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Rojielynne T.

Yusay 12- AQUINAS

Homeroom Guidance

Module 1

Let’s Try This

Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes

Processing Questions:

1. How did you feel about the activity?

I felt refreshed while doing the activity because I saw the different reactions
that I have in the mirror and it really reflects what emotions I felt while doing it.

2. Was it easy or difficult? Why?

The activity was easy because I used to reflect on different scenarios in my

life and what my reaction would be in that specific scenario, which is why the
activity was easy.

3. Were you able to mirror emotional reactions you had towards the
different scenarios in your life and aspects of your personality? How?

By envisioning and reflecting, I was able to mirror emotional reactions I

experienced toward many scenarios in my life and aspects of my personality.

4. What strengths and weaknesses have you noticed or identified?

The strengths that I observed completing the activity is that I am able to show
what I truly felt through my reactions, as though I am a very transparent
person for myself yet a difficult person to read for others. While my
weaknesses that I observed while completing the activity are that I am
extremely vulnerable since my reactions reflect what I am feeling and I can't
hide it, especially when I'm on the edge of crying.

Let’s Explore This

Activity No. 2: Personal Goal Development Worksheet

Personal Goal Development Worksheet

Personal Stop Minimize Continue Improve Start

1 Be more Procrastinatin Using social Sleep in 8- Organizing Create a
Productive g in doing media and 10 hours a tasks that I good plan
. tasks even watching day and need to do for priority
though it is movies in a taking and time for tasks that I
easy to do day sunlight in doing them needed to
the do.
2 Healthy Eating Eating Doing Doing Doing
Body unhealthy carbohydrat Exercises
exercises more
foods and too e s in the every day
every day by effective
much rice afternoon and increasing exercises
especially in and in the maintainin
the time in and work
important evening g time in
doing each outs.
events such before go to eatingexercises
as birthdays sleep. routine.
specifically in
the morning.
3 Boost Comparing Viewing Believe to Learning new Think
more myself to the things a big myself that things such positive
confidence others and challenge I can do as new and have
. thinking that I cannot things and concepts, faith to
negative do and accept ideas etc. God that
thoughts that thinking negative that will help strengthen
discourages negative feedbacks me to be s me.
me to do thoughts and make more
many things about it as life confident.
myself. lesson.
4 To pass in Being lazy Doing To have Understandin Jot down
a state and doubting unimportant faith in g lessons that important
university that I cannot things that God and connected to points,
in college pass the will distract trust the the topics create a
exam. me. process. that I needed plan to
to review. follow.
5 Better Being pleased Doing Jot down Reading, Create a
grades for with myself or activities notes, reviewing, new way, a
this with my that will ideas, and and new plan
semester. situation or entertain concept understandin to
achievements while and g lessons in understand
thinking keeping it every subject. new things
ideas to put orderly. in this new
in a task. normal.

Processing Questions:

1. How did you find this activity?

This activity makes me more reflective since it allows me to consider my

personal goals, as well as what I want to stop, minimize, continue, improve,
and start in my life.

2. How would this help you to attain your personal goal?

This has made me realize how important it is for me to achieve my personal

goals in order to succeed.

3. What could be the possible barriers in the achieving your personal


The things that I can't control and that I don't have control over are the
possible barriers towards achieving my personal goals.

You Can Do It

Activity No. 3: Poem Writing Challenge

“I am who I am”

My life is fairly uninteresting.

However, it is mine.

I'm not well-known,

My friends, on the other hand, are more than enough.

I have a tendency to act rashly.

I have the freedom to speak and do whatever I want, whenever I want.

I have the ability to conceal my feelings.

I can do it better than anyone I know.

I fight, dace, and annihilate.

I'm fighting for what I believe in.

Rudeness has no place in my life.

or the xenophobic and prejudiced.

I'm not going to accept it, but I do have flaws.

I'm well aware that I'm not perfect.

I am the sunlight, blinding your eyes after a restless night.

If my life were a playlist, it would be like this:

It will consist entirely of acoustic music.

It'd be tedious, but I'd be the one doing it.

I am who I am.

What I Have Learned

I, ROJIELYNNE T. YUSAY, pledge to work tirelessly for the sake of my future,

no matter how difficult the trials may be. With full courage and commitment, I will
confront the challenges, struggles, and problems that lie ahead of me. I know I can
and will succeed. Despite all of life's challenges, struggles, and problems, I will not
abandon my goals and dreams because they are worth all of the difficulties and
hardships. I am brave enough not to let my defenses down, I will not back down and
will never quit. This, too, will pass, I'm sure. So everything will be worthwhile by then.

Share your Thoughts & Feelings

My Three Big Steps in Achieving Personal Development

Personal Development

Step 3:

Set goals for yourself.

Step 2:

Learn from feedback.

Step 1:

Take ownership of everything you do.

Rojielynne T. Yusay 12- AQUINAS

Homeroom Guidance

Module 2

Let’s Try This

Observation of Other’s Uniqueness


Lively or Nurturing or Conservativ Thinker or Planner

Reserved? disciplinarian e or doer? or easy-
? liberated? go-lucky?


Taylor Lively Nurturing Liberated Doer both



Selena Reserved Nurturing Liberated Thinker both



Avril Reserved Nurturing Liberated Thinker both


Processing Questions:

1. Were you able to fill out all related descriptions for each person? Which
of the descriptions is the most observable?

 Yes. The description that most observable is about nurturing or disciplinarian

2. What is the most difficult description to observe? Explain.

 Nurturing or Disciplinarian. Because I don't think they usually show it on social

3. What can you say about the differences that you observed among these
three persons?

 To this point, we've concentrated on how the appearance, behaviors, and

characteristics of the people we meet influence our perception of them.
Because of the emphasis on the social situation in social psychology, it makes
sense that this would be our focus. It's difficult to judge based on how they
appear in front of the camera.

Let’s Explore This

Showing Support for Others

Situation Physically Emotionally Socially Spiritually

1. A new Help him/her Make him/her By simply I will pray her.
classmate only for the feel really becoming a And Show
with a physical things he/she special or friend with him or him/he that
disability is hard to do. console her or having there is GOD
him/her if other friends who loves
he/she feels become his/her and cares for
lonely or friend, you can him/her on
uncomfortable assist him/her the other side
socially. of his/her
and even
he/she/she is
he/she still
has a reason
why he/she
existed in the
2. A friend Encourage Be a shoulder Try introducing Encouraging
who lost his them to eat to cry on and new stuffs to them to pray
parents due to good food be a good them, or even and telling
accident and exercise. listener. Be new friends them
Be empathetic. everything will
productive. be fine. And
his parents
will guide him.
3. A neighbor Tell her some Talking and Make bond with Pray for
who chose to learning I can sharing my his/her to less his/her safety
stop schooling share. experiences in his/her stress. every day.
for difficulties in
employment my life that I've
been success
4. A sibling Be a role Give him/her Give time to them Ask guidance
who spends model so that advices and so they will have to the Lord in
most of his/her will encouragemen more time to bon our daily live
his/her time inspire to be t
playing online you
5. A friend Being with Tell some I may refer Pray for my
who plans to his/her advice that will him/her to my friend to have
leave their because help to parents for wisdom
house present helps enlighten another point of before making
because of a him or her his/her. Make view and his/her
family problem ease the him or her feel suggestions. decisions.
burden that you care They may give
somehow for him or her parental
and that he or recommendations
she is not which can be
alone. more mature.
6. A new Help him/her Be a good By supporting Ask guidance
group member only for the listener and them like bond to the Lord in
who loses things he/she give some with them, enjoy their daily
hope because is hard to do advices by life and be lives.
of many that I can do. telling my own productive.
problems experiences.
7. A cousin Help him/her Tell her that Introduce my Pray for
from an ethnic to cope up everything is cousin to my his/her safety
group who is with the fine friends and bond everyday and
still adjusting physical with them encourage
to her new changes she his/her to to
school experiences pray
8. A relative Accept Listen to Be friendly and I advise him
who is his/her his/her as long as you're that don't lose
confused with gender. thoughts and not hurting your faith in
his gender advice his/her anybody around God
preference to be himself/ you it's okay to
herself show the real
9. A Helping Make your Study with his/her Pray for her to
classmate his/her study. classmate feel at the same time. be strong and
who that she is not manageable
experiences alone or that person
social you are
discrimination supporting her
due to his to study well
10. An older Help his/her Tell some Study with his/her Pray for
sibling who study. And advice that at the same time. his/her to
needs help on stay away on his/her need to don’t lose
time his/her be hope and be
management phone. manageable. strong

Processing Questions:

1. What do you notice with your answers?

 When it comes to physical support, there will never be a bad time to be there.
It's always about delivering advice when it comes to emotional support. It's all
about bonding with one another when it comes to social support. In terms of
spiritual sustenance, God is included.

2. Which of the situations is the most difficult to handle or manage?


 The situation is "a new group member who has lost hope owing to various
problems." It's difficult for me to offer advice in my situation because I've been
through what they're going through. I'm not able to invest in myself.

3. What type of support or help is the easiest to provide? Explain.

 Spiritually support, because everytime that I suffered anxiety I always talk to

God and ask for his guidance.

4. What have you realized after doing this activity?

 Always put yourself in their shoes and consider how you may make them feel
that you are always with them. Having an issue is really difficult to manage,
thus your support is highly beneficial to them.

You Can Do It

“I Care” Policies


Respect the belief Be an example Avoid being rude to Think before you
of your family towards your other people click.
Tell your siblings to Respect the beliefs Respect their Seek information
respect each other of each other. opinion. before you judge
Don't say negative Be sensitive in any Respect their Be broad-minded in
things when you situation belief. any issue in social
don't agree with media
Obey your parent’s Always respect Avoid judging or Always say kind
wants their opinion. criticizing other words to other
people if you know people.
nothing about
Respect your Think before you Always say kind Avoid judging or
parents. speak words to other criticizing other
people. people if you know
nothing about

Processing Questions:

1. How do you compare your answers in each column?

 It's all about treating others with respect, but there's a distinction to be made
between home, school, community, and online. Since, these three locations
are more likely to meet than online, where you can only socialize over the

2. Given the current situation, how do you intend to practice them?

 I'll start by respecting myself. I'm going to do that every day.

3. What made you practice such ways to respect individual differences and
care for others?

 Since, if you treat others with respect, they will treat you with respect as well.

What I have learned

How should we celebrate our individual differences?

We celebrate our distinct differences by accepting ourselves as we are. Our

distinctiveness gives us a sense of identity that no one else can take away. We
should embrace our individuality rather than criticizing ourselves simply because we
are "different" from society's norms. No one can love us as much as we love

Respecting other people's differences should go hand in hand with celebrating

our differences. We must accept their differences rather than using them to erect
barriers and discriminate against them. We must accept them as well, because they,
like us, have their own flaws and qualities that define who they are.

Individual differences and preferences do not necessitate anyone's approval.

We must accept each other without reservation because we are all flawed and
developing. We still have a lot to learn from life, and we should live in harmony with
one another in order to empower each other's differences. Stop criticizing and start
spreading love instead.
Share your Thoughts & Feelings
Rojielynne T. Yusay 12- AQUINAS

Homeroom Guidance

Module 3

Let’s Try This

Anton’s Indecisiveness

Processing Questions:

1. Did you experience spending more time to make a decision that greatly
affects you or your future just like Anton? Share your experience.

 Yes. Like Anton, I'm having trouble deciding which college course I want to
take. I want to take my parents' recommendations into consideration, but I
also want to be able to pick what I want because, in the end, it is up to me
whether I am satisfied and glad to study it or not. I only have a few months to
make a decision, therefore I'm hoping to make one as soon as possible so
that it won't have a significant impact on my future.
2. If you are in his situation, what would be your next move?

 Instead of delaying a year of college to grieve over the fact that I was denied
admission to my ideal school, if I were him, I would just find another university
where I could take the course that I truly desired. I'll use this experience to
learn to prepare ahead so that I don't have to deal with this difficulty again.

3. What should you do so you won’t face the same problem as that of Anton?

 I'll seek advice from my parents, teachers, and close friends a year ahead of
time so that I may make an informed decision and prepare on time.

Let’s Explore This

Agree or Disagree?

1. I cannot tell my best friend’s parents about his smoking drinking

tendencies because I will betray his trust.
2. I should consider the advice of my parents when it comes to choosing my
course in college.
3. It is OK to take credit for other people’s work as long as it serves a good
4. Choosing a career that will employ easily is more practical than pursuing a
passion that will take years before getting a good earning.
5. The curriculum exit that you should choose after senior high school should
best match the track and strand you are taking.

Processing Questions:

1. What are the factors that you considered in answering?

 The factors I considered in answering were the outcome and potential

consequences of doing or accepting those things.

2. Do your experiences at this time of pandemic change the way you decide on
things? In what way?

 Yes, my experiences during this pandemic have changed the way I make
decisions. I now think about the outcomes and implications of my actions
before making them. I consider what would happen if I did this or that. Rather
of focusing on what is present or in one perspective, I consider the wider
picture. Since this decisions I make will have an impact on my future

You Can Do It

Looking Into My Decisions

Situation What is your decision? What are the factors

that led you to this
1. A group of learners I would accept or decline It depends if the
invited you to join a depending on the factors. organization is useful and
virtual organization and would be influential in a
encouraged you to good way to me, also if
meet new friends. To the rules are logical and
become a member, you ethical I would join in but
need to follow certain if it does not meet these
rules factors then no, I would
kindly decline.
2. Your parents told you I would still attend Firstly, my drive to finish
that they may not be school. studying is high, meaning
able to support your I would do everything in
schooling this year my power to continue on.
because of financial Thus I would need to
matters. They asked if search and get a
you can stop attending scholarship, then
school. parttime works that are
paying per hour, then
also consider being an
online seller if time was
still loose.
3. Your cousin asks you I would decline. First, telling a lie with
to tell a lie to her such shallow reasoning is
parents that they will not worth it. Secondly,
have a school event to there are many risk
sneak going with her factors that may go
boyfriend for a date. wrong during their date,
and I do not want to be
blamed because of that.
And lastly, it would be
better to just tell her
parents the truth and be
open with them with
these sorts of things
because her parents will
surely guide her and
would know what's best
for her.
4. Your family is I would try online selling. That would be the
experiencing financial efficiency of earning
crisis and lost a money, having no
sustainable livelihood; employers watching me,
and there’s an having flexible working
invitation from a friend hours, and no age
to try selling online. limitations. Plus my
family can support and
help me pack, decide,
and spread the word to
their friends.
5. It’s your birthday and I would kindly decline. First, I do not want to
your friends would like catch the virus. Secondly,
you to throw a party it's too risky and we might
despite the strict be caught. And lastly,
quarantine protocol in there are alternatives
your community such as video calling and
celebrating it until we
meet again.

What I have Learned

Dear Anton,

Hi! How are you doing? After everything you've been through, I hope you're
doing well now. First and foremost, I've read your narrative, and it has touched
me so deeply that I recognize myself in you. It's difficult to make decisions,
especially when they have a significant impact on your future, therefore I'm
writing to share my thoughts and ideas with you. I hope this has been of
assistance and inspiration to you.

I know you spend a lot of time considering and studying which college
courses you will take. It's OK to think about what's best for you because you're
planning your future, but not to the point where you become caught thinking
about which one you'll pick, which leads to regrets and disappointments later.
But, regardless, life must carry on. We must keep believing in our dreams and
never give up hope. School is everywhere, so if your chances of attending your
favorite school have faded, look for another. It makes no difference if it is a top
school or not for your course; the important thing is to discover a school that
provides the same course you want to study in college. Yes, attending a better
school will provide you with superior information and skills, but ultimately, it is up
to you. It's up to you to put in the effort and persevere until you reach the finish
line. It won't be easy, but you can accomplish it.

My only desire for you is that by the time you finish reading this letter, you will
have made a decision that you will not regret, and that if things do not go as
planned, you will remember that God is always there to aid you. On every
decision you've made, pray and seek for guidance. Don't allow past mistakes
deter you from achieving your goals; instead, use them as motivation to
persevere in the face of adversity. Thank you and God bless you.

Share your Thoughts & Feelings

1. On your answer sheet, write your personal experiences depicting right

or wrong decisions you made during this pandemic?

 Every day, we humans definitely make mistakes that will serve as a learning
experience for us in the future. While we are in the midst of the pandemic,
some of my personal experiences depicting my right decisions are such that I
tried not to ignore reflecting on my previous wrong actions and decisions
rather than avoiding thinking about and repenting about them, which resulted
in me being able to identify and accept my mistakes, as well as grow and
enhance my personality. On the other hand, some of my bad decisions during
the pandemic were that I got too carried away with the idea that we were
already allowed to go out, so I took advantage of it, constraining my desire to
unwind from home and hang out with friends too often.

2. Cite the reasons why you did such acts, and how you resolved the

 The fact that I got carried away and took advantage of such freedom, wherein
it was due to some factors such as having anxiety of being inside the house
for such a long time, not being able to have much social interaction with other
people, and the likelihood of getting to explore new things in the outside
world. Furthermore, I was able to address this type of difficulty in this manner
by being able to reflect, manage, and consider only the main concerns or
reasons why I must only go outside and enhance the discipline I have within

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