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Chủ đề người bạn :

I have a best friend named Lộc, we have been together when we

were little kids. He has beautiful bright skin and brown eyes. We
have a lot of things in common like we love the same music,
food, and books. He and I got the same name, and it is a small
surprise for who has talked to us. Lộc is not my classmate, but
we always help with homework and school projects. We spend
time of break time talking about everything that happened in
class, and people usually ask what can make us laugh so much.
Sometimes I think we are best friends forever, and I hope we
will be happy like this for a very long time.

Chủ đề Gia đình :

Hi everyone, my name is Lộc. I will introduce my family to you. Our
family has 4 people including my father, my mother, my young brother,
and me. My father is a driver, he works at the Bee app. My father is very
busy. He usually had to stand outside all day. So he has tanned skin.
However, one day he still spends time playing with me. My mother is a
good housewife. Every day I can eat delicious dishes that my mother
cook. Mother takes care of her family very well. Before my brother goes
to bed, my mother usually reads him a story. My brother is 10 years old
this year. He is a Very good young brother. I often play with him in my
free time so my mom can do other things. I love my family very much.
How about your family

Chủ đề sự kiện mà bạn thích :

There are many fun events in Vietnam. But the event that I
always look
Forward to is Tet. Every time Tet comes, I can go back to my
hometown to play. Have fun with my family, get lucky money
from everyone. Staying up late to welcome the night of the 30,
cooking trưng cake with my family, watching fireworks, and
countdown the new year. tomorrow is the 1st and we got lucky
money from our grandparents. In Vietnam that lucky money is
called lì xì. Tradition in Viet Nam when tet comes, the Old
people giving out lucky money to younger people. on the 2nd and
3rd me and our brother-sister come together to play cards, hang
out. that’s about my favorite event in Viet Nam. How about your
favorite event?

Chủ đề hoạt động hằng ngày của bạn :

Hi everybody, I am 18 years old and today I will introduce my
daily activities. Before, when I was in school, I usually wake up
at 5:45 and was ready to go to school. First I wake up then I
brush my teeth and wash my face. Before going to school I have
breakfast. I usually eat ”cơm tấm” or bread if I’m out of money.
My school starts at 6:30 so I have to be in class at 6:15. At 11
Am I go home and have lunch. I have 1 hour to take a nap. At
1.30 pm, I go to school again and finish at 4:30 pm then I go
home and take a shower. I have 2 hours of free time to play
games doing homework and I go to bed at 9 pm That’s all.
Thank you for you’re listening!

Chủ đề thói quen ăn uống :

Hi! I'm from Ho Chi Minh city of Vietnam. Vietnam is a busy
country and has many traditions I think I have nice eating and
drinking habits. In the morning I get up at 5 am but it's not too
early and everyone is getting up on time. I usually have
breakfast at home like noodles, rice with vegetables or bread but
sometimes I have to have breakfast outside because I don’t have
time to cook. I love “pho” and “com tam” because it’s very
delicious. after eating. I have to study until evening, in the
evening my meal always looks like fried meat or fish or
cucumber and salad. That’s about my eating habits how about

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