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Alamat : Jl. JendralSudirman, Gg. Muslimin, No. 03 Dumai


Bidang Studi : BAHASA INGGRIS Waktu : 90 Menit

Kelas : XII WAJIB Jumlah Soal : 45 PG 5 ESSAY
TP. : 2021-2022

I. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dengan member tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C, D
pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!

1. What is the best expression used to 3. Woman : You look so gloomy.

complete the dialogue below. What’s wrong?I wonder if there is
Made: ....
something I can do for you.
Andy: Sure! That would be great! Are
you good at writing or would you rather Man : Well, I forgot to bring my
do the computer work? book.
Made: I would like to help with the Woman : You can borrow mine if
computer work. you want?
Andy: Great! We are going to be
Man : Thank you, I’d love to.
working in teams of three. Are you OK
working with others? What is the dialogue about?
Made: Yes! I like working like that. A. The man’s book
A. Can I ask you to do me a favor? B. The woman’s book
B. Will you help me with the project? C. The man’s gloomy day
C. I am wondering if I can ask you a
favor. D. The woman’s sympathy to the
D. Is there anything I can do to help man
you with the computer? E. The woman’s offer of help to the
E. I was wondering if you need any man
help on your new project. 4. Man: Oh my god, I think I dropped my
2. Nana: Have you considered giving your
old books for little Leo?
Woman: Do you want to use this? I
Sita: Yes, I have, but I'd like to give if
have two.
he helps me take all those books from
Man: If you wouldn’t mind.
my home. From the dialogue we may
Woman: Sure
conclude that Sita plans to ...
What does the woman do?
A. Offer a help for Nana.
A. Use a pen
B. Accept a help from Nana.
B. Drop a pen
C. Give a help for Leo.
C. Offer a help
D. Decline a help from Nana.
D. Ask the man
E. Offer a help for Leo.
E. Bring two pens
5. Dio: Can I help you with that bag
Jon: Thanks. How nice you are. Dave: Sure
Dio: No problem! John: Thanks, Dave! Dave: My
From the dialogue above, Dio is…
From the dialogue above, John is…
A. Asking for help A. Asking for help
B. Giving help B. Giving an assistance
C. Declining a help C. Asking for an assistance
D. Offering a help D. Giving help
E. Begging for a help E. Offering a help
6. Jul: I wonder if I could help you with The text below is for question number 11–13!
those books?
Ria: Thank you. That would be great.
Jul: Anytime.
From the dialogue above, Jul is…
A. Asking for a help
B. Asking for assistance
C. Requesting for assistance
D. Offering a favor
E. Refusing a help

7. Andy : Shall I close the door?

Budy : I don’t think so.From the
dialogue above we can conclude that ….
A. Budy wants the door open.
B. Andy wants the door open.
C. Budy wants the door close.
D. Andy closes the door for Budy. 11. The characteristics of job vacancy is the
E. Budy is letting Andy close the following, except :
door. A. Using short sentence;
B. Giving detail information
8. Adi : ………………………….
C. Using colourful image
Ina : It’s okay. I am fine D. Using simple language
A. Have you helped? E. Using understandable language.
B. Let me help?
C. What is it? 12. Which is the incorrect statement ?
A. The applicant must be able to
D. Do you have a help?
operate computer
E. How do you help?
B. The applicant must be able
9. Mita : Let me get you some cookies.
communicate using English
Bayu : Thanks.
C. The applicant should be fresh
We can conclude that Mita is …
A. Asking for help from Bayu. graduate.
B. Asking Bayu’s assistance. D. The applicant msut bring CV as
C. Offering her help to Bayu. walk in interview
D. Accepting with Bayu’s help. E. The company’s profile is about
E. Declining with Bayu’s help.
10. Dave: So what can I do for you now?
John: I try singing in a high tune. Can 13. The word of requiremnets has closest
you please teach me? meaning to …
A. Academic degree A. Television
B. Applicant’s experiences B. Newspaper
C. Company’s profiles
C. Magazine
D. Applicant’s qualifications
E. Skills D. Social Media
E. Website
The text below is for question number 14-18!
15. What qualification does the company
Joseph Q. Applicant search most?
123 Main Street, Anytown, CA A. Person who is able to operate
12345 · 555-212-1234 · computer B. Person who understand the
millennial things.
July 20, 2020 C. Person who is expert in using
Jane Smith Director, Human
D. Person who is good at internet and
Resources Fit Living 123
social media
Business Rd. Business City,
E. Person who can able to become a
CA 54321 Dear Ms. Smith,
trend setter for social media
I’m writing to apply for the position of
Social Media Manager for Fit Living, as 16. Based on the text above, the following
advertised on your website careers statement is correct related to the
applicant characters...
page. I have three years of A. The applicant looks so ambitious
experience as a Social Media Assistant B. The applicant is so ignorant with
for Young Living, and I believe I am society.
ready to move up to the manager C. The applicant has strong
position. confindence.
In your job posting, you mention that you D. The applicant is impolite
want to hire a Social Media Manager who E. The applicant has shown
understands Internet and social media
trends. During my time at Young Living, I
was given the responsibility of increasing
17. The biggest factor that could motivate
follower numbers on Instagram. I explained
the applicant to try this job position is…
to my manager that I would be happy to do
A. He has the experience
so, and that I would also work hard to
B. He has good academic background
increase follower participation, because
supporting his job
engagement has become an important
C. He has a strong connection with this
metric. Within six months, I increased our
company enevironment.
followers by over 50% and increased
D. He has good achiement related to
engagement by 400%. I’m very proud of
the same field the company seraches
that accomplishment.
E. He knows what to do in his job
14. How can the applicant get information
about job vacancy?He may get from…
18. I increased our followers by over B. Two women in the picture are
50%.... the word of increase has the at the high position in
same meaning with … monetery.
A. making different C. Both of them are woman who
B. making stronger present at the seminar.
C. making smaller
D. They are at the seminar on
D. making bigger in numbers
E. making double in numbers woman empowerment.
E. They are talking about woman
The text below is for question number 19-20! empowerment

The text below is for question number 21-


Women’s power: Finance Minister Sri

Mulyani (right) talks with International
Monetary Fund (IMF) chairwoman Christine
Lagarde during a seminar on women’s
empowerment in the Third World at the 2018
IMF-World Bank Group Annual Meetings at
the Bali International Convention Center in
Nusa Dua, Bali. (ICom/AM IMF-WBG/Puspa

19. What is the writer’s purpose with this

A. To describe a picture of Finace 21. What does the graph show you?
Minister and IMF chairwoman. A. Kids’ activity
B. To give information about a B. Kids’ leisure activity
seminar on women’s C. Kids’ participation
empowerment. D. Girls’ leisure activity
C. To show a good relationship E. Boys leisure activity
between Finance Minester and
IMF Chairman. 22. The third popular leisure activity for
D. To show the woman’s power boys is....
at the 2018 IMF-World Bank A. Watching TV
Group Annual Meetings. B. Bike riding
E. To inform about the woman’s C. Electronic game
power at the 2018 IMF-World D. Art and craft
Bank Group Annual Meetings. E. Skateboarding

20. Why did the writer give the title of 23. Based on the graph above, it can be
this caption “Women’s power”? concluded that....
A. Both of the women A. sedentary hobbies are far more
in the picture have a popular nowadays than active
power in world ones
monetary. B. the most unpopular leisure
activity for boys is art and craft
C. bike riding is not only popular The text below is for question number 26-29!
for boys but also for girls 4 September 2020
D. the most unpopular leisure
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - TikTok launched a
activity is art and craft
E. boys prefer active activities to marketing program on Thursday to attract
the sitting ones more advertisers with tools to measure the
success of ad campaigns that run on its
The text below is for question number 24-25!
popular short video app.
The program will allow brands and
marketers to run ad campaigns on its app,
that at present has about 20 certified
partners including digita l marketing
platform MakeMeReach and data analytics
company Kantar, TikTok said in a blog.
TikTok’s advertising business is still
nascent, but the company owned by China’s
ByteDance has become a popular place for
brands that aim to reach the app’s young
People line up for fuel at a gas station in Palu, audience, who flock to it for lip-syncing,
Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, 30 September dancing and comedy sketch videos.
2018. At least 1,300 people have died as a ByteDance has been ordered by U.S.
result of a series of powerful earthquakes President Donald Trump to divest
that hit central Sulawesi and triggered a TikTok’s operations in the country amid
tsunami. EPA/MAST IRHAM. security concerns over the personal data it

24. What is the writer intention to write Microsoft Corp and Oracle Corp are
the caption? among the suitors for the assets.
However, China’s new rules around tech
A. To inform about people condition
exports mean the sale of TikTok’s U.S.
in Palu operations could need Beijing’s approval.
B. To describe a picture of people line
up 26. What is the best headline for the text
C. To tell about people who line up A. Tik Tok launched marketing
D. To explain why people line up program for advertisers
E. To describe people who line up B. Tik Tok launches marketing
program for advertisers
25. At least 1,300 people have died ... a C. Tik Tok is launching marketing
series of powerful earthquakes that program for advertisers
hit central Sulawesi. What does this D. Tik Tok attracts the advertisers
sentence mean? E. Tik Tok was banned in US
A. Though 27. What is the news about?
B. due to A. Tik tok and The US Governemnt
C. since B. A launch of Tik Tok in US.
D. as C. Tik Tok offers a new program for
E. if advertisers
D. Tik Tok facilitates anyone to
E. Tik Tok now has a business Agustinus appeared to be haranguing crowds
devision for marketing. of onlookers below with a loud-hailer but it
28. Why did US Government ban Tik Tok
was unclear what he was actually saying. The
is US?
man took similar action in May when he
A. Tik Tok doesn’t give benefits for
climbed a 15-meter advertising hoarding in
Setiabudi, South Jakarta. He hung a banner
B. Tik Tok can be used for stealing
from the hoarding calling for the dissolution
personal data.
of political parties.
C. US Government divest Tik Tok
D. US Government supports He climbed another hoarding in Slipi, West
Microsoft to have the same app. Jakarta in February, carrying four banners
E. Tik Tok is more popular than stating “Orphans are victims of crazy gambler
facebook or another social media. army”, “Adonara man shot dead”, “People,
Densus 88, terrorist” and “Dissolve, close
29. What benefit does Tik Tok facilitate prisons”.The motive behind the current
for advertisers? action remains a mystery.
A. Tik Tok is popular
B. Tik Tok is easy to run “Get down! Are you looking for attention?
C. Tik Tok offers interesting app. That’s dangerous,” one resident shouted at
D. Tik Tok has so significant him.
numbers of users.
According to an official at the scene,
E. Tik Tok can be used for dancing
Agustinus carried food in a bag and slept in a
and singing
makeshift hammock slung between two
30. Beijing’s approval means ….
poles. (wnd)
A. Tik Tok sale must be agreed by
China Gov.
B. Tik Tok sale is agrees by China 08/15/man-climbs-electricity-tower-in- north-
C. China Gov. owns Tik Tok. 31. Which of the following actions was
D. Tik Tok must be sold to US done by Agustinus before August
E. China protects Tik Tok from Us. 2017?
A. He carried four banners when
The text below is for question number 31-32! climbing the tower in Setiabudi,
South Jakarta.
Man climbs electricity tower in North B. He hung a banner calling for
Jakarta suspension of political figures.
C. He climbed an electricity tower
Jakarta | Tue, August 15, 2017 | 10:21 pm
in Setiabudi, South Jakarta.
Agustinus Woro, who is infamous for D. He climbed a billboard in Slipi,
climbing advertising hoardings and West Jakarta in February.
electricity towers, has been on top of an E. He climbed an electricity tower
electricity tower on Jl. Yos Sudarso in in Slipi, West Jakarta.
Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, since Monday.
32. We can infer from the text that ....
A. Agustinus is a very welknown lng-for-indonesias-power-plants-
man luhut.html
B. Agustinus is an expert of
33. We know from the text that..
climbing towers A. Indonesia has proposed to
C. The purpose Agustinus’ action is Singapore to supply LNG for
still unknown power generations in the
D. Agustinus is a victim of crazy country
B. the supply would be used to
gambler army power several plants in some
E. Agustinus has failed to get the areas all over Indonesia
attention of watchers. C. the LNG will supply small
power plants, areas close to
The text is for no 33 – 35! Singapore, and remote places
D. the name of the company that
Singapore to supply LNG for Indonesia's will supply the LNG is already
power plants: Luhut made known publically
E. the LNG supply offer has been
The Jakarta Post discussed with PLN and
Maritime Coordinating Minister
Jakarta Tue, August 15, 2017 06:54 pm
34. Which statement is correct related to
Coordinating Maritime Minister Luhut
Pandjaitan said on Tuesday that Singapore the text?
had offered to supply liquefied natural gas A. Singapore produces the biggest
(LNG) for power generations in several LNG in ASEAN.
locations in Indonesia. B. Singapore becomes a barter with
The offer was discussed in a meeting held at
the Office of the Maritime Coordinating Indonesia for LNG.
Minister with state electricity company PT C. Indonesia is depend on
Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) and the Singapore’s supply.
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources D. The LNG is supplied for power
Luhut said that the LNG supply would be generations in Indonesia.
used to power several power plants in seven E. The LNG is supplied for power
areas with close proximity to Singapore. plants several places in Sumatra.
"Singapore has offered LNG to fuel power 35. He added ….. the word of he refers
plants in seven places, including in Nias,
North Sumatra, in Lhouksemawe, Aceh, and
in Riau, to name a few,” Luhut said. A. Minister of Singapore.
He added that the LNG would be supplied for B. President Jokowi.
small power plants with the capacity C. A Minister of ESDM
between 25 megawatt to 50 megawatt. D. A Minister of of Maritime
"The total capacity would be almost 500
megawatt, but it would be divided in several Coordinating
remote places,” he said. E. The Director of Pertamina
Luhut said that the government would
open a tender for the procurement, 36. Nila : “ I have to wear a thick
but he refused to confirm which Nada :jacket,
“ Yes,right!”
Singapore companies would A. If you go out now
participate. (dis) B. If you study abroad
C. If the cold wind comes D. If the sun shines
s/2017/08/15/singapore -to-supply- E. If the weather comes
37. Suny : “ If you arrive here, 41. “ If you buy a new device, you have to
…………………. “ read instruction first “. This sentence
Sita : “ Sure.!” means that…
A. “ read the train schedule!” A. We can operate the new device
B. “ ask the police right away!” without reading the instruction
C. “ change the schedule “ B. All instructions are written in
D. “ let me know ‘ English.
E. “ take a bus C. Reading the instruction helps us
to set up a new device.
38. Ani : “ If you feel hard to breathe D. Read the instruction unless we
Beni “: “ ………… “ can’t set up a new device,
A. I should contact a doctor E. Reading the instruction is only
B. I should wear a mask for beginners.
C. I can see a doctor 42. Read this lyric!
D. I possibly go to hospital
E. I should take a pill 'Cause you only need the light if it's
burning low”. What do the lyrics
The text is for no 39–41! remind of?
Tonny : “ Hi, Dick what’s going on? You A. Everything must be everlasting
look so confused “ B. Everything must be defended
Dick : “ I have a little bit problem with C. Everything is needed as it is
my new gadget “ D. No one can’t live forever
Tonny : “ If you believe in my skill, let me E. Always ready for losing anything.
check your gadget “ 43. Andy : “Don’t be selfish, Eddy!”
Dick : “ I believe you, but I don’t read
the instruction yet” Eddy : “I’ m not selfish, I just
Tonny : “ Oh If you buy a new device, you want she always cares of me!”
have to read the instruction first” Andy : “Don’t you realized, just
Dick : “ I agree but all are written in
English” listen this part, ……………………..”
Tonny : “ If you don’t understand the A. “ if you remember her“
instruction, I can help you to explain it “ B. “ if you don’t tell me anything”
Dick : “ That’s very kind of you”“ And if C. “if you're missing home.”
we finish to set up the device, we can have D. “if you think of me ”
coffee out” E. “if you know so well”
Tonny : “ That’s lovely , let’s do it”.
44. Ana : “What do you do if you want
39. Why does Dick look so confused? to become a famous youtuber?
A. He has bought a new device. Ica :“ ……..
B. He can’t operate her new gadget.
C. He can’t read the instruction. A. You should follow Atta Halilintar
D. The instruction is written in B. You follow Atta Halilintar
English. C. You are following Atta Halilintar
E. He has a problem. D. You have followed Atta Halilintar
40. Which statement is correct related to E. You are going to follow Atta
the text? Halilintar.
A. Tonny is skillful in technic.
B. Tonny is good at English. 45. Teti : If I have another chance to
C. Dick knows how to set up the
win, what should I do?
D. They have a plan to have coffee. Tita :…
E. Dick give solution for Tono’s
problem. A. “You might only have one match”
B. “ You should be more confident
to win “
C. “ You can win someday “
D. “ You have to think before
E. “ You have to give the chance to


46. What is the purpose about news

47. What is the generic structure about
News items?
48. I feel sick, if …
49. If I close my eyes, I …
50. What is the definition about the news

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