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Nhi Vu

Writing Reflection

Seeing an obligation in English writing class for my first year at the university, I fetched

a sigh, and the thought immediately popped out that this is again possibly the lifeless task I have

ever had, what I am going to do with writing when I am a Pre-business major. I have no hate, but

I am not that excited about writing. However, class after class, Dr. Said brought me different

experiences. Surprisingly, my first assignment was not writing a paper, but a poem about myself.

That was a super helpful assignment when I could not only expand my creativity-what I was

weak at, but also recall some of the memorable and emotional moments of my life. I enjoyed this

activity so much!

The two papers are one of my first times to have an academic paper. The APA citation

style is new for me, but with the help of Purdue, nothing is impossible. Moreover, it was

absolutely the hardest since I had to choose the topic, come up with ideas, made lots of drafts,

and finish the final products that would give me an A. Writing a paper was not an easy task

because it was considered as honing a diamond. I had to admit that it needed a lot of time and

effort to have an excellent essay. Dr. Said, a nice, friendly professor who gave me clear and

easy-to-understand instructions about the format, the requirements, and was always free to

answer tons of questions from her students. Special thanked Dr. Said, who helped me to really

"think outside the box", and finalize with a beautiful format, and good essays that satisfied me a


I believe that what I have been doing in the English class of Dr. Said, will be a useful tool

to perform for my future companies. It totally helps me improve my creativity and especially my

critical thinking skills, which highly fulfills the demand of future recruiters as a business major.
Furthermore, it is a place where I can not only expand my networking but also tighten my

relationship with some of my Vietnamese friends. Chit-chatting, sharing, hearing, and giving

feedback to others are interesting activities that I always waited for before coming to class. I had

learned a lot about how to connect and involve in a conversation with my classmates, which

pushed me to practice my English and my communication skills. It is a whole art!

So far, I am totally impressed with what I have done so far in my English class, with the

conscientious help of Dr. Said. I believe this reflection has helped me to understand the learning

process, and myself better, to find a pathway to my personal success as well as set a solid

foundation for my future career.

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