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Activity 2 - Writing Task

Presentado por:

Paula Andrea Lara Martínez Código: 1022395491

Sarah Nicol Arias Código: 1010008537

Jhon Eyther Arias Código: 80140714

Sandra Carolina Martínez Código: 1030617137

Oscar Mauricio Cifuentes Código: 80143440


Sandra Viviana Pinzón

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

CEAD José Acevedo y Gómez
Ingles 1 90008A_611
Bogotá marzo 2019


Ítem Encargado Frases

Physical Sarah Arias 1. He is 33 years old.

Description. 2. His skin is white.
3. He has curly red hair.
4. He has black or brown.
5. He is very tall.
6. He wears glasses
7. He is pretty boy.

Activities he does Paula Lara 1. He likes to play soccer

along the day. 2. He always gets up at 6:00 am
3. Falcao rarely goes to the supermarket.
4. He sometimes visits his mother.
5. He never plays basketball, he doesn’t like it.
6. Falcao likes to drink coffee and tea in the morning.
7. He doesn't have lunch at home with her wife.

Description of his Jhon Arias 1. There is a football stadium

place of work. 2. There is a soccer ball on the soccer field
3. He trains on a soccer field with his teammates in Mónaco
4. The workplace are the football team Mónaco in france
5. In the stadium there are 18523 seats for spectators

Description of Sandra 1. He plays in the Monaco team.

what the character Martínez 2. Radamel Falcao joined on Sunday the concentration of
is doing at the the colombian team in Tokio, Japan.
moment. 3. Falcao lives with his wife and three daughters in a
luxurious mansion.
4. Scored the only goal of the match in the victory of the
national team against Japan.The friendly meant for the
striker of Monaco his score 33 with Colombia and
consolidated as the top scorer in history,surpassed
Arnoldo Iguaran, who achivied 25.
Select 4 modal Oscar 1. Falcao Garcia is a Colombian player who is playing in the
verbs and use

them to conclude Cifuentes Mónaco team and in the Colombian team.

the written. 2. I think he can retire from football at some point, for now
he is playing in the French league but he would like to
play again in Spain.
3. This year called to play the America Cup and wants to win
a title with the Colombia team. he must be positive.
4. He has a foundation and could help many children.


Radamel Falcao Garcia Zarate is a famous person born in Colombia is 33 years old, his
physical description is common here, for example his skin is white, his little eyes are black
or brown, is a man very tall and the only strange that he has is his beautiful curly red hair,
also is very important to say that he always wear glasses except when he's playing soccer.
All his description is of a pretty man and all fans are really crazy for he, because for them
is a super hero of the Colombian soccer.

He likes to play soccer every day, and he always gets up at 6:00 am to train and have
breakfast, Falcao rarely goes to the supermarket because it is not to his liking, he
sometimes visits his mother because of his work commitments. He never plays basketball,
he doesn’t like it, he prefers soccer and sometimes swimming, Falcao likes to drink coffee
and tea in the morning is his preference, he doesn’t have lunch at home with her wife
especially on Wednesdays and Thursdays, Well, these days he travels.

In the city of Mónaco there is a football stadium called "Luis II Stadium, in the stadium
there are seats for 18523 spectators, it is. The place where the monaco team, team and
workplace of radamel falcao play , he trains in the soccer field whit your teammates and
many soccer balls on the court, always play to win.

Falcao is currently working in the monaco team located in england, at the moment falcao
trains with the colombia team, on Thursday he played against japan, scoring the winning
goal, he also currently has a foundation that supports the children and families that are
victims of the social decomposition and armed conflicts in Colombia.

Radamel Falcao was able to play in the World Cup in Russia with the Colombian national
team after he recovered from a serious fracture that took him away from the Brazil World
Cup in 2014, despite the criticism he recovered and got his dream in the 2018. He is
currently the top scorer of the Colombian team and could leave Monaco in search of new
horizons in football.

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