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Team Charter for Team # 4 :

(Used with permission from The George Washington University, Graduate School of Education &
Human Development) Revised 5/23/2020

You may change the format as the team decides but please do make sure that the key issues are addressed.
Be specific!

You should think critically about what you should be addressed in each section, making notes in
preparation for this assignment meeting. During the meeting, your team will write the policies and
procedures you all plan to follow. This is an important document that will, through the discussion you
have about it, as well as what you end up writing down, establish the ways in which your team will
operate. The goal is not to rush through to get it done but to use the assignment to establish the team

1. Purpose: clearly define the purpose of the team. The purpose of the team is distinct
from the individual goals of the team members.

The purpose of this team is learning to work together creatively, efficiently, and
collaboratively in a real world setting. To explore important social processes
associated with organizational effectiveness and experience work with a virtual small
group/team while collaborating and completing assigned work.

2. Roles: clearly identify any additional roles established by the team and any changed
duties from the course list of roles and describe how the roles will be decided,
remembering to rotate each meeting.

A chart was created, positions assigned equally, distributed to the team via Canvas
email as well as text message.

Facilitator: In addition to assigned duties will estimate time needed for each section
and will distribute updated agenda via Canvas email prior to the start of the meeting.

Time Watcher: Will use times provided on updated agenda to prompt the group when
they are coming up to 5 minutes and then 1 minute.

Roles will be reassigned as needed, decided by majority agreement.

Follow excel document for rotation.

III. Expectations: clearly and specifically define expectations and measurable behaviors in
each area. Processes when these expectations are not met are addressed below in Policies.

Communication (outside of scheduled meetings):

In-depth course questions and concerns would be sent to Dr Chanley.

Team 4 has a group chat; we have discussed acceptable hours to text and no concerns have
been noted. All members respond to messages within a 10-hour period (rapidly when not at

Communication and Participation (during meetings):

Be on time and prepared to engage within the context of the meeting. The facilitator will
monitor and speak to this point. Each person has the opportunity to share their findings, have
their opinions heard and listen to the opinions and findings of others in a respectful manner.

Preparation for meetings and assignments:

All team members should come to the meeting prepared to discuss the assignments in depth.
Making sure that in the event you are unable to get the work completed that you notify the
group ahead of time.

During the meeting we will talk briefly about preparedness.

Team Organization:

Members should consult the schedule prior to the meeting to ensure they are sure of their
role; roles will be read aloud by the facilitator at the beginning of each meeting. Team
members should be prepared to do the functions of their role.
4. Policies: define policies as well as corrective actions for failing to meet expectations
including missed meetings, inadequate preparation for meetings, and inadequate or
inappropriate participation in meetings. You can also include rewards for going above
and beyond duties.

NOTE: The limitations on what you can put in the team charter are in the instructions for
Module 2, Assignment 2.2c

1) Missed meetings: Members cannot make up missed interview (Module 6) or missed

sharing of teammate assessments (Module 7) meetings. For other meetings if absence is
approved by Dr. Chanley, team members can earn up to 75% of the available 50 points for
one (1) missed meeting.

If a team member missed a scheduled meeting, they are required to watch the recorded
meeting and follow up with the other teammates with 5 key takeaways regarding the
content of the discussion. These takeaways should be emailed to the group prior to the next

2) What are members expected to do if they do not come to meetings fully prepared and
how will any required action be documented to team and to Dr. Chanley?

The team members should plan time in their weeks to do the work prior to each meeting
and fill out/hand in notes which should indicate all readings/media are completed.

If the team member misses one reading, video, or other course material, they should review
the material after the meeting, if they miss frequently the team will treat the behavior as
habitual and will issue a warning from the group (if the behavior does not improve the
group will contact Dr. Chanley). If the team member doesn’t feel they can complete any of
the work they should communicate with the group and the group can decide if the meeting
can be moved. If the behavior is habitual the individual will receive a warning from the
group, and if behavior does not improve the group will contact Dr. Chanley.

5. Operations: describes the process the team uses to function.

1. Decision Making: indicate when and how the team will make decisions
Team will discuss the situation and come to a group decision. In the event that the group
cannot come to a decision, the decision will be made by the person in the Time watcher
/Submitter position. The entire group (the remaining 3 members) can veto the Time watcher
/Submitter. In the event of serious standstill, the group may contact Dr. Chanley for

2. Conflict Resolution & Problem Solving: explain how the team will handle
internal conflict and overcome barriers and obstacles

Conflicts will be addressed as soon as discovered to prevent build-up of tension.

If a conflict between team members cannot be resolved by team members, a direction can be
made by an uninvolved party in the following order:

Submitter/ Time Watcher




If a conflict arises that requires immediate resolution, the appropriate party will encourage
the two members to have a one on one discussion after the meeting. If this is not possible, all
members will agree to table the topic of conflict and resume professional conduct for the
duration of the meeting even in the case of disagreement.

In the event of unresolved or serious conflict, we can reach out to Dr. Chanley for mediation.

3. Process Improvement Procedures: explain how the team will monitor,

implement, and track improvements to team process
Team will use a google doc to keep track of assessors material from week to week.

Jokester / assessor will note any measurable criteria that are not met and summarize at the
end of the meeting. Assessor will create a scale to measure their criteria and post it into
google doc so we can keep track of what we need to work on.

4. Changes to the Charter: indicate how revisions will be made as the team

Any member of the team can call for a revision of the charter. They will tell the group the
change they are interested in making and will allow the group to think about this change until
the following meeting when the charter can be added to the agenda. Should the group not
agree with the change, the decision process goes into effect.

6. Timeline and Project Plan: detail how the team will keep track of due dates and
assignment instructions. This is about the process for keeping track not about what the
due dates specifically are.

The team will keep track of due dates by utilizing a combination of the ASU
assignment calendar, and the group message. If a member is unsure about a due
date, it is his/her responsibility to check the course schedule, then reach out to the
group text message for clarification if needed. If the team is unsure, the member who
initiated the question must reach out to Dr. Chanley and relay the information
7. Shared Accountability: “sign” and date agreement (each team member).

Name Signature Date

Kasey Janzen Kasey Janzen 07/08/2020

Benjamin Jones


Sonja Muchen Sonja Muchen 07/08/2020

Jennifer Kreis Jennifer Kreis 07/08/2020

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