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Hi *name of the student*

Today I’ll be teaching you your MAJOR CHORDS, Yeah?

But before we start, is it okay if I put these tapes on the notes? Because it will help you easily
memorize your notes and understand what am I about to talk later, So yeah give me a minute to put
these on.
So if you look at the piano, you see it’s made up of repeating units. You have 2 black keys 3 black
keys 2 black keys 3 black keys 2 3 2 3 and so forth
The white key to the left of any 2 black keys is C, this is a C, C and so forth
First were using our right hand and later on we’ll be working with our left. Soooooo,
The notes are named following the C as you would perhaps expected to be
C D E F G and it wraps around A B C and it keeps going C D E F G A B. You get me?
You can ask me if you didn’t understand what am I saying yeah?
Great! Now, I’ve said earlier this is your C note remember?
From this note you’ll count 3 notes 1 2 3 that’s your second note and from your second note
count 2 notes then it’s your last note to play your C Chord. C Major chord.
Now, Today I need you to memorize these 7 major chords that Im going to teach you. From A
major up to G major yeah?
Since this is your C Major Chord. Were moving up to D chord like these, Start form your D note
count to 3 that’s your second note count 2 notes that’s your last note. Now that’s your D Chord. D major
chord. You get me?
If I don’t say MAJOR after the chord name that’s assumed a major chords yeah? Cause we only
got two types of keys. The major and minor. Now we go by A B C D E F G.
Before we proceed to our next chord can you show me how you play your C and D chord?
Great! Now, this is your E Chord. From E note count 3 from here count 2 That’s your E chord. An
you do it? Perfect
Next Your F Chord, from F note count again to 3 that’s your second note and 2 notes for your
last note. Can you do it? Great
Now. Can you guess how to play your G chord? Great now youre getting it. Before we proceed
to our A chord. Did you remember how to play your C D E F G Chords? can you show me? Great
Heres how you play you’re a chord. From A note count 3 notes that would be your next note
and 2 notes for your last note. Can you do it? Nice
Now B, our last major chord, from b note count to 3 for your next note and 2 notes for your last
heres how you play it. You get me? Great
Heres the trick if you forgot how to play your chords, any major chords. First. Find the note of
the chord youll about to play then count to 3 that’s your next note and count 2 notes for your last note
and that’s your Chord.
Example you forgot your C Chord. First, find you C note then from C note count to 3 that’s your next
note then count 2 notes for your last note and that’s your C Chord. You get me? Do you have any
questions? Claifications? Great
Now I need you to memorize these chords and we’ll do few practice runs later.

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