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Dynamic Cloud Resource Allocation

Considering Demand Uncertainty


partial fulfillment for the Award of the Degree of



Ashish Kumar Daga

Department of Computer Science

A.V. College P.G Centre
Gaganmahal, Hyderabad.
(Affiliated to Osmania University)
I would like to express my deep gratitude and respect to
all those people behind the scene who guided, inspired and helped
me in the completion of this project work.
I attribute my sincere thanks towards Pantech solutions,
Hyderabad for giving me the opportunity to perform project work and
to sharpen my knowledge and improve the skills. I wish to place my
deep sense of gratitude towards my project guide, Mr. Kamlesh,
Hyderabad., for his constant motivation and valuable help
throughout the project work.
I wish to express my heartful of thanks to my Internal Guide
Mr. Chaitanya and HOD, Mr. T. Vamshi Krishna Reddy for their
valuable suggestions and advices throughout the course and
Dr.S.Gopi Krishna, Director of A.V. College P.G.Centre for the
indispensable support and encouragement . I also extend my thanks to
other faculties and supporting staff for their co-operation during my
It would be void unless I salute to my parents; I am greatly
indebted to my parents and family members for their tireless support to
me in all my endeavors, without whose unstained support, I could not
have made this career in computer science.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my friends for
being a constant source of encouragement all the time throughout my

Ashish Kumar Daga

I hereby declare that the project work entitled “Dynamic clound

resources allocation considering demand uncertanity” has been

developed by me under the supervision of Mr. Kamlesh, Pantech

solutions, Hyderabad and submitted to Osmania University for the

award of the degree of M.Sc.( Computer Science).

The work done is original and has not been submitted to in part

or in full to any other University or Institution for the award of any


Ashish Kumar Daga


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