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i MODEL TEST PAPER 5 j I {Based on the latest CBSE Sample Question Paper] Time: 14 hours Maximum Marks: 40 General Instructions (i) This question paper contains three sections ~ A, B and C. Each partis compulsory. (ii) Section — A has 20 MCQs, attempt any 16 out of 20. (iii) Section ~ B has 20 MCQs, attempt any 16 out of 20. (iv) Section — C has 10 MCQs, attempt any 8 out of 10. (v) There is no negative marking. (vi) All questions carry equal marks. ‘SECTION - A (an this Section, attempt any 16 questions out of Questions 1 — 20 Each Question is of 1 mark weightage) L. Ie tant x = sin 2), ten value of x is : " 1 1 G) @- @ © BB OF log(S+x)-los(S-*) y 49 autwyel- * is continuous at x = 0, then value of & is = mw k xe @t © 2 ©} . Oe 3. If area of the triangle with vertices (1, -1), (4, #) and (3, 5) is 24 sq. units (where > 0), then value of a &) 28 © 6 @ 2 4Aaqla 5 pa] BA symmetric matrix, then value(s) of x are nT (@ x=-1, () x=ly=2 (©) x=-Ly=2 @ x=ky ine 0 @ cel ©) 00) © C=,2) @ BR» ! 6. Let Ais a non-singular matrix of order 3 and | adj A| =| A If, then value of & is: wl Om (b) 2 ©) 3 @ 4 J. B ¢ finite sh that (A) = id n(B) = 6, ‘ 5 1. ed are two finite sets such that 2(A) = 3 and n(B) = 6, then the total number of injective functions i (a) 30 &) 60 (©) 120 @ 240 8, Let A be a non-singular matrix such that I+ A+ A? + Abt +A" =O and At=A4, then the value of is : [1 (a) 2 ) 1 © 3 @ 4 ase tl ae ould Scanned with CamScanner 9, Angle of intersection of the curves x? + by: (@) 30° (b) 45° (©) 60° @ 90 10, tan-'(tan 4) is equal to : @4 (b) n-4 () 4-0 @ -4 11. Which of the following relations on Z is not an equivalence relation? (@) (a,b) € Reva + bis even (b) (a,b) Reea=b © @,) € Rea-—bis even @) @,b)eRea 0) is equal to = @x=e @ x=4 © x @ x= +3 0=«-5 +1 4 wif afc, kt then values of x are : @x=5, (b) x=5,y=3 (© x=-5,y=3 @ 17. If A and B are non-singular matrices of same order, then choose the correct option : (@) AB is non-singular always (b) AB is singular always (© (ABy = A“B4 (@ AB is not invertible 48. IF singay) + cosy) = 1 and tan(xy) # 1, then 2 is equal to: @? ) -% ot @ - y y x ah 19, Maximum value of (: y (> 0) is: _ x ( (be ot @e 20. For a given LPP ; Maximise Z = x + y subject to x + dy <8, 2x + 3y < 12, 3x+yS9%x20920 Which of the following is not a comer point? @ G0) (b) (0,2) © ($8) @ 0% SECTION - B (In this Section, attempt any 16 questions out of Questions 21 ~ 40. Each Question is of | mark weightage) A Lets, Letf:N + N be defined as fla) = x2 +x + 1, then fis ° 1~1 but not onto (b) onto but not 1-1 (©) 1~1 and onto both (d) neither 1 — 1 nor onto WS, - Scanned with CamScanner 2p . 4 and (x ~ 2)? + y? = 4 at the point in the first quadrant is given i} 1) fy fi) 1) 1) (1 a fl) 2. 2B. 24. 25. 26. 21. 28. 29. 30. 3. 32. 33. Me = y= + 4 4 If =a sin ty = a(cos f+ log(tan 5), then 7 is equal to : W (@) tant (b) cot t (©) sect (@) cose Ity = Scos x — 3sin x, then & is equal to : 1" @y ) ot @ -1 Domain of fix) ~ sin 2x + cos"! 2x is equal to , a " 11 @ [-3.3] © ERM OR @ (2.21 22 WA=|_5 >| and A? =a, then value of a is = tt) (@) 2 &) 3 o4 @ 5 ‘At what point tangent to the curve y Jax —3 -1 has its slope 4 2 i} @ 2» © 23) © G2) @ G2 Pon Se and at x = 2, then value of a and b is: wl -lpe 22,624 apart 1 (@ a=5b=2 (be) a=2,5°5 (© a-2b=-5 ) 0-1 3r | 1 y -3| isa skew-symmetric matrix, then value of (Sx ») is equal (0: 1 6 5 0 @5 () 10 © 1s @ 2 Consider the set A= {1, 2)- The smallest equivalence relation R on A can Be defined as W @R=6 (b) R=AxA (© R={0,D,229 @ R= {G,2).@ Dd Domain of continuity for the function /(x) = 108 x 4+ Vi—2x is equal to: a @ ©) © 9) © [01] @® ON IfA= Ig 7 , then choose the correct option : Wl @ (A-DA+D=0 & A#=0 (© A+DA-4)=0 @ A= [: ‘} then | A.(adj A) | is equal to : nm (a) (ad - be) (&) (ad ~ be? © (ad - be? (@ (ad - be)* if ..28) , in} sin 2%) i 4 cos: #(cos%E) + sin (sin22) equal to: Ww x @ ® 5 @n @ & Its al ; ji F sO. nO ienamiee ete: ; Wl ay 2 a B o% oF © 2 o 2 16 cr Scanned with CamScanner lcosec?@—cot?0 ys, 1A] cot? cosec0 =I), then value of A is = 2 40 ay @1 (b) -1 0 (a) 2 36, Number of symmetric relations that can be defined on the set A= {1, 2} are : mm @4 &) 6 © 8 (@) 16 2 gr r= Yee t 3 =a, then £ is equal to: m 1 by) = 2 2 @4 Oe oF w 3 38. Minimum value of f(x) = 3 ~ 3x in [0, 2] is equal to : im (@) -1 (b) -2 (©) 0 @ 439. Local maximum value of fix) =x + i (x # 0) is equal to : 1" (a) -1 (b) -2 () 0 (d) 2 40. Equation of tangent to the curve y = cot? x — 2 cot x + 2 atx = is equal to: i] @y=1 @) yao © =F @y SECTION - C (in this Section, attempt any 8 questions. Each Question is of 1-mark weightage. ‘Questions 41 - 50 are based on a Case-Study) 41. Sa) = WEE is increasing in : a (@) [e, x) ) [0, «) (©) (0, ») @ Oe 42. If fix) = -V25= x? , then It fers) is equal to: "1 tox 1 1 oF ©) a © - 24 (@) -24 43. The equations x + y = 2, 2x + 2y = 3 have : a (@) no solution (b) unique solution (©) infinitely many solutions (@) finitely many more than one solution £08 7x ~ cos ax 4. - Let fly = | is continuous at x = 0, then value of & is : a ky x=0 2 2 ») 23 w 3 6 in 3 o> OF @ F pen box with square base is to be made out of a given iron sheet of area 27 m?, Ifa, and y be the dimensions 3 (27x-2°) ul of the box and volume of the box then value of k is: @2 () 4 © 6 @s Scanned with CamScanner CASE STUDY Given an LPP with following details : Objective function : Z = 300x + 190y Constraints : x + y S Mmtrse rte 0 “Answer the following questions : 46. Which of the following is not the comer point of this LPP? (a) 0, 24) ) (0, 0) (©) (0, 25) 47. Which of the following is a comer point of this LPP? (a) (8, 16) ) 4, 10) (©) (8, 10) 48. Maximum value of Z is : (a) 9000 (b) 5440 (©) 4800 49. Minimum value of Z is : (a) 200 (b) 1670 (©) 4800 50. The maximum value of Z occurs at (a) (0, 24) () (4, 12) ©) (8, 16) ee 1182 (d) (8, 16) (d) (1, 12) (@ 4560 @ 0 @ (16, 0) Scanned with CamScanner ul fl (1

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