Full Name: Dela Cruz, Junel B Date of Examination: 11/25/21 Subject/Section: Strama

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Full Name: Dela Cruz, Junel B Date Of Examination: 11/25/21

Subject/Section: Strama Email Address: Kimjustinesc@Gmail.Com

I SHORT ESSAY. (6 points each)

Refer to the Rubric for scoring guide in evaluating and checking your answers. Choose
eight items only to answer.
1. Are we ready for e-shopping? Discuss the dos and don’ts of e-shopping in the
Philippines. Defend your answer whether you are for or against it.

Yes, Of Course! Buying products through online shopping became more

beneficial nowadays. We can find many online stores for all your essentials, as
people are mostly preferring online shopping to save there money and time.
Even if they want to buy a product in the offline store, they are checking
product reviews and prices in online stores. Online shopping made easy to get
your products right away at your doorstep within less time period. And also you
can see, many offline stores are connecting with e-commerce sites to sell their

Do’s - One of the advantages of ecommerce is that online stores are always
open for business. With your Facebook ads, you can attract someone at 11 p.m.
or 4 a.m.. Most physical location stores are open between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. By
being available at all hours, you can attract people who would normally pick up
a product in stores, if the store were open. You can also attract those who may
have odd work schedules or who don’t have time to shop in-person. For a
customer to order at night, you don’t need to have employees working the
night shift to ensure all orders get processed. You’ll never need to hire a
security guard.

Do’s- Ecommerce benefits like being able to easily display best-sellers makes it
easier to show off products to customers. While you can design a brick
and mortar store to sway people to buy certain products, it’s easier for a
customer to find the best-sellers in an online store. The reason why you want
customers to buy your best-sellers is because they’re proven. Other customers
have already bought them and are happy with their purchase. If
you want to showcase new products to customers you can include them in your
upsell, email marketing or retargeting ads

Don’t - If a customer has a question in store a salesperson is on the floor ready

to answer them. However, of the ecommerce disadvantages is that most
businesses delay responding to customer inquiries. The reality is most
customers expect a response from a business within the hour on social media.
If you delay in responding to their message, they can become angry and shop
somewhere else instead. You need to be online 24/7. You can hire customer
service representatives who are trained to make your customers happy via

Don’t - Customers consider shipping times to be one of the worst ecommerce

disadvantages. When a customer shops in person she can take the product
home right away. But, with online shopping, most customers receive their
products in a week or more. While Amazon offers same day shipping, it wasn’t
a profitable model until they created Amazon Prime. It only became profitable
because they have tens of millions of Prime members. The solution is to be
transparent with your customer. Let them know when they can expect
packages when they place an order.

2. Corporate Level
Corporate level strategy defines the business areas in which your firm will
operate. It deals with aligning the resource deployments across a diverse set of
business areas, related or unrelated. Strategy formulation at this level involves
integrating and managing the diverse businesses and realizing synergy at the
corporate level. The top management team is responsible for formulating the
corporate strategy. The corporate strategy reflects the path toward attaining the
vision of your organization
 For example- your firm may have four distinct lines of business operations,
namely, automobiles, steel, tea, and telecom. The corporate level strategy will
outline whether the organization should compete in or withdraw from each of
these lines of businesses, and in which business unit, investments should be
increased, in line with the vision of your firm

Business Level
Business level strategies are formulated for specific strategic business units and
relate to a distinct product-market area. It involves defining the competitive
position of a strategic business unit. The business level strategy formulation is
based upon the generic strategies of overall cost leadership, differentiation, and
For example- your firm may choose overall cost leadership as a strategy to be
pursued in its steel business, differentiation in its tea business, and focus in its
automobile business. The business level strategies are decided upon by the heads
of strategic business units and their teams in light of the specific nature of the
industry in which they operate.

Functional Level
Functional level strategies relate to the different functional areas which a
strategic business unit has, such as marketing, production and operations, finance,
and human resources. These strategies are formulated by the functional heads
along with their teams and are aligned with the business level strategies. The
strategies at the functional level involve setting up short-term functional
objectives, the attainment of which will lead to the realization of the business
level strategy
For example-  the marketing strategy for a tea business which is following the
differentiation strategy may translate into launching and selling a wide variety of
tea variants through company-owned retail outlets. This may result in the
distribution objective of opening 25 retail outlets in a city; and producing 15
varieties of tea may be the objective for the production department. The
realization of the functional strategies in the form of quantifiable and measurable
objectives will result in the achievement of business level strategies as well.

3.What is the meaning of strategy implementation? Who implements strategy?

Strategy implementation is the translation of chosen strategy into
organizational action so as to achieve strategic goals and objectives
Strategy implementation is also defined as the manner in which an organization
should develop, utilize, and amalgamate organizational structure, control systems,
and culture to follow strategies that lead to competitive advantage and a better
performance. Organizational structure allocates special value developing tasks and
rolesto the employees and states how these tasks and roles can be correlated so as 
maximizeefficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction-the pillars of competitive a
dvantage. But,organizational structure is not sufficient in itself to motivate the
employees. Developing an organization having potential of carrying out strategy
successfully. Disbursement of abundant resources to strategy-essential activities.
Creating strategy-encouraging policies. Employing best policies and programs for
constant improvement. Linking reward structure to accomplishment of results.
Making use of strategic leadership
Strategy implementation poses a threat to many managers and employees in anorg
anization. New power relationships are predicted and achieved. New groups
(formal as well as informal) are formed whose values, attitudes, beliefs and
concerns may not be known. With the change in power and status roles, the
managers and employees may employ confrontation behavior.

4 What are the objectives for recruiting and hiring?

Job Requirements

Is this person qualified to carry out his or her duties? It is essential that a
recruiter be able to identify applicants who are capable of the specific duties
related to the job in question. For example, if one is searching for a sales
representative, experience with professional presentations would be an asset.
Draw up a good job description that outlines the specific job requirements and
qualifications associated with those requirements. During the interview, ask
specific questions that will help determine whether the applicant is a good fit.
To use the sales representative example once again, the recruiter might ask
the applicant to speak about a time when he or she demonstrated initiative in
attracting a new customer


Is this person a good fit for the organization? In order to find the best possible
person for a job, it is essential that the recruiter look beyond the applicant's
formal education and work experience. Recruiters must also pay close
attention to the applicant's personality traits, behavior, and general demeanor
in order to decide whether she will get along with the organization's current
employees. Recruiters might ask themselves, "Can I imagine myself and my co-
workers having lunch with this person?" or "Will this person get along with my
co-workers in meetings? Formal job requirements are important, but some
consider personality traits, behavior and demeanor to be just as important to a
successful recruitment process


High turnover rates can be costly for any organization. Therefore, It is

important to ensure that the applicant shares the long-term goals of the
organization before he is recruited. Call centers, for example, are notorious for
hiring employees who stay only a few weeks before leaving. This costs the
company time and money, and can have a negative impact on morale around
the office. Before recruiting an applicant, make sure that the job requirements
are in line with his motivations and aspirations
5. How does Human Resource Management contribute to a successful strategy

The role of HR department in proper strategy implementation is very

important. The role of HR is not only to do recruitment and a stable job periods
but also the strategies implementation through proper training to the
After implementation, The second step of HR department is to ensure the
proper co-ordination among all the departments for smooth flow of the
strategy to be implemented.
There are some cases arises when implementing strategy cause problem in the
process flow, Role of HR department is to come ahead and solve the problem
by consulting with the Floor/Account Manager.
the support and performance of the employees from all strategies of the
organization are inevitable. The human resource department is the only
department which has access and whose activities have a direct impact on all
the employees. Hence, the role played by the HR in the implementation of the
strategy is considerable

6. What is strategic control? Explain the 3-step model by Pearce and Robinson.

Strategic control- is a way to manage to execute the plan or strategic plan in

my goal In a management process, The main concerned of strategic control is
to help the internal and external problem that affects my strategic plan in my

Premise Control- The work of premise control is to check the premise at the
beginning which is the strategy is still valid, if an important premise in no
longer valid, the strategy may have to be change premise are primarily
concerned with two types of factos

Environmental Factors( for example Inflation,technology,interest rates,

regulations, and demographic/social changes)
Industry Factors( examples competitors, suppliers, substitutes, and barriers to
The implementation control, which provides relevant information to the
manager that helps him or her conclude that the chosen strategy is moving
towards an expected direction. Consequently, it enables the manager to
conduct milestone reviews of the plan at certain intervals. Besides, strategic
surveillance is another type that the project manager designs in order to
observe diverse forces within and outside the organization that might affect
the strategy. This model is underpinned by the notion of uncovering significant
information through the monitoring of various information sources

Strategic surveillance- is the observation of events and situations that may

affect a company’s bottom line. This can be achieved through customer
interviews, the review of industry-related research, and the monitoring of
websites and social media. For the fashion industry, which often suffers in
economic downturn, strategic surveillance is essential for tracking new trends,
customer preferences and even determining marketing strategy.
Strategic surveillance helps companies determine how much customers are
willing to spend on any specific item, such as a bag designed by a premier
design label. For example, certain websites allow bag designers to learn what
their customers think about the price of their items. Customers can freely
express their displeasure at a price increase or happiness at the benefit of a
discount purchase. This information can later be factored into pricing
strategies by fashion companies.

7. Can a company avoid making corrective actions? Why or why not

I think no because corrective action is like an a incident happening that you

didn’t it will happen No company is immune from accidents, misconduct and
other incidents in the workplace. The corrective actions you take in response
to these occurrences, though, makes the difference between a functional,
enjoyable work culture and a toxic one. Most disciplinary actions are seen as
adverse actions. This is because most of them are aimed at instilling some level
of pain or discomfort on the employees. When an employee is demoted for
having a poor attitude towards work of for consistently not achieving the set
targets, the action adversely affects them.
Progressive discipline is a concept applied in the practice of human resource
management. The concept stipulates that a penalty for a wrong doing should
keep increasing with repetition. This means that every time an employee does
a wrong, the penalty is stiffer than the previous time the same wrong was
committed. It is aimed at discouraging repeated mistakes within the
organization. The first time may attract a verbal reprimand, the second a
written warning, the third a suspension while the fourth would attract a
demotion and finally dismissal.
Progressive discipline enables the human resource department to continually
influence employee behavior. The fact that a stiffer penalty is imposed each
time an offence is repeated means that the employees are highly motivated to
achieve the organizations expectations. The effectiveness of the actions is
enhanced by several issues. First, the action should be timely.
One should take action early enough before the behavior develops in to a
habit. This is amounts to a nip on the bud. Secondly, one should be fair in
application. Fairness is first seen by clarifying and clearing the expectations
placed on the employee within the organization. More importantly, the actions
should direct the employee’s behavior. This is through availing avenues of
solving the existing problems with the workers.
In the process of enforcing the progressive disciplinary action, it is important
that one is careful not to violate the rights of the employees. Due Process right
of an employee refers to the full consideration of the legal implications of the
actions taken against an employee. It is critical for the rights of an employee
to be fully respected to avoid cases where disputes arise on the legality of the
This not only ensures that the process of human resource management is
smooth, but also ensures that the organization is free of legal tussles. The most
important dimensions of progressive discipline actions include fairness and
measured severity. The actions should be fair and consistent among the
employees. When one is reprimanded, the second penalty should be just
slightly severe and should not jump to dismissal

8. Explain the different modes of corrective action. State the specific situation
when each mode should be implemented.
The main purpose of the corrective and preventive action is to gather
information, analyze it, identify and investigate product problems and quality
problems, and have proper and effective corrective and/or preventive action
to prevent their recurrence. In other words, the purpose of corrective action is
to correct any issues that you’ve identified. You could be trying any number of
means to ensure that the incident doesn’t happen again or can’t spread any
further. For instance, genuine activities may incorporate stopping the
manufacturing procedure until you've got to the bottom of the issue or placing
items into quarantine rather enabling them to go out to clients and end-users.
There are three choices of corrective action:
1. Normal mode - follow a routine, no crisis approach; this take more time
2. As hoc crash mode - saves time by speeding up the response process, geared
to the problem ad hand.
3. Preplanned crisis mode - specifies a planned response in advance; this
approach lowers the response time and increases the capacity for handling
strategic surprises.
Revise the Standards. It is entirely possible that the standards are not in line with
objectives and strategies selected. Changing an established standard usually is
necessary if the standards were set too high or to low are the outset. In such cases it's
the standard that needs corrective attention not the performance.
Revise the Objective. Some deviations from the standard may by justified because of
changes in environmental conditions, or other reasons. In these circumstances,
adjusting the objectives can y much more logical and sensible then adjusting
Revise the Strategies. Deciding on internal changes and taking corrective action may
involve changes in strategy. A strategy that was originally appropriate can become
inappropriate during a period because of environmental shifts.
Revise the Structure, System or Support. The performance deviation may by caused
by an inadequate organizational structure, systems, or resource support. Each of
these factors is discussed elsewhere in this chapter, or other part of this thesis.
Revise Activity. The most common adjustment involves additional coaching by
management, additional training, more positive incentives, more negative incentives,
improved scheduling, compensation practices, training programs, the redesign of jobs
or the replacement of personnel.
Managers can also attempt to influence events or trends external to itself through
advertising or other public awareness programs. In such case, the changes should be
made only after the most intense scrutiny.

Management must remember that adjustments in any of the above areas may require
adjustments in one or more of the other factors. For example, adjusting the
objectives is likely to require different strategies, standards, resources, activities,
and perhaps organizational structure and systems.

II CASE/SITUATION (15 points each). Discuss by writing at least 10 sentences for each
Case/situation. Refer to the Rubric for scoring guide in evaluating and checking your

1. James Washington was a young graduate of the organizations Management Trainee

Program. He recently assumed the manager’s job at one of the organizations service
centers, Northview Servicing. Dorothy Rogers had been an assistant manager at
Northview for over 12 years and was more than twice James’ age. After a series of
encounters with her, James began to feel that Dorothy was resisting is taking over
leadership of the service center and was working behind his back to undermine his
authority. James threatened to fire her at one point. Subsequently, she became
passive and withdrawn. To James astonishment, one day after the store had closed;
she brought out a portable television and placed in on her desk, intending to watch it.
This act was in direct violation of company directives. James wondered what to do
about this situation.
A. What is the problem?
First, there is the immediate problem of Dorothy violating company rules by bringing
out the television. Second, there is more inherent and deep-rooted problem of James
establishing a working relationship with someone with whom he has had difficulty. To
simplify questions even more, James is dependent upon Dorothy for help with
managing the center because of her expertise and background. Unfortunately, James
indicates that he has an attitude and set of assumptions about her that can hamper
the establishment of a good working relationship (for example, his derogatory and
backhanded compliment that she was a “smart enough broad”). James’ limited
experience managing others will be a drawback in this respect. Third, there is the
more profound problem of establishing effective control and leadership over the
service center.
B. What are the alternatives?
It is not to late for James to hold a transition meeting with the staff. In this meeting,
there is a mutual communication about expectation, styles, and needs. Such a
meeting would allow him to detail his performance expectations and management
practices as well as learn more about what employees wand and need. From that
day , he can hold follow up meetings with each employee individually
He should ask to talk with Dorothy privately . As part of that session, he should
indicate matter of facts but firmly that television watching is not acceptable , he
should explain why and ask for Dorothy’s help
James should raise these issues assertively. That is, he should preface his remarks by
nothing that he is still new to managing and that he will likely make some mistakes.
For example, it would be appropriate to apologize for the firing threat made earlier.
He should explain his frustration in trying to find a good working relationship and ask
if she has any similar feelings. This approach could be a nonconfrontational way to
open up for discussion how the will work together.
James effort to redirect the quality of their relationship does not mean, though that
he step aside center leadership duties, he should spend more time working with
Dorothy to define and implement changes in their respective duties For example in a
discussion with Dorothy , James should state his plan and rationale as well as ask for
help and suggestion, James should be attentive to indication that he is failing to
establish a workable relation with Dorothy he may need to begin either to transfer her
to discipline her or to terminate her.

C. Which alternative is the best

James should raise these issues assertively. That is, he should preface his remarks by
nothing that he is still new to managing and that he will likely make some mistakes.
For example, it would be appropriate to apologize for the firing threat made earlier.
He should explain his frustration in trying to find a good working relationship and ask
if she has any similar feelings. This approach could be a nonconfrontational way to
open up for discussion how the will work together.

2. Charles Thompson recently was appointed manager of the Business Services

Department. Earlier in his center, he had worked as a specialist in this department for
18 months, until he transferred to another department. When he moved back, he was
reunited with a group he had previously worked with. This group, known officially as
the Business Services group, was experienced and effective in working together.
Spurred by his new boss to improve service quality, Charles raised their quotas by 20
percent and threatened to put anyone who did not meet this quota on formal
discipline. After two weeks, he did so to one employee. There is now a major morale
problem and grievance filled with the Personnel Department.
a. How should Charles have responded to his manager’s interest in starting the Service
Quality Management program?
-Charles should have asked her new boss about the consequences if they weren’t able
to accomplished on what being asked to them. He should have suggested some ideas
to her new boss that would not give burden to his co-employees, like decrease
the quotas and making other actions aside from submitting someone to a formal
disciplinary action if he/she failed to meet the said quota. He should have also
suggested that the employees should have an extra training program in order for them
to cope with the changes.
B. Describe the problem(s) facing Charles
His co-employee who failed to meet the 20% quota hated him which affected the
other employees. The employees are also planning to be transferred, because if they
failed to meet the quota they will also be submitted in to a formal disciplinary action.
And it may result in to more employee complaints, and employee turnover and maybe
worst a conflict between them. These scenarios will result in to a lack of productivity.

c. What should Charles do to respond to the problem?

He should set a general meeting in which the employees could raise their problems
regarding with Service Quality Management Program, and he should raise it to his
boss. In order for them to make some changes and implementations, because human
capital is the most important part of a company, if the employees are not with what
they are doing, they might not have achieved the best that they could do. And
provide some training programs for he employees in order for them to adapt or cope
with the changes.

When the head of the Strategic Management Division retired, he was replaced by
Henry Carpenter, who had been managing another division in the company. Randle
began fraternizing with Carpenter almost as soon as Carpenter friends. Although he
had a vague feeling that something was not quite right about Randle, he did not
become alarmed about the supervisor until one of Randle’s employees inquired about
the status of her performance increase and promotion, which Randle had promised
her some time ago. Upon investigating the matter further with a second employee
Gilmore learned that Randle seldom supervised employees, but would occasionally
pressure them into completing an assignment, onto which he would later put his
name. After he discovered this, Gilmore alerted Carpenter, and then phoned Randle,
who was home on vacation. He told Randle’s wife that they would not be commuting
to work anymore. Randle’s wife mentioned that she and her husband were having
family problems lately. Next, Gilmore prepared an evaluation of Randle to coincide
with the supervisor’s first anniversary with the company.
a. What are the problems at this point
The current problems are several. One is that Gilmore now trusts Randle very
lite. Second that Randle has suggested himself in to a friendly relationship with
Gilmores boss. Third Randle has acted inappropriately with his employees,
creating morale and production problems Deeper concern the extent to which
Randle has been performing his jobs tasks effectively Gilmore cannot answer
this question

b. Evaluate how well Gilmore is handling these problems.

Anyway Gilmore is acting appropriately. for example he is direct investigated
Randle supervision once he was tipped of by a unhappy employee. It is not
clear in the case what action he took to resolve that employee problem,
although he should have initiated some action he also acted well telling his
boss to a problem and understood that Carpenter should distance himself from
Randle he also acted well in undoing their relationship as commuters, In some
contexts Randle plagiarism of employee work should be considered wrong and
considered worthy of disciplinary action.

c. Recommend how he should deal with the problem.

He should ask for a full and whole accounting of the rank of all projects
assigned to Randle he should advice Randle about his management practices
and make sure that the problem with Randle’s employee is resolved as
effectively as possible, he should determine whether disciplinary action is
necessary for Randle plagiarism the performance consideration should be more
clear and strong
d. Evaluate Gilmore’s performance appraisal of Randle.

Gilmore appraisal of Randle was insufficient he needs to provide more details

of specific areas of performance. He should note past cases of performance
problems (sideline business activities, supervisory practices) He should be
supposed to state that Randle must improve meaningfully or end may be

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