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Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834

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Original Research Paper

Prediction of hopper discharge rate using combined discrete element

method and artificial neural network
Raj Kumar a, Chetan M. Patel a,⇑, Arun K. Jana a, Srikanth R. Gopireddy b
Department of Chemical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat 395007, India
Daiichi-Sankyo Europe GmbH, Pharmaceutical Development, Luitpoldstrasse 1, 85276 Pfaffenhofen, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was developed to predict the mass discharge rate from conical hop-
Received 22 April 2018 pers. By employing Discrete Element Method (DEM), numerically simulated flow rate data from different
Received in revised form 28 July 2018 internal angles (20°–80°) hoppers were used to train the model. Multi-component particle systems (bin-
Accepted 6 August 2018
ary and ternary) were simulated and mass discharge rate was estimated by varying different parameters
Available online 17 August 2018
such as hopper internal angle, bulk density, mean diameter, coefficient of friction (particle-particle and
particle-wall) and coefficient of restitution (particle-particle and particle-wall). The training of ANN
was accomplished by feed forward back propagation algorithm. For validation of ANN model, the authors
Discrete element method
Artificial neural network
carried out 22 experimental tests on different mixtures (having different mean diameter) of spherical
Discharge rate glass beads from different angle conical hoppers (60° and 80°). It was found that mass discharge rate pre-
Rose and Tanaka equation dicted by the developed neural network model is in a good agreement with the experimental discharge
rate. Percentage error predicted by ANN model was less than ±13%. Furthermore, the developed ANN
model was also compared with existing correlations and showed a good agreement.
Ó 2018 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder
Technology Japan. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction where, m_ is the discharge rate, C is a discharge rate constant having

value 0.58 for most of the materials, q is the bulk density, D is the
The accurate prediction of mass discharge rate of granular outlet diameter of hopper, k is a shape factor having value 1.5 for
material has been a subject of intense research over the past dec- spherical particles and d is the particle diameter. This equation
ade. Behavior of the multi-component system of particles in the was found to give a good estimate of mass discharge rate for cylin-
different internal angle hoppers is a vital issue for numerous indus- drical hopper assembly having circular outlet. The effect of hopper
trial applications such as pharmaceutical, agricultural, chemical, angle on discharge rate was not captured by the Beverloo correla-
powder processing, etc. [1]. The granular flow prediction has been tion. However, the multiplicative correction factor ðtanhtanvÞ0:35
extensively studied by many researchers in the past [2–10]. Major introduced by Rose and Tanaka [3] can be applied to Beverloo cor-
emphasis in all these studies has been on understanding the key relation to study the effect of hopper angle on discharge rate as
parameters, which ultimately decide the mass discharge rate. The shown below:
studied parameters include mean diameter and bulk density of pffiffiffi
granular mixture [2], hopper shape [3] hopper outlet diameter _ ¼ Cq gðD  k:dÞ2:5 Fcorr
[5], fill height etc. In all of these studies, dependence of discharge
rate with different parameters was analyzed based on experiments 1; tanh tanv > 1
and dimensional analysis. Based on dimensional analysis, Beverloo where; Fcorr ¼
ðtanh tanvÞ0:35 ; tanh tanv < 1
et al. [2] presented the following equation:
pffiffiffi In the above equation, h is hopper angle from vertical and v is
_ ¼ C q g ðD  k:dÞ2:5
the angle from the horizontal of the stagnant-flowing boundary.
In the absence of reliable information regarding v, a value of 45°
is recommended. But the dependence of wall friction, particles size
distribution, bulk density etc. on discharge rate constant C in
⇑ Corresponding author. Beverloo correlation has generated a fair amount of debate in the
E-mail address: (C.M. Patel). last decade or so [5,6,9,11]. Mankoc et al. [9] modified the Beverloo
0921-8831/Ó 2018 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.
R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834 2823

correlation including an exponential form of the flowing density as was generated. Secondly, the generated DEM data was used for
a function of the outlet size instead of bulk density. Janda et al. [10] training the ANN model with the objective to develop a neural net-
studied the flow of a monodisperse stainless steel spheres through work that considers the material and hopper properties in predict-
an orifice placed at the bottom of a two-dimensional silo. By mea- ing the discharge rate from hoppers. Finally, using the developed
suring the volume fraction and the velocity profile at the outlet, an ANN model validation studies are performed by comparing the
analytic expression for the mass flow rate was developed which results with that of ANN model, experiments and DEM simulations.
reproduces the experimental results. Despite the above mentioned With this study it is possible to provide a first estimate of the dis-
studies, the two empirical coefficients (C and k) which are used in charge rate out of a given hopper within the tuned range.
Beverloo equation are determined experimentally for different
kind of granular material along with hopper properties. Other 2. Numerical simulation methodology
aspects of problem are the difficulties in performing these experi-
ments in different type and angle hoppers. This section presents the details about numerical simulations
With the advancement of computational methods and along with the mathematical approach, geometrical configuration
resources, considerable efforts have been put into understanding as well as material properties considered in simulations.
the discharge process out of various types of hoppers numerically
and the results are validated experimentally. The use of simulation 2.1. Discrete element method
tools to understand the physics behind granular flow is playing a
crucial role to insure better product quality. In this category, Dis- DEM is based on the use of an explicit numerical method where
crete Element Method (DEM) has rapidly become a computational the trajectory and forces of each and every particle in the system
paradigm of prime interest of research community in the field of are captured through suitable contact law and Newton’s equation
particle technology [12]. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is of motion. Fig. 1 shows the geometrical representation of two par-
fast-developing numerical technique, posing significant impact ticles in contact.
on particle technology sector [13–18]. It has proved to be a great The particles are allowed to overlap and the amount of overlap
computation tool after its introduction by Cundall and Strack (d) along with the normal (vn) and tangential (vt) relative velocities
[19]. Application of Discrete Element Method (DEM) in several sec- (at the contact point) determine the collisional forces via a contact
tors including powder processing is getting a wide space because force law. The contact forces are commonly decomposed into nor-
of its positive response in prediction of powder flow out of storage mal (Fn) and tangential forces (Ft). In general, contact forces during
container [20–24]. Hohner et al. [25] studied the mechanical inter- the simulation are determined from the particle displacement that
actions of particles with varying sphericity and aspect ratio in a is expressed as the particle overlap using an appropriate contact
rectangular hopper using experimental and DEM simulations. Peng force model. Cundall and Strack [19] first formulated their force
et al. [26] studied the different flow regions in flat bottomed cylin- model through the use of a spring, dash-pot and slider configura-
drical hoppers in terms of velocity and voidage distributions of tion. A typical assembly of this configuration is shown in Fig. 2.
particles via DEM simulation. Anand et al. [20] employed DEM to In this type of models the spring mimics the elasticity beha-
calculate the discharge rate from rectangular/wedge-shaped hop- viour of contacting particles and damper is used to mimic the dis-
per. They studied the dependency of hopper geometry, coefficient sipation (damping) caused by the contact of two particles. So the
of friction (particle-particle and particle-wall) and fill height on net force is simply given by the sum of these two forces. The model
discharge rate. They suggested that particle-particle friction cannot assumes that elastic interparticle contact forces are linearly depen-
be ignored in determining the discharge rate. In this context, DEM dent on the particle overlap. For contact to occur, distance r
can be useful candidate in predicting discharge rate by capturing between two particles of radii (Ri) and (Rj) is less than their contact
material and hopper wall properties (friction, restitution etc) for distance d = Ri + Rj. There exists no force between the particles
hopper discharge process under investigation. However, this DEM when r > d. Depending on the characteristics of the model, the cor-
methodology is limited by the related computational costs relation between the forces and particle overlap varies. In general
required to run test simulations. So in order to avoid repetitive force balance equation for interacting particles is given by:
DEM simulations, DEM can be used as a benchmark to train Artifi-
cial Neural Network (ANN) model for prediction of mass discharge Fij ¼ Fnij þ Ftij
rate. The applicability of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is
where Fnij and Ftij is normal and tangential force acting between
increased in recent years by providing solution to non-linear and
particles (i, j) respectively and is given by equations as:
complex problems [27–30]. Benvenuti et al. [29] presented identi-
fication method for DEM simulation parameters with the help of Fnij ¼ Kn d3=2
n ;
ANN. They applied this parameter identification method to study
angle of repose. By doing so, they were able to reduce required
Ft ij ¼ Kt dt ;
DEM test simulations and resulted in low computational cost.
ANN has been accepted as a robust and realistic method to pin- In the above equations, Kn and Kt are normal and tangential
point the complex correlations between the input and output stiffness and dn and dt are the normal and cumulative shear dis-
parameters, but the application of ANN in prediction of mass dis- placement. The magnitude of dt is truncated as necessary to satisfy
charge rate during hopper discharge is still in its infancy. a local Coulomb yield criterion Ftij = l Fnij, where l is the particle-
Thus motivation of present study to reduce the experimental particle friction coefficient. Therefore, the contact surfaces are trea-
and computational cost in the mass discharge rate prediction of ted as sticking when Ftij < l Fnij, and as slipping when the Coulomb
granular material flowing out from different hoppers. In the pre- yield criterion is satisfied. Zhu et al. [31] has elucidated the detailed
sent study, the combined effect of (1) bulk density, (2) particle theory behind the DEM in his literature review, while the details of
mean diameter of mixtures, (3) hopper angle, (4) particle-particle different models can be found elsewhere [32,33]. The current study
and (5) particle-wall coefficient of friction, (6) particle-particle aims at prediction of discharge rate under different material and sys-
and (7) particle-wall coefficient of restitution on mass discharge tem attributes by using well-developed model of DEM. In this work
rate are investigated. Firstly, DEM simulations were performed to all the simulations were performed using the open source DEM soft-
calculate discharge rate by changing the above mentioned seven ware LIGGGHTS [34,35]. In the present study LIGGGHTS version 3.5.0
parameters. Based on these simulations, input and output data is used. The implementation of all the models along with their vali-
2824 R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834

Fig. 1. Geometrically representation of two particles in contact.

Fig. 2. Basic contact model between two particles.

dation within LIGGGHTS is given by [35]. The contact model based All the numerical simulations performed in the present study,
on Hertz’s law is used to compute the forces between the interacting correspond to binary and ternary mixtures having different mean
particles in all simulations. particle diameter. The preparations of mixtures were done by
changing the particles proportion systematically so as to achieve
2.2. Computational setup and material properties 100% mixture mass (Table 2).
Corresponding to particular mixture, bulk density and mean
The hoppers under investigation in present study are of a coni- diameter was calculated. The range of these mixture variables
cal hopper having different internal angle. A schematic of the hop- along with material and hopper properties are listed in Table 3.
per is shown in Fig. 3. In all simulations, first the particles were filled with the random
The construction of all geometries were done using Gmsh [36], mixed fill method into selected hopper. The fill heights in all sim-
and later imported to LIGGGHTS environment in .stl format as ulation cases were much above the critical fill height such that it
walls to study discharge process. Table 1 gives the detailed dimen- has no effect on flow rate [11]. After the complete settlement of
sions of all hoppers used in the simulations. In order to mitigate particles inside the hopper, lid of hopper was opened. The mass
the effect of hopper outlet, outlet diameter of all hoppers was kept discharge rate was calculated by recording the time for complete
constant (equal to 1 cm, see Table 1). discharge of material from the hopper. In this way, different
R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834 2825

based on the following four major assumptions [38], (1) inputs

handling by processing elements (neurons), (2) inputs are passed
to adjacent layers through neurons connections, (3) each neuron
connection has an associated weight, and the transmitted input
from each neuron is simply the product of respective input and
its weight, and (4) transmitted input pass through an activation
or transfer function of neuron in order to determine its output
Fig. 4 shows a typical neuron structure where each input (x)
coming from other neurons are multiplied by their respective
weights (wi, 1  i  n), and then summed up with a bias vector
(b). This summed input (s) or information is passed through an
activation function (f) to get the output (a) of particular neuron
[39]. Given an vector X, the neural network can map it to another
vector, a via:
a ¼ f ðW:X þ bÞ
The mean squared error (MSE), i.e. the difference between the
network output vector and the known target vector, is computed
and back-propagated through ANN to modify the weights for the
entire network, a process referred to as training. In this category,
back-propagation training algorithm is the most popular one
[40]. The accuracy (or competence) and generalization of ANN
Fig. 3. Computational setup of hoppers used in simulations. model completely depends upon amount and quality of training
data [41]. The total number of data sets to train the model com-
pletely depends upon complexity of the input/output relationship
numerical simulations were performed to predict the discharge
and amount of noise in the data. Furthermore, with relatively small
rate by variation of the mixture and material conditions (Tables
amounts of training data ANN model may over-fit the data result-
2 and 3). The parameters such as coefficient of friction i.e.
ing in less generalization accuracy. Many authors [42,43] sug-
particle-particle (lpp) and particle-wall (lpw), coefficient of restitu-
gested Design of Experiments (DoE) method to determine the
tion i.e. particle-particle (epp) and particle-wall (epw) were varied
parameter combinations for problem definition.
to investigate their influence on discharge rate. The numerical sim-
Before the network training, it is often useful to scale the inputs
ulations were performed to study the effect of bulk density, hopper
and targets data so that they fall in the range [1, 1] by using the
internal angle, mean mixture diameter, coefficient of friction (lpp
following equation:
and lpw), and restitution coefficient (epp and epw) on discharge
rate. In order to have clear understanding towards the impact of y ¼ ðymax - ymin Þ  ðx - xmin Þ=ðxmax - xmin Þ þ ymin ;
each and every parameter on the discharge rate, 96 simulation
where, Xmin and Xmax are minimum and a maximum of data set. In
runs were performed. Hence, the mass discharge rate data of differ-
some circumstances, the dimension of input data is large and highly
ent simulation conditions having different input parameters were
correlated (redundant). In such situations, Principal component
obtained and used for training the Artificial Neural Network (see
analysis (PCA) is an effective way to reduce the dimension of input
Section 4.1).
matrix [44]. It allows recognition of relationship between variables,
hence lower the dimensionality of the data set. The PCA can be used
3. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling to effectively remove those components that contribute minimal to
the variation in the data set. Such treatment is highly desirable,
Artificial neural networks is a robust computational tool mod- when the number of factors affecting the output is unusually high.
eled as information processing representation of biological sys- However, in the present study number of factors are seven, which is
tems [27]. They are usually presented by interconnected manageable and the study intend to capture the effects of all the
‘‘neurons” that can compute values from inputs by processing seven factors on the mass discharge rate in the present work.
through the network. A typical neuron can receive one or more Many commercial ANN software are available in market and in
input signals and give an output signal which purely depends upon this particular study, Matlab R2014a software has been used.
the processing function of neuron. The network architecture com-
prises of series of layers of neurons which are connected with each 4. Results and discussion
other [37]. It mainly consists of three layers: the input layer, the
hidden layer, and the output layer. Each layer is connected to the 4.1. Neural network model fitting
other layer by the neurons. The information from one layer to
another layer is transferred by these neurons. In this way, informa- Development of ANN model for the prediction of flow rate from
tion is reached to output layer. The basic mechanism of ANN is conical hoppers is presented in this section. The seven inputs to

Table 1
Detailed dimensions of hoppers used in simulations.

Internal angle of hopper (h) 20° 40° 60° 80°

Diameter of cylindrical part (cm) 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48
Height of cylindrical part (cm) 4 3.95 2.56 3.30
Height of conical part (cm) 13.2 6.65 4.38 3.17
Outlet diameter (cm) 1 1 1 1
2826 R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834

Table 2
Detail of mixture preparation for training the ANN model.

Mixtures Glass beads diameter (mm) Mass percentage (%)

(d1) (d2) (d3) (md1) (md2) (md3)
1 0.4 – 2 10 – 90
2 0.4 – 2 20 – 80
3 0.4 – 2 30 – 70
4 0.4 – 2 40 – 60
5 0.4 1.5 2 10 45 45
6 0.4 1.5 2 20 40 40
7 0.4 1.5 2 30 35 35
8 0.4 1.5 2 40 30 30
9 0.78 – 1.85 10 – 90
10 0.78 – 1.85 20 – 80
11 0.78 – 1.85 30 – 70
12 0.78 – 1.85 40 – 60
13 0.78 1.35 1.85 10 45 45
14 0.78 1.35 1.85 20 40 40
15 0.78 1.35 1.85 30 35 35
16 0.78 1.35 1.85 40 30 30
17 1 – 2 10 – 90
18 1 – 2 20 – 80
19 1 – 2 30 – 70
20 1 – 2 40 – 60
21 1 1.5 2 10 45 45
22 1 1.5 2 20 40 40
23 1 1.5 2 30 35 35
24 1 1.5 2 40 30 30

Table 3 A total of 96 input-output data sets were generated based on

Seven Input variables used in simulations. DEM simulations (as described in Section 2). The assignment of
Variables Range training, validation and test data were random but fixed during
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1486–1930
the trial of selecting the best ANN architecture. Out of 96 input-
Mean diameter (mm) 0.74–1.81 output data sets, 70% of data sets were used for training, 15% of
Hopper angle (h) 20°–80° data sets were used for testing and the remaining 15% of data sets
Coefficient of friction (–) Particle-particle contact (lpp) 0.2–0.9 for cross validation of the selected network. In the present work,
Particle-wall contact (lpw) 0.5–0.94
training of the ANN model was done using TRAINLM function. This
Coefficient of restitution (–) Particle-particle contact (epp) 0.6–0.94
Particle-wall contact (epw) 0.6–0.9 function uses back propagation algorithm scheme which updates
weights and bias values according to Levenberg-Marquardt (LM)
optimization algorithm. The available data sets were trained,
tested and validated by changing neural network architecture such
as number of hidden layers, number of neurons in each layers, type
network for prediction of mass discharge rate were bulk density,
of activation function in hidden and output layers etc. The optimal
internal angle of hopper, mean diameter, coefficient of friction
ANN structure was attained based on minimum value of MSE of the
(lpp and lpw) and coefficient of restitution (epp and epw). The com-
training, testing, and cross validation data set. Table 4 presents dif-
plete scheme for ANN model is shown in Fig. 5.
ferent ANN model architecture tested during model fitting, in

Fig. 4. A typical structure of neuron.

R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834 2827

Fig. 5. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Scheme for discharge rate prediction.

Table 4
Comparison of different ANN architecture by changing number of neurons (5–11) at hidden with LM algorithm in terms of MSE.

ANN structure Training error Validation error Testing error Hidden activation Output activation
7-5-1 0.00026 1.69639 0.66325 tansig Purelin
7-5-1 0.00011 0.00658 0.14794 tansig Tansig
7-6-1 0.00021 0.00866 0.13974 tansig Tansig
7-6-1 0.00014 0.00662 0.01412 tansig Purelin
7-6-1 0.00024 0.00192 0.05400 tansig Purelin
7-7-1 0.00064 0.00059 0.00900 tansig Purelin
7-9-1 0.00002 0.67861 0.66243 tansig Purelin
7-10-1 0.00003 0.45664 0.96393 tansig Purelin
7-11-1 0.00001 0.03588 0.81895 tansig Purelin
7-11-1 0.00000 0.01135 0.22406 tansig Tansig
7-10-1 0.00001 0.02148 0.25281 tansig Tansig
7-9-1 0.00002 0.13604 0.18231 tansig Tansig
7-8-1 0.00002 0.00539 0.13562 tansig Tansig
7-7-1 0.07397 0.18383 0.22020 tansig Tansig
7-7-1 0.00004 0.00499 0.10403 logsig Tansig
7-7-1 0.00004 0.07518 0.02739 logsig Purelin
7-8-1 0.00012 1.90393 0.73625 logsig Purelin

terms of training, validation and testing errors with change in the charge rate. These acceptable fitting values indicate the accuracy of
hidden neurons (5–11) and different activation function in hidden selected ANN model. The matrices of the weights and biases of the
and output layers. It can be suggested from Table 4 that the mini- tuned ANN model have been presented in Table 5.
mum MSE for all data sets (training, validation and testing) were To investigate the learning ability of present ANN model with
attained using 7 numbers of neurons at hidden layer having a tan- DEM simulations, three extra DEM simulations (having log normal
gent sigmoid activation function (tansig) at input and a linear acti- distribution with varying width) were carried out. The mean diam-
vation function (purelin) at output layer. Thus, the best trained eter of considered distribution was within the tuned range of pre-
network is 7-7-1 as highlighted in the the Table 4, which is used sent ANN model. It is interestingly to note that this particle size
to predict the the discharge rate. distribution was completely different from the ones used to train
Fig. 6 shows that training, validation, testing and all data perfor- the model. Fig. 7 depicts the considered particle size distribution
mance of the selected ANN model. by mass having different distribution width.
Almost in all cases, the coefficient of determination to the linear Table 6 shows the comparison between predicted mass dis-
fit (R2) was close to 1 during the training, validation and testing of charge by ANN model and DEM simulations. Clearly, the developed
network. Hence the selected neural network was capable of pro- ANN model is able to capture the microscopic behaviour of granu-
viding a good correlation between targets and predicted mass dis- lar materials tracked by DEM simulations.
2828 R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834

Fig. 6. Scatter plot between ANN predicted flow rate and target flow rate (a) for training, (b) for validation, (c) for testing, and (d) all data.

Table 5
Weight and bias coefficients of the selected ANN model.

Hidden layer Output layer

Weights (wij)* and biases Weights (wij)** and
Hopper angle Mean diameter Bulk density lpp lpw epp epw biases MDR bias
1.7743 0.9571 1.5235 0.1493 0.8098 1.4838 0.3289 2.1311 1.8228 0.4895
2.6535 0.85561 1.5168 0.3140 1.0661 1.0602 2.6049 3.6924 1.6822
0.1751 0.7615 2.0570 1.6401 0.1174 0.8008 1.1185 1.7689 0.1735
4.4041 1.4808 0.14267 0.6431 1.6869 0.69626 0.4943 1.103 0.3043
1.7668 2.0529 1.759 1.6575 1.8267 0.66235 1.2962 0.5058 0.1924
0.0087 1.5604 3.9900 1.1971 0.7514 2.0364 0.4683 0.2605 0.0648
1.1371 0.4693 0.0235 0.6838 0.1949 0.1647 0.0316 0.3497 0.6073
Weight connection from the input layer to hidden layer.
Weight connection from the hidden layer to output layer.

These results are fascinating one since the cumbersome DEM E100 microscope. The mixtures with different fines mass fraction
simulations can be avoided by such a combined approach and thus were prepared by increasing fines amount by 10% successively,
saving the time to run the simulation each time. Furthermore, the where by coarse or medium size particles proportion was adjusted
tuned ANN model can also serve as a good standalone tool for pre- accordingly to achieve 100% mixture mass. Starting with binary
diction of mass discharge rate. mixture, which consists of coarse (1.85 ± 0.03) and fines
(0.78 ± 0.05) particles as described above, was prepared by varying
4.2. Experimental validation of fitted neural network model the fines amount by 10%, i.e. first binary mixture consisted of 40%
fines and 60% coarse particles by mass (see Table 7). Similarly other
In order to test the validity of trained Neural Network, 22 exper- mixtures were prepared as tabulated in the Table 7. Similarly, the
iments were performed using spherical glass beads particles. The ternary mixtures were prepared by increasing fines mass percent-
size of particles used in the experiment was 0.78 ± 0.05 (fines), age by 10% from one mixture to other whereas remaining propor-
1.35 ± 0.06 (medium) and 1.85 ± 0.03 (coarse). The letters f, m tion is filled with equal mass percentage of coarse and medium size
and c denotes the three size particles used in experiment in Table 7. particles. For example, for ternary mixture 1, the fines mass per-
The particle size measurements were done by using Nikon ECLIPSE centage was 40% whereas coarse and medium size particles mass
R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834 2829

drical diameter is 2.5 times the outlet diameter [45] and the outlet
diameter is larger than 6 times the diameter of the particles [5].
The outlet diameter is same for both the hoppers and is equal to
1 cm. The outlet of these hoppers were designed in such manner
that outlet can be closed while the material is filled, and can be
easily opened for discharging without disturbing the hopper and
the filled material. In all the experiments, the same amount of sam-
ple (100 g) was weighed and carefully filled into the hopper by
closing the hopper outlet. No tapping of material was done before
discharge. Once desired amount was filled into the selected hop-
per, the discharge rate measurement was performed by removing
the outlet lid slowly and then recording the time for complete
material discharge using a stopwatch. This procedure was repeated
at least five times for the selected hopper and selected material/
mixture and mean discharge rate as well as relative standard devi-
ation (RSD) were calculated. To reduce the influence of electro-
static charge during filling and discharging, static energy
Fig. 7. Particle size distribution by mass for considered distribution with varying discharge gun (Milty Zerostat 3 Anti-Static Gun, China) was used.
width. This device emits positive and negative ions to effectively neutral-
ize static charge that may be built up on surface (geometry or par-
Table 6
ticles). Table 7 shows the experimental and ANN predicted
Comparison of DEM simulations with ANN model for unseen particle size discharge rate (g/s) along with percentage (%) error for different
distribution. mixtures.
Mixture DEM (g/s) ANN model (g/s) Error between
It can be seen from Table 7 that most of the predicted discharge
DEM and ANN (%) rates were very close to the experiment discharge rates. It was also
found out that the percentage error in discharge rate prediction
a 25.20 24.42 3.10
b 25.93 25.69 0.93 was less than ±13% considering all experimental results. Although,
c 27.04 27.00 0.14 mono size particles were not used for training purpose, still ANN
model is predicting the discharge rate within permissible error.
These results confirmed validity of the selected ANN model for pre-
diction of discharge rate in different internal angle hoppers within
% were adjusted to 30% individually. The details about all the
the tuned range.
experimental mixtures are presented in Table 7. An acrylic mate-
rial based, three dimensional hoppers, having conical shape at bot-
tom with internal angle (h) of 60° and 80° were used for 4.3. Comparison of ANN model with the literature correlations
experimental purpose. The experimental hoppers with dimensions
are shown in Fig. 8. A comparative study between ANN model, DEM and literature
The experimental hoppers follow general guidelines to obtain correlations to calculate discharge rate is presented in this section.
uniform and reproducible mass discharge rate i.e. the upper cylin- These correlations are explained in Section 1.

Table 7
Comparison of experiment and ANN predicted value of discharge rate.

Mixture type Glass beads Mass percentage (%) Hopper angle Experiment (g/s) RSD (%) ANN predicted (g/s) % Error (ANN Vs experiments)
diameter (mm)
(d1) (d2) (d3) (md1) (md2) (md3)
Mono f – – 100 – – 60 24.51 0.92 28.18 13.02
– m – – 100 – 60 21.16 0.95 22.75 6.99
– – c – 100 60 19.25 0.80 18.85 2.12
f – – 100 – – 80 21.67 0.95 23.65 8.37
– m – – 100 – 80 18.53 0.51 18.64 0.59
– – c – 100 80 16.43 0.71 16.84 2.43
Binary f – c 40 – 60 60 23.05 0.91 24.72 6.76
f – c 30 – 70 60 22.34 1.10 23.51 4.98
f – c 20 – 80 60 21.42 0.99 22.47 4.67
f – c 10 – 90 60 20.53 1.41 20.84 1.49
f – c 40 – 60 80 19.79 1.58 21.58 8.29
f – c 30 – 70 80 19.14 0.86 19.77 3.19
f – c 20 – 80 80 18.29 0.84 19.00 3.74
f – c 10 – 90 80 17.62 0.78 17.96 1.89
Ternary f m c 40 30 30 60 23.31 0.90 25.58 8.87
f m c 30 35 35 60 22.73 0.37 24.57 7.49
f m c 20 40 40 60 22.07 0.68 23.76 7.11
f m c 10 45 45 60 21.31 1.14 22.68 6.04
f m c 40 30 30 80 20.49 0.50 21.58 5.05
f m c 30 35 35 80 19.94 0.75 21.00 5.05
f m c 20 40 40 80 19.17 0.82 19.76 2.99
f m c 10 45 45 80 18.52 0.85 19.09 2.99

f = 0.78 ± 0.05, m = 1.35 ± 0.06, c = 1.85 ± 0.03.

2830 R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834

Fig. 8. Schematic of the experimental hoppers having different internal angle.

4.3.1. Mass discharge rate of mono size particles 4.3.2. Mass discharge rate of binary and ternary mixtures
To find the applicability of ANN model, mono-disperse glass Fig. 10a shows the comparison of calculated discharge rate
bead were discharged from 60° and 80° hoppers. Fig. 9a and b between experimental, DEM, ANN model and Rose and Tanaka
shows the comparison of calculated discharge rate between exper- (RT) empirical correlation as a function of mean diameter (mm)
imental, DEM, ANN model and Rose and Tanaka (RT) empirical cor- in 60° hopper.
relation as a function of particle diameter (mm) in 60° and 80° As the mean diameter of granular mixture was increased, the
hopper respectively. flow rate tends to decrease and this behavior was very well cap-
First of all, ANN model captured the material interaction calcu- tured by DEM, ANN model and RT correlation along with experi-
lated by DEM simulations quite well despite the fact that mono ments. But for 60° hopper (Fig. 10a), ANN model over estimated
size particles system were not used during training of ANN model. experimental discharge rate and this over prediction begin to
The discharge rate tends to decrease with increasing particle size decline with increase in mean diameter. The data used to train
for both types of hoppers, which is in agreement with the previous ANN model was obtained by simulation results where indetermi-
results [46]. RT correlation provides a good estimation of mass dis- nate particles systems are considered as ideal spherical particles
charge rate in both angle hoppers at small mean diameter mono- [47]. Furthermore, the geometrical variations were common in
size particles. The under prediction of RT correlation at bigger glass beads and resulted in discrepancy between experiments
diameter may be due to the constant value of discharge rate con- and model. On the other hand, Rose and Tanaka (RT) correlation
stant, C for all size particles which is function of hopper half angle, showed a good agreement with experiments at small mean mix-
internal friction angle, wall friction, etc. [11]. On other hand, ANN ture diameter. The deviation of calculated discharge rate by RT cor-
model over predicted the mass discharge rate compared to the relation with experiments kept on increasing as the mean mixture
experimental results and this over prediction kept on decreasing diameter was increased above 1.2 mm. Due to change in particle
as the diameter of particles kept on increasing. distribution, there is significantly change in friction properties

Fig. 9. Comparison of mass discharge rate between experiment, DEM, ANN model and Rose and Tanaka (RT) relation, for monosize diameter (mm) in: (a) 60° hopper, (b) 80°
R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834 2831

Fig. 10. Comparison of mass discharge rate between experiment, DEM, ANN model and Rose and Tanaka (RT) relation, for different mean diameter (mm) in: (a) 60° hopper,
(b) 80° hopper.

between the particles and found to maximum for mixtures having

more number of large particles. This remarkable deviation from the
experiments at large mean diameter particle size above 1.2 mm
may be attributed due to use of constant value of discharge coeffi-
cient, C in Beverloo equation, which accounts for friction effects
between particles and hopper wall. The effect of change in internal
angle on flow rate prediction by ANN model and RT correlation was
also investigated (Fig. 10b). As is seen in Fig. 10b the prediction of
discharge rate in 80° hopper by ANN model and Rose and Tanaka
correlation had improvement when compared with experimental
results. The prediction of flow rate by ANN model in 80° hopper
was less than +9% error as compared to experimental discharge
rate irrespective of mean diameter of the particles. But, the devia-
tion of experimental discharge rate from the RT correlation was
found high at large mean mixture diameter (above 1.3 mm).
Whereas, the prediction by ANN model in 80° hopper showed
improvement for almost entire range of mean diameter of parti-
cles. Hence combined prediction by DEM and ANN in prediction
of mass discharge rate can work satisfactory within the tuned
range. However, the applicability of this model can be enhanced
Fig. 11. Sensitivity analysis of input variable in coded forms.
by presenting a large problem space.

4.4. Sensitivity analysis

hopper discharge processes. This behaviour might be due to shift-
The mass discharge out of hopper is affected by different vari- ing of flow mode from mass flow to funnel flow. In order to visual-
ables including hopper geometry, operational conditions and ize the flow mode generated by the change in hopper internal
material properties. Understanding the underlying physics about angle, different colors were assigned to divide the hopper into dif-
the essential variables or parameters on mass discharge rate is a ferent colored layers. Fig. 12a and b shows the flow mode compar-
cumbersome task. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis of ANN ison in two extreme hoppers (h = 20° and 80°).
model was carried out in this section to find out most significant Different snapshots of discharge process for both the hoppers
parameters. This method finds out the sensitivity of output for a were taken at three discrete time interval: 1 sec, 2 sec and 3 sec.
given input parameters by keeping all others parameters at con- Fig. 12a shows the flow mode for 20° hopper, where almost all
stant mid value. The sensitivity analysis was performed for all the material discharged in mass flow fashion. On the other hand,
seven input parameters which were used for training the ANN by changing the internal angle of hopper from 20° to 80°, there
model. Fig. 11 shows the ANN sensitivity analysis using perturb was a shift from mass flow to funnel flow due to formation of inter-
method as explained in literature [43]. Each curve in Fig. 11 repre- nal flow channel along the hopper height (Fig. 12b). This change in
sents change of mass discharge rate with change in the particular flow mode resulted in decrease in mass discharge rate as the inter-
input variable. The influence of input variable was determined by nal angle was increased from 20° to 80°. A quantitative analysis to
measuring the slope of response (mass discharge rate) within the identify the flow profile was also performed using Mass Flow Index
specified range. Higher the slope (which indicates rate of change (MFI). This coefficient is nothing else but the ratio of the average
of mass flow rate with change in input variable) higher is the effect velocity of the particles at the wall by the average velocity of the
of that input variable on the mass discharge rate. particles in the centerline.
It is clearly seen from Fig. 11 that hopper internal angle (slope - vwall
2.46) has the highest effect on mass discharge rate. This result is MFI ¼
consistent with past experimental and numerical studies [20] on
2832 R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834

Fig. 12. Flow mode comparison for different internal angle hoppers: (a) 20° and (b) 80°.

A velocity ratio of MFI  0.3 can serve as a transition point the flowing density during discharge [49]. The third highest effect
between mass and funnel flow in conical hoppers, as shown by was observed for bulk density with slope 1.20. As seen in Fig. 11,
Johanson and Jenike [48]. Thus a MFI > 0.3 indicates mass flow there exists an inflection point after which the mass discharge rate
behavior, reverse if MFI < 0.3 the bulk solid discharges as by funnel increases drastically. This behaviour is due to different diameter
flow. Refer to [23], to understand the detail procedure of calculat- ratio particles system used to train the model (Table 2). For the
ing MFI. In Fig. 13, the MFI value is plotted over time. large particle size ratio, high bulk density was observed due to
For both 60° and 80° hopper a similar trend can be observed. increase in number of fines particles in the mixture. The increase
Right after the half discharge MFI starts to decrease which is much in bulk density of mixture resulted in increase mass discharge rate
more predominant for 80° hopper. This is due to channel formation as per Beverloo equation as mass discharge rate is positively
as seen in Fig. 12. Whereas the 20° and 40° hoppers are over the related to the bulk density [2]. Furthermore, the tendency of parti-
whole time period significantly above a MFI of 0.3. This compar- cles to percolate through large voids formed due to large particle
ison shows clearly that with reducing the internal angle of hopper size ratio is also responsible for such increased flow rate [15].
the tendency to mass flow increases. The fourth highest effect was observed for coefficient of friction
The second most significant parameter affecting the mass dis- (lpp) with slope 1.03. At low friction coefficients, the maximum
charge rate was mean particle diameter of mixture having slope discharge rate was observed. But with the increase in friction coef-
1.33. The mixture mean diameter plays a significant role in pre- ficient (lpp) mass discharge rate decrease drastically. Anand et al.
dicting discharge behaviour from hoppers [7]. The increase in [20] in their numerical investigation also observed such behaviour
mean diameter of mixture resulted in decrease in mass discharge and concluded that particle-particle friction was the key factor to
rate, which is expected due to decrease in ratio of outlet diameter affect mass discharge rate compared to particle-wall. On the other
to mean diameter of the mixture. Basically small mean diameter hand, the mass discharge rate was significantly increased by
mixtures comprised of more number of fines and tend to increase changing particle-wall restitution coefficient (slope of 0.85). This
increase was approximately more for higher particle-wall restitu-
tion coefficient. The authors studied the effect of restitution coeffi-
cient on flow rate by taking identical value for particle-particle and
particle-wall restitution coefficient and reported negligible effects
of restitution coefficient on mass discharge rate. But the present
study was performed at different particle-particle and particle-
wall restitution coefficient and showed considerable effects on dis-
charge rate. The slopes of the linear fitting of remaining variable
were 0.26 (particle-wall friction coefficient (lpw)) and 0.26
(particle-particle restitution coefficient (epp)), which were quite
low as compared to the variables discussed above. Thus, hopper
internal angle, mean particle diameter, bulk density and coefficient
of friction (lpp) were found to be significantly affecting mass dis-
charge rate in the current study.

5. Conclusions

The present work has demonstrated that ANN can be success-

Fig. 13. Comparison of the Mass Flow Index of different internal angle hoppers. fully employed to predict mass discharge rate from conical hop-
R. Kumar et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 2822–2834 2833

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