Trump Allies Work To Place Supporters in Key Election Posts Across The Country, Spurring Fears About Future Vote Challenges - The Washington Post

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Democracy Dies in Darkness

Trump allies work to place supporters in key election

posts across the country, spurring fears about future
vote challenges
By Amy Gardner, Tom Hamburger and Josh Dawsey 

Yesterday at 6:00 a.m. EST

In Michigan, local GOP leaders have sought to reshape election canvassing boards by appointing members who
expressed sympathy for former president Donald Trump’s false claims that the 2020 vote was rigged.

In two Pennsylvania communities, candidates who embraced election fraud allegations won races this month to
become local voting judges and inspectors.

And in Colorado, 2020 doubters are urging their followers on conservative social media platforms to apply for jobs
in election offices.

A year after local and state election officials came under immense pressure from Trump to subvert the results of the
2020 White House race, he and his supporters are pushing an ambitious plan to place Trump loyalists in key
positions across the administration of U.S. elections.

The effort goes far beyond the former president’s public broadsides against well-known Republican state officials
who certified President Biden’s victory, such as Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Arizona Gov.
Doug Ducey. Citing the need to make elections more secure, Trump allies are also seeking to replace officials across
the nation, including volunteer poll watchers, paid precinct judges, elected county clerks and state attorneys
general, according to state and local officials, as well as rally speeches, social media posts and campaign
appearances by those seeking the positions.

If they succeed, Trump and his allies could pull down some of the guardrails that prevented him from overturning
Biden’s win by creating openings to challenge the results next time, election officials and watchdog groups say.

“The attacks right now are no longer about 2020,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D). “They’re
about 2022 and 2024. It’s about chipping away at confidence and chipping away at the reality of safe and secure
elections. And the next time there’s a close election, it will be easier to achieve their goals. That’s what this is all

A spokesman for Trump did not respond to a request for comment.

Supporters of the former president who are seeking offices that would give them oversight of elections say they just
want to make the system secure.


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Voters have a right “to scrutinize the election process,” Kristina Karamo, a candidate for Michigan secretary of
state, told several hundred demonstrators gathered on the lawn of the state Capitol in Lansing last month in
support of a “forensic” audit of the 2020 results.

Karamo — who shot to prominence after making unsubstantiated allegations that she witnessed fraudulent voting
as a poll challenger in Detroit — said one of her top priorities as the state’s top election administrator would be to
“make sure every citizen across the state of Michigan’s voice is heard. That way illegal ballots do not nullify legal

Few states have seen more fervor for replacing election officials than Michigan, where the push extends from
candidates for statewide office down to the most local level of election administration — county boards of
canvassers, whose members served as bulwarks against Trump’s efforts in 2020.

One leader of the effort to challenge the 2020 vote in the state, West Michigan lawyer Matthew DePerno, is seeking
the GOP nomination for attorney general. DePerno, who waged a failed legal battle over an election-night vote-
counting error in Antrim County, has built his campaign around a vow to expose fraud.

“The elites in this state, the elected officials they don’t want you — the voter, the common man, the taxpayer — they
don’t want you to see the voting data,” DePerno told the cheering crowd at the Lansing rally, adding: “The
Democrats and the establishment don’t understand the power of the grass roots movement in Michigan.”

Neither DePerno nor Karamo responded to requests for comment.

Trump has endorsed both candidates, part of a wave of Republican contenders across the country who have
embraced the former president’s false assertions about the 2020 election — including 10 running for secretary of
state and eight running for attorney general, according to a tally by The Washington Post.


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Earlier this year, the GOP-led Michigan Senate Oversight Committee issued a report that found no evidence of
widespread or systematic fraud in Michigan’s 2020 election.

But the 2020 vote is such an animating force among Republican activists in Michigan that there is now intense
focus in some large counties on the four-member canvassing boards charged with verifying the vote, certifying the
results and transmitting the numbers to a state board for final certification.

These boards are typically made up of an even number of Republicans and Democrats, who in the past approached
certification as a ministerial duty determined by the outcome of the popular vote.

But last fall, multiple Republican canvassers came under fire from pro-Trump forces for voting to certify the
results. William Hartmann and Monica Palmer, the two Republican board members in Wayne County, home of
Detroit, received calls directly from Trump, they later said in interviews.

Both initially voted not to certify, then reversed themselves after receiving promises that the vote would be audited.
They then tried unsuccessfully to rescind their votes.

This year, Palmer was replaced with Robert Boyd, a Republican who said in an interview that he probably would
not have voted to certify the 2020 results.

“No deals are to be made with an election,” Boyd said, referring to Hartmann’s and Palmer’s decision to certify in
exchange for the pledge of an audit. “I wanted to make sure that it wouldn’t happen that way again.”

Boyd said he sought the post because “I am really interested in the integrity of elections, and I am a Christian, so I
want to make sure that we do the best job we can and be as transparent as we can . . . so elections can be trusted.”

Hartmann said he regretted losing Palmer’s experience and expressed wariness about some of those being
nominated to canvassing boards around the state.


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“I am concerned about this,” Hartmann said in an interview in late October, before he was hospitalized this month
with covid-19. “When you are on that board, you are sort of a nonpartisan. It doesn’t matter which party you are in,
it matters how the numbers shake out. I am concerned that they are appointing people with strong views. We need
to make decisions off the law. Not on gut emotion.”

Boyd was selected by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners from a pool of three people nominated by the
county GOP committee to succeed Palmer, all of whom have expressed support for Trump’s false claims of fraud.
The others were Josephine Brown, who has spoken publicly about attending the Jan. 6 rally in Washington to
protest the outcome and has said she probably wouldn’t have certified the 2020 result; and Hima Kolanagireddy,
whom Trump lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani called as a witness to voter fraud at a legislative hearing last year in

Kolanagireddy said in an interview that she withdrew her nomination because of the threatening environment.
Brown did not respond to a request for comment. The Wayne County Republican Committee did not respond to
email inquiries.

GOP officials also have replaced local canvassing board members in other key counties in the state, as the Detroit
News first reported. In Michigan’s third-largest county, Macomb, Republican officials appointed to the canvassing
board a former Republican poll challenger, Nancy Tiseo, who tweeted shortly after the 2020 election that Trump
should suspend meetings of the electoral college and have “military tribunals” investigate claims about election
fraud. Tiseo did not respond to a request for comment.

great big flashing
EVERYred warning sign,” said Jeff Timmer, former chair of the Michigan Republican Party and
a Trump critic. “Thebreakdown
A 5-minute officials who fulfilled
to track theiralegal
newduty after the last
president election
Sign Up are now being replaced by people
who are pledging to throw a wrench in the gears of the next election. It tells you that they are planning nothing but
chaos and that they have a strategy to disrupt the certification of the next election.”

In Genesee County, home of Flint, Michelle Voorheis, a 13-year Republican veteran of the county canvassing board,
said in an interview that she believes the local GOP committee did not renominate her this year because she
defended the outcome of the last election on social media.

“It makes me sad,” said Voorheis, who has participated in national and local GOP politics for decades and recently
served as Genesee party chair. “I vouched for the integrity of the 2020 election, I answered peoples’ questions on
Facebook and tried to explain there was no evidence” of widespread fraud.

She was replaced on the Board of Canvassers by Eric Stewart, a local pastor. In an email to The Post, Stewart did
not address a question about his views on the 2020 election, but he said he was looking forward to working with the
other election officials. “All I am focused on is doing the job I have been asked to do with the team members I will
be working with,” he wrote.

The county clerk, Democrat John Gleason, said in an interview Friday that Stewart impressed him and had not
raised questions about fraud, unlike some other GOP nominees. But Gleason lamented Voorheis’s departure, which
he blamed on pressure from what he called “wacko” Republicans.

The local GOP chairman, Matthew Smith, did not respond to an email seeking comment. Smith pleaded guilty last
week to a misdemeanor for “malicious use of telecommunication services,” admitting that he called Houghton
County Election Clerk Jennifer Kelly, a Democrat, in March 2020, to harass her. She has said Smith threatened to
kill her dogs. Since the election, Kelly has contended with a wave of claims by local residents that 2020 election was

Similar upheaval is taking place in other states. In two Pennsylvania counties earlier this month — Lancaster and
York — a handful of candidates who have supported Trump’s false 2020 claims won elections to serve as local
election judges and election inspectors, according to research by the States United Democracy Center, a
nonpartisan group focused on free and fair elections.

“Having election deniers run elections is like having arsonists take over the fire department,” said Joanna Lydgate,
who leads the organization.

“We have every reason to believe that what happened in those two counties — individuals who promote lies about
the 2020 election running for and winning local seats — is happening in other places around the state and
nationwide,” she added.

One of the winning candidates for election judge in Windsor Township, Pa., was Shane Lehman, who embraced
claims of fraud on his Facebook page after the 2020 election and has shared statements from state Sen. Doug
Mastriano (R), who has been pushing for an audit of the 2020 results in Pennsylvania. Lehman did not respond to a
phone message seeking comment.


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Some activists have encouraged Trump supporters to get hired inside election offices in Colorado and Pennsylvania,
according to social media posts viewed by The Post.

One activist from Colorado who is a member of a Telegram channel called “Colorado Election Audit News” shared a
job listing for an “IT Technical Project Manager” in the office of Griswold, the Colorado secretary of state.

The activist, Barb Crossman, declined to talk about the job posting or whom she hoped would fill it. Instead, she
wrote in an email that she was hoping to invite Trump ally Stephen K. Bannon to Mesa County, Colo., to bring
attention to the case of Tina Peters, the clerk barred by a judge from supervising an election after she admitted
copying the hard drives of election equipment in search of evidence of corruption.

Crossman wrote: “We have to get the TRUTH out because our Colorado courts are so so so corrupted!!!”

Colorado officials said they have collected additional election job listings that have been shared on conservative
social media sites.

Griswold said in an interview that she was “aware that election conspiracists are encouraging people to apply for
jobs in our office.” But she added that safeguards are in place that will screen out such applicants.

“Many of the positions require a high level of expertise or skill that just can’t be falsified” she said. “Positions are
available only to Colorado residents. You have to pass reference checks and background checks.”

Still, the evidence is mounting that some local officials are receptive to arguments that the 2020 vote was tainted.
The FBI is investigating the incident in Colorado involving Peters and another in Ohio in which a county official
appears to have provided an outsider access to a government computer system to assess claims of fraud.

The push to take over the country’s election administration is being fueled by figures including Bannon, a former
senior adviser to Trump who has promoted a blueprint he and others call the “precinct strategy” to take over every
level of the GOP, from statewide officeholders to volunteer poll watchers and local committee members.


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“We’re taking over school boards, we’re taking over the Republican Party — through the precinct committee
strategy,” Bannon said on an episode of his “War Room” podcast broadcast Nov. 12. “We’re taking over all the

“They’re there to have a free and fair count,” Bannon added, referring to those seeking election and voting oversight
positions. “And we’re going to continue that and we’re going to get to the bottom of 3 November and we’re going to
decertify the electors. Okay? And you’re going to have a constitutional crisis. But you know what? We’re a big and
tough country, and we can handle that.”

The movement is also getting oxygen from local GOP organizations across the country. In Myrtle Beach, S.C., where
the state GOP recently gathered, county Republicans who have embraced Trump’s false election claims staged a
separate event called the “I Pledge Allegiance Tour.” They have also pushed for an audit in surrounding Horry
County, despite the fact that Trump won overwhelmingly there.

“We took over the Republican Party in South Carolina. We kicked out the RINO b------,” Tracy Beanz Diaz, a state
executive committeewoman who has touted QAnon theories, said at a Florida conference this year, according to
footage reviewed by The Post. (RINO stands for Republican In Name Only and has been invoked by Trump and his
allies to refer to those in the party viewed as insufficiently loyal to him.) Diaz did not respond to a request for

Some national Republican leaders have shown more reluctance to fully embrace Trump’s false claims, but as the
GOP base has followed the former president’s lead, party officials have faced building pressure to address concerns
about election security.

In a presentation to donors last spring obtained by The Post, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna
McDaniel announced the formation of a “Committee on Election Integrity” that has placed public-records requests
in numerous states “to ensure election officials are administering elections in a free, fair and transparent manner.”

The party is also growing its Election Day poll-watching operation into a permanent infrastructure staffed with
attorneys and organizers year-round, according to RNC officials. Target states will have their own director focused
on recruiting, training and deploying volunteers and poll watchers.

“We’re doing more recruitment ahead of time, instead of just a few months before Election Day,” Justin Riemer,
chief counsel at the RNC, said in an interview.

Riemer said the party plans legal action in up to 10 states, including key battlegrounds. He said the replacement of
election officials doesn’t particularly concern him. “The election officials who you’re seeing removed or potentially
removed are the elections officials who have messed things up,” he said. “Like any job, if you don’t perform, you’re
going to be replaced.”

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Meanwhile, Trump is demanding fealty to the lie that he won in 2020 and has thrown his weight behind candidates
who have touted claims of fraud. In Georgia, he has endorsed U.S. Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.), who is challenging
Raffensperger for secretary of state after the incumbent refused Trump’s entreaties to reverse Biden’s win in the

“People do not understand why you and Governor Brian Kemp adamantly refuse to acknowledge the now proven
facts, and fight so hard that the election truth not be told,” the former president wrote in an open letter in
September calling on Raffensperger to decertify the 2020 results.

Hice and Trump have been in touch throughout the year, Trump advisers said. Hice declined a request for an

Trump has tried to spur 2020 reviews in other states — even after a recount of ballots in Arizona’s Maricopa County
reaffirmed Biden’s victory earlier this year. He recently began promoting claims that the Wisconsin Election
Commission “committed felony crimes” related to voting practices at nursing homes during the pandemic.

The former president is briefed some mornings by his spokeswoman, Liz Harrington, who promoted false claims
about election fraud before she left the RNC last December, according to people familiar with the matter.
Harrington collects allegations of fraud posted online and has written many of Trump’s detailed statements,
particularly those attacking local politicians, according to Trump advisers. Harrington did not respond to requests
for comment.

Some Republicans have refused to follow the party’s new direction — and worry that it will push away reasonable

“Mainstream elected officials have become so fearful of these people that it’s pushing them to the crazy fringe,” said
Walter Whetsell, a GOP consultant in South Carolina. “They fear them. I’m not positive there are significantly more
of them. I’m certain they are emboldened and louder than they’ve ever been before.”

Others have urged the party faithful to look ahead and stop litigating the 2020 results.
“We have to talk about the future,” said Henry Barbour, an RNC committeeman from Mississippi. “Most people in
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Mississippi are concerned about gas prices, covid overreach. I think candidates are making a mistake getting in
those weeds.”

He added: “I don’t hear people in Mississippi talking about whether the election was or wasn’t stolen.”

Marc Elias, a leading Democratic election lawyer, said the public should pay attention to the surge of pro-Trump
forces taking over the local workings of elections, because it was at that level where the system withstood its most
difficult test last year.

“The closest call was not on the floor of the House or the floor of the Senate,” Elias said, referring to efforts leading
up to Jan. 6 to persuade Congress not to accept the electoral college count. “The closest call was at the Wayne
County Canvassing Board, where Republicans tried to intimidate appointees not to certify the results.”

It didn’t work. But it’s a different board now, Elias said.

Emma Brown and Alice Crites in Washington and Kayla Ruble in Lansing, Mich., contributed to this report.


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