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University of Perpetual Help-Dr.

Jose G Tamayo Medical University

College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna



A Thesis Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
University of Perpetual Help – Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

In partial fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy



April 2021

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna


This thesis entitled “Job Satisfaction and Efficiency of Community

Pharmacists in Biñan City, Laguna”, prepared and submitted by Rosette Nicole F.
Tapangco, Nicole M. Tolentino, Janella Louis A. Sotomango, and Keila G. Basalo, in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Pharmacy, has been examined and is recommended for Oral Examination.

Analiza P. Malalay, RPh, MS Pharm, PhD


Approved by the Panel on Oral Examination with a grade of ______%

Thesis Committee:

Eduardo V. Soriano Jr., RPh,MPH, MHA


Virma D. Espejo, RPh, MAEd, EDD Maria Kathrina D. Olivarez, RPh.,

Member MSCPD

Rufo S. Calixtro Jr.,PhD



Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy.

Analiza P. Malalay, RPh, MS Pharm, PhD

Dean, College of Pharmacy
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna


The completion of this scholarly endeavor will not reach the realms of possibility

without the divine guidance and provision of Heavenly Father, the fountain head of

knowledge and wisdom, to Him the researcher wishes to return all the glory. Also,

gratitude is extended to the following persons whose invaluable contributions are

implanted on the pages of this manuscript.

Dr. Analiza P. Malalay, the adviser, for mentoring, trusting, and inspiring the


Dr. Rufo S. Calixtro Jr., Dr. Virma D. Espejo, Mr. Eduardo V. Soriano, and Ms.

Maria Kathrina D. Olivarez, the eminent members of the oral examination committee, for

their constructive criticisms and recommendations as well as their meticulous evaluation

for the improvement of the study;

Mr. Leonardo J. Elemos, for diligently helping the researchers from the selection

of respondents and calculations to data gathering and interpretation; and

The respondents of the study, for their time and cooperation that made the

procurement of data possible.

The Researchers

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna


It is our genuine gratefulness and warmest regard that we dedicate this work to

our beloved parents who gave us the inspiration and determination to do any task with


We would also like to dedicate this research to our friends and co-researchers who

knowingly or unknowingly led us to understanding of our ability to thrive and never lose

hope in every struggle that we faced during the research process.

We also dedicate this research to our department, the College of Pharmacy, which

has nurtured us with enough wisdom, knowledge and inspiration for us to be able to cross

every challenge we face to achieve our goals.

Lastly, this research will not be possible without the guidance from our Heavenly

Father. To God be the Glory!

The Researchers

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Table of Contents


Title page i

Recommendation for Oral Examination ii

Acknowledgement iii

Dedication iv

Table of Contents v

List of Tables viii

List of Figures ix

Thesis Abstract x



Introduction 1

Theoretical Framework 2

Conceptual Framework 4

Statement of the Problem 5

Hypothesis 5

Significance of the Study 5

Scope and Delimitation 6

Definition of Terms 7

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna


State of the Art 9

Synthesis of Reviewed Literature 18

Gaps Bridged by the Present Study 20


Research Design 21

Respondents of the Study 21

Research Instrument 22

Research Procedures 22

Ethical Considerations 24

Statistical Treatment of Data 24



Frequency Distribution of the Community Pharmacist 25

According to Age

Frequency Distribution of the Community Pharmacist 26

According to Years in their Field

Perceived Level of Job Satisfaction of Community Pharmacist 27

Perceived Level of Job Efficiency of Community Pharmacists 29

Results of Pearson R and t-test for the Significant Relationship 30

between Pharmacist’s Job Satisfaction and Efficiency

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna



Summary of Findings 32

Conclusions 34

Recommendations 35



A Letter of Consent 41

B Survey Questionnaire 43


University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

List of Tables

Table Title Page

1.1 Frequency Distribution of the Community 25

Pharmacist According to Age

1.2 Frequency Distribution of the Community 26

Pharmacist According to Years in their Field

2.1 Perceived Level of Job Satisfaction of Community 27


3.1 Perceived Level of Job Efficiency of Community 29


4.1 Results of Pearson R and t-test for the Significant 30

Relationship between Pharmacist’s Job

Satisfaction and Efficiency

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

List of Figures

Figure Title Page

1 The theoretical model showing the Self-Determination 2

Theory (SDT)

2 The Conceptual Model showing the relationship of 4

Job Satisfaction and Efficiency of Community

Pharmacist based on their experiences

3 Schematic Diagram of Research Procedure 23

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Title: Job Satisfaction and Efficiency of Community Pharmacists
in Biñan City, Laguna
School: University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical
Authors: Basalo, Keila G.
Sotomango, Janella Louis A.
Tapangco, Rosette Nicole F.
Tolentino, Nicole M.
Adviser: Analiza P. Malalay, RPh, MS Pharm, PhD
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Academic Year: 2020-2021

Background: Community pharmacists were considered as key players in our healthcare

system, thus their performance and efficiency at their work can directly affect the health
of the people within the society.

Purpose: Recognizing the effect of satisfaction and efficiency of community pharmacists

in the health of the society, the researchers sought to assess the relationship between job
satisfaction and efficiency of community pharmacists in Biñan City, Laguna.
Methods: A survey was conducted among the community pharmacists of different chain
pharmacies located at Biñan City, Laguna, wherein a total of thirty (30) respondents
participated in the study. The questionnaire given to respondents were consists of
fourteen questions divided into three sections: (1) The demographic profile of the
respondents, (2) level of job satisfaction of community pharmacists, and (3) level of job
performance and efficiency of community pharmacists.
Results: The results of the study got a computed data of 5.94 which was greater than its
critical t-value of 2.048, indicating that there is a significant relationship between job
satisfaction and efficiency of community pharmacists.
Conclusions: Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
(1) Age and the years of working in the field affects the respondents satisfaction at work.
(2) The respondents were generally satisfied with their work and find their work
interesting because their job meets their expectations. (3) The respondents were
determined to have high level of job efficiency based on the criteria and performance
review of the organization they are working in. (4) There was a significant relationship
between job satisfaction and efficiency of community pharmacists, indicating that
employees tends to be more efficient when they were satisfied with their work.
Keywords: Community Pharmacists, Job Satisfaction, Efficiency

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Chapter 1

Community pharmacists were healthcare professionals essential to enhance

patient care and promote implementation of sustainable health to the patient, mainly

attributed on being experts in a variety of medications. Despite having sort of duties, the

professional commitment of a community pharmacist was to provide pharmaceutical care

to the patients in their respective drug retail outlets.

Job satisfaction was defined as a pleasurable degree of workers contentedness

with their job. According to Belay (2016), it was a multidimensional, enduring, and

much- researched concept in the field of organizational behavior and had been identified

as recognition in one’s field of work, level of salary, opportunities for promotion, and

achievement of personal goals.

In addition, this can negatively or positively affects the work efficiency depending

on corresponding levels. When an employee feels satisfied about their job, they were

motivated to exert a greater effort. Otherwise, can result to lack of motivation and

associated low performance in work, especially for professionals like pharmacists

(Mohammed, AS. et. al.,2020). Thus, job satisfaction was directly related to work

efficiency of an individual.
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

A community pharmacy cannot function proficiently without a skilled, motivated,

and supportive pharmacist. Community pharmacists were considered as one of the key

players in our health care system. Their way of dispensing drugs and counseling the

patient can affect the healthcare efficiency and quality. In other words, community

pharmacist performance at work can greatly affect and threatened the quality of health

within the society. That is why the researchers became motivated to determine the

correlation of job satisfaction and efficiency of community pharmacist and to determine

if there was a significant relationship between the two variables.

Theoretical Framework

The study was anchored on Self-Determination Theory, stating that motivation is

what makes an individual act, which was usually affected by external and internal factors.

The internal factors stated the activity for its own sake for interest and satisfaction, while

the external factors can be provoked by motivation and encouragement. It also explains

that people who were motivated internally and externally, have the maximum level of self

determination, thus undertaking behaviors for motives of significance and satisfaction.

Internal factors such as passion, personal goal and doing something right were

some of the factors that comes from the person itself which helps in making them more

motivated in doing their work. On the other hand, the external factors were affected by

external motivating force, such as the opinion of co-workers, reward system and

evaluation of the superiors.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

This theory also emphasized the important roles of three basic psychological

needs: the autonomy, relatedness and competence, in the self-determination of an

individual (Deci & Ryan, 2012). Autonomy was the force that urges an individual to

manage their own life and harmonize with oneself, but this does not mean complete

independence from the influence of the people around them. Competence was the act of

getting good at something to influence its outcome. Relatedness was an individual’s way

of building connections with other people. In much simple term, relatedness can be

defined as one’s urge to interact with others. Accomplishing these three needs can help in

enhancing the natural growth of positive motivation of an individual, which can lead in

their greater efficiency at their work. However, failing to satisfy the three needs can

affect this growth, which can lead to lesser efficiency of an individual towards work.
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework was anchored on self determination theory of Deci and

Ryan, which states that workers who were motivated while doing their tasks shows

commitment and excellence in their respective job. The study was conducted through

correlating the job satisfaction and job efficiency of community.

The figure shows the relationship between the independent variable, specifically

job satisfaction, and the dependent variable, which was the job efficiency, as represented

by the two headed arrow from left and right. Meanwhile, the experiences of community

pharmacist who worked in their respective field will be compared and related, which was

represented by a continued arrow going down.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between employee

satisfaction and job efficiency of community pharmacist. Specifically, the researchers

were determined in answering these questions:

1. What was the demographic profile of the respondents?

2. What was the level of job satisfaction of the respondents?

3. What was the level of job efficiency of the respondents?

4. Was there a significant relationship between job satisfaction and efficiency of

community pharmacist?

Hypothesis of the Study

The following null hypothesis was established in relation to the problems stated:

There was no significant relationship between job satisfaction and job efficiency of

community pharmacist.

Significance of the Study

The study aims to find the correlation on the job satisfaction and job efficiency of

community pharmacist. Therefore, the study could be of importance to the following:

The outcome of this study will benefit the community pharmacist to further

improve their working performance by their satisfaction as an employee.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

This inquiry could help the pharmacy owner to further enhance their

effectiveness to improve the employee’s efficiency and commitment and by ensuring that

the needs of their employees were provided.

This study may also serve as a source of information for pharmacy students

regarding the relationship of job satisfaction and job efficiency of community pharmacist.

Hopefully, the inquiry can also provide an inspiration and motivation for the students in

order for them to be convinced in fulfilling their theses regardless of their young age.

The inquiry may also help the pharmacy in order to further enhance their

effectiveness to improve the workers job efficiency and commitment and by assuring that

the need for good working environment of their community pharmacist is well provided.

Moreover, this study could also serve as a basis or reference for future

researchers who are pursuing a similar or related inquiry.

The totality of this undertaking could greatly bring intellectual gains, scholarly

insights, and character empowerment to the researchers. The research process may

widen their horizons, strengthen their character, and test their perseverance.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study was mainly focused on determining the correlation of job satisfaction

and efficiency of community pharmacist. It also aimed to deepen the researcher’s

knowledge about the relation of job satisfaction and efficiency of community pharmacist.
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

The respondents involved in the study were limited only to the licensed community

pharmacist working in different chain pharmacies within Biñan City, Laguna, other

pharmacy staffs such as the pharmacy assistants were excluded in the study.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in this study were defined conceptually and

operationally to enhance the understanding of the readers.

Community pharmacists were considered to be the most accessible health professional

to the public, as they were available to provide personalized advice about health and

medicine on a walk-in basis, without the need for an appointment. ( In

line with the study, they were the medication experts working in a community setting.

Efficiency was the accomplishment or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum

expenditure of time and effort. (Banton, C.,2020).It was the ability of the community

pharmacist do to something or producing something without wasting materials, time and


Employee was an employed by another usually for wages or salary and in a position

below the executive level. (Merriam-Webster dictionary). It refers to the pharmacists who

work in the community setting which were the respondent of the study.

Job was a specific duty, role, or function. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). It was an

activity of community pharmacist that is performed and done in exchange for payment.
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Job Efficiency was focusing on achieving a given goal. It’s taking the necessary steps

towards completing a task ( It was the ability of community

pharmacist to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort.

Job Satisfaction was defined as the level of contentment employees feel with their job.

( was used to describe whether the community pharmacist was contented

and happy while doing their work.

Pharmacists was a health-care professional licensed to engage in pharmacy with duties

including dispensing prescription drugs, monitoring drug interactions, administering

vaccines, and counseling patients regarding the effects and proper usage of drugs and

dietary supplements (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).They were medical professional who

specializes with medicines.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Chapter 2


This chapter reviewed the related literature which support and give credence to the

details of this research. The researchers anchored this compendious study to different

viewpoints and perspectives to present a thorough treatment of the problem. This chapter

also provided synthesis of related literature which later on confirmed, negated, or

improved by the knowledge that the study provided.

State of the Art

The researchers posited this non-experimental research to different viewpoints

and perspectives to present a thorough treatment of the problem. Concepts, findings,

theories, and notions from scholarly done researches and articles related to the job

satisfaction and efficiency of community pharmacist were compiled to provide an

extensive background of the study and to justify the researcher’s objectives in

undertaking it, which later on may be confirmed, negated, or improved by the new

knowledge that this study provided.

Working Conditions of Community Pharmacist

Community pharmacists typically involved in dispensing medicines. They are

healthcare workers who have the opportunity to improve healthcare of the population,

particularly of the disadvantaged section of the society that does not have the resources to

visit clinics. However, there are growing concern of how well the pharmacy working

environment or working conditions is adapting or whether these factors contributes to the

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

performance of community pharmacists, specifically to unsafe practices of patient care

(Sathyanarayana, 2009).

In Canada, there has been a concern that the addition of these services to those

already being performed by busy pharmacists could result in suboptimal conditions.

According to Tsao et al (2016), there have been reports that community pharmacists did

not have enough time for breaks and lunches, for job tasks and for an adequate

pharmacist staffing. It was further explained that these indicators had a significant

relationship with scope of services. As a matter of fact, the findings of Tsao et al (2020)

revealed that pharmacists perceived their working conditions to be poor. Significant

factors like having not enough time for break and not being satisfied with the amount

they have to do the job and shortage of staff were reported.

Moreover, another study conducted by Zhou et al (2013) stated that, as the

pharmacists responsibility in primary healthcare were increasing, due to lack of

reimbursement mechanisms, pharmacists tend to reduce the willingness in offering high

quality dispensing and counseling services which greatly affects the patient needs. To

resolve such problems, Tsao et al (2020) suggested that employers should understand the

autonomy of pharmacists. They should be educated about the consequences when such

conditions dissatisfy the employees. Lastly, the cultural shift on how “breaks” are viewed

by employers is highly needed.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is defined as a tool used to measure the workers' contentedness

with their job. This goes beyond their daily duties to cover satisfaction with team

members or managers, satisfaction with organizational policies, and the impact of their

job on employees’ personal lives (BasuMallick, 2020). In fact, according to Yohanes

(2020), there are various factors that greatly affect the employees’ job satisfaction, and

these are generally grouped as intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The intrinsic factors include

achievement, recognition and responsibility whereas extrinsic factors include

interpersonal relations, working environment and salary rate. Similarly, Utami

(2020) stated that there are several factors in working practice that might affect job

satisfaction positively and negatively. He further suggested that the influencing factors

are needed to be identified for it has a significant effect on the roles and employees’


A study conducted by Zubair (2014) suggested that one factor that affects job

satisfaction is the compensation, hence it is an important factor for the organization too.

Compensation covers economic reward in the form of wages and salaries as well as

benefits, indirect compensation or supplementary pay. Compensation basically come

from the fact that it gives income to the employees and establishes an important cost item

to the employer. He also added that whenever an employee receives achievements, and

be rewarded could increase their motivation to perform well. Furthermore, the findings of

Lambrou et al (2010), revealed that the main motivating factors for the workers were
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

appreciation by managers and colleagues. However, the main discouraging factors among

the respondents were related to low salaries and difficult working conditions. He

suggested that such kind of non-financial incentives should be taken into consideration.

Age is another factor that affects the satisfaction of the workers. A study

conducted in United States by Carvajal, M. J., Popovici, I., & Hardigan, P. C. (2019),

stated that as the workers reached their peak and gets older their aspiration at work tends

to reduce, so they focus more on how to spend their remaining time with their family or

to look for another job in other fields to acquire new knowledge that can help them

increase their awareness. In addition, the population of the workers tends to also get

affected by age. A research from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Development (2021), shows that the population of workers at younger age group is

higher since they are the ones who just entered the labor market and on the process of

reaching the peak of their career, while the older workers population gets lower because

majority of the older workers passed the peak of their career and already are approaching

their retirement.

A healthy environment has a great impact towards the satisfaction of employees,

and is considered as a biggest asset of any organization. The term work environment is

important in creating a social relation in a workplace and also helps in maintaining the

relationship between colleague, supervisor and the organization. It describes the

relationship in which employees are working together (Salunke,2015). If an organization

lacks from healthy environment, employees will feel sad and dissatisfied with their
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

workplace. He further discussed that in order for an organization to produce an effective

result and productivity among employees, work environment should be considered in

satisfying them. It was concluded that work environment is one of the most important

factors which influence the satisfaction & motivation level of employees.

Similarly, an attractive and supportive work environment is critical to job

satisfaction. The working environment of an individual has numerous properties that

may influence the well-being of an individual. A quality work spot is important in

order to keep the workers on their various tasks and work effectively. A good

workplace is determined by such characteristics as competitive wages, harmonious

relationship between the employees and their superiors, equity and fairness for

everyone, and a work load with challenging yet achievable goals. A working

environment that possess of all these conditions can make the work station to have the

best possible working conditions for employees to work with. As a profit oriented

organization, creating a good working environment to satisfy the employees is a lead

to requisite bottom lines. Supportive work environments can help the workers to

perform normal duties more effectively, while making them use the best of their

knowledge, skills and competences and the resources available in order to provide

services of high quality (Agbozo et al. 2017).

According to Salisu, J., Chinyio, E. & Suresh, S. (2015), high levels of job

satisfaction are associated with reduced stress. It is also is associated with essential job

attitudes, practices, meaningful outcomes, and organizational effectiveness including

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

organizational commitment, turnover, performance, and organizational behavior. These

factors affect the employees in becoming dedicated, productive and settled with their

jobs. As a matter of fact, a study conducted by Wazaify & Khalidi (2013) stated that job

stressors like long working hours have been reported by the participants, concluding to be

less satisfied due to this factor. More so, he suggested that job satisfaction should be

enhanced in order to improve employees’ motivation and competence. As a consequence,

this will improve their productivity and provision towards work.

Job Efficiency of Workers

Employee’s performance towards their job is an important factor in maintaining

the success of the company they are working in. This can also define how efficient they

are as a worker. However, job efficiency of an employee can be affected by a lot of

factors, such as their working environment, the rewards they get from their work and the

feedback that their superiors gave.

In a study conducted in conducted in Jordan, it showed that eighty percent (80%)

of the employer’s are dissatisfied with the employee’s job performance. In this study

dissatisfaction is related to employee’s being not able to perform their task efficiently.

The results showed that there is a consistency in the dissatisfaction level results. This

clearly shows that the efficiency of employees at work is clearly affected by different

factors around them (Al-Omari & Okasheh, 2017).

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Pharmacists are now considered as one of the most important members of our

healthcare system. A study conducted in Yemen evaluates the barriers that affect the

efficiency of pharmacist in participating in public health activities. In this study, 62.3% of

the pharmacist had shown positive attitude in doing public health activities. In line with

this, the results shows that the barriers were need to overcome by the pharmacist as it

affects their efficiency towards work (Yousuf, S., 2019).

Employee Job Satisfaction Affecting Job Efficiency

Job is an essential part of our life. In an employer’s point of view, creating a

working environment where all the employees are motivated is a key in achieving the

success of the company. With the aim of helping the Jordanian industrial sector, a study

was conducted in Jordan to help the sector minimize the time and money they are

spending in recruiting and training new employees due to the increase of the rapid

turnover rate. In this study they found out that the employee’s salary and position were

the factors that mostly affect the performance and motivation of employees at their work.

Thus, they recommend the manufacturers from Jordan to study the range of salary

appropriate for each employee, to avoid missing out or losing talented and good people

from their company (Abuhashesh, M., Al-Dmour, R. & Masa’deh, R., 2019).

In India, a study is conducted to investigate and evaluate the impact of the job

satisfaction level of the employees on their work performance. In this study they

identified the job satisfaction as the most considerable factor in understanding the

effectiveness, motivation, retention and performance of the employees at work. In

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

addition, this study also stated the factors that affect the satisfaction of the employee are

the extrinsic factors, such as working environment, and intrinsic factors, such as the

personal attributes of the employee. The study also concluded that the development of the

employees job satisfaction helps in enhancing the employees performance at work

(Shaju, M. & Durai, S., 2017).

Workers that have high level of satisfaction tend to enjoy and love their job.

These workers felt happy and contented with their work and some of them even devote

their private time to some of their work activities. Workers who were satisfied with their

work do not mind the obstacles they encounter in their work place, instead they will be

more motivated to seek for different ways that can help in fixing the problems they

encounter. To sum it up, satisfied workers are motivated to do their job, thus, they show

an extraordinary performance on their work that can help in the success of the companies

or organization they work in (Bakotic, D., 2016).

Self Determination Theory and Job Satisfaction and Efficiency of Community


According to Williams (2012), Self-determination theory (SDT) is a general

human motivation theory that emphasizes the extent to which an individual behaviors are

relatively autonomous versus relatively controlled, or the extent to which their behavior

is pressured by interpersonal forces. SDT defines the motivation as an energy directed

physiologically at a particular goal. Thus, SDT emphasized the importance of

motivational quality in addition to its quantity. It has also offered a particularly

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

comprehensive approach to studying health behavior through its conceptualization and

measurement of autonomy, perceived competence, relatedness to others, and its emphasis

on the role that the social context portray in supporting or thwarting optimal motivation.

Additionally, Mylrea (2017) stated that the application this theory may be well placed

given the obvious role played by competence, relatedness and autonomy in professional

pharmacy practice and in general healthcare. Similarly, the findings of Williams (2012),

revealed that behavior has a great impact towards the role of a community pharmacists,

and lack of motivation is considered as one of them.

Hincapie, A. (2012) stated that pharmacist job satisfaction, or

dissatisfaction, plays a major role in many aspects of community pharmacy practice. Poor

job satisfaction is directly linked with working performance, especially for professionals

such as community pharmacists. These performance problems can include incorrectly

filling prescriptions, not detecting drug interactions and poor patient counseling. Thus,

dissatisfaction can also affect the patients’ view of the pharmacist and patients may then

be convinced to limit their interactions with the pharmacist. It is important to know the

decrease in pharmacist performance can cause a lot risk to the patient. This supports the

findings of Tahir. A. et al. (2019) which community pharmacists as the key players in

presenting healthcare services critically has impact on the health of society if they suffer

low job satisfaction.

Additionally, Hincapie, A. emphasized that pharmacists, if

dissatisfied with his or her career, there will be a potential for increased job
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

turnover. And so, they are more likely to resign their positions. He further explained that

pharmacist’s job satisfaction does not only affect the pharmacist at his or her workplace,

but has the potential to affect many other aspects of his or her pharmacist life as well.

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature

As the researchers conceptualized the study, the aforementioned related literature

and studies which have been conscientiously organized and presented served as their

guide. The purpose for conducting the study initially arose from Sathyanarayana (2009)

explanation of working conditions of community pharmacists. Tsao et al. (2016), Tsao et

al. (2020) and Zhou et al. (2013) further elaborated the results of how working conditions

affects the community pharmacists.

Job satisfaction is defined as the measure of workers' contentedness with their job

(BasuMallick, 2020). Yohanes (2020) and Utami (2020) explained that there are various

factors which greatly affect the employees’ job satisfaction and grouped as intrinsic and

extrinsic factors. Specifically, Zubair (2014) and Lambrou (2020) stated that if an

employee is satisfied with the compensation, he or she increases the performance.

Another study conducted by Carvajal, M. J., Popovici, I., & Hardigan, P. C. (2019) and

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2021), stated that age is

another factor that can greatly affect the satisfaction of workers. Moreover, Salunke

(2015) and Agbozo et al. (2017) further emphasized that work environment have

numerous properties that can affect the physical and mental being of an employee. Lastly,
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

a study conducted by Salisu, J., Chinyio, E. & Suresh, S. (2015) and Wazaify et al

(2013) concluded that high levels of job satisfaction are associated with stress factors.

Earlier studies proved that job satisfaction can be affected by a lot of factors. The

findings of Al-Omari & Okasheh. (2017) revealed that the dissatisfaction of an employer

is related to the poor performance of an employee. Additionally, Tahir et al. (2019)

explained the barriers that affect the pharmacists in participating public health activities.

He further suggested that pharmacists should overcome these barriers for it affects their

efficiency towards work.

Some factors that affect the employees job satisfaction were salary rate and

position (Yohannes 2020). This was supported by Shaju, M. & Durai, S. (2017) claim

that satisfactions of employees were greatly affected by intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

Furthermore, Bakotic D. (2016) emphasized that if an employee is highly motivated, they

are able to show an extraordinary performance.

Moreover, Williams (2012) Self-determination theory (SDT) as a general theory

of human motivation that emphasizes the extent to which behaviors are relatively

autonomous versus relatively controlled, or the extent to which behaviors are pressured

or coerced by intrapsychic or interpersonal forces. Moreover, Mylrea (2017), Hincapie (2012) and Yousuf et al(2019) further explained the application this theory to

pharmacists, and may be well placed given the obvious role played by competence,

relatedness and autonomy in professional pharmacy practice and in general healthcare.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Gaps bridged by the present study

Work satisfaction and job efficiency of the workers had been a subject for

different researchers for many decades, but there had been no study conducted in

determining the correlation of work satisfaction and job efficiency of community

pharmacist. Realizing the importance of efficiency and satisfaction at work, the

researchers prompted to determine if there was a significant relationship between work

satisfaction and job efficiency. Hence, this study served as a way to determine the factors

affecting the work satisfaction of community pharmacists, as well as, the relationship

between work satisfaction and the performance and efficiency of the pharmacist working

in a community setting.
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Chapter 3


This chapter discussed the methods that were performed by the researchers in

order to determine the relationship of employee satisfaction and job efficiency of

community pharmacist in Biñan City, Laguna.

Research Design

In order to determine the relationship of employee satisfaction and job efficiency

of community pharmacist working in Biñan City, Laguna, the researchers employed

quantitative, non-experimental correlational research design which focused on

establishing the link between quantitative indicators of the said variables. The collection

of data was accomplished through the use of survey containing closed questions, which

aims in providing the researchers with data that is quantified based on the experiences of

the respondents.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were consisted of community pharmacists working

from different chain pharmacy located at the City of Biñan, Laguna. The respondents of

the study were selected operating the simple random sampling strategy, wherein the

respondents were given an equal chance of being selected to take part in the study. The

researchers also gave consideration to the majority and predictability of the data in order

to satisfy the saturation level so it will become valid and reliable.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Research Instrument

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of employee

satisfaction and job efficiency of community pharmacist. In this study, the researchers

asked permission from Mr. Mohammed Inuwa (2016), to utilized the closed

questionnaire from his research entitled “Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance: An

Empirical Approach” that provided options from which the respondents selected their

answers by checking. However, some questions such as marital status, staff cadre and

educational qualification from demographic profile are removed by the researchers, since

it will not be necessarily needed in the research. The neutral option from the survey was

also removed by the researchers, for it will only cause confusion to the respondents.

The researchers also changed the letter for respondents attached in the

questionnaire and added a verbal description in the interpretation scale, so that the

choices will be more elaborated and clear for the respondents.

Lastly, the instrument was checked by the research professor and adviser, who

provide recommendations and comments to ensure that the content of the instrument was


Research Procedure

In gathering the data needed for the research, a letter addressed to the Dean of the

College of Pharmacy in UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University and to different

chain pharmacies located in City of Biñan was presented to be granted the permission to

conduct the study. Before conducting the survey on the respondents, the researchers gave
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College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

the respondent’s consent form, mentioned the instructions and explained the importance

of the study to the respondents. After this, the respondent’s consent forms were collected

and the answered questionnaires were retrieved, tallied, tabulated and subjected to

statistical treatment for analysis and interpretation.

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College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Ethical Considerations

The researchers adhered to the ethical principles in compliance with the

protection of the respondents and their human rights. This was done by seeking consent

from the administrative office and respondents with full knowledge of the study and its

procedures. The respondents held the decision and free will to whether participate or not

without any coercion. Furthermore, the researchers also ensured the confidentiality and

anonymity of the respondents as to guarantee their privacy as well as the integrity,

validity, and reliability of the overall research findings. Lastly, the researchers conducted

the survey ethically and safely to prevent any unforeseen legal complications through

pursuit of professional assistance and guidance.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In order to systematically organize the data gathered by the researchers for the

study, statistical treatments were utilized. The statistical tools that were used for the

analysis of the study were: (1) frequency and percentage for the respondent’s age and

years in their field, (2) mean and rank for determining the level of job satisfaction and

efficiency, and (3) Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient for the

significance in the relationship between pharmacist’s job satisfaction and efficiency.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the data gathered in this study using tabular form, wherein each

table is given corresponding interpretation and analysis.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

Table 1.1: Frequency Distribution of the Community Pharmacist According to


Age Frequency Percentage Rank

21-30 years old 17 56.67 1
31-40 years old 8 26.67 2
41-50 years old 5 16.67 3
30 100.00

As shown in the table above the frequency of seventeen (17) or 56.67% of the

respondents population got the highest rank, which simply indicates that majority of

community pharmacist working in Biñan City belongs to 21-30 years old age group. On

the other hand, the age group of 41-50 years old got the lowest rank with the percentage

of 16.67%. As the population of the older age groups gets lower, it gives more

opportunity for the younger age group to be included at the workforce. The age group

41-50 years old got the lowest rank compared to the other age group because majority of

the employee’s at this age are already contented for what they have because they already

achieved the peak of their career and their goals in life, so instead of working all day,
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

they tend to retire in order to enjoy their remaining time with their loved one’s or with

other things that they were not able to do when they are still working.

The results above aligned with the conclusion from Organisation for Economic Co-

operation and Development (2021), stating that the population of workers at younger

age group is higher since they are the ones who just entered the labor market and on the

process of reaching the peak of their career, while the older workers population gets

lower because majority of the older workers passed the peak of their career and already

are approaching their retirement.

Table 1.2: Frequency Distribution of the Community Pharmacist According to

Years in their Field

Years in the Frequency Percentage Rank

1 year & below 3 10.00 4
2-3 years 10 33.33 1
4-5 years 9 30.33 2
5 and above 8 26.67 3
30 100.00

Table 1.2 shows that the majority of the respondents with the percentage of thirty

three point thirty three percent (33.33%), worked for two to three years in their field,

while the group of respondents who worked one year and below as community

pharmacist got the lowest rank with the percentage of ten percent (10%). The results

of the table were aligned with the results obtained from table 1.1, since majority of

the respondents belongs to the age group of 21-30 years old, this resulted to
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

pharmacist who worked for 2 to 3 years to got the highest rank, while the group of

workers who worked for one year and below got the lowest ranked because majority

of the workers that were supposed to be included in that group were the graduates

from the batch 2020. Due to the pandemic that happened last year, the board exams

got delayed making the population of new batch of community pharmacist in

workforce to get a lower population compared to the other batch.

2. What is the level of job satisfaction of the respondents?

Table 2.1: Perceived Level of Job Satisfaction of Community Pharmacist


Satisfaction Weighted Mean Interpretation Rank

1. Generally, I am satisfied with my 3.23 Agree 2.5
2. I find my job very interesting. 3.17 Agree 4.5
3. My current job meets my 3.17 Agree 4.5
4. My current job has a clean 3.43 Agree 1
environment and promotes
harmonious relationship among
5. I am satisfied with my salary and 3.23 Agree 2.5
6. I get recognized for excellent work 3.13 Agree 6
Overall Weighted Mean 3.23 Agree
Table 2.1 presents the level of satisfaction of the community pharmacist

workforce. An overall weighted mean of 3.23, which interpreted as "Agree", was

obtained after computing the summary of the results revealing that the majority of the

community pharmacists agreed that they were satisfied on their corresponding jobs. As
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

shown in the table above, the results shows the highest rank having a weighted mean of

3.43 in the fourth indicator stating, “My current job has a clean environment and

promotes harmonious relationship among employees”, this simply revealed that majority

of the respondents were satisfied in their work due to the organization’s good working

environment. Moreover, the lowest rank of satisfaction belongs to the last indicator with

a weighted mean 3.13 stating, "I get recognized for excellent work performance", which

revealed that most of the respondents tend to get less satisfied in their work because their

work performance are not recognize by their company.

The results implied that a clean environment and harmonious relationship with

other employees produce an effective and efficient worker. It makes an employee to be

more comfortable to stay on the work and do their job productivity. While on the other

hand, getting recognition on work got the lowest weighted mean because not all

companies recognized their employees through awards and certificates.

Moreover, the results of the table posited the findings of Salunke (2015) stating that a

healthy environment has a great impact towards the satisfaction of employees, and is

considered as a biggest asset of any organization.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

3. What is the level of job efficiency of the respondents?

Table 3.1: Perceived Level of Job Efficiency of Community Pharmacists


Efficiency Weighted Interpretation Rank

1. The pharmacist’s understand the criteria 3.40 Agree 2
of performance review of the organization.
2. The pharmacist can work overtime so 2.93 Agree 6
he/she can finish their task as soon as
3. The pharmacist is able to resolve 3.27 Agree 5
unexpected schedules on time.
4. The pharmacist maintain good 3.33 Agree 4
record of attendance in this
5. The pharmacist can carry out 3.53 Strongly Agree 1
assigned duties effectively and
6. The pharmacist established good 3.37 Agree 3
relationships with his/her co-workers and
Overall Weighted Mean 3.31 Agree
Table 3.1 presents the indicators of efficiency of the community pharmacist

workforce. The data above got an overall weighted mean of 3.31, which is interpreted as

“agree”, showing that majority of them agreed that the pharmacists who were satisfied in

their work were efficient on their corresponding jobs.

As shown in the table above, the fifth indicator got the highest rank having a

weighted mean of 3.53, while the lowest rank belongs to the second indicator having a

weighted mean of 2.93. The results only revealed that when a pharmacist was satisfied

with their work, they tend to execute more effort in order to do their task more effectively

and efficiently. Even though workers were satisfied with their work majority of them still
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

prefer to work only at the right amount of working hours, this may be due to different

factors such as their need to fulfill other responsibilities with their children or other

members of the family, extra workloads outside the pharmacy, and many other important

things that they need to accomplish after work, these factors make the second indicator to

got the lowest rank because majority of the respondents prefer to finish their task during

the right amount of working time.

These results revealed that the level of efficiency of community pharmacist is

affected by the different factors, such as salary, benefits and relationship with co-workers

and posited the findings Al-Omari & Okasheh, (2017), stating that the efficiency of

employees at work is clearly affected by different factors around them.

4. Is there a significant relationship between job satisfaction and efficiency of

community pharmacist?

Table 4.1: Results of Pearson R and t-test for the Significant Relationship

between Pharmacist’s Job Satisfaction and Efficiency

Variables Pearson Interpretation t-value Interpretation

Computed Critical
Satisfaction 0.75 Strong 5.94 2.048 Significant
vs. Relationship
0.05 level of significance; Degree of Freedom=29

The table shows the relationship between job satisfaction and efficiency of

community pharmacists, which revealed that the more an employee is satisfied with his

work, his efficiency gets higher. Thus the null hypothesis of the study was rejected
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

because the computed data resulted to 5.94 which was greater than the critical t-value of

2.048 at 0.05 level of significance with 29 degrees of freedom, indicating that there is a

“significant” relationship between job satisfaction and efficiency of community


Majority of the respondents of this study were pharmacist from the 21-30 years old

age group and worked for two to three years in their field. These results indicate that

younger workers tend to easily get satisfied with their work, once their workplace meets

their expectations. As the workers gets older most of them became less satisfied with

their work since they had been doing it for all long time. This posited the findings of

Carvajal, M. J., Popovici, I., & Hardigan, P. C. (2019), stating that as the workers reached

their peak and gets older their aspiration at work tends to reduce, so they focus more on

how to spend their remaining time with their family or to look for another job in other

fields to acquire new knowledge that can help them

The findings from the table were also aligned with the conclusions of Shaju, M &

Durai (2017) who revealed that job satisfaction was the most considerable factor in

understanding and enhancing the work efficiency of employees. It also posited the claim

of Bakotic, D. (2016) stating that satisfied works are motivated in doing their jobs, which

helps the employees to give an extraordinary performance at their work that can help in

achieving the success of the organization they are working in.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings based on the data gathered from

the study, the conclusion drawn, and the recommendations of the study offered by the

researchers to further enhance the concepts and facts discussed in the preceding chapters

as provided by the results of the analysis of data.

Summary of Findings

This study employed quantitative non-experimental correlational research design

to determine the relationship of employee satisfaction and job efficiency of community

pharmacist working in Biñan City, Laguna. The collection of data was accomplished

through the use of survey containing closed questions, which provided the researchers

with data that is quantified based on the experiences of the respondents.

The following are the summary of findings based on the data gathered:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

In terms of age, the 21-30 years old age group got the highest rank with the

frequency of seventeen (17) or 56.67% of the respondents population got the highest

rank, while the age group of 41-50 years got the lowest rank with the frequency of five

(5) and percentage of sixteen point sixty seven percent (16.67%).

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

According to the pharmacists years in their field, the group who got the highest

rank with the percentage of thirty three point thirty three percent (33.33%) of the

respondents came from the community pharmacist who were working for two to three

years in their field, while the group of respondents who worked one year and below as

community pharmacist got the lowest rank with the percentage of ten percent (10%).

2. What is the level of job satisfaction of the respondents?

The results shows the highest rank having a weighted mean of 3.43 in the fourth

indicator stating, “My current job has a clean environment and promotes harmonious

relationship among employees”, while the lowest rank of satisfaction level belongs to the

last indicator with a weighted mean 3.13 stating, “I get recognized for excellent work

performance”. To sum it up, an overall weighted mean of 3. 23, which is interpreted as

“Agree” is obtained after computing the summary of the results revealing that the

majority of the community pharmacists agreed that they were satisfied on their

corresponding jobs.

3. What is the level of job efficiency of the respondents?

The results shows that the fifth indicator got the highest rank having a weighted

mean of 3.53 stating,” The pharmacist can carry out assigned duties effectively

and efficiently”, while the lowest rank belongs to the second indicator having a weighted

mean of 2.93 which states that, “The pharmacist can work overtime so he/she can finish

their task as soon as possible. To sum it up, the data resulted to an overall weighted mean
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

of 3.31, which is interpreted as “agree”, showing that majority of them agreed that the

pharmacists who were satisfied in their work were efficient on their corresponding jobs.

4. Is there a significant relationship between job satisfaction and efficiency of

community pharmacists?

The computed data resulted to 5.94 which was greater than the critical t-value of

2.048 at 0.05 level of significance with 29 degrees of freedom, indicating that there is a

“significant” relationship between job satisfaction and efficiency of community



Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. As the pharmacists gets older their work satisfaction tends to lessen, thus the age and

the years that they work in the field affects the satisfaction of an employee.

2. The respondents were generally satisfied with their work and find their work

interesting because their job meets their expectation, has a good environment and

promotes harmonious relationship with co-workers, has a good salary rate and

incentives, and the organization recognized the excellence of their employees.

3. The respondents are determined to have high level of job efficiency based on their

understanding of the criteria and performance review of the organization they are

working in, their ability to work overtime, punctuality, attendance and relationship

with their co-workers and superiors.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

4. A significant relationship between job satisfaction and efficiency of community

pharmacists were obtained, indicating that an employee tends to be more efficient

when they are satisfied with their work.


The following recommendations were presented based on the findings and

conclusions of the study:

1. In order for the employees to be more motivated at work, the company should

continuously maintain clean, safe and secure working environment for the employees.

2. The company must also make time to recognize and appreciate the works of their

employees, to make the employees feel valued and more inspired in improving and

doing their work properly.

3. Pharmacists should further enhance their skills by applying them in their jobs. It will

also help them if they will be more open in communicating with their colleagues and


4. The company should also come up with meetings and trainings with their community

pharmacists in terms of developing their skills, for it will contribute in maintaining

the well-being of their employees and enhancing the services provided by their


5. Lastly, the future researchers should conduct more inquiries to explore more on the

implications of this study.

University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna


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University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Appendix A
Letter of Consent
January 15, 2021

Analiza P. Malalay, RPh, MS Pharm, PhD

College of Pharmacy-UPHDJGTMU
Dear Madam,

Perpetualite Greetings!

We, the Pharmacy Students of UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University are
currently conducting a research work entitled “Job Satisfaction and Efficiency of
Community Pharmacist in Biñan City, Laguna”. The main objective of this study is to
determine the correlation between job satisfaction and efficiency of community

In line with this, we would like to ask your humble office’s permission to conduct a
survey on January to February, 2021 to community pharmacists who have been working
in different chain pharmacies in Biñan City, Laguna.

Finally, we would like to assure you that the respondent’s identity as well as the pieces of
information they will provide will be treated with strictest confidentiality. Rest assured
that there will be no potential harmful impact and risk of the study to the respondents and
the pharmacy they work for.

Thank you for your affirmative response.

Sincerely yours,


Researcher, Group Representative
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University
College of Pharmacy
Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Letter of Consent

January , 2021

Dear Madam/Sir,

Perpetualite Greetings!

We, the Pharmacy Students of UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University are
currently conducting a research work entitled “Job Satisfaction and Efficiency of
Community Pharmacist in Biñan City, Laguna”. The main objective of this study is to
determine the correlation between job satisfaction and efficiency of community
pharmacist. In line with this, we would like to ask your humble office’s permission to
conduct a survey community pharmacists working in your company on their most
convenient time. Rest assured that the respondent’s identity as well as the pieces of
information they will provide will be treated with strictest confidentiality and there will
be no potential harmful impact to the respondents and to your company.

Thank you for your affirmative response.

Sincerely yours,





TOLENTINO, NICOLE M. Analiza P. Malalay, RPh, MS Pharm,

Researcher PhD
BASALO, KEILA G. College of Pharmacy-UPHDJGTMU
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University

College of Pharmacy

Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Appendix B

Survey Questionnaire

Name: (Optional)

Section A: Demographic Data: Information about the profile of the respondent. Please
Tick (√) in the box relevant to you.

What is your age range?
[ ] 21-30yrs old,
[ ] 31-40yrs old,
[ ] 41-50yrs old,
[ ] 51 yrs old and above

Years in the Field:

[ ] 1 year and below
[ ] 2 to 3 years
[ ] 4 to 5 years
[ ] 5 years and above

Section B: The statements in this section describes job satisfaction. Please tick (√) any
option among the listed options to indicate your preferred answer to the questions.

Interpretations of the scales:

Numerical Categorical Verbal Description

Rating Response
4 Strongly Agree I experience the indicator 76-100% of the time.
3 Agree (A) I experience the indicator 51-75% of the time.
2 Disagree (D) I experience the indicator 26-50% of the time.
1 Strongly Disagree I experience the indicator 1-25% of the time.
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University

College of Pharmacy

Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Indicators SA A D SD
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Generally, I am satisfied with my job
2. I find my job very interesting.
3. My current job meets my expectations.
4. My current job has a clean environment and promotes
harmonious relationship among employees.
5. I am satisfied with my salary and other incentives.
6. I get recognized for excellent work performance.

Section C: The statement in this section describes job performance and efficiency.
Please tick (√) any option among the listed options to indicate your preferred answer to
the questions.

Interpretations of the scales:

Numerical Categorical Response Verbal Description

4 Strongly Agree (SA) I experience the indicator 76-100% of the time.
3 Agree (A) I experience the indicator 51-75% of the time.
2 Disagree (D) I experience the indicator 26-50% of the time.
1 Strongly Disagree (SD) I experience the indicator 1-25% of the time.

Indicators SA A D SD (1)
(4) (3) (2)
1. The pharmacist understands the criteria of performance review
of the organization.
2. The pharmacist can work overtime so he/she can finish their task
as soon as possible.
3. The pharmacist is able to resolve unexpected schedules on time.
4. The pharmacist maintain good record of attendance in
this organization.
5. The pharmacist can carry out assigned duties effectively
and efficiently.
6. The pharmacist have established a good relationship with his/her
co-workers and superiors

Thank you!
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University

College of Pharmacy

Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Sotomango, Janella Louis A.

Address: 525# Family Village Brgy. Sampiruhan Calamba City,
Contact Number: 0906-622-9371
E-mail Address:

Academic Preparations

Grade School: Lingga Elementary School 2005-2012

Junior High School: Laguna College of Business and Arts 2012-2016
Senior High School: Laguna College of Business and Arts 2016-2018
College: University of Perpetual Help- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical 2018-present

Personal Data:

Height: 5’4 ft.

Weight: 60 kgs.
Birthdate: November 07, 1999
Birthplace: Calamba, Laguna
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Glorious Seventh day Adventist
Father’s Name: Aries R. Sotomango
Mother’s Name: Carmelita A. Sotomango
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University

College of Pharmacy

Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Tapangco, Rosette Nicole F.

Address: 4799 Ilaya St. Zone 3, Brgy. Malaban, Biñan City,
Contact Number: 0997-290-5913
E-mail Address:

Academic Preparations

Grade School: Holy Infant Jesus of Prague Catholic School 2005-2012

Junior High School: Holy Infant Jesus of Prague Catholic School 2012-2016
Senior High School: University of Perpetual Help System Laguna- 2016-2018
College: University of Perpetual Help- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical 2018-present

Personal Data:

Height: 4’11 ft.

Weight: 45 kgs.
Birthdate: December 06, 1999
Birthplace: Biñan, Laguna
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Rufino P. Tapangco
Mother’s Name: Sofia P. Fresnosa
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University

College of Pharmacy

Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Tolentino, Nicole M.

Address: 1192 Ilaya St., Brgy. Malaban, Biñan City,
Contact Number: 0961-341-5381
E-mail Address:

Academic Preparations

Grade School: Malaban Elementary School 2005-2012

Junior High School: Holy Infant Jesus of Prague Catholic School 2012-2016
Senior High School: University of Perpetual Help System Laguna- 2016-2018
College: University of Perpetual Help- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical 2018-present

Personal Data:

Height: 5’4 ft.

Weight: 50 kgs.
Birthdate: July 26, 1999
Birthplace: Biñan, Laguna
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Father’s Name: Darrel A. Tolentino
Mother’s Name: Nympha M. Tolentino
University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G Tamayo Medical University

College of Pharmacy

Sto. Nino. Biñan, Laguna

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Basalo, Keila G.

Address: Blk 121 Lt 53 Ph 2 Mabuhay City, Mamatid Cabuyao
Contact Number: 0965-578-9644
E-mail Address:

Academic Preparations

Grade School: Mamatid Elementary School 2005-2012

Junior High School: Liceo de Mamatid 2012-2016
Senior High School: Calamba Doctors College 2016-2018
College: University of Perpetual Help- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical 2018-present

Personal Data:

Height: 5’3 ft.

Weight: 47 kgs.
Birthdate: November 30, 1999
Birthplace: Calamba, Laguna
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Father’s Name: Rogelio H. Basalo
Mother’s Name: Rosemarie G. Basalo

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