BIOTECHNOLOGY - Questions For The Class

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1. List down some of the problems that human beings faces in the field of agriculture,
medicine etc.
2. Do you find any drawback in the traditional methods of plant/animal breeding?
3. Asexual reproduction preserves the genetic information, while sexual reproduction
permits variation. justify
4. What is biotechnology, and how is it different from traditional plant breeding?
5. Beyond increased yields, what are some of the benefits of biotech products?
6. Can biotechnology play a beneficial role in aquaculture?
7. What is agricultural biotechnology?
8. What do you know about transgenic animals?
9. Is biotechnology fundamentally different from other breeding techniques, and does it
pose unacceptable risks?
10. Are crops developed using biotechnology as safe for the environment as crops
developed using traditional breeding practices?
11. Are foods produced using biotechnology as safe to eat as foods produced using
traditional breeding practices?
12. What are examples of agricultural biotechnology products currently available?
13. Can agriculture biotechnology assist in meeting the food demands of a growing global
14. What is "golden rice" and can it be an effective means to prevent vitamin deficiency?
15. What are some of the concerns about biotechnology regarding human health and

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