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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements

for the Award of the Degree of

Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)



Reg No: 199UC48012

Under the Guidance of


Department of Commerce



(Affiliated to Bangalore

University) July, 2021



This is to Certify that the Community Development Project is a bonafide work by

Mr. Hrithvik P, bearing the Reg No199UC48012 under my guidance in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
under BangaloreUniversity.


Ms. Monika Thakur

Assistant Professor
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Date: 29'h June 2021

This is to certify that the following student of Christ Academy Institute for Advance
Studies, Bangalore, have undertaken the task of cleaning the Tank area of Kothanur
lake on this day. The tank bund is mainly utilized for the purpose of walking track
by the local citizens. These students have done this job as per the Community
Development project prescribed by their college. They have collected garbage of 8 - 10
gunny bags, which was disposed by the BBMP.

The student has also planted some saplings in the lake bund area.

Name of the student: Mr. Hrithvik .P

The work undertaken by the students has been recognized / appreciated by the
members of the Kothanur lake committee.
This certificate has been issued for the purpose of submitting to their college, in
support of the community development project.

G Na

The Indian Ploggers Army


I, Hrithvik P, hereby declare that the report is uniquely prepared by me after the completion of
Community Development Project and has never been presented before .I also confirm that the
report is prepared only for my academic requirement and not for any other purpose. No part of this
report shall therefore be duplicated without my prior consent.

Hrithvik P

B.Com (Honours)
Department of Commerce

The Community Development Project opportunity I had was a great chance for learning to me. I am also
very grateful for having gotten the chance to work with my team and also for having to meet so many
wonderful people throughout the program.

I would like to thank Dr.Fr.Babu Paul (Principal), Fr.Antony (Vice Principal), and the Commerce
Department as a whole for providing us with this amazing opportunity to help the people around us and to
do good to the community as a whole.

I would like to thank my internal guide Ms. Monika for her support and advice throughout my internship
program. It was of great value throughout.

I would also like to thank Dr. Raju and Mr. Naveen for giving me an opportunity to work with the NSS
team. It was really a pleasure to work with the NSS team.

I perceive this project as a really amazing opportunity for me to work with a number of wonderful people
and also to do good to the society and the community at the same time. It was indeed a blessing that I got to
do good to the people around me. I am also very thankful for this opportunity where I got a chance to do
good to Mother Nature as well.

Hrithvik P

Community Development is a process where community members receive support from agencies or individuals
to identify problems and take collective action on issues which are important to them. Community development
empowers community members and creates stronger and more connected communities.

“Community Development is the participation of people in a mutual learning experience involving

themselves, their local resources, external change agents and outside resources. People cannot be developed.
They can only develop themselves by participating in activities which affect their well-being.”
Julius Nyerere, 1968

A healthy community means a healthy relationship between people who are a part of it. It is an individuals’
responsibility to care of his or her environment and the people around. DO GOOD TO THE
ENVIRONMENT.DO GOOD TO THE PEOPLE is what we have been learning from our childhood but, how
many of us are following these words even now? Not many. Maybe just a handful. What one does is not a
subject matter to another.

It is very important for a person to follow few things which have been taught in his or her childhood and to be
socially responsible. Being socially responsible not only helps us to do good to the society, but also gives us the
satisfaction of helping others, doing what is right and standing for what is right.

People have a problem with what is happening in their surroundings. But, the important question here is, DOES
ANYBODY DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? There are very few who stand for what is right. Most of them wait
for someone else to solve their problems. I believe that the world does not work that way. It is each and every
person’s responsibility to stand for what is right. If they do not do that, there will be nothing left for the future
generations and powers will always be misused.

It is high time that everyone realize what is happening around them and to raise a voice and do the needful.
Especially the youth, they have to play an important role in this development process. It is their responsibility to
educate people who are doing harm to the community and also encourage them to help protect and develop the

It is the responsibility of the youth to bring a change. If they don’t want to do it alone, they can be a part of
NGOs. They will have support from these agencies to bring a change in the world. There are thousands of
NGOs serving the people and the community with the main motive of serving the people and the nature.
This Community Development Project helped me realize the role I have to play in the development process. It
gave me an opportunity to do the needful. It motivated me even more to be a responsible member of the
community and a citizen of India. The garbage around me, destruction of nature and the misuse of power made
me feel more responsible. That is when I really decided that I had to do something about it. That is when I
decided that I have to do my bit in saving the nature.

Kothnur Lake is a beautiful lake situated in the South of Bengaluru. There is a beautiful track around the lake
for people to walk. It is spread over a kilometer. It took quite a lot of time for it to be completely developed.
The water was polluted and the place was not very well developed. The lake was later cleaned, infrastructure
was developed and fences were set up around the lake for safety. Very clean at the beginning but, the amount of
garbage around has increased over the years. People walk past it every day, they feel bad about it, they quarrel
about it but, no one wants to do anything about it. It was time that someone did anything about it. That is when I
I visited the park along with another friend of mine and did our bit in cleaning the lake surroundings.

Once we were done with the cleaning of the lake surroundings, we also planted a few mango saplings inside the
premises. The lake surroundings had plenty of greenery already but, there was more space available where we
could plant a few more saplings. We all know how many trees are being destroyed everyday with the armor
called NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT. Trees are destroyed for infrastructure purposes, for material needs, etc
Development is something which continues forever. It goes on and on with no end. So how many trees can we
destroy? If this continues, there will be nothing left. It is the duty of a responsible person to protect the nature.
Trees gives us oxygen, fruits, etc there are hundreds of benefits from nature but, what are we giving to nature in
return? Absolutely nothing. Humans do not care about the nature. They have no idea what will be coming for
them in the future if the destruction of nature continues.

Someone has to do something about it, so we did our bit here where we grew a sapling right from the seed and
then planted it at a right location where it can grow in peace without any disturbance. More the trees, more is
the greenery. More the greenery, the better it is for the nature and for others who are a part of nature.

With the outbreak of covid-19 virus, a huge number of people have been suffering and millions have lost their
lives around the globe. It has been more than a year and the struggle continues. Financial problems, hunger and
health problems, these have been constant for lakhs of people. The relief took time but the second wave made it
worse. Every single person was waiting for the vaccine. Countries around the world had its best people working
on the vaccine. Researchers worked day and night for the discovery of vaccines. It took quite a bit of time for
the development of vaccines and now that it is developed, there is a bigger role to be played by vaccinating
people. There is also a need to educate people to get their jabs and that it is completely safe.
NSS team is one team which I believe has been serving the community since day one. They visit rural areas to
serve them, educate people on what is right and what is wrong, help clean the nature and a number of other
things without expecting anything in return. All they expect is for a positive change. With the vaccines now
available, they also have an important role to educate people about the vaccination and how is it going to be
helpful in the present scenario.

The NSS team had organized a vaccination drive where hundreds of people including students, teachers and
support staff could get vaccinated. With the support of a government hospital, they were very successful with
their plan. There were two campaigns organized and I was a volunteer at both campaigns and did my bit to
make the process of the vaccination drive as smooth as possible.

General Objectives:

1) To bring awareness to the people around

2) To motivate people to do good to the community

3) Motivate people to raise a voice and take action for what is right

4) To educate people to be independent.

Specific Objectives:

1)To clean a public premises stretching over 500 meters

2)To increase the number of trees and greenery

3)To help an organization in their projects

4) To educate people about their responsibilities towards the community.




 A friend of mine and I decided to clean the Kothnur Lake surroundings.

 The lake stretched over a kilometer with a beautiful track encircling it.
 We had been to the lake even before we started with the activity; we went around the lake to see the
amount of litter and garbage inside the premises.
 Once we had ascertained the needs, we made a plan on how to go about it efficiently
 We visited an agency (The Indian Ploggers Army) to borrow few aprons and a few tools which we felt
will be needed for speedy cleaning
 We decided to pick up small litters rather than picking up huge sacks of garbage as nobody cares about
the small litters. It is these litters which lie around everywhere making the place more and more untidy.
Yet nobody cares about it as it takes in more efforts to clean. These litters include plastic wraps, sachets,
etc which if left as it is, will not only make the place look dirty, but will also spoil the soil and will go
buried deep inside. We all know how harmful that is for the soil as these litters are not biodegradable
 We gathered a few sacks to put the garbage in and started off as planned
 We went in a clockwise manner gathering every small and tiny bits we could
 The more we dug, the more garbage we found. Everything was buried deep inside and covered in soil.
We dug a little and gathered as much as garbage we could
 We made sure that each and every spot we cleaned was clear of plastic and other litter
 We also met a couple of wonderful people who guided us and also appreciated the work we were doing
 We cleaned for about 3 hours covering a spread of over 700 meters
 We had collected garbage and litters which filled about 8 to 10 large sacks
 We gathered all the sacks and piled it up in one spot
 We then spoke to the incharge of the park and asked the kind lady to make sure that the garbage
was picked by the BBMP workers as soon as possible.


 Since it was the mango season, we had collected few healthy mango seeds once we had eaten the fruit
 We slit the hard shell open to obtain the seed on the inside
 We then turned the seed into a sapling
 We planted the saplings on the same day we cleaned the lake premises
 We had taken the saplings along with us to the lake premises and kept it at a safe place until we were
done with the cleaning
 It was quite dark by the time we were done with the cleaning, however we decided to plant it on the
same evening
 We piled up the garbage at one place, gathered the saplings and we went looking for a right location
where we could plant the sapling
 We had to plant it off the tracks but, the sides were soil slopes and it wasn’t a right spot for it to grow
 This made the task much more difficult. After a long walk we found the right place
 We had to make sure that the soil was nice and right for it to grow without any stress
 We cleaned that bit of land, dug up the soil to an optimum depth and then planted the sapling
 We made a structure with soil to ensure the soil retains moisture and encircled the saplings with a
few blocks of concrete bricks to let the people know about the sapling and so that it stayed protected
 We put the right amount of water and gave it some time to recover from transplantation shock
 We watered the saplings regularly to make sure it grew into beautiful trees.


 With the offline classes’ commencement circular out from the Bangalore University, our college was
getting prepared to reopen. However it was necessary to make sure the students, teachers and staff were
vaccinated with at least the first dose to ensure the safety of everyone
 Therefore, our college NSS team had a collaboration planned with the Jigani government hospital
to vaccinate the students, teachers and staff
 I spoke to the NSS team heads and received permission from them to be a part of the vaccination drive
 I reached college at the time specified by the incharge and went to meet the him
 There were few other volunteers and we were asked to gather at a spot after which the incharge took us
around the campus explaining the various tasks which was to be fulfilled by us
 The incharge then assigned each one of us with different tasks and responsibilities
 I was made incharge of the form filling section
 The form was to be filled by the ones who were about to get vaccinated and then had to be handed over
to the hospital department
 I first met the hospital incharge and then thoroughly understood each and every section of the form so
that I could help people out later
 Once I was instructed, I was at the spot with another helper.
 I had to make sure that each and every person was tested for Covid-19 before filling the form
 And then it was my responsibility to ensure that the applicant has filled in the form correctly with no
 I had to cross check their forms and then let them proceed further
 I had to fill forms for people who did not know how to read or write. I ensured that their details
were legitimate
 Also I had to ensure that the place was not crowded and social distance was maintained as a precaution
 The campaign went on for over 5 hours and I was right there helping the process to go on smoothly


 The second campaign for vaccination was organized a few days after the first one
 I was the volunteer again for the second campaign
 I was at the college again at the specified time
 The NSS incharge guided us again about the procedures of the campaign
 I then requested the incharge if I could perform a different task on the second day and he was
kind enough to let me do that
 I requested a fellow mate to swap roles on the second day of the campaign
 Our roles were swapped and I had to learn from him on how to go about that specific task
 I later guided him on the form filling procedure and how to go about it
 On the second day, I had to ensure that the students, teachers and staff have got themselves
registered for vaccination
 There were two queues made to avoid crowding
 I had to divide everyone accordingly after questioning about their health issues
 If they had any health issues, I had asked them to speak to the hospital incharge and ensured they did
so when their turn came up
 I had to maintain the queue and send each person one by one to ensure social distancing
 The hospital incharge then took their personal details as required for vaccination
 There was a counter for covid-19 test set up
 Once they were done with the procedures, I had to ensure that each and every person was tested
for covid-19
 Once done with the test, I ensured they had their masks on and guided them to the next step of
the process
 The second day again a huge number of people were vaccinated and the campaign again went on
for over 5 hours
 I did my bit again in ensuring that the vaccination drive performed effectively and efficiently.

It was a wonderful experience that I have come across during my Community Development Project. I had a
really great time working with my team and also as an individual with the NSS team. Throughout my project, I
have realized how responsible one has to be towards the community, society and the nature.

I have now realized that I should not be dependent on someone else to get things or problems fixed. I should be
the one who should be independent and raise a voice for what is right. Only then can I bring about a change in
the world.

I have also got to know that one has to serve the community without expecting anything in return. Only thing is,
to have hope for the world to understand the reality and bring about a change.

If one works this way, it will for sure motivate others to do the same. Others will realize that they should be
responsible and do good to the community. They will no longer have the fear in them to raise a voice and fix a
problem. If this happens, then appreciation will come on its own even if not expected.

Overall, I have realized a lot of things and how the world works. All the fear in me is now out. I don’t have to
wait for another person to help me fix a problem. I can do it on my own without showing any dependency. If
one starts working towards something positive, others will too join once they realize what is right.

On the whole, this Community Development Project was a useful experience. I have realized how the real
world actually woks. I now feel socially responsible and am not dependent on outsiders to fix a problem of

I always believed that god has put us on this planet to develop it even more and make it much more
beautiful. It is each and every person’s responsibility to follow this and make the world a better place for
future generations. I believe that it is every person’s responsibility to put efforts in saving the nature. We
have to be very grateful for the benefits we receive from nature and we should do all that we can to make the
world a better place.

It is an individual’s responsibility to identify the problems around us and to come out with a plan or a
solution to fix the problem. One should always be socially responsible and help others who are in distress or
going through a rough phase of life. I have come to a conclusion that an individual has nothing to lose by
doing good to another human being or the nature.

Overall, I would like to describe this community development project of mine as a positive and an
instructive experience. There is a sack load of realizations and knowledge that I have gained from this
project. I will do my best in keeping up what I have learnt and will also educate and motivate others to do
the same.

It was indeed a very wonderful experience and I really had a great time in completing this Community
Development Project of mine.

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