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Mahayahay St. Soong 1, Mactan Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Philippines 6015
Contact No. : 0917 629 9778; Email:

Name: Vincent S. Duhaylungsod

Section: BS-CRIM 2E
Subject: Life and Works of Rizal
Exercise 9: Dr. Jose P. Rizal: A Fully Functioning Person?
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this exercise the students should be able to:
1. Define and understand the terms “fully functioning person” and “healthy personality”;
2. Recognize the characteristics of a fully functioning person and a healthy personality;
3. Compare Dr. Jose Rizal’s characteristics with the characteristics of a fully functioning person;
4. Compare their own personality characteristics with the characteristics of a fully functioning
5. Determine if Dr. Rizal had a healthy personality which enabled him to become a National
6. Determine if they have a healthy personality that will enable them to become ideal Filipino
citizens – socially concerned, productive, morally upright, and patriotic like Dr. Rizal; and
7. Discover the beneficial effects of having a citizenry that possesses a healthy personality.
Present Realities:
Graft and corruption, disrespect for people’s rights, inefficiency of workers, lack of
concern for the environment, drug abuse and different types of crimes, among others, are only
a few examples of existing problematic situations in the Philippines at present. These may also
indicate that many Filipinos at present are not fully functioning as human beings and are not
acting or behaving as they should. Negative biological, psychological, social, material, cultural,
and also geographical influences have caused them to become persons with unhealthy
personalities who have no qualms about displaying anti-social acts. This is because a person
with an unhealthy personality tends to be self-centered; her or his main concern is her or his
own welfare only.
Many institutions like the family, school, government, and the church have failed to
develop many of their members or constituents holistically in the dimensions of human growth
and development: physically, intellectually, psychologically, emotionally, socially, morally, and
spiritually. Psychologists and social scientists believe that development of social concern and
service orientations which results from an individual’s full development is enhances if she or he
has a healthy and normal personality supported by a positive self-concept and sound values,
both of which are within the realms of psychological and mental health.

Activity: Follow the instructions and write your answers in the space provided.
1. Research and define the terms “fully functioning person” and “healthy personality.”
Fully Functioning is a person with a healthy personality, who experiences freedom of
choice and action, is creative, and exhibits the qualities of existential living (client-centered
therapy of Carl Rogers). Whereas, Healthy personality can be characterized by the following
traits: capable to experience and express emotions, confident in their own abilities,
emotionally stable and resilient to stress.
Therefore, the significant difference between fully functioning person and healthy
personality is that in fully function it is the experiences of freedom while in healthy
personality is the ability to experience.
2. Enumerate and explain the characteristics of a fully functioning person.
 Openness to experience- the adaptability of a person to new experiences.
 Pro-active- preventing a situation to happen than responding it after it
 The ability to interpret experiences accurately- the capacity to understand and
react to circumstances.
 A flexible self-concept and the ability to change through experience- as a fully
functioning person one should be flexible to circumstances and improve at the
same time.
 The ability to trust one’s experiences and form values based on those
experiences- the capacity to trust oneself and learn valuable lesson from the
circumstantial encounters.
 Unconditional self-regard- the ability to stay optimistic at all times.
 Does not feel the need to distort or deny experiences-putting dignity and
integrity to ones experiences.
 Open to feedback and willing to make realistic changes- one should accept
positive criticism to fully improve oneself.
 Lives in harmony with other people- exercising humanity to maintain peace and
order in life.

3. Compare a person with a healthy personality and a person with an unhealthy

A healthy personality has a positive outlook on life and has sense of humor, on the other
hand, unhealthy personality is the opposite of healthy personality which they are not
optimistic, untruthful, and has a crab mentality.
4. Review the pictures in a newspaper/magazine; choose a picture which could symbolize
the functioning of an individual with a healthy personality. Cut and paste the picture on
the page provided and explain why you chose it.

I chose this picture as a symbolism of functioning of an individual with healthy

personality for the reason that this picture depicts that no matter the challenges and
trials that may he encountered he will remain free and grateful to the things he have
come to experience. This picture possess the openness to experience, unconditional
self-regard, open to feedback and willing to make realistic change, and the ability to
interpret experiences accurately.
Therefore, the person in the picture signifies love, freedom, acceptance and
comfort; that no matter how hard the life may be there is still a reason be feel grateful

5. Compare Dr. Rizal’s characteristics with the characteristics of a fully functioning person.
Did he have a healthy personality? Explain and support your answers with specific
Dr. Jose Rizal has a valid mind-set to recall the first-class alternatives and even
endanger his lifestyles for the advantage of human beings in our united states and his
companions. Citizen. For example, José Rizal become terrific in numerous professions He
consists of medicine, literature, science, agriculture, and engineering. Through his
paintings "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo" he fought for reformed for us
Filipinos and hanged in Bagambayan. He helped many especially the man or woman
after he become banished to Dapitan. He bureaucracy the cease Agricultural and
aquaculture college students for the unwell and population in Dapitan.
Therefore, Dr. Rizal is certainly is a fully functioning person, he seeks freedom
and open to experience. He is a proactive and flexible. Gat. Jose Rizal is indeed has a
healthy personality.
6. Compare your own personality characteristics with the characteristics of a fully
functioning person. Do you have all the characteristics of a person with a healthy
personality? If your answer is no, what do you intend to do about it?
I believe that I am a fully functioning person, as I have possess the same qualities
that a fully function person have. I am approachable and I accept criticism, thus, I
also conquer challenges with an optimistic mind. I might not be a proactive at all
times I am open to new experiences.
Therefore, I might not be the best person but I can proudly say that indeed I am
a fully function person.
7. What are the beneficial effects if the majority of Filipino citizens will be able to develop
a healthy personality?
There is a significant effects if majority of the Filipino citizens will able to develop a healthy
personality, through this we can make our nation productive and efficient. It would also result
to less crime and conflicts, we can achieve peace and order if all person has a healthy
Therefore, If majority of the Filipinos is fully functional person without a doubt our country
will be considered as the best country around the world, hence the economy of the Philippines
will increase rapidly.

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