Amazon Target Audience

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Target Audience Questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed to bring forth information about your clients, their needs and the ways in
which you can fulfill those needs. If you have additional information to provide, feel free to include it. You
are the expert and your insight into your customer is extremely valuable. The more detail you can provide,
the better your copy will be.

NOTE: You don’t need to worry about making the information you provide sound “proper” or using correct
grammar, etc. The only person who will read what you write is the copywriter.

This questionnaire is the sole property of Marketing Words, Inc. and is for use with projects
involving Marketing Words and its clients only. Use of this questionnaire for purposes other than those
mandated by Marketing Words, Inc. is strictly prohibited by law. © 2004-2014, All rights reserved.
Information About the Product

Is it currently on Amazon? Where? (Note URL(s))

In the numbered spaces below, please provide the following information. Why should I buy from
you instead of all the other choices on Amazon? What exclusive or unique features are associated
with your product? (Things no one else is offering or only a few others are offering. Are you
bundling the product with other things? Is your price much lower? Do you have significantly higher
seller ratings than others?)

Anything that will make it easy for the customer to choose you instead of your competition should
be included here.

List differentiating factors here:






What perception do you want (or not want) your buyers to have of this product?

What’s the biggest pain point with this product? (What need/desire causes people to buy this?)

This questionnaire is the sole property of Marketing Words, Inc. and is for use with projects
involving Marketing Words and its clients only. Use of this questionnaire for purposes other than those
mandated by Marketing Words, Inc. is strictly prohibited by law. © 2004-2014, All rights reserved.
If You are a Manufacturer

What emotions are associated with the products you offer? (Possibly greed, freedom, fear, etc.)

What top 5 questions do you most frequently get asked about your product(s)?


If you have not already done so at some previous point in this questionnaire, please provide the
answers to your top 5 questions below.


In relation to your customers, please answer the following questions:

Generally speaking, who is your target customer? Describe everything you know about them… who
they are, what they do, how much money they make, male/female, job title, lifestyle, likes, dislikes -
every way you can think to describe them.

NOTE: This is a vital question. The more information you provide, the better your copy will
communicate with your customers.

This questionnaire is the sole property of Marketing Words, Inc. and is for use with projects
involving Marketing Words and its clients only. Use of this questionnaire for purposes other than those
mandated by Marketing Words, Inc. is strictly prohibited by law. © 2004-2014, All rights reserved.
There are always friction elements for any purchase, whether products or services. For what
reasons might your potential customers hesitate when buying this product? (Price too high, don't
fully understand the real benefits of your product/service, complicated checkout process, etc.)

How do you overcome their hesitation?

This questionnaire is the sole property of Marketing Words, Inc. and is for use with projects
involving Marketing Words and its clients only. Use of this questionnaire for purposes other than those
mandated by Marketing Words, Inc. is strictly prohibited by law. © 2004-2014, All rights reserved.

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