Final Eminent Domain Final Edit

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Fall 2021 Research Colloquium

Capital Cascades Trail Segment 3D

Florida Statutes of Eminent Domain and Use in Tallahassee
Max Epstein, Chloe Wain, Carlos Leon, Arthi Solayappan, & Camila Aponte under the supervision of Dr. Crystal Taylor

Eminent domain is the right of the Legal Cases: Capital Cascades Trail
government to take private property Kelo v. New London (2005): As a Segment 3
such as housing and businesses in the result, Florida passed a
name of creating a “public good” constitutional amendment in 2006
without the consent of the condemned which prohibits eminent domain for the
party. This right was exercised when purpose of corporate welfare.
Segment 3D of the Capital Cascades Berhman v. Parker (1954):
Trail was redesigned in 2015. The Supreme Court ruled the
Fifth Amendment enables for the use Figure 1. Original Segment 3D design.
The Fifth Amendment to the United of eminent domain for a public
States Constitution stipulates the purpose, and the condemned party was
paid full compensation. • Blueprint assessed two remaining
government has a constitutional
shotgun homes and determined
responsibility to justly compensate the
Capital Cascades Trail Segment 3D they had deteriorated to the extent
property owner when
• On March 9th, 2015, the City of that rehabilitation costs would
acquiring property. The statutes of
Tallahassee and Blueprint exceed costs to renovate for future
Eminent Domain are highlighted by
Intergovernmental Agency use.
Chapters 73 and 74 in the Florida
redesigned the 3D phase of • Apalachee Audubon Society
improvements to the Capital recommended preserving heritage
Cascades Trail Project. oaks after conducting an Avian
• The petitioning/condemning entity
• FAMU Way was realigned with Survey in the redevelopment area,
must provide a pre-litigation
Gamble Street and Lake Bradford recording 28 bird species in 51
notice to advise the condemned
Road to connect to the future Airport minutes.
party of constitutional rights
gateway project. • The original 3D pond site was sold
• The stormwater management facility to a developer and used to
• Taking private property for the
site was changed and enlarged. construct student housing.
purpose of preventing or eliminating
• The project’s purpose is to "create a • Figure 2 shows the redesigned 3D
slum or blight conditions is not a
beautiful new roadway and linear pond and new FAMU Way
valid public purpose (73.014).
park that is an investment in the alignment.
• The condemning party must attempt
in good faith to negotiate with the Southside.“
condemned party and include • Blueprint’s use of eminent domain
mediation and settlement (73.015). demolished 23 residential structures
and historic shotgun homes, as well
Although the State of Florida has as an old grove of Southern Live Oak
analyzed the ambiguity of language trees and commercial businesses.
towards “public use” and “just • 17 residential and commercial
compensation” when exercising eminent tenants were displaced.
domain, the Cascades Trail Segment • Figure 1 illustrates how the original
Figure 2. Segment 3D redesign included
3D-B demolished a blighted, historic plan of the 3D phase did not include
removal of the historic neighborhood.
Black neighborhood enclave. the removal of the neighborhood.

DeVoe L. Moore Center at

Florida State University

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