Equity at Gcms 1

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ECS Equity Focus Overview

Eagle County Schools strives to create inclusive and respectful environments to promote equity in access, opportunity,
a outcomes for all students rega rdless of race, gender, economic status, gender identity, sexual orientation , language
background , and exceptional needs.

Why a District Focus on Equity?

To create schools where all of our students across the many lenses of difference feel accepted, engage at deeper levels,
and achieve at higher levels without giving up wh o they are.

How will we Increase Inclusion, Equity, and Excellence .in Eagle County Schools?
We will analyze data for disparities and design systems of support to improve equitable outcomes fo r all students through :

• School Cultu re: Schools and departments strive to achieve high levels of trust and cultural awareness among
staff and studen ts through understanding social justice and lenses of difference
• Systems: Grading , MTSS, and discipline systems are evaluated and refined to ensure equitable practices
• Family Eng'agement:Commu nication and events are inclusive to attcommunities -----.... ?
• Student Leadership: Student voice is at theTo;:efrontofdecision maki ng thro ugh the uth Eq uity Stewar
• Culturally Responsive Practices: Teachers ~rust, cul tural awareness, and teach,iin~g:inpr;ra~~ii=ff~'ffflrorf

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and challenge every student through PBL, SI OP/GLAD strategies, AVID, and other researched-based approaches
Long-Term Plan

• Equity teams learn through participating in Deep • Improved tone and depth of adult conversations
Equity's 5 days of professional learning a More trust and honesty
• District focus on equity and inclusion o Ability to discuss difficult topics
• Equity teams begin sharing this work with their buildings • District and school leadership demonstrates a focus on
and departments equity
• Non-school staff participate in equity, diversity, and • Increased cultural awareness
inclusion training • Deepened understanding of educational disparities at
• Community involvement the school and district level
• Additional trainings on lenses of difference offered

Year Two: 2020-2021

• All schools and departments revisit topics of cultural • Improvement in the climate of inclusion for students
awareness , tone and trust o Increased belongingness
• All schools and departm ents continue building the o Reduced incidents of bullying and harassment
capacity of their staff through the Deep Equity o More positive student-adult relationships
professional learning process o Students empowered to speak their truth
• District and School initiatives viewed through the lens of • Culturally responsive teaching practices present in
equity classrooms
• Additional trainings on lenses of difference offered o Students engage in critical thinking about
complex socio-political topics
• Schools make progress towards their specific goals in
removing educational disparities

Years Three to Five: 2021-2024

District and School daily practices and strategic efforts • Schools begin to meet their specific goals in removing

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