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(Movie Analysis)

Eye in the sky is a 2015 British thriller film, starring Helen Mirren as Colonel Katherine
Powell, Aaron Paul as Steve Watts, Alan Rickman as Lieutenant General Frank Benson and
Barkhad Abdi as Jama Faraf, directed by Gavin Hood and written by Guy Hibbert. Eye in the
sky isn’t a true story, but Helen Mirren (Colonel Katherine Powell) tackles some serious real-life
issues such issues of ethics are the heart of this film. In this film we will encounter different
important terminologies such as conscience, enemies, ethics, leadership, loss, military,
technology, terrorism, violence and war that depicts in our real life situation.

The film “Eye in the Sky” explores moral dilemma in the war against terrorism. Struggles
between the military and political officials get tension among need for safety, public relations,
the rights of citizens and threat to innocent life.“ The greatest good for the greatest number” is
being needed and applied in this movie. Task force encountered moral dilemma in saving one
girl at the risk of losing possibly 80 in a suicide bombing.

In this movie shows the different consequences whenever the task force will continue to
strike a missile or not because if they bomb the house where the terrorist are the effect could be
good because it will prevent the imminent suicide attack that could save many people but the
negative effect will be the death of Kenyan girl. Task force attempted to save the girl by buying
all her bread or targeting a different part of the house but still IUI it’s not enough. Officials put
priority on saving the girl life, which information would have prevented the task force from
attacking the house but then the task force still chooses to attack the house where the terrorist are
in order for them to save more lives. For some, it is unfair because there’s still life had been
ended but others would be thankful of what the task force did because many people are saved
from the terrorist.

In general, we conclude our insights after watching the movie is that sometimes you need
to choose but you should know the consequences of both choices before doing an action. There’s
a time that we could only choose one and let go. Choose the right and if many would be benefit
of that decision. Good choices and positivity for the greatest number in all decision and actions.

Prepared by:

Mary Ann Monreal

Angelica Del Socorro



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