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FS 1 6 Management
Classroom Routines

Activity 6.1 Observing Classroom Management and Routines

Resource Teacher: Irene R. Reyes Teacher's Signature School: Lawa Integrated School
Grader/Year Level: 10 Subject Area: English Date: November 11,2021

Observe the classroom routines of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the given checklist.

Checklist on Classroom Routines

Check Yes (/ ) if observed and (x) if not observed
Classroom Routines Observed (/) Not Observed (x)
1.Movement into the classroom x
2.Transition in classroom activities x
3.Movement out of the classroom x
4.Use of lavatories/comfort room/ washrooms x
5.Passing of papers 
6.Passing of books x
7.working with pairs/groups x
8 .Tardy students 
9.Absent students 
10.Submission/ Collection of materials 
11.Submission of projects 
12.Asking questions during lessons x
13.Asking for assistance 
14. Joining classroom activities x
15. Lining up x
16. Walking in line x
17. Fire drill/ emergencies x
18. Movement between activities x
19. Use of Classroom supplies 
20. Checking of assignments 

Analyze the routines set by the Resource Teacher by answering the following questions.
1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why not?
Yes, because these routines are obediently followed by students and help to maintain order in the classroom. Without
these daily routines, the teacher will struggle to maintain discipline and order in the class.

2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your answer
Among the other routines, the submission of materials and projects were the most common classroom routine today.
Because of the new normal learning setup, the teachers' decided to make the students' learning materials and projects be
submitted only.

Reflect on the various routines observed
1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?
Amongst the other routines, I would choose "asking questions during lessons". I became a student too and I wanted to be
assured that my students are learning from every lesson and that they understood it effectively.

Activity 6.2 Listening Down Classroom Rules

Resource Teacher: Irene R. Reyes Teacher's Signature School: Lawa Integrated School
Grader/Year Level: 10 Subject Area: English Date: November 15,2021


Classroom Rules Importance

1. Team members adhere to the rules. Learning to socialize and be one with your team is a
strategy that no one can beat. By following and giving
importance to the rules justifies it.
2. It all starts with you! Starting from the bottom or the top, it always starts with
you the person who is being motivated every day to thrive
and be ready for the challenges ahead.
3. Everyone should be treated with respect. Respecting others is a way to respect one's self. A quote
wherein everyone should be familiar with because it
should be applied and done daily.
4. Never lose sight of your mission. Keeping a goal in mind is what keeps a person sane. They
tend to strive harder and be more optimistic because of it.
5. Successful students are punctual. Being early, arriving early has its perks, it can serve as a
wake-up call to everyone.
6. Decision making is thought Decision-making on daily basis is required all the time.
But thinking about it thoroughly sometimes it either
makes a person wiser or madder.


1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?

"Team members adhere to the rules" is formulated for the students to be more obedient and understanding. The teachers
are giving activities which involves groupings, it applies to that kind of learning.
"It all starts with you" rule is to make the students feel that they too can make a change or difference in the world because
the teachers think they matter. All people matter.
"Everyone should be treated with respect" is a rule that is supposed to be applied in every learning or working setup. It is
a big help if everyone in the school community to have respect.
"Never lose sight of your mission" is very encouraging and can motivate or boost the students to be better for their goals.
"Successful students are punctual" this rule is a very known classroom rule. It should be applied so the students know the
importance of time.
"Decision making is thought" this rule signifies that everyone has a choice and that choice will either make you or break

2. Are classroom rules really important?

The classroom is a student society. And, like any other society, it is argued that rules and regulations must be in place for
it to function properly. The primary goal of teachers is to create a classroom full of responsible students.

Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher. Will you have the same rules? If not, what rules are
you going to employ? Explain your answer.

I think I will initiate the same rules because for me it contains the most important parts the students need to analyze and be
familiar with. Having rules in the classroom helps keep students and the environment under control; however, the teacher
should not overuse strategies, reinforcement, logical consequences, time-out, and punishments.


Take some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the Resource Teacher which are worth emulating.
Tell something about the pictures.

I forgot to take a picture when the online class of my Resource Teacher but I got a similar sample online where
the teacher asks for the student's attendance before starting off the lesson.

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