Reactions Between Two Cations
ticularly those of variable valence, are generally Lewis Cations cannot bond directly, being acidic, hut two
acids and anions are Lewis bases. After the bond cations may combine with a single base provided the
between them is formed, intramolecular electron trans- base has two or more electron pairs available for such
fer is provided for by the bond. Some examples of bonding. Complexes of this type have been shown to
this type of reaction are shown in Table 1. In the be responsible for some electron transfer reactions and
case of the Mn(Il1)-oxalato reaction (S), three complex are believed to be quite generally involved in reactions
ions are formed: the mono-oxalato, the dioxalato, and between two cations. Examples are shown in Table 1.
the trioxalato manganate ions. All of these ions acts a The first proof of existence of a basic bridge between
intermediates; however, the electron transfer rate is two cations was accomplished by Taube and his co-
much reduced as the number of oxalate ions in the com- workers (8). They chose as oxidant, Co(NH3)sClf+
plex is increased. Consequently the reaction slows and as reductant Cr+2. Co(II1) and Cr(II1) both have
down as the oxalate ion concentration increases, either the property of exchanging ligands very slowly with
by the addition of the ion or by increasing the pH to substances in solution (20); thus, one could he sure of
convert oxalic acid to oxalate ion. A similar situation the position of the chloride ion before and after the reac-
occurs in the cerinm(1V) oxidation of glycols (5). tion. Before reaction, it was certainly attached to co-
Again, the complexes with the greatest number of gly- balt; after reaction, it was shown to be attached to
col molecules allow slowest electron transfer; pH has chromium. The fact that both cations were attached
no effect here, because the glycol is complexed as the at the same time to the chloride was proven by placing
molecule rather than as glycolate ion. The inter- radiochloride in the solution and finding no radiochlo-
mediate in either of these situations following electron
ride attached to Cr(II1) at the end of the reaction (8);
transfer is a free radical since only one electron is it is hardly conceivable that the transfer of chloride
transferred. The probability is that this free radical from Co(II1) to Cr(I1) could have occurred without
is an oxalate ion minus an electron, G O , in the one exchange unless both cations were attached to the same
chloride ion. Incidentally, ammonia does not act as a
Prrv ntrd ns part of thr Symposium orr Rvcent Advnncce i n In- bridging group because it has available only one pair
mganil: C h m h r y , spunaorrd jointly by the Diriiiona crl Inor-
m n i r Chrmistrv and Chrmiral Eduwttion. nt the 137th Meeting
of the ACS, levela and, Ohio, April, 1960.
~~ ~
of electrons and is indeed a very poor electron-transfer
Volume 38, Number 4, April 196 1 / 161
Bases other than chloride ion were tested for their occurred on the carbon-hydrogen bonds (24). In
efficiency as bridges in the Co(III), Cr(I1) reaction. some respects, this is most easily explained by assuming
In order of decreasing effectiveness, the bases were that the electron spends sufficient time in the bridge so
found to arrange as follows: CN- > Br- > C1- > that the organic molecule has the properties of a free
S04-2g HzO > NH8 (9). Recently, HnOwas shown to radical and may add and lose hydrogen or deuterium.
be a trne hridge, apparently through use of all four Thus, it appears that the electron may be traced to a
electron pairs on oxygen (25). certain extent as it progresses through the bridge.
In further work, Taube and his students showed that Other reactions which are believed to include bridges
conjugated double-bonded systems acted very effec- of this sort are electron exchanges between Fe(II1) and
tively as electron transfer bases. For example, fumaric Fe(I1) (12, IS), Tl(1) and TI(II1) ($6,26), Eu(111 and
acid, Eu(II1) (11), and a number of other reactions of this
type which must be traced radiochemically. Some re-
actions using bridges which involve two different ele-
ments are the Fe(II1)-Sn(I1) reaction (7) and the above
mentioned Co(II1)-Cr(I1) reactions.

allowed much more rapid electron transfer than did Reactions Involving Anions Only
succinic acid, the latter being no better than acetic
acid (21). The fact that the addition of hydrogen ion Although anions are primarily basic in the Lewis
increased the rate a t which fumarate ion allows electron sense, acidic properties are also exhibited by many
transfer was attributed to the fact that the use of the anions, either by accommodation of more than four
acid molecule, rather than fumarate ion as bridge, electron pairs by the central element of the anion, or by
forces the cation to be hound to the double-bonded displacing other bases normally part of the anion.
oxygen providing better electronic conduction between For example, in the reaction between bromate and
cations along the chain. I t was further shown that sulfite (15), the intermediate appears to be
p-phthalic acid is an excellent electron bridge (22);
in all cases the bridge in the beginning is attached to
cobalt, and a t the end of the reaction is attached to
chromium. To prove that Co(II1) and Cr(I1) had
hold of opposite carboxyl groups rather than the same
one during electron transfer, one of the carboxyl groups
was replaced by an aldehyde group. This molecule, where the sulfur accommodates five electron pairs and
when still containing the conjugated system, is a good the sulfite acts as a base; this is proved by using hro-
electron transfer agent; however, the aldehyde group mate containing 018and finding that the resulting sul-
does not stay with the chromium(III), being subject fate contains one oxygen in four of those originally
to ready replacement by a water molecule. When the part of the bromide ion. Again, it is not considered
aldehyde is used, no organic complex of Cr+aresults. possible that the bromate oxygen could be transferred
In more recent experiments, using fumaric acid as a to the sulfur without exchange with solvent unless both
bridge in the Co(II1)-Cr(I1) reaction and using Dz0 Brand S had hold of the oxygen simultaneously.
as solvent, it was found that some exchange of D for H Another example is that of the nitrite-sulfite reaction
(14). In this case, the sulfite ion acts as a hase and in
Table 1. Intermediates in Selected Examples of Oxidation the presence of hydrogen ion, displaces hydroxyl ions
Reduction Reactions from the nitrite:
oxi- Refer-
+ HONO [H+l ONSOsH + HzO;
dant Reductant Intermediate ence HSOI- d
ONSOsH + H 8 0 - gg NSOsH.

This is followed by further displacement of hydroxyl

by sulfite until either nitrilodisulfonic acid or nitrilo-
Cu(CN),P trisulfonic acid is formed, and upon hydrolysis, sulfate
Fe--CISnCb+ and either hydroxylamine or ammonia are formed.
FeOHSnOHt' The halate-halide reactions have been studied and
Co-X-Cr where X i s
OH-, so,-, c1-, are believed to involve HOX09and X - as follows:

The fufther steps depend upon the nature of X-, hut it

is evident that the base, X-, has displaced the hase,
Hobcacoo~ HzO, from the oxidant in the process of the reaction
NO*- HSO.- HONSO~-~ (14) (27, 28).
\SO. One recently studied reaction of interest is the elec-
tron exchange between Mn04-2 and Mn04- (16). It
(HO)~NSF~;- has been found that alkali cations apparently intervene,
BrOs- HSOI 01Br-OSOa (16)
MnOl- Mn0,c2 M~OA-M-M~OA-~ (16) possibly as a bridge, between the two anions. For
where M is alkali
instance, the reaction is faster in the presence of Cs+
metal ion
than in the presence of Na+, and as Cs+ is substituted
162 / Journal of Chemical Education
for Na+, the rate increases linearly with the Cs+ con- (7) DUKE,F. R., AND PINKERTON, R. C., J. Am. Chem. Soe.,
centration. There may he an intermediate or activated 73, 3045 (1951). DUKE,F. R., AND PETERSON, N. C.,
complex of the type Mn0,- -
M + - Mn0,c2.
Iowa Slate Coll. J. Sn'., 32, 89 (1957).
(8) TAUBE,HENRY,A N D MYERS,H., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76,
- ... (19.54).

Reactions Nol Involving Acid-Bare Properties (9) TAUBE,HENRY,MYERS,H., AND RICK,R. L., J. Am. Chem.
Soc., 75, 4118 (1953).
There are a number of reactions which proceed (10) HORNIG, H. C., A N D LIBBY,W. F., J . Phw. Chem., 56, 896
readily and yet do not fall into any of the classes dis- (1952).
cussed above. For example, the electron exchange be- . . MEIER.D. J.. AND GARNER.
(11) C. S.. J. Phvs. Chem.,. 56.. 853
tween ferrocyanide and ferricyanide proceeds at a (12) SILVERMAN, J., AND DODSON, R. W., .I.Phgs. Chem., 56,
greater rate than the cyanide exchange; thus, there can 846 (19.521.
be no removal of cyanide ligands in the reaction (39). ~ . A N D WOLF, E. D., Iowa state COU. J . s&.,
D ~ K E , ' R.,
Similarly, the rapid reactions of the 1-10 phenanthroline 34, 157 (1959).
complexes of Fe(I1) and Fe(II1) and similar complexes J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73, 4487 (1951).
cannot be explained on the basis of acid-base properties HALPERIN, J., A N D TAUBE,HENRY,J . Am. Chem. Soc., 74,
of the ions (50, 51). It appears that here we have 375, 382 (1952).
complex ions containing unsaturated and conjugated . . GJERTSEN.L.. AND WAHL.A. C.. J. A n . Chem. Soc... 81..
systems such that the electron can get very close to the 1572 (1959):
(17) - I. M.. AND STENGER. V. A,. "Volumetric And-
outside boundary of the ion. Further, such ions are ysis," 2nd ed., Interscience Publishers, Ine., New York,
weakly solvated so that collisions usually involve the 1942, Vol. I, pp. 16880.
ion directly with no intervening water molecules. In (18) DUKE,F. R., "Mechanisms of Oxidation-Reduotion Reac-
such cases, the insulation between particles becomes tions," in "Treatise on Analytical Chemistry," edited
by Kolthoff and Elving, Interscience fincyclopedia, Inc.,
very thin and the electron may make its way through New York, Val. 1, pp. 63&59.
from one particle to another without difficulty. This . . DUKE.F. R.. AND BORCEERS.
(19) . C... J.. Am. Chem. Sac... 75..
type of reaction at present is best explained on the basis 5186 (1953j.
of quantum mechanical tunneling, the latter phenom- (20) TAUBE, HENRY, Chem. Revs., 50, 69 (1952).
enon being responsible for electron transfer (Sf?). In (21) TAURE,HENRY,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, 4481 (1955).
(22) SEBERA,H., AND TAUBE,HENRY,ta be published. See
general, it may be stated that if the electron can be Can. J . Chem., 47, 129 (1959).
involved close enough to the outer boundary of the (23) KRUSE,W., AND TAUBE,HENRY,J . Am. Chem. Soc., 82,
particle, transfer is probably due to the thin electrical 526 (1960).
insulation between particles. (24) FRASER,R. T. M., AND TAUBE,H., J . Am. Chem. Soe., 81,
5514 (1059).
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