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Infosys Previous Year Paper

Technical (Mathematical Ability and
Logical Reasoning)
Assessment Practice Set 2

10 Questions

Que. 1 The total number of even factors of 25 × 33 × 52 is:

1. 30
2. 5
3. 10
4. 60
Testbook Solution Correct Option - 4

Que. 2 Nature of the roots of the quadratic equation x2 – 4x + 4 = 0

1. infinite
2. two distinct real roots
3. two equal real roots
4. two complex roots
Testbook Solution Correct Option - 3

Que. 3 Three men and a woman can complete a work in 9 days working together while 2 men and 5 women
can do the same work in 6 days working together. If they together get a daily wage of Rs. 672, then
what is the daily wage of a man?
1. 392
2. 388
3. 324
4. 350
Testbook Solution Correct Option - 1

Que. 4 Find how many four letter word can be formed out of the word “PINEAPPLES”?
1. 840
2. 5040
3. 720
4. 5120
Testbook Solution Correct Option - 1

Que. 5 At a round table, n persons are seated on n chairs. The probability that two friends from same college
are sitting next to each other, is:
1. 2

2. 1


3. 1

4. 2


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Que. 6 Two trains leave P and Q towards Q and P at same time. Speeds of train moving from P and Q is 25
km/hr and 30 km/hr respectively. When they meet then it is known that the train coming from Q has
travelled 10 km distance more than a train coming from P. What is the distance between P and Q?
1. 100 km
2. 110 km
3. 120 km
4. 90 km
Testbook Solution Correct Option - 2

Que. 7 A man purchased two calculators for Rs. 900. If he sells first at the loss of 20% and second at the gain
of 20% selling prices become same. Then cost prices of both calculators are?
1. Rs. 450, Rs. 450
2. Rs. 300, Rs. 600
3. Rs. 200, Rs. 700
4. Rs. 540, Rs. 360
Testbook Solution Correct Option - 4

Que. 8 Ajith is three times older than Babita. Chetu is half the age of Das. Babita is older than Chetu. Which of
the following additional information is needed to estimate the age of Ajith?
I. Chetu is 10 yr old.
II. Both Babita and Das are older than Chetu by the same number of years.
1. Only I
2. Only II
3. I and II
4. None of these
Testbook Solution Correct Option - 3

Que. 9 3rd and 12th terms of an AP are 21 and 48 respectively, then find the first term of that AP. 
1. 16
2. 12
3. 18
4. 15
Testbook Solution Correct Option - 4

Que. 10 The maximum number of students among whom 1001 pens and 910 pencils can be distributed in such
a way that each student gets same number of pens and same number of pencils, is:
1. 91
2. 910
3. 1001
4. 1911
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