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JMJ Marist Brothers

Notre Dame of Marbel University

City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato

Lived experiences of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences Student of Surallah National High
School on the New Normal Education Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic


A Study

Submitted to

Lyncel Faye B. Deadio

Surallah National High School

Surallah, South Cotabato


In Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the

Practical Research 2 Subject



Rejane S. Logronio
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato

June 21, 2021


Title Page…………………………………………………………………………….. i

Table of Contents………………………………………………………………….… ii

List of Tables…………………………………………………………………….…… iii

I. Introduction………………………………………………………………………… 1

II. Sample and Sampling Technique………………………………………………. 2

III. Tool and Instrument……………………………………………………………… 2

IV. Data Processing………………………………………………………………….. 2

V. Data Presentation…………………………………………………………………. 3

VI. Results…………………………………………………………………………….. 3

VII. Conclusions………………………………………………………………………. 5

VIII. References………………………………………………………………………. 6

IX. Appendices………………………………………………………………………... 7


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato

Figure 1. Experiences of Grade 12 HUMSS Students of SNHS ……………….. 3

Figure 2. The Effects on the Mental Health of Grade 12 HUMSS Students …………….. 4

Figure 3. How did the Grade 12 HUMSS Students adjust to the New Normal Education………4
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato


Coronavirus disease or Covid-19 is an infectious diseae caused by a newly discoverd coronavirus

( The coronavirus-19 was first identified in Wuhan China and spread quickly
around the world. The onset of the year 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic experiences another parallel
trouble led by the current shifts in Philippine tertiary education into distant learning. One of the basic
problems seen by Kasrekar (2020) is te conduct of classes despite of the closure order. As the face-to-
face classes pose higher risk of spread, the most viable solution is through online and modular learning or
teaching. This platform challenges both the teachers and the students as it occurs something new to
them. This calls for an adopt quickly response to the new normal teaching and learning amidst the
pandemic (Tanhueco-Tumapon,2020). The pandemic brought a lot of destruction on the people especially
on the schools, teacherd and students. Student’s learning has been disrupted. Schools are closed and
face to face lessons were cancelled and it became a delima not only to the health sectors but also to the
education sector.
On the learning process there are 2 modalities; the modular and online learning and teaching. On
that the students must choose their preferred modalities which it will be used and be learned by students.
Locally, at Surallah National High School the used learning modality is modular learning. The students
must do the learning at the same time teaching themselves. It is a multitasking role for the students and at
the same time for the teachers also. Learning in the midst of pandemic is fiercely difficult.

The purpose of this study is to determine the lived experiences of Grade 12 Humanities and
Social Sciences students of Surallah National High School towards the new normal education and how
they handle their experience amidst the pandemic. The main beneficiary of this study are the Grade 12
Humss students which this may help them to handle their experiences and empower themselves in the
midst of pandemic towards the new normal education.
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato


The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling where the researcher

extracted the data from the 10 grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students of Surallah National

High School who are officially enrolled during academic year 2020-2021.


The tool used in this study is the combination of open and close ended questionnare

through electronic survey in google form to determine the lived experiences of grade 12 HUMSS students

of Surallah National High School towards tge new normal education amidst the pandemic. On the

questionnaire, the participants will answer the question in detailed and close ended relating on their

experiences towards the new normal education amidst the pandemic.


The researcher asked permission from the school principal to conduct a survey. Upon

approval, requested an assistance from the grade 12 HUMSS adviser in conducting the survey and

gathering data for the study. A short instruction to the participants and explain the purpose of the study on

the google form survey then the participants can answer the questions. Moreover, the researcher will

distribute the survey link through email and social media (Facebook Messenger). In this study

participation will be voluntary and the participants are not obliged to fill out their names. Lastly, after

reaching the maximum number of answered survey, the researcher analyzed and interpreted the data

base on the students’ experiences.

In analyzing the data, Thematic analysis were used in this study. Thematic analysis is will
be used in the study. According to Braun and Claurke (2006:79) Thematic analysis is a method for
identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within data. Therefore, thematic analysis allowed
flexibility to identify common themes across all transcripts. First, the significant statements from the raw
data were highlighted and the text segments of these were copied from the matrix, specifically on the first
column. Each text segment was analyzed and concepts were extracted from them to the second column
of the matrix, which also show the clustered similar concepts and formulated themes. Each theme was
narratively discussed with the inferences of researchers with the support of related studies and literature.
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato

Data Presentation and Analysis 5|Page

This chapter presents and discusses the findings or results of the interviews used for this study.
This chapter is consists of tables that show the themes of the lived experiences of Grade 12 Humanities
and Social Sciences Students of Surallah National High School on the New Normal Education amidst the
COVID-19 Pandemic.

Table 1: Experiences of Grade 12 HUMSS Students of SNHS on the New Normal Education amidst
the Pandemic
Codes Themes

•Kabudlay gid magskwela kag magtuon sa

•Hassle and difficult to learn Difficulties in learning
•Has brought some difficulties in my studies.

•Struggling on how to understand the lesson

•I don’t have someone to ask for clarification Struggles in understanding the lessons

Table one (1) shows that there are two emerging themes according to participants of the study on
the Grade 12 HUMSS students and these are the following: Difficulties in learning and struggles in
understanding the lessons. Difficulties in learning and struggles in understanding the lessons imply the
experiences of the Grade 12 HUMSS students in new normal education amidst the pandemic. It also
shows that the process of learning must include someone who is more educated for the students to grasp
the lessons being taught to them especially during the pandemic.
The participants in the study stated that they had experienced difficulties in learning as well as in
understanding the lessons. And it was affirmed in the following line:

“Kabudlay gid magskwela kag magtuon sa modular”. (It’s difficult to study and learn on
modular learning). Participant 4.

Difficulty. The quality or state of being hard to do, deal with, or understand: the quality or
state of being difficult. (Merriam Webster)

Struggles. To make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition.

(Merriam Webster)
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato

Table 2: The Effects on the Mental Health of Grade 12 HUMSS Students on the New Normal
Education amidst the Pandemic
Codes Themes

It’s stressful
It makes me stressed and easily irritated
Naga stress gid ako
Having stress and anxiety

Table two (2) shows that there is only one emerging theme according to participants of the study
on the Grade 12 HUMSS students on the effects of new normal education to their mental health. Stress
happens to be the major effect to the mental health of the students in the new normal learning, it is the
reason why students have difficulties and struggles on how to understand the topics given, task, answer
and activities to comply in a short period of time. And it was affirmed in the following line:

” It makes me stressed and easily irritated”. Participant 2.

Stress. Is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you sense
danger—whether it’s real or imagined—the body’s defenses kick into high gear in a rapid,
automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction or the “stress response. (

Table 3: How did the Grade 12 HUMSS Students adjust to the New Normal Education?
Codes Themes

I used to encourage myself

I motivate myself to learn
Self-motivation and management
I used to set a time for school works, for
household chores and for myself to relax.

Table three (3) shows that there is only one emerging theme according to participants of the
study on the Grade 12 HUMSS students on how did the grade 12 HUMSS students adjust to the new
normal education.
Self-motivation and management is the emerging themes showing that in order for the students
to comply all the requirements and other academic endeavor, they must learn to motivate and
manage themselves to do the tasks given. This also an effective tool to overcome stress. This
asserted on the following lines from the participants:

“Hmmm…I used to set a time for school works (module), for household chores, and for myself
relax. In short, I have this time management”. Participant 5
“I used to encourage myself that hard times is the best time to grow”. Participant 1.
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato

Self-motivation. Is the ability to drive oneself to take initiative and action to pursue goals and complete
tasks. It's an inner drive to take action. (

Management. The coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal. Such administration
activities include setting the organization’s strategy and coordinating the efforts of staff to accomplish
these objectives through the application of available resources. (

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students experienced difficulties in learning and

struggles in understanding the lessons on the new normal education amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Stress is the effect of new normal education on the mental health of grade 12 Humss students.

3. The grade 12 Humss students learned to adjust on the new normal education through self motivation

and management despite of their experiences in the midst of pandemic.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato


https://www.merriam Webster

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato

Lived Experiences of Grade 12 Humss Students on the New Normal Eduaction amidst the Covid-
19 Pandemic Form
This is a survey form of the Lived experiences of Grade 12 Humss Students on the New Normal
Education amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic. This is to be accomplished by the student with name and their
email through electronic survey in google form.

Directions. Answer the questions honestly.

What are your experiences towards the new normal education amidst the Covid-19 pandemic?

How are those experiences affects your mental health during the pandemic?

How did you adjust to the new normal education?

June 20, 2021

Florante L. Lachica
Surallah National High School
Division of South Cotabato
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato

I am conducting a study entitled Lived Experiences of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences
Students of Surallah National High School on the New Normal Education Amidst the Pandemic as a
requirement in the subject Practical Research 2.
In this connection, I am seeking an approval from your office to conduct a survey on
Grade 12 HUMSS students and to request assistance in obtaining any records related on my study. Rest
assured that any data gathered will be treated with confidentiality.

Thank you very much!

Respectfully yours,

Rejane S. Logronio

Approved by:

Florante L. Lachica


Coronavirus disease or Covid-19 is an infectious diseae caused by a newly discoverd coronavirus

( The coronavirus-19 was first identified in Wuhan China and spread quickly
around the world. The onset of the year 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic experiences another
parallel trouble led by the current shifts in Philippine tertiary education into distant learning.
One of the basic problems seen by Kasrekar (2020) is te conduct of classes despite of the closure
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato

order. As the face to face classes pose higher risk of spread, the most viable solution is through
online and modular learning or teaching. This platform challenges both the teachers and the
students as it occurs something new to them. This calls for an adopt quickly response to the new
normal teaching and learning amidst the pandemic (Tanhueco-Tumapon,2020). The pandemic
brought a lot of destruction on the people especially on the schools, teacherd and students.
Students learning has been disrupted. Schools are closed and face to face lessons were cancelled
and it became a delima not only to the health sectors but also to the education sector.
On the learning process there are 2 modalities; the modular and online learning and teaching. On
that the students must choose their preferred modalities which it will be used and be learned by
students. Locally, at Surallah National High School the used learning modality is modular
learning. The students must do the learning at the same time teaching themselves. It is a
multitasking role for the students and at the same time for the teachers also. Learning in the
midst of pandemic is fiercely difficult.

The purpose of this study is to determine the lived experiences of Grade 12 Humanities and
Social Sciences students of Surallah National High School towards the new normal education
and how they handle their experience amidst the pandemic. The main beneficiary of this study
are the Grade 12 Humss students which this may help them to handle their experiences and
empower themselves in the midst of pandemic towards the new normal education.


The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling where the researcher

extracted the data from the 10 grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students of Surallah National High

School who are officially enrolled during academic year 2020-2021.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato


The tool used in this study is the combination of open and close ended questionnare

through electronic survey in google form to determine the lived experiences of grade 12 HUMSS students of

Surallah National High School towards tge new normal education amidst the pandemic. On the questionnaire,

the participants will answer the question in detailed and close ended relating on their experiences towards

the new normal education amidst the pandemic.


The researcher asked permission from the school principal to conduct a survey. Upon

approval, requested an assistance from the grade 12 HUMSS adviser in conducting the survey and gathering

data for the study. A short instruction to the participants and explain the purpose of the study on the google

form survey then the participants can answer the questions. Moreover, the researcher will distribute the

survey link through email and social media ( facebook messenger). In this study participation will be voluntary

and the participants are not oblige to fill out their names. Lastly, after reaching the maximum number of

answered survey, the researcher analyzed and interpreted the data base on the students experiences.

In analyzing the data, Thematic analysis were used in this study. Thematic analysis is will
be used in the study. According to Braun and Claurke (2006:79) Thematic analysis is a method
for identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within data. Therefore, thematic
analysis allowed flexibility to identify common themes across all transcripts. First, the significant
statements from the raw data were highlighted and the text segments of these were copied from
the matrix, specifically on the first column. Each text segment was analyzed and concepts were
extracted from them to the second column of the matrix, which also show the clustered similar
concepts and formulated themes. Each theme was narratively discussed with the inferences of
researchers with the support of related studies and literature.

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