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Academia de San Lorenzo Dema-ala Inc.

Tialo, Sto. Cristo, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Subject: Media and Information Literacy
Name: ________________________________________
Teacher: Mrs. Mary Grace A. Castellon

LEARNING CONTENT: Introduction to Media and Information Literacy

REFERENCE/S: DIWA Senior High School Series
1.1. Editorialize the value of being a media and information literate individual.
1.2. Relate critical thinking with media, and information literacy in the production, consumption and
transfer of media, and information products by society.
1.3. Share media habits, lifestyle, and preferences to other people.

I. Media and Information: The Means and the Ends in Communication
 Media and Information are so intertwined.
 These two distinct elements are intrinsically interconnected with the concept of communication.

II. A Closer Look at Media and Information

 Mediate – means occupying a middle position, base word is media. Media is the plural
form of medium.

Different Definitions of Media

Oxford Learner’s - the main way that large numbers of people receive information
Dictionaries and entertainment, that is television, radio, newspapers, and
the internet.
UNESCO Media and - refers to the combination of physical objects used to
Information Literacy communicate or mass communication through physical objects
Curriculum for Teachers such as radio, television, computers, or film, etc.
- refers to the print medium or communication, which includes all
newspapers, periodicals, magazines, journals, and
Presidential Decree No.
publications and all advertising therein, and billboards, and
neon signs and the like.
Categories of Media
Modality text, audio, video, graphics, animation
Format digital analog
Way of Transmitting electromagnetic or radio waves, light waves
Mass Media Form TV, radio, print, internet, telephone, or mobile

 Media Modality – refers to the nature of message, whether it is relayed using text, audio,
video, graphics, animation, or a combination of any of these things.

 Media Format – is the way the data is arranged. The data or message may be transmitted
through radio waves (for audio) and light waves for other modalities.

 Information – all the definitions of media suggest that is a conduit for transmitting.

 World Wide Web (www) – one of the more convenient sources of information nowadays.

Mrs. Mary Grace A. Castellon

Prepared by

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