Ed047p452 Interpretacion de La Oxido Reduccion

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;Q+ 4tkc New England Association of Chem chers

M a d e l i n e P. G o o d s t e i n
Central Connecticut State College
New Britain, Connecticut 06050
Interpretation of Oxidation-Reduction

The oxidation-reduction (or redox) con- developed for the calculation of oxidation states; these
cept is currently in widespread use in chemistry (1) as rules are generally consistent among the various intro-
an organizing structure for chemical knowledge; (2) ductory texts. Application of the rules enables rapid
as a guide to the prediction of reactions, and (3) as a identification of the more electronegative atom in a
mathematical device to enable the balancing of certain bonded pair of atoms. When this relative order of
complex reactions. Despite characterization of the electronegativities is established, the oxidation number
concept as arbitrary and arithmetical, the oxidation- of an atom may readily be calculated.
reduction concept has been found too useful to abandon. The zero reference state is assigned to any atom which
Since World War 11,new theoretical ideas and usages is bonded only to atoms of equal electronegativity or is
have developed in reaction mechanisms, complex ion non-bonded. Accordingly, an atom in the elemental
formation, and electronegativity which are of signifi- state or in the atomic ground state configuration has a
cance to the redox concept. I n the light of these de- zero oxidation number. The oxidation number of a
velopments, it has become feasible to reexamine redox given atom increases by one unit for each electron
usage for governing principles. According to a study entered by the given atom into a bond with a more
made by Yalman which appeared in 19.59 ( I ) , electro- electronegative atom, and decreases by one unit for each
negativity was employed in the definition of oxidation electron bonded to thegiven atom by an atom of lesser
state in half of the introductory college texts examined. electronegativity.' For example, a hydrogen atom in
Electronegativity is a construct calculated from experi- the elemental state or the monatomic ground state con-
mentally-determined parameters; the recent emergence figuration has an oxidation number of zero. The oxida-
of its use in the calculation of oxidation states suggests tion number of hydrogen when bonded to a more elec-
a physical principle as a basis for the redox classifica- tronegative atom is (I+).? When bonded to an atom
tion. The following discussion is devoted to the de- of lesser electronegativity such as lithium, hydrogen is
velopment of this idea. assigned the oxidation state of (I-).
When the atoms linked to a given atom are all more
The Oxidation N u m b e r electronegative than the given atom, the oxidation num-
The Oxidation Number ond Eledronegotivity ber is positive; it is negative when all of the linked atoms
are less electronegative. When a given atom in a mol-
The key elements to current utilization of the redox ecule, such as the carbon atom in an alcohol or aldehyde
concept lie within the definition of the oxidation num- group, is bound to a more electronegative atom in one
ber. (The terms oxidation number and oxidation state bond but to a less electronegative atom in another, the
am nsed interchaneeablv.) A set of rules has been oxidation number may be less meaningful in that it gives
1 It can be seen that current practice in bhe calculation of oxida- only a net count of electrons linked to atoms of differing
tion states of stable free radical molecules such ss NO and NO2 electronegativities. For example, the terminal carbon
treats two electrons as bonded by the less electronegative atom H
to the more electronegative atom giving the latter a complete
electron octet. I
Several different conventions are currently in use for designat- atom in -C-C=O is more electronegative than the
ing oxidation numbers. I n t h i ~paper, positive oxidation states linked H atom, equal in electronegativity to the linked
are indicated by a Roman numeral in parentheses following the C atom, and less electronegative than the linked oxygen
atom (Stock convention), When the sign is negative, a minos
in two bonds. The sum of the count at each bond may
sign follows t,he numeral within the parentheses; when the sign
is positive, it has been chosen to make its inclusion optional. be shown as 2(I+) + (I-)+ (0) = (I+),3 the oxida-
The same convention is adopted for oxidation numbers not in tion state of the carbon atom.
formulas. The oxidation number of a given atom equals the sum of
There may appear t o be a. discont,inuity in the calculation of the electrons linked by the given atom to atoms of higher
oxidation numbers in that electrons shared by atoms of equal
electronegativity count 8s zero in the calculation of oxidation electronegativity, less the sum of the electrons linked to the
numbers, but as soon as the sharing is the least unequal the oxida- given atom by atoms of lesser electronegativity.
tion number of each atom changes. However, it is noted that
finite changes to, from, or through the condition of equal elec- Change in Oxidation Number
tron-sharing ordinarily take place only by redox mechanisms
(see litter) and only with abrupt changes in orbital electron Consistent with the electronegativity criterion, the
densities. oxidation number of an atom changes as a result of any

452 / Journal of Chemiml Education

changes in the relative order of electronegativity with C represent atoms whose electronegativities increase
linked atoms. Since every increase in oxidation num- from A to B to C.
ber during an oxidation-reduction reaction is accom- Figure 2b illustrates a case in which redox does not
panied by a decrease in oxidation number eleswhere take place even though a shift in electron density occurs.
among the reactants, it follows that every alteration in If the molecule AB, for example, were to represent
order of electronegativity affecting the bonding of one hydrogen chloride, the molecule could dissociate to
atom in a reaction is accompanied by a change in order form H + and C1-. Since the relative order of electro-
of electronegativity in the opposite direction a t a bond negativities would remain unchanged, this would not
of another atom. be a redox reaction. For the same reason, displacement
Three variations in order of electronegativity are of B, as pictured, by the more electronegative atom C
possible, i.e., those in which an atom is bonded to an is not considered to be an oxidation-reduction reaction.
atom of (1) greater electronegativity; (2) equal electro- For atom A to have undergone a change in oxidation
negativity, and (3) lesser electronegativity. A shift state, the bond between atoms A and B would have had
in either direction between any of these categories alters to rupture and, in the new bond formed by atom A, the
the oxidation state of the atom. electron density would have had to shift so that it was
I n order to include in tile above definition the redox either equally shared or was greater near atom A.
changes which affect non-bonding electrons, such as in
the oxidation of R3P: to Ral': 0, the following considera- Comparison of Lewis Acid-Bose ond
tion is convenient. An atom which possesses a lone Oxidation-Reduction Reocfions
pair of electrons, such as the P atom in RJ':, may be
I t is expedient to compare the redox concept as
regarded as linking the lone pair of electrons to an atom
presented wit,h the Lewis acid-base concept. The redox
of zero eleetronegativity. Thus, the phosphorous
concept distinguishes between those Lewis acid-base
atom in R3P: is the "more electronegative" atom link-
reactions which are redox reactions and those which are
ing the lone pair of electrons to an atom of lesser (zero)
electronegativity. This approach permits the above not. I n non-redox Lewis acid-base reactions, an atom,
definition to be extended to cover all changes in oxida- A, may be initially bound by a paired-electron link
to an atom of lesser elect,ronegativity. When this
tion st,ate and makes it easier to recognize the physical
bond is broken, atom A bonds to another atom whose
changes underlying the treatment being developed.
The approach by which an atom is regarded as at,tach- electronegativity is also less than t,hat of A. In redox
chemist,ry, however, A would bond t,o an atom of
ing its non-bondi~igelect,rons to an at,om of zero electro-
negativity is not novel; Gillespie (2) applied this treat- greater elect,roriegativit,y t h i ~ nthat of A.
ment to a non-bonding pair.
Some Relevant Aspacts of the Electronegativity Concept
Electron Density Models of Oxidation State Changes
Although the electronegativity concept has been
The changes in the order of electronegativities which freely used in t,he foregoing, mention must be made of
take place in an oxidat,ion or reduction may conveniently considerations pertinent to its use. The definition of
be pictured by the use of molecular orbital representa- and the establishment of values for electronegativity
tions. have beeo much debated in the literature. Current,
Figures l a and l b illustrate, respectively, equal and aspect,s of t,he matter have been reviewed by l'ritchard
unequal sharing of an electron pair. and Slcinner (3) and by Ferreira (4). The most widely
In Figure 2a, changes in relative orders of electro- accepted definitions are those of Mulliken ( 5 ) , and
negativities are pictured in which the letters A, B, and Pauling (6). New ideas on electronegativity have

Figure 2. Boundary rvrfocer of molecular orbitals, relative order of

Figure I. Boundary surfocc. of m.lecu1.r 0rbitdr: 0, homonucleo. dio- >
magnitudes of electronegativitier, C B >A: o, redox changes of atom 8:
tomic molecules; b, diatomic molecules, B mwe eledronegotive than A. b, redor chmger do not occur in these rhifh of electmn density.

Volume 47, Number 6, June 1970 / 453

been proposed recently by Iczkowski and Margrave (7), dipole moment (14). The bond moment may be
Hinze, Whitehead, and Jaff6 (8),and by Klopman (9), present due solely to differences in atomic size so that
among others. A number of methods for the deter- the centers of positive and negative charge do not co-
mination of electronegativity values have been de- incide. I n the case of the hydrogen fluoride molecule,
veloped among which may be mentioned those of Paul- a bond moment exists not only because of the difference
ing (lo), of Rfulliken (5), of Sanderson (11), and of in electronegativities but also because the small hydro-
Allred and Rochow (12). Discussion of the above is gen atom is almost embedded in the larger electron
beyond the scope of this paper. With respect to the cloud of the fluorine atom. I t can be postulated that
topic as applied herein, the following comments are there are bondings where the direction of the bond di-
made. pole is opposite to that of the order of electronegativi-
Ferreira has noted that the meaning of electronega- ties, as was proposed by Coulson for the tetravalent
tivity seems to be intuitively understood by chemists carbon-to-hydrogen bond (15).
(4) Still, the construction of a precise definition has Oxidofion State Change and Complex Formation
been fraught with problems. Theoretically, an atom
develops an electron-attracting power as a result of the The recent development of theories of complex forma-
effective nuclear charge outside of the atomic kernel tion apparently is in accord with the above interpreta-
acting upon the outermost shell of electrons. This tion. Complex formations are, by themselves, not
effect is complicated by the partial screening effects of regarded as oxidation-reduction reactions by chemists;
valence electrons upon each other. they do not involve changes in oxidation state (i.e., the
Electronegativity was defined by Pauling as the electrons in the complex linkage are initially non-bond-
power of a neutral atom in a molecule to attract elec- ing electrons within the orbitals of the more electro-
trons to itself (6). Ferreira has pointed out that, be- negative atom). This corresponds to the view of
cause molecules are not just simple additive combina- complex formation as essentially involving overlapping
tions of atoms, electronegativity cannot, in principle, of orbitals without transfers in electron density between
be called an atomic parameter. However, the valence- ligand and central atom. Pauling has claimed that the
bond theory and the LCAO-molecular orbital theory electronegativities of atoms and the non-cornplexed ions
"preserve" the atoms in the molecules. By accepting which they form are practically equal. This suggests
this idea of a "preserved" atom, it becomes possible to that the change in energy per change of charge in the
use knowledge of atomic electronegativity for the orbital of an atom is fairly constant., a t least until the
understanding of chemical phenomena (4). electron shell is filled or stripped. The modification of
As of now, the Rlulliken definition appears to be the t,he electronic structure of the cent,ral ion which occurs
most widely accepted theoretical definition of atomic in complex formation may alter the electron screening
electronegativity. Mulliken defined electronegativity within the valence shell of the ccntral ion which, in turn,
as one-half the sum of the ionization potential and may alter the central ion's electron-attracting power.
electron affinity of an atom (5). As a result of new Since this change in electron attracting power is not the
experimental procedures, it is now possible to reliably result of an increase or decrease in electron density
determine ionization potentials and many electron from an outside source but is due instead to the distribu-
affinities (IS). Numerical values of electronegativity tion of the atom's own electron density, it must be
obtained by the Pauling thermochemical methods are considered a change in its atomic electronegativity.
roughly proportional to the Mnllikenvalues although the The change in electronegativity with change in oxida-
validity of the Pauling procedure has been questioned tion state may then alter the relative stability of the
(4). Because thermochemical data are relatively easy different oxidation states of the element. As in all other
to obtuin and because agreement exists with other redox reactions, electronegativity difference is not the
methods of establishing elect,ronegativity values, the only factor involved in the reaction energetics. While
Pauling electronegativity scales are much used. it might be desirable to determine the electronegativity
Iczkowski and Margrave (7) have recently proposed of the central atoms of complexes, in practice the oxida-
that electronegativity may be treated as the property tion potential is an even more useful parameter.
of an orbital in an atom, and may be defined as
Clarriflcotion of Reactions Involving
Oxidation State Changes
The rules given in introductory chemistry texts en-
where x is electronegativity, E is the energy of an orbital able relatively unequivocal determinations of oxidation
and n the number of electrons in the orbital. The numbers, whether the rules are considered to be
Mulliken definition becomes a special case of the Iczkow- arbitrary or whether they are interpreted in terms of the
ski-Wlargrave definition, where the change - i n n is one physical meaning of the electronegativity principle as
electron-(8). developed above (within the limitations imposed by
It might seem that bond polarity would be a more electronegativity values precise to, a t best, two signifi-
convenient term to use in the redox treatment than cant figures). However, the situation is much less clear
electronegativity. This urould be the case if bond when it comes to the classification of reactions in which
polarities could be directly equated with bond dipole changes of oxidation state occur. I t might seem that
moments. However, asymmetric distribution of elec- any reaction where oxidation state changes occur
tron density within a molecular orbital as a result of would be classed as a redox reaction, but this is not so.
differences in electronegativity is not the only deter- An oxidation-reduction reaction is defined by most
minant of a bond dipole moment. Mulliken has pointed introductory texts as any reaction in which a change of
out that even a purely covalent bond may have a large oxidation state occurs. However, advanced texts and

454 / Journal of Chemical Educofion

journals may differ from this by the grouping of certain I n both the organic elimination and the halogen solu-
reactions which embody changes of oxidation state tions, the atoms undergoing change in oxidation state
together with non-redox reactions; any mention of are atoms of the same element initially bonded to each
change in oxidation state is omitted. Although the non- other. One atom is then reduced, the other oxidized.
redox treatment accorded such reactions is fairly uni- For example, in the elimination of carbon dioxide from
form, deviations from the prevalent practices may be a p k e t o acid
found. More puzzling is the fact that some reactions in n n
which oxidation state changes occur have been specifi-
cally identified as non-oxidative (18).
No explanations of the above deviations from redox C' is reduced while C v is oxidized. Likewise, when
treatment were found in the literature, nor was any chlorine dissolves in water, the bond between the chlo-
statement given on governing criteria. Apparently, rine atoms undergoes scission; one chlorine atom forms
textbook and journal writ,ers have intuitively under- C1- with an oxidation state of (I-) while the other
stood the basis for the classification of these reactions combines to form OCI- where it has a n oxidation state
without regard t o their changes in oxidation state. of (I+). I t is evident that the difference in relative
The next section of this paper will present a classi- electronegativities of the atoms undergoing oxida t'~ o n
fication scheme based on the rather complicated prac- and reduction is not a causative factor of reaction. I n
tice prevailing in the literature for reactions in which the p k e t o acid elimination, bond scission is the result
changes in oxidation state occur. Offered with this will of a n inductive effect transmitted from the strongly
be a rationale hypothesized as underlying the present electronegative carbonyl carbon. The bond scission
redox classification treatment. I t is noted that, in the which occurs when the halogens dissolve in water is the
same sense that any classification system in necessarily result of the strong polarizing effect of the medium.
of an arbitrary nature, SO also is any system which classi- The practice of excluding radiolyses and photo-
fies redox reactions. excitations from the redox category is a170 in accord with
The scheme to be prescntcd is based on the idea that the idea that the relative atomic electronegativity
a reaction in which given atoms undergo oxidation stat,c differencebet.ween the atoms undergoing oxidation state
changes is not considered to be an oxidat,ion-reduction change is not a factor in causing the oxidations and
reaction unless the difference in relative electronega- reductions t o occur. Radiolyses result from the pene-
tivities is a factor in causing the reaction t o occur. tration of particles initially external to the medium
Furthermore, the degree to which the reaction tends to while photoexcitations in which changes of oxidation
be treated as a redox reaction in advanced texts and in state occur require strong steric or electron-delocalizing
journals depends t o a considerable extent, on the degree effects. An example of a photo-excitation in ~vhich
t o which the electronegativity difference between the changes of oxidation state occur is
atoms undergoing oxidation state change is a factor in
causing the change in oxidation number. The greater
the electronegativit,y difference and, correspondingly,
the more significant its effect on the reaction, the Here, the clectron is pulled out of the bond away from
more likely it is t,hat the reaction dl be treated as a the more electronegative atom.
redox reaction. I n the pseudo-redox reaction, the changes in oxida-
Accordingly, three categories of reactions embody- tion state are due to factors other than the atomic
ing oxidation state changes were set up; they were electronegativity differences of the "preserved" atoms
named, for convenience herein, (I) the stronger oxida- in molecules.
tions, (2) the very weak oxidations, and (3) the pseudo-
Definition of an Oxidation-Reduction Readion
redox react,ions. The stronger oxidations are those in
which the electronegativity difference between atoms I t is proposed that an oxidation-reduction reaction
undergoing oxidation state changes is a significant be defined as a reaction in which a change i n the relative
factor in causing them to undergo the changes in order of atomic electronegatiuities takes place between a
oxidation state. The very weak oxidations are those given atom and the atoms lo zohich it i s bonded prior and
correspondingly in which the electronegativity differ- subsequent to reaction; concurrently, an opposite chanqe
ence between atoms undergoing a change in oxidation i n order of electronegatiuities takes place elsewhere among
state is a very minor factor in causing the reactions t o the ~eactants. The difference i n relative electronegativities
take place. The pseudo-redox reactions comprise of the atoms undergoing oxidation state change is a factor
the reactions in which the electronegativity difference i n causing the changes to occur.
between atoms undergoing a change in oxidation state
is not a factor in causing the reaction to occur. The line Stronger and Very Weak Oxidofions
of demarcation between the stronger and the very weak Many kinds of reactions in which changes of oxida-
oxidations is not sharply delineated. tion state take place are treated as redox reactions in
The three categories will be discussed next in greater texts and periodicals. Among these are (1) inorganic
detail. reactions in which net transfer of electrons occur; (2)
electrochemical reactions; (3) free radical autoxida-
The Pseudo-Redox Reaction
tions; (4) free radical reactions in which transfers of
The criterion for this category is as stated above. electrons take place (as with metallic complexes or
Typical of the reactions in this category are organic semi-quinones); (5) many organic reactions of which a
elimination reactions, photoexcitations, radiolyses, and partial listing would include all of those reactions in
the solution of halogens in water. which carbon progresses through the oxidation stages

Volume 47, Number 6, June 1970 / 455

from t.he aII<ancs to the carboxylic acids and then to pair in the bond, these reactions are oxidation-reduc-
carbon dioxide, reactions in which peroxy compounds tions. However, because one of the p orbitals of the
undergo oxidation or reduction, oxidations by per- strongly electron-attracting "unusual" cation con-
mangan:rt,e, dichromate, cerium (IV), cobalt (III), and jugates with the parallel r orbital of the aromatic ring,
ot,her inorganic oxidants, and reactions where hydride the oxidation is milder than would be expected on the
transfers takc place. basis of electronegativity differences alone.
In free radical and organic chemistry, there are, how- All of the heterolytic mechanisms of the very weak
cvcr, other rcact,ions where changes in oxidation state oxidations exhibit some "unusual" configuration in an
occur but ~ d ~ i careh rarely, if ever, described as redox intermediate step and, as~ociatedwith it, the redox
react,ions. Among t,lieseare the free radical hydrogena- electron-pair shift discussed above. There appears to
tion of olefins, the balogenat,ions of double bonds (both be no special merit in treatment of the very weak oxida-
hetcrolytic and homolytic), and electrophilic aromatic tions as redox reactions although, in each case, the fact
snhstitutions. Note that the atoms undergoing oxida- that changes in oxidation state occur lends an addi-
ti011 differ in relative electronegativities from those tional perspective from which to view the reactions.
undergoing reductiorl in these reactions, unlike the The stronger oxidations-i.e., those reactions where
pseudo-rcdox elimination or halogen solution reactions the relative electronegativity differences of the atoms
previously described. I<'or example, when a double undergoing changes in oxidation state are significant
hond is chlorinated, both elemental chlorine atoms are factors in causing the changes to o c c u r ~ f t e npossess
rcduccd while both carbon at,oms are oxidized. The reaction mechanisms unique to the class of oxidation-
addition of hydrogen chloride to an olefin bond is the reduction. The uniqueness tends to diminish as the
pseudo-rcdox react~ionmost akin to the chlorination; significance of the electronegativity factor likewise
one carbon atom is oxidized, the linked carbon atom decreases. To illustrate, electrochemical reactions and
is reduced, and no change in oxidat,iou state takes place inorganic reactions where transfers of electrons take
for the H and C1 atoms. place are clearly unique to redox chemistry. Among
A hypothesis is tentatively offered to account for the the more distinctive organic reaction mechanisms are
difference in treatment between these "very weak" those of the group typified by the chromic acid oxida-
oxidat,ions and the "stronger" ones which were cited as tion of alcohols; they involve ester-type intermediates
receiving general acceptance as redox reactions. While and concerted electron movements in several bonds.
a detailed analysis is beyond the scope of this paper, it is The formation of the hydride species through simul-
hoped that a brief discussion will indicate the support- taneous bond-making and bond-breaking, as in the
ing rationale. bromine oxidation of alcohols, or through concerted
When the very weak oxidations are scrutinized as a electron movements in a conjugated ring structure as in
group, it appears that, in each case, the relative elec- the reduction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, also
tronegativity is only a minor factor in causing these has characteristics unique to redox chemistry. At the
reactions to occur. Other, more dominant, factors are other extreme, autoxidations greatly resemble non-redox
significant to the reaction energetics. Moreover, it free radical reactions and appear to differ only in that
also appears that the mechanisms by which these re- they involve the diradical oxygen; most other free
actions take place closely resemble certain non-redox radical redox reactions are simply treated as very weak
mechanisms, alt,hough differing always to a t least some oxidations. The demarcation between the stronger
slight extent. I n the st,ronger oxidations, on the other and the very weak oxidations is not sharp.
hand, relative electronegativity differences play a more An important factor underlying the significance of
important role and, correspondingly, they tend to the redox class probably lies in the relatively distinctive
proceed by mechanisms which often distinctly differ processes by which many of the stronger redox reactions
from those of non-redox mechanisms. occur.
I n the case of the halogenation of double bonds, a The classification of the reactions which embody
major factor promoting t,he heterolytic reactions is the changes of oxidation state as given above has been
polarizable a electron pair. These oxidative addition8 offered not in justification of the present practices but
require a step in which the elemental halogen is polar- rather as recognition and interpretation thereof. A
ized to form the cyclic halonium ion. In contrast, non- need for assessment of the treatment now given in the
oxidat,iveolefin additions, such as additions of HBr and literature, however it is interpreted, is implied.
H,O, result from the interact,ion of the already polar Since those redox reactions where electronegativity
molecule and the r electron system. differences are of very minor significance are grouped
In homolytic halogenations and hydrogenations, the with similar non-redox reactions, the rough electro-
high reactivit,y of the free radicals is the most significant negativity values presently in use are probably about as
factor in the mechanism. Energetics favor hetero- reliable as need be for the semi-quantitative purposes of
combinat,ions over homocombinations, since the more redox classification.
ionic bonds tend to have greater bond energies (10). Summary
Except for highly electronegative atoms such as oxy-
gen this effect is probably completely overshadowed by An interpretation of the oxidation number system
t,he high free radical reactivity. based upon the electronegativity principle has been
The electrophilic aromatic ~ubstitut~ions all require presented. As proposed, the definitions of oxidation
the formation of the "unusual" cations, such as Br+ or state and of change in oxidation state permit physical
NO2+. Thc reactions are facilitated by the latter and interpretations which, in turn, allow removal of the
by the conjugated aromatic hond system. Since the adjective "arbitrary" now frequently found in descrip-
L'nnusnal" cation regains the major share of the electron tions of the oxidation number. A'Ioreover, acceptance
456 / Journol of Chemicol Education
of the treatment permits both of the major classes of ers College, Columbia University. Appreciation is ex-
chemical reaction, the acid-base reaction-already pressed to the Editors of the NEACT Report and the
so firmly established-and the reaction in which changes JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATIONfor their unfailing
of oxidation state take place, to rest upon experimental courtesy and helpful criticism.
criteria and physical interpretations.
The system of classification of the reactions in which
Lilemture Cited
changes of oxidation state take place was examined as
applied in the literature. I t was found that the pre- YA=mN. R. G.. J. CHEM. EDYO., 36. 215 (19591.
~ . J.. J. Cnew. Eonc.. 40,295 (1903).
G n z e s ~ rR.
dominant practices have not been uniformly adopted P B I T C ~ RHI .) ,0.. A N D SIINNEB.H. A,. Chem. Re"., 55, 745 (1955).
nor have the underlying criteria been made explicit. Fesnr;ln*. R.. Adaon. Chcm. Phya.. 13. 55 (1967).
M u ~ ~ ~ rR. e 8..
s . J . Chcm. Phvs.. 2. 782 (1934); 16, 497 (1949).
Three groupings of reactions embodying oxidation state P A U L L L.,
N ~"The
, Nature of t h e Chemical Bond." (3rd d.1, Cornell
Univmdty Preae. Ithaoa. New York. 1960, p. 95.
changes were proposed in this paper as corresponding to Icmowsnl, R. P.. A N D MasonAvr, J. L., J . Am. Chcm. Soe., 83,3547
the present complex practices, the pseudo-redox re- (19611.
actions, the very weak oxidations, and the stronger (8) Hmee, J.. WHITEHEAD. M. A,, A N D Jmst. H. H.. J . Am. Chem. SDC..
oxidations. The groups were segregated according to (9) KLOPYAN,G.. J. Am. Chem. Soe., 86, 1463, 4550 (1964): 81, 3300
(1965); J . Chrm. Phya.. 43, 8124 (1965).
the approximate degree of electronegativity difference IlOI ~ , L.. he N a t l m ni t h e Chemical Bond." (2nd 4.)
, ~PAULINO. ~ ~ .
between the atoms undergoing oxidation state changes. University Press. Itheoa. New ~.rk<9;2, chap. 2.
It was suggested that an important factor in the signifi- . . SANDERBOX.
111) R. T.. "Chemical Periodioitv."
.. Reinhold Publiahina.Corn..
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New ~ o r k 1960,
, p. 31-4.
cance of the redox class probably lies in the relatively (12) ALLRDD. A. L.. AND ROCROW, E. G., J . Inor&?,N d . Cham.. 5, 269
distinctive processes by which many of the stronger (13) Vmnsnsrev. V. I.. et 81, "Bond Energies. Ionizstion Potentiela and
Electron Affinities:' Translated by Soripta Teohnioa Ltd.. St.
redox reactions occur. Martin's Presa. New York. 1966.
(14) Mumrnerr. R. 8.. J . Chem. Phvs.. 3. 573 (1935).
Acknowledgment (15) Cou~aow.C. A,. "Valence." (2nd d.). Oxford University Presa, London,
(10) For example, see STEWART. R., "Oxidation Meohanisma: Applications
The author acknowledges with thanks the kind en- to Orgsnic Chemistry,'' W. A. Renjamin. Ino., New York, 1964,
couragement of Professor 0. Roger Anderson of Teach- p. 27.

Volume 47, Number 6, June 1970 / 457

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