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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

Revised 11.5.18
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as
needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Kelly Harper Multiple Subjects 2nd
Mentor Email School/District Date
California Connections
Brandi Atilano 10/6/2021
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CSTP Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T - Facilitates systematic opportunities for students to apply
critical thinking by designing structured inquires into
T - Guide students to think critically through use of questioning strategies,
Promoting critical thinking complex problems.
T – Applying posing/solving problems, and reflection on issues in content. T – Innovating
1.5 through inquiry, problem S - Students pose and answer a wide-range of complex
S – Exploring S - Students respond to varied questions or tasks designed to promote comprehension S - Innovating
solving, and reflection questions and problems, reflect, and communicate
and critical thinking in single lessons or a sequence of lessons.
understandings based on in depth analysis of content

Establishes and articulates

Establishing and
Establishes and communicates to students clear comprehensive short-term and
T- learning goals for content that are accessible, T- long-term learning goals for
4.2 goals for
Applying challenging, and differentiated to address Innovating students. Assists students to
students’ diverse learning needs. articulate and monitor learning
Designs and integrates an
Collecting and
assessment plan that provides
formal and informal assessment
assessment Collects a variety of formal and informal
data on student learning.
data from a T- assessment data on student learning. T-
5.2 Uses data analysis of a broad
variety of Applying Uses analysis of a variety of data to inform Integrating
range of assessments to provide
sources to planning and differentiation of instruction.
comprehensive information to
guide planning and
differentiation of instruction.
Section 3: Inquiry Focus and Planning (Attach Pre/Post Assessments and Data Collection Tools)
Directions: Your inquiry question should be concise and likely no more than 8-10 words. Your hypothesis should indicate what you expect students to be able to do after the lesson, and it should
be able to be evaluated based on your assessment plan. Note that Semester 3 requires an inquiry question that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Inquiry Question Hypothesis Lesson Series Topic Assessments/Data Collection
How much does goal setting and tracking in a virtual classroom
iReady September Diagnostic
support academic growth within an intervention group? To Students will improve by at least 20% on their Reading Learning Lab post
Reading Learning Lab Quick Phonics Screener
answer this question we will use a NearPod Collaborate Board assessment.
Reading Learning Lab Pre/Post assessment
to set and track progress with reading goals.

Focus Students
Directions: Identify three focus students for your inquiry. Identify special characteristics of the students and include performance data. Explain why you have selected them for this inquiry focus.
Do not use actual names of students. (Note: At least one focus student should be an English learner and at least one must have an ILP/504 accommodation. The third is your choice, but please
identify someone that poses an instructional challenge.) Identify expected results for each focus student.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student with ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
FS3 has been receiving Tier II
FS1 is an EL 3 – expanding proficiently. They intervention throughout first
frequently use long vowel sounds instead FS2 has a 504 and is able to blend CVC grade and is still a full grade
Performance Data of short vowel sounds. During lessons I will words without fluency and is level below their peers. They
use group instruction, graphic organizers, struggling to blend CCVC words at all. blend CVC words without
and visual aids for support. fluency and cannot yet blend
CCVC words.
FS2 will grow in fluency for CVC words FS3’s fluency will increase, as
FS1 will grow in fluency blending short and in ability to blend CCVC/CVCC will their ability to blend
vowel words. With participation in this words. With participation in this CVCC words. With
group I expect 20% growth on the post group I expect 20% growth on the participation in this group I
Expected Results
assessment and a 5-10% growth rate on the post assessment and a 5-10% growth expect 20% growth on the
mid-year iReady diagnostic to be rate on the mid-year iReady post assessment and a 5-
completed in February. diagnostic to be completed in 10% growth rate on the mid-
February. year iReady diagnostic to be
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of 4
completed in February.

Inquiry Lesson Implementation Plan

Directions: that Semester 3 requires a lesson that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Discuss Results with
Administer Pre-Assessment Deliver Lesson(s) Administer Post-Assessment Analyze Results
iReady – 9/7 – 9/10
Identify dates for activities. Phonics Screeners –
10/26 – 11/26 (twice a
9/13 – 10/1 11/29 – 12/1 12/2 12/3
Pre-assessments –
10/18 – 10/22
Provide 1-2 sentence Students will meet twice a week for 30 minutes focusing on blending words with short vowel sounds (CVC
summary of your lesson and CVCC/CCVC). They will do supplemental instruction through i-Ready twice a week for approximately 40
plan. minutes total.
Summarize process for The pre and post assessments will be administered the week before and the week after our Learning Lab
administering and analyzing lessons. Students will be assessed individually on a variety of CVC/CCVC words. Their fluency will be
pre- and post-assessments. assessed as well as their accuracy.
Semester 3 Only: Identify the
specific technology tools, Lessons are conducted within our virtual classroom via Zoom.
applications, links, and/or Students will use NearPod to interact and engage with their lessons as well as their goal setting.
devices to be incorporated Students will also use Zoom tools such as video, microphones, and drawing tools to engage in learning.
into the lesson.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)

This article from the US Department of Education Midwestern Region explored This article explained that students perform better when
several different studies that proved that goal setting increases student learning they feel in control of their learning, citing a study where
regardless of the subject matter, age, abilities, or geography of the world. The students gained between 18 and 41% after practicing goal
article helped me see the value in teaching students from an early age to set goals setting.
to set them up for lifelong academic success.

“Student Goal Setting: An Evidence-Based Practice - ERIC.” Education Resources Nordengren, Chase, et al. “Goal-Setting Practices That
Support a Learning Culture.”, 10
Information Center,
Dec. 2020,
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed this issue in their classroom. Identify grade level, subject, and summary of ideas.)

T. Foley (4th grade) practices SMART goals with her class to set personal and K. Schneringer (5th grade) is also having RTI students set
academic goals. goals prior to Intervention Cycles for the first time this year.

Special Emphasis: ISTE Standards (Semester 3 only)

Directions: Identify at least one ISTE-Educator and at least one ISTE- Student Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
Educator: 6a. I foster a culture where students take ownership of their
We will learn about and set SMART goals for reading
learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings.
prior to beginning our Learning Lab intervention cycle. I
plan to use NearPod to create fun and engaging lessons
Students: 1a. I articulate and set personal learning goals; develop strategies
and help students track their progress towards their
leveraging technology to achieve them; and reflect on the learning process
goal continually through the cycle.
itself to improve learning outcomes.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Directions: Record Pre- and post- assessment data into Pre/Post Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post
Assessment Data Table with submission.
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Three Focus
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Whole Class
Student 1’s score increased by 25%
Every student in my group’s score increased on their post-assessment. On
Student 2’s score increased by 20%
average, the group had a 20% increase!
Student 3’s score increased by 20%
Initial Evidence/Rational for Rating Suggestions for Moving
CSTP Element Revised Rating
Rating (Summarize from POP Section 3) Forward
Promoting critical To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to
Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation.
thinking through T – Applying T – Integrating increase complexity of task beyond a single lesson
1.5 Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s. Students created their
inquiry, problem S – Exploring S - Integrating so that there are continuing opportunities for
own math problems.
solving, and students to engage in inquiry in complex problem.

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 4
reflection How could you extend lesson into PBL?

Establishing To move to “innovating” I

During this inquiry I worked with students to
and would work on setting year-
establish personalized learning goals that were
articulating T- long goals with the
4.2 T - Integrating aligned with content while still accessible,
goals for Applying students, as the goals we
challenging, and differentiated to their diverse
student set were primarily short-
learning term goals.
To move to “innovating,” I
could infuse more informal
During the Learning Lab Cycle I integrated a wide assessments into the
range of assessments (both formal and informal) lessons. While I do
T- that I used to analyze student growth. The data frequently check for
5.2 data from a T- Integrating
Applying was used to create lessons, subsequent understanding, having some
variety of
assessments, and to target strategic areas for data recorded would allow
sources to
growth. me to really use those to
inform future lessons, not
just my current lesson .

Special Emphasis ISTE-Educator and ISTE-Student Standards (Semester 3 only)

Results of Incorporation into Lesson Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by
Because I teach in a virtual environment, I am used to relying on
Becoming more familiar with the Nearpod platform
technology. For this particular lesson and inquiry cycle, I experimented with
(particularly the collaborative elements) deepened my
the Nearpod platform for students to create and then share their SMART
understanding of how students can work together in a
goals with one another on a collaboration board. This allowed them to
virtual environment, as well as how powerful goal-
function as a team, encouraging each other and giving ideas when they
setting can be in education.
were struggling.
Action Items
For curriculum design, lesson During our next cycle of Learning Labs (starting in February) I will have many of the same students in my
planning, assessment reading group. We will work to create new goals, and this time will add in year-long goals as well as cycle-
planning long goals.
Students will be given access to the Nearpod between Learning Lab cycles to continue updating their goals
For classroom practice
and encouraging one another.
For teaching English
learners, students with
special needs, and students
with other instructional
For future professional

For future inquiry/ILP

For next POP cycle

Semester 3 Only: Incorporate informal assessment into Nearpod lessons to quickly check for understanding while still having a
For future use of technology record of data collected.
Other Notes

Pre-/Post- Assessment Data Table follows this document.

Include copies/images of pre-/post- assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table with submission.

Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
Revised 5.1.17
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 4
Directions: Record student pre and post scores in this table. Do not use student’s actual names.
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level

Kelly harper Reading 2nd

Pre-Assessment Data Range and Average Post-Assessment Data Range and Average

6 week Learning Lab with a focus on CCVC/CVCC words


Student Pre-Assessment Score Post-Assessment Score Comments
25% increase and overall increase in
1. Focus Student: EL 50% 75%
2. Focus Student: 504/IEP 40% 60% 20% increase, fluency is improved
20% increase, still struggling with
3. Focus Student: Teacher Choice 60% 80%
fluency but able to blend

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 4

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