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What Is It?
The intrauterine device (IUD) is a T-shaped piece of plastic about the size of a quarter that is placed
inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Two types of IUDs are available — one is covered with copper,
the other releases the hormone progesterone. There are two different brands of progesterone IUD
available in the United States.

How Does It Work?

The copper-coated IUD primarily prevents pregnancy by not allowing the sperm to fertilize the egg. It
may also make it harder for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. When an IUD is coated with
progesterone, it works in a similar way, but also thickens the cervical mucus, thins the uterine lining, and
in some cases stops ovulation altogether. This prevents sperm from fertilizing an egg and implanting.
One type of progesterone IUD also can be used to help reduce blood flow for girls who have heavy,
painful periods (sometimes called dysmenorrhea).

How Well Does It Work?

Both types of IUDs are very effective at preventing pregnancy. Over the course of a year, fewer than 1
out of 100 typical couples using an IUD will have an accidental pregnancy.
The IUD is effective from the time it is put in, and it lasts a long time. A copper IUD can stay in place for
up to 10 years. Progesterone IUDs can stay in place for 3 to 5 years, depending on the brand. This makes
the IUD a good option for women who are not ready to start a family. Even though an IUD can stay in
place for a long time, a gynecologist or specialized nurse practitioner can remove it at any time.

Protection Against STDs

The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). People who are having sex must
always use condoms along with the IUD to protect against STDs.
A doctor or nurse practitioner will check to be sure a girl doesn't have any STDs before putting in an IUD.
If a girl gets an IUD put in at the same time she has an infection, it could lead to pelvic inflammatory
disease (PID).
Abstinence (not having sex) is the only method that always prevents pregnancy and STDs.

Possible Side Effects

The most common side effects of the IUD include:
 irregular bleeding for the first few months
 with the copper IUD, heavier periods with more cramps
 lighter and shorter periods (or no periods) with some kinds of progesterone IUDs
 PMS-like symptoms, such as headaches, acne, nausea, and breast tenderness with the hormonal
Rare problems include:
Expulsion. An IUD can come out of a girl's uterus by accident (called "expulsion"). Sometimes a girl
doesn't know this has happened. The overall risk of expulsion is low, but it is slightly more common in
women who have never had a baby.
You can check that an IUD is still in place by feeling for the string (a doctor or nurse practitioner can
explain how to do this). It's also good to let a doctor know about any odd vaginal discharge, cramping or
pain, fever, or if the length of the IUD string changes.
You will need to go back for a follow-up visit with the doctor within the first 3 months after the IUD is
first put in. The doctor or nurse practitioner will check that the IUD is properly in place.
Perforation of the uterus. There's an extremely small (1 in 1,000) risk that an IUD might push through
the wall of the uterus while it is being put in.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). There's a very low risk of infection from bacteria getting into the
uterus during IUD insertion. Most infections happen within the first 20 days after placement of the IUD.

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