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This chapter was the summary for what has been discussed in previous chapters. The study attempted to know if what are the strategies
affecting the small grocery's net income and also what is the relationship of this strategies to gain their annual net income. As a result of
our survey the respondent are almost equal to male and female. We found out that the age of the owner starts from 21 years old and above.

The researcher tried to determine the strategies used and relationship of that strategies to the annual net income. Specific problem
were asked: (1) What is the profile of the small. Grocery stores in Naga City in terms of Annual net income (2) What are the strategies
that affect their net income (a) discount, (b) sales talk, (c) freebies, (d) sales, (e) affordable price (f) others (3) What is the relationship of
this strategies to the Annual net income.

It was assumed in this study that the owners have their own strategies to increased their annual net income. A table was used. The
perceptions of the respondent were gathered through questionnaire. The data gathered from them were presented through a table and
graphical method. This study attempts to analyze what are the owner’s strategies utilize to meet their costumers demands.

As a result of our survey tabulation the respondent are equal male are (50%) and female are (50%) of the 10 selected
respondents from small grocery store. We found out that the highest numbers of the owner belong to ages 21-30 years old (40%). As far
as positions are concerned there are different categories, the Rank 1 belongs to the sales talk and affordable price with the mean of 2.6,
and Rank 2 goes to discount with the mean of 2.5, Rank 3 freebies with mean 2, Rank 4 is sales with mean 1.9 and in the last Rank is
others with the mean of 1.8. The researcher also used tabulation to identify the relationship of the stated strategies on how it affects
their annual net income. The effective strategies that the owner or vendor used was Sales talk where as the gain a hundred and twenty-
five thousand seven hundred pesos (₱125,700.00). Followed by affordable price (₱110,000.00), Discount (₱102,000.00), Sale
(₱96,000.00), Others (₱45,000.00), and the least strategy was the Freebies (₱31,500.00) because one of the respondents said that having
freebies sometimes causes them to lose some profit specially if the products they sell are seasonal.
We, the researcher concludes that having small business is not easy but in a matter of fact small business may lead you to a better
life if you'll get what is the right way to your business that can be easily transact anyone and anytime anywhere. Based from our study,
owners of the small grocery store in Naga City has a different strategy and own way to gain their annual net income specially in this time
that we are under a pandemic that affects their businesses for almost a year already. Lastly, we conclude that sales talk is a long term and
affordability is short-term strategies of business. The business owners uses that strategy to retain customers and attract other customers.
Customers have different level of attitude and experience so owners should have enough patient for satisfaction.
As a researcher we recommend to the owner to have a bonus card to their loyal customer. Also to give consideration for recommending
your store to their relatives and friends.
Since the small grocery in Naga city was continuously growing in the business market. There’s a lot competitors came, so this study can
recommend to the owners to give more important in the satisfaction of the customers, because it is important to the business for growth
and through longer existence of the business in the market and expansions. Finding the most effective strategies is important to the
business to know and understand the customer wants and need to achieve the satisfaction level of the customer.
Conclusion: We concluded that all the strategies that we mention have a possible solution to serve the customers well in the market and to
achieved the high satisfaction of the customers for the continuously growing of the business.
As a researcher, we recoomend to the owner to adopt segmentattion process to be able to know what kind of services and product they
need to served and able to satisfied customers: (2) What is the factors that affecting customers satisfaction in terms of: A. Cost B. Quality
of Product and Serbices C. Product Findings: A. Cost The forst factors affebting the customers satisfactions looking up the values they
received after the price. B. Quality of Product and Services Second affevting the satisfaction is find and look for the quality of the product
they served ti the customers. C. Product The third is the product, were also affect the trend can customers patrinize Conclusion:
Considering the conclude that the customers have different level of satisfaction as they have different experiences as perceived by the

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