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Nama : Dani Ardyan Syah Putra

Kelas : 4-A




1. To transfer program control to the virus.

2. The Misdirection, Reproduction, Tigger and Payload routines.
3. It returns control to the program as originally written.



1. They reproduce inside a host which they damage or destroy.

2. It can copy itself into any program files.
3. They can stay dormant in the memory until triggered.
4. Displaying a message on the monitor screen or deleting files on the hard disk.
5. COM or EXE programs.

Routine Function
Misdirection c. Hides the presence of the code
6. Reproduction b. Attaches a copy of itself to another program
Trigger d. Decides when and how to activate the payload
Payload a. Does the damage

7. A Trojan has a payload but no reproduction routine.


1. When a dismissed employee’s name is deleted from the company’s payroll, a logic
bomb is activated which causes the payroll records to be destroyed.
2. When a certain date occurs, a trigger routine is activated which makes keys
beep when pressed and corrupts floppies.
3. When the operator starts up the computer for rhe one hundred and twenty-ninth time,
a trigger routin is activated which causes the screen to display,’Bloddy! June 4,
4. When the infected program is run, the boot sector is corrupted which causes the disk
content to be overwritten and data to be lost.
5. When a particular date occurs, the payload is triggered which makes characters on a
text mode screen slide down to the bottom.
6. When an infected document is opened in the wordprocessor, the virus macro is
executed which attaches the virus code to the default template. When the user
saves another document, the virus code attaches to the saved document. When the
saved document. When the saved document is opened in the wordprocessor, the
virus destroys data, display a message or plays music.


1. A MIDI message encodes sound as 8-bit bytes of digital information.

2. The teacher is using a new program to encourage children to write stories.
3. The new version of SimCity has been enhanced in many ways.
4. A gateway enables dissmiliar networks to communicate.
5. You can encode data to make it secure.
6. Ensure the machine is disconnected before you remove the case.
7. Designers can offer good ideas for brightening your website.
8. Electronic readers allow you to enlarge the print size.
9. Programmers write software which enables the computer to carry out particular tasks.
10. You can widen the picture on your monitor.


1. Salami Shaving : f. Manipulating programs or data so that small amounts of

money are deducated from a large number of transactions or accounts and
elsewhere. The victims are often unaware of the crime because the amount taken from
any individual is so small.
2. Denail of Service attack : h. Swamping a server with large numbers of requests.
3. Trojan Horse : c. Adding concealed instructions to a computer program so that it
will still work but will also perform prohibited duties. In other words, it appears to
do something useful but actually does something destructive in the background.
4. Trapdoors : a. Leaving, within a completed program, an illicit program that allows
unauthorised – and unknown – entry.
5. Mail bombing : e. Inundating an email address with thousands of messages,
thereby slowing or even crashing the server.
6. Software Piracy : g. Unauthoristed copying of a program for sale or distributing to
other users.
7. Piggybacking : b. Using another person’s identification code or using that person’s
files before he or she has logged off.
8. Spoofing : d. Tricking a user into revealing confidential information such as an
access code or a credit-card number.
9. Defacing : j. Changing the information shown on another person’s website.
10. Hijacking : i. Redirecting anyone trying to visit a certain site elsewhere.

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