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eed Pearson Edexcel Qualifications PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVEL Mah tlie STUDENT BOOK 1 MILES HUDSON PDF COMPILED BY SAAD PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS/A LEVEL PHYSICS Student Book 1 Publis by Porson Eaton Unitas, 0 Sans, London, WOR ORL pearsonaibalschools com Copa fil species ea Pearson Edecel qufieaone may be fond ‘nthe website ipuaieatonsparsoncom “act © Pearson Eaton Lmtad 2018 Designed by Teh Set Ld, Gatsneaa, UK Eto by Kate Bachan ad Joe Rad “jpeel by Tel Set Li, Gated, UK Chia! itso © Pearson Edication Lied 2018 ‘Corer cesgn by Peerson Eavcaton Lime 2018 Plcure research oy Aa, no (Cove oreo 0 RUSSELL CROMAN/SCENCE PHOTO LIBRAATY tne ont cover pte: Diy Lebanor “hort of Ms Hutoon to bo ents as autor ofthis work hasbeen ascarted bhimin accordance with the Copy, Desgrs and ators Ac 1388. Fret blah 2018 10987654321 ‘sh Leary Cataloguing in Publi Osta ‘Nenllogu cord or ha bak is sb eam the Bish ary Copyright noice Ange resoved. No par of tis pubicaton may be epreauoed nary frm oy ‘ny maar fncuingphetooopying or tong ti ny madam by sect oan {nd wrator or nt ancy or recertaly fo some ater wap o thes pusteaton ‘trout te writen parison ofthe copyright owrer except in accorarce with ‘he pists the Copyratt Designs and Patents ct 1888 or under the om ‘ta leanes ssc by the Copyright oasing Agency, armas nn, 86 Fetter {ane Landon EAA TEN Appileation forthe cpg ones ‘itn pars shal ne arose Be pb Printed by Neoaraa in Sovakia ‘rower a arsra tal is rescue of highly spot fr the associat Pearson quliteaton thas bean hgh a review process bythe aaa ‘ody Te process contre ht th ease iy overs tenga ‘awrang conta ofa speitoaton whe ts ated. also cons att ‘srnonatee an aoropria Blancs between the development ct suject sid, ronleage ana certain, ado a arepartn lo assesmar Endorsement doesnot cover ary guidance on assessment avis or recesses {@9 practice questons cr novo how to answer assessment questo) [reed inthe rsource or doe I prescribe any partes approach tre ‘wach er dtr oa std ee "hile te publishers nave ado every atte 6 ons that aceon he ‘unlcaton ands asesemert accurate te ofc spaciation and ‘icooted sstesvertgadance mate ae the ol auoratve sauce of ‘eration an should eas beet oo dlinave guns ‘examination papers fr urch ty have repent ‘Examines il not vee andor resources ae ase of mater ary stcesmen! ct by Passa. Endorsement aveacuee des ol ean hat the ‘esovea i rguted to achove th Pearson qualfetion ror does ean Pat iets oni stable mate! avalaie osupoort the cuaiieaton an any resoureIstsprocced by the awarding body shallincude tis ard oer approprats rescues, ‘Acknowledgements ones ‘Lao on page 168 rm LFEPAK® 1000 DEFIRLLATOR brochure, pve: physical comploasedFlePhysionSiCortnt/Emegarey Matsa Cara! Producarochrest.1000 Brecirn 20n 20Rechargatie 208i 2200851 ‘al copyeght ©2012 Phys Carle “able on page 84 tom Mountsnserng The Fredom ofthe His 6 Eatin, publi by Mountainsers Books, Seale rd Quer Putin, Shrewsany 48 Copyright © 197 raion an able repre wit persion of the passe “abe on page 6¢ adap rom The 201/14 catalogue of DMN Intemational ew mmr om. Reproduced wih prmiesen fom ONG inerrant "abo on page 144 rom eenel Poner mua rap. December 2013, Te UneaSttes Energy norman Aesoctaton Sowe:U. Energy Information ‘Aarinisraton Doe 2013). 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Fer Proto and Fire Actrowedyamens pas ae page 214 Cy COURSE STRUCTURE iv ABOUT THIS BOOK vi PRACTICAL SKILLS viii ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW x WORKING AS A PHYSICIST 2 TOPIC 1 8 TOPIC 2 58 TOPIC 3 88 TOPIC 4 148 MATHS SKILLS 194 PREPARING FOR YOUR EXAMS 200 SAMPLE EXAM ANSWERS 202 COMMAND WORDS 205 GLOSSARY 207 INDEX 211 MSc WORKING ASA PHYSICIST 1 STANDARD UNITS IN PHYSICS 2 ESTIMATION TOPIC 1 MECHANICS 1A MOTION 1 VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION 2 MOTION GRAPHS 3 ADDING FORCES 4 MOMENTS 5 NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION 6 KINEMATICS EQUATIONS 7 RESOLVING VECTORS 8 PROJECTILES THINKING BIGGER: THE BATTLE OF AGRA EXAM PRACTICE 1B ENERGY 1 GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL AND KINETIC ENERGIES 2WORK AND POWER THINKING BIGGER: ‘THE MECHANICS OF SOCCER EXAM PRACTICE 10 12 15 7 20 23 26 28 30 32 34 36 39 42 44 1 MOMENTUM 1 MOMENTUM 2 CONSERVATION OF LINEAR MOMENTUM THINKING BIGGER: SAVING HOCKEY GOALKEEPERS EXAM PRACTICE TOPIC 2 MATERIALS 2A FLUIDS 1 FLUIDS, DENSITY AND UPTHRUST 2 FLUID MOVEMENT 3 VISCOSITY 4 TERMINAL VELOCITY THINKING BIGGER: ‘THE PLIMSOLL LINE EXAM PRACTICE 2B SOLID MATERIAL PROPERTIES 1 HOOKE'S LAW 2 STRESS, STRAIN AND THE YOUNG MODULUS 3 STRESS-STRAIN GRAPHS: THINKING BIGGER: GET ROPED IN EXAM PRACTICE 46 48 50 54 56 58 60 63 65 o7 70 72 74 76 79 81 84 86 TOPIC 3 WAVES AND PARTICLE NATURE OF LIGHT 3A BASIC WAVES 88 1 WAVE BASICS 90 2 WAVE TYPES 93 THINKING BIGGER: RTHQUAKE 96 EXAM PRACTICE 98 3B THE BEHAVIOUR OF WAVES 100 1 WAVE PHASE AND ‘SUPERPOSITION 102 2 STATIONARY WAVES 105 3 DIFFRACTION 108 4 WAVE INTERFERENCE 11 THINKING BIGGER: THE MARIMBA 114 EXAM PRACTICE 116 3C MORE WAVE PROPERTIES OF LIGHT 118 1 REFRACTION 120 2 TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION 122 3 POLARISATION 124 THINKING BIGGER: GLASS FORENSICS 126 EXAM PRACTICE 128 Cea ang 3D QUANTUM TOPIC 4 MATHS SKILLS 194 nes 130 / ELECTRIC CIRCUITS PREPARING FOR YOUR 1 WAVE-PARTICLE EXAMS 200 ee im 48 0c, SAMPLE EXAM ANSWERS — 202 2 THE PHOTOELECTRIC ELEC recr 135 | QUANTITIES 143 | COMMAND WORDS 205 3 ELECTRON DIFFRACTION 1 ELECTRIC CURRENT 150 | GLOSSARY 207 AND INTERFERENCE 138 | » ELECTRICAL ENERGY INDEX ait 4 ATOMIC ELECTRON TRANSFER 153 ENERGIES 140 | 3 CURRENT AND VOLTAGE THINKING BIGGER: RELATIONSHIPS 156 SOLAR CELLS TO POWER ae jag | ‘RESISTIVITY 159 5 CONDUCTION AND Sore 146 | ” RESISTANCE 161 6 SEMICONDUCTORS 164 THINKING BIGGER: SHOCKING STUFF 168 EXAM PRACTICE 170 4B COMPLETE ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS = 172 1 SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITS 174 2 ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT RULES: 178 3 POTENTIAL DIVIDERS 180 4 EMF AND INTERNAL RESISTANCE 184 5 POWER IN ELECTRIC CIRCUITS: 186 THINKING BIGGER: CURIOUS VOLTAGE DROP 190 EXAM PRACTICE 192 ABOUT THIS BOOK This book is writen for students following the Pearson Edexce! International Advanced Subsidiary /AS) Physics specification. This book covers the full JAS course and the frst year ofthe International A Level (AL) course, The book contains full coverage of IAS units (or exam papers) 1 and 2. Each unit in the specification has two topic areas. The topics in this book, and their contents, fully match the specification. You can refer to the Assessment Overview on page X for further information. Students can prepare for the written Practical Skills Paper (unit 3) by using the IAL Physics Lab Book (see page vii ofthis book). Each Topic is divided into chapters and sections to break the content down into manageable chunks. Each section features a mix of learning and activities. ‘Exam hints Tipson haw to answes exam = style questions ané guidance aaa Spmotcairemenes | [Subacreatany meee soma Scmacreme creat | ae Glossary a the back ofthe book MER LAU Ets cUr Checkpoint ieaming tee Diavou snow? uestons at th endo ech ‘hace help you focus Interesting fats hep section check understanding fhe your leoming anc avoid you to remember the key key learring points in each chapter. Sommron eros, Concepts, RSE DS ey aT Le) ‘Your leaning, chapier by ‘chapter isis put n content * Links to eter areas of Pysics include previous knowledge ‘that Is bull on inthe top, and future learsing tat you wl ‘cover str in your course, + A cheoklst detals maths knouledge required. you eed to practise these kil, you can use the Maths Skills Teference at the back ef the book as staring paint. SMC Conn ses) 1A EXAM PRACTICE Exam Practice Exam-syle questions atthe end of ‘each chaptar ae tallored to the Pearson FEdexcal specication 1o alow for practice {and development of exam writing Technique. Tay also alow for practice responeing tothe command werds used inthe exams ace the command words ‘lossary atthe back of ths book. “Thinking Bigger [AL Tho ond of each topic, thr 'S an opporunty to read ana ‘work threa ita research andvwritng about science ‘The activites hep you to ead real-life material that’ relevant {your coutee, analyse how solentita wrt, thin ertialy ‘ang consider now aiterent Aspects of your leaning piece together ‘Skis ‘These sections wil help you develop transferable skis, which are highly valued in further study andthe workplace Sr cures aes PRACTICAL SKILLS Practical work is central to the study of physics. The Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Subsidiary (|AS) Physics ‘specification includes eight Core Practicals that link theoretical knowledge and understanding to practical scenarios. Your knowledge and understanding of practical skills and activities will be assessed in all examination papers for the IAS Level Physics qualification. + Papers 1 and 2 will include questions based on practical activities, including novel scenarios. * Paper 3 will test your ability to plan practical work, including risk management and selection of apparatus. In order to develop practical skis, you should carry out a range of practical experiments related to the topics covered in your course. Further suggestions in addition to the Core Practicals are included below. STUDENT BOOK TOPIC | IAS CORE PRACTICALS Topic 1 MECHANICS. ToPic2 MATERIALS Topic ‘WAVES AND THE PARTICLE NATURE OF LIGHT Topic 4 FLECTRIC CIRCUITS cre. Dotermine the acceleration of a frocly- falling object Use a faling-ball method to determine the viscosity ofa liquid Determine the Young modulus of ‘material Determine the speed of sound in air Using a two-beam osolloscope, signal generator, speaker and microphone Investigate the effects of length, tension and mass per unit length on the frequency of a vibrating sting or wire Determine the wavelenath of light from 8 laser or other light source using a difraction grating Datermine the electrical resistivity of ‘amatorial Datermine the e.m.. and internal resistance of an electrical cell Metin) CUPS U Pause Possible further practicals include: ‘+ Strobe photography oF the use of a video camera ‘0 analyse projectile motion ‘Determine tne contr of gravity ofan kregular rod ‘+ Investigate the conservation of momentum using light gates and ai track “+ Hooke’s law and the Young modulus experiments fora variety of materials UNIT 2 (TOPICS 3 AND 4) PSs Possible further practicals include: ‘+ Estimating power output of an electric motor “Using a digital voltmeter to investigate the output of a potential divider and investigating current! voltage graphs fora flament bulb, thermistor and diode ‘+ Determining the refractive incx of solids and liquids, demonstrating progressive and stationary waves on a slinky rears ey Inthe Student Book the Core Oe Practica specication and Lab [Book referencea ae supped in the relevant sections, Practical Sila Practica sklls boxes explain teohniques used in tre Core Practica, and also detail uset sls and knowledge gained in ‘ther elated investigations ‘This Student Book's accompanied by a Lab Book, sthich includes nstractions ‘and wing ramos for tne Core Practical for etusonte to record thee results and reflect on thar week Practical skilechocklate, practice questions and answers 1 also provided The Lab Book records can be used as preparation and revision far the Praca! Skis Papor ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW ‘The following tables give an overview of the assessment for Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Subsidiary course in Physics. You should study this information closely to help ensure that you are fully prepared for this course and know exactly what to expect in each part of the examination. More information about this qualification, and about the ‘question types in the different papers, can be found on page 200 of this book. Paha eae ana (MECHANICS AND MATERIALS 40% hour January, June and October Written exam paper minutes Fiese assessment : January 2019 Paper code WPHILOL ‘Externally setand marked by Pearson Edexcel Single tier of entey Denes Dees ro ca Tee eg ‘WAVES AND ELECTRICITY Thour January, June and October Written exam paper AD minutes Fire assessment June 2019 Paper code WPHI201 Externally set and marked by Pearson Edexcel Single tier of entey a PRACTICAL SKILLS IN PHYSICS 1 20% Lhour January, June and October ‘Written examination 20-minutes Figs agsessment June 2019 Paper code WPHI3/01 Externally set and marked by Pearson Edexcel Single ter of entey ess ea Fr ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES AND WEIGHTINGS ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE | DESCRIPTION [sem ins | soma | sm a Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of science 3436-28-31 3234 (a) Application of knowledge and understanding of science in 343633363436 familiar and unfamiliar contexts n02 (b} Analysis and evaluation of scientific information to make oil i4té 11-44 judgments and reach conclusions. S ‘Experimental skills in science, including analysis and evaluation » D » ‘of data and methods RELATIONSHIP OF ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES TO UNITS ees eeu Ts 201 020) az) 403 unr 48 718 4555 00 unr2 i748 718 4555 00 uns 00 00 00 2» ‘TOTAL FOR INTERNATIONAL ‘ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY “ mt Lek 2 Throughout your study of physics, you will develop knowledge and understanding of what it means to work scientifically. You will develop confidence in key scientific skills, such as handling and controlling quantities and units and making estimates. You will also learn about the way: which the scientific community functions and how society as a whole uses scientific ideas. Atthe end of each chapter in this book, there isa section called Thinking Bigger. These sections are based broadly on the content of the chapter just completed, but they will also draw on your previous learning from earlier in the course or from your previous studies and point towards future learning and less familiar contexts. The Thinking Bigger sections will also help you to develop transferable skills. By working through these sections, you will: + read real-life scientific writing in a variety of contexts and aimed at different audiences + develop an understanding of how the professional scientific community functions + learn to think critically about the nature of what you have read * understand the issues, problems and challenges that may be raised * gain practice in communicating information and ideas in an appropriate scientific way » apply your knowledge and understanding to unfamiliar contexts. You will also gain scientific skills through the hands-on practical work that forms an essential part of your course. As well as understanding the experimental methods of the practicals, itis important that you develop the skills necessary to plan experiments and analyse and evaluate data. Not only are these very important scientific skills, but they will be assessed in your examinations. MATHS SKILLS FOR PHYSICISTS Recognise and make use of appropriate units in calculations (e.g. knowing the difference between base and derived units) Estimate results (eg. estimating the speed of waves on the sea) Make order of magnitude calculations (eg. estimating approximately what an answer should be before you start calculating, including using standard form) Use algebra to rearrange and solve equations (eg. finding the landing point of a projectile) Recognise the importance of the straight line graph as an analysis tool for the verification and development of physical laws by experimentation (eg. choosing appropriate variables to plot to generate a straight line graph with experimental data) Determine the slope and intercept of alinear graph (eg. finding acceleration from a velocity-time graph) Calculate the area under the line on a graph (eg. finding the energy stored in a stretched wire) Use geometry and trigonometry (eg. finding components of vectors)

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