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Pre-Colonial Period

10 Reasons Why Life is Better in Pre-Colonial Philippines

• Women have equal footing with men.
- They're allowed to divorce their spouses.
- Inherits property.
- They can even lead respective barangay & territories.

• They have sole right to name their children.

- Largely matriarchal (Pre Colonial Philippines)
- Women holds great weight in matters of politics & religion, who also headed the rituals called

• Society was more tolerant.

- Allowed divorce.
- Women has a say on how many children would they want to produce.
- Sexuality is not suppressed
- No premium was given to virginity before marriage
-No prostitution

• Higher standard of Government

- Relationship of the ruler to his people is simple:
* In return for his protection the people pay tribute and serving in times of war and peace.
- The Datus are from upper classes but they can be demoted by a lower-classmen.
- Anyone can be a Datu base on merit: Bravery, Wisdom, and Leadership ability.

• Our forefathers already possessed working a judicial & legislative system.

- They are well versed in the concept of justice.
- They give penalties for anyone found guilty of a crime. (Censures, Fines, Imprisonment, and Death)
- The system was not perfect but it worked.
• We were self-sufficient.
- They've been blessed w/ such a resource that'll be enough for themselves and their family.
- They learned farming techniques.
- The Banaue Rice Terraces if a proof of our ancestor’s ingenuity.

• We had smoother foreign relations

- They had already established trading & diplomatic relations w/ countries as far away as Middle East.

• They know how to make advanced weapons.

- Far from being an Archi-type, the tribesmen were very proficient on the art of war.
- They wield swords and spears.
- They also know how to make and fire guns and cannons.
- Rajah Sulayman, was said to own a huge 17 long iron cannon.

• Several professions already existed.

- Aside for being farmers, they also dabble & excelled in several professions as well:
* Mining
* Textiles
* Smithing
- Local products such as pots, jewelries, and clothes are highly sought in different countries.

• The literacy rate was high.

- They used "Baybayin."
- They were educated well w/ the use of Baybayin.

• We already had an Advanced Civilization.

- Contrary to foreign accounts, our ancestors are not just a jungle living savages. In fact, pre-colonial
PH possessed a very advanced civilization, way before we were colonized.

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