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Guided Learning Activity Kit
Dance for Fitness
Quarter 2- Week 1 to 8


The fundamental components of modern dance techniques are dynamic

alignment, posture, body awareness, and coordination that involves different
element. Students explore personal dynamic range through various exercises
that enhance the strength and flexibility. Contemporary dance where develop
trough combine element of several dance genres.
This Guided Learning Activity Kit will help you to understand
thoroughly the difference between Modern and Contemporary dance and its
fundamentals. Also included in this GLAK is the fundamentals of Hip-hop
dance its type, fitness benefits.
This Guided Learning Activity Kit is composed of four lessons which
cover Quarter II, Lesson 1- Modern Dance, Lesson II- Contemporary Dance,
Lesson III- Hip hop Dance and Lesson IV- Festival Dance.

Learning Competency

1. Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on training

principles to achieve and/or maintain health-related fitness (HRF).
2. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least
60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in-and out of
3. Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion,
hypo-and hyperthermia during MVPA participation.
4. Analyze physiological factors such as heart rate, rate of perceived
exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and/ or adjust
participation or effort.
5. Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and

6. Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues
and concerns.
7. Recognizes the value of optimizing one’s health through participation
in physical activity assessments.
8. Organize fitness event for a target health issue or concern.


Directions: Identify the Kind of dance in the picture. Write your answer on
a separate sheet.

Kind of Dances Your Answer







At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:

1. discuss and explain the meaning of Modern dance;

2. perform a simple dance routine using the style of Modern dance and
Contemporary dance.


Lesson 1- Modern Dance

What is Modern Dance?

• Modern Dance a dance discipline retaining some ballet technique,
expanding upon it and freeing it to encompass the exciting world of
total body involvement and creative expression.
• Modern dance may look jazz like, balletic, lyrical or totally different –
creating its style for the mood being explored.
• The Lion King on Broadway, for instance, is a modern dance. Modern
dance is a form of dance which focuses on the serious expression of
inner emotions, using a free-flowing, interpretive style, rather than
following the rigid rules characteristic of many dance disciplines.
• When the first modern dance was developed at the turn of the 20th
century, it was considered extremely radical and iconoclastic; over the
years since, modern dance has become more closely mingled with other
disciplines like Jazz dance, Ballet, and tap, and some dancers work in
both modern and classical dance styles, drawing techniques from both.
as life in Europe and the United States underwent some dramatic
shifts. Industrialism was on the rise, many nations participated in the
First World War, and society was rapidly changing.
• As the rules of life shifted underfoot, some dancers began to feel that
the formal rules of classical ballet were too restricting, and they began
to develop their own style of free-flowing dance, which came to be
known as “modern” dance, to differentiate it from classical ballet.
• In a modern dance performance, the dancer is often barefoot, or
wearing soft shoes. He or she moves in a free, almost improvisational
style, and it is common to see controlled falls and other interesting
interplays of body weight and gravity. Unlike ballet, which reaches for
the stars with leaps and high kicks, this style of dance often lingers
near the ground, especially in a piece heavily influenced by psychology
and intense emotional states.
• Some famous figures in modern dance include Ruth St Denis, Martha
Graham, and Isadora duncan.

• Martha Graham, American Modern Dance Pioneer. Martha Graham is
considered one of the foremost pioneers of American modern dance. In
order to express the passion, rage, and ecstasy of humans, she
developed her very own language of movement.
• Each of these women developed her own distinctive style,
choreographing dances which were personal expressions, in addition to
performances. Some of the dances choreographed by these women
continue to be formed, along with new modern compositions and
dances composed by other prominent performers in the field.
• At the close of the 20th century, many dance forms began to
intermingle, rather than remaining strictly separate. It is not
uncommon for a modern dancer to have classical training, and dance
sometimes appears in staged productions and films, when the artistic
vision behind the piece calls for it. The flowing movements and dramatic
appearance of modern dance also sometimes cross over to the ballet
stage, bringing a note of seriousness to ballet performance.
• Modern dance is a unique performing arts that trends in the 20th
century. It is a contradictory reaction of classic dances particularly, the
Ballet. The dance allows the performers and choreographers to make
their own agreement of dance language.

Dance Movement
Modern dance language involves different elements such as body
weight, posture, bodily movement specially head, torso, hands, arms, legs
and feet. In ballet dancing, performers maintain their erected posture, faces
the audience most of the time, and in turned-out position where legs are
rotated outward from the hips. While in modern dancing, it contrasts the
principle movements of ballet wherein performers manage to move in a
multidimensional placement in a theatre space. With turning sideways or
backs on the audience, falling motions, unsteady spine posture, these allows
performers to make dimensional dance language. The similarity of ballet and
modern dances is they both create the interpretation of freedom from gravity
through jumping, leaping, and other acrobatics.


Week 1- Lets check!

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is valid and FALSE if otherwise. If
the statement is FALSE, underline the word(s) that make it wrong.
_________1. Modern Dance retained some modern technique, expanding upon
it and freeing it to encompass the exciting world of total body
involvement and creative expression.
_________2. The Lion King on Broadway for instance is Balse dance.
_________3. A form of dance which focuses on the serious expression of inner
emotions, using a free-flowing, interpretive style, rather than
following the rigid rules characteristic of many dance disciplines.
_________4. Some famous figures in modern dance include Ruth St Denis,
Martha Graham, and Isadora Duncan.
_________5. Isadora duncan is considered one of the foremost pioneers of
American modern dance.
_________6. The dance is allowing the performers and Artist to make their own
agreement of dance language.
_________7. Floor work was also included as well as many other
complementary techniques like Feldenkrais, Alexander, Pilates
and Yoga.
_________8. Dancing help you coordinate your mind with your body movement
which refers to “neuromuscular coordination”.
_________9. Dancing will enable participants to connect with their feelings and
focus on their mind with the creative environment that dancing
_________10. Creative thinking can be also nurtured through dancing
especially with peers.

Week 2- Let’s move!

Directions: Create a simple modern dance routine following the proper

etiquette and safety. Record your performance using any multimedia devices
in video or pictures format or write a narrative of your performance.

Criteria for Modern Dance

Choreography Execution Improvised Total
(Creativity, (Timing & Coordination, Costume/Props
Artistry, Style) Projection & Expression)
50% 30% 20% 100 %


At the end of this Guided Learning Activity Kit, you are expected to:
1. Discuss and explain the meaning of contemporary dance;
2. Perform a simple dance routine using the style of Contemporary dance;

Lesson 2- Contemporary Dance

What is Contemporary Dance?

➢ It is a genre of dance performance that developed during the mid-

twentieth century and has since grown to become one of the dominant
genres for formally trained dancers throughout the world, with
particularly strong popularity in the U.S. and Europe. Although
originally informed by and borrowing from classical, modern, and jazz
styles, it has come to incorporate elements from many styles of dance.
Due to its technical similarities, it is often perceived to be closely related
to modern dance, ballet, and other classical concert dance styles.
➢ It is a style of expressive dance that combines elements of several dance
genres including modern, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet.
Contemporary dancers strive to connect the mind and the body through
fluid dance movements. The term "contemporary" is somewhat

misleading: it describes a genre that developed during the mid-20th
century and is still very popular today.

Overview of Contemporary Dance

Contemporary dance stresses versatility and improvisation, unlike the
strict, structured nature of ballet. Contemporary dancers focus on floorwork,
using gravity to pull them down to the floor. This dance genre is often done
in bare feet. Contemporary dance can be performed to many different styles
of music. Pioneers of contemporary dance include Isadora Duncan, Martha
Graham, and Merce Cunningham, these dancers /choreographers all believed
that dancers should have freedom of movement, allowing their bodies to freely
express their innermost feelings. It's important to note, however, that while
Graham moved into what is now known as modern dance, and Duncan's style
was uniquely her own, Cunningham is often spoken of as the father of
contemporary dance.

What is the difference between Modern Dance and Contemporary dance?

Modern dance is usually referring to the dance style which broke free
from the restraints of classical ballet in the late 1800s up to around 1960s or
so. Some of the early names are Loie Fuller, Isadora Duncan from the US,
Rudolf Laban, Kurt Joos in Europe, often with political references, bare feet
and uncorseted bodies.
Later, Martha Graham, Alwin Nikolai, José Limon, Lester Horton,
Katherine Dunham, Alvin Ailey are names from the US who created different
styles of modern dance from the broad categories of dramatic, theatrical, to
references of African heritage.
After that, modern dance became post-modern dance and
choreographers like Merce Cunningham work against the emotional content
of previous modern choreographers. There were waves of more abstract works
and apparent disorder and randomness, or dance unrelated to the music
being played, which Cunningham experimented with.
Contemporary dance started to develop around the 1960s and was
more based on ballet technique in the legs with more modern upper body and
torso work. Floor work was also included as well as many other
complementary techniques like Feldenkreis, Alexander, Pilates and Yoga.

Many choreographers of the day consider themselves contemporary
choreographers and may be influenced not only by ballet, jazz and/ or modern
dance techniques including improvisation, but additionally by breaking and
other street dance styles, as well as other cultures as in Butoh, African or
original dances or ritual dances of Asia.

There are no concrete and established movement in pattern in modern
and contemporary dances. The good thing about the music in modern and
contemporary dance is, there’s no single form bounded to a certain type of
music. No specific songs that strictly follows the concept of these dances
which gives performers a freedom to express certain music. Most
choreographers choose songs with deep massages that is possible to be
interpreted by the choreographer, or, instrumental song in which the dancing
technique will be used to put language on that song expressively.
Modern and contemporary dances are few dances that also adore
silence. Some dancers were able to perform in a silent manner and
surroundings. The important principle in dancing modern and contemporary
is you must choose a music that is relevant to your choreography.

➢ Health- optimizing benefits of Modern and Contemporary dancing.

Modern and Contemporary involves bodily and mind coordination in
order to perform efficiently. Through frequent practice and training,
there are many benefits that can be acquired through modern and
contemporary dancing:
➢ Physical Benefits- It helps build muscle strength while increasing
flexibility due to lifting and bending movements. Sense of balance and
improvement in agility is to lifting and bending movements. Sense of
balance and improvement in agility is also developed. Most importantly,
performers learn to be aware of the correct body position and posture.
There’s a study reported that modern and contemporary dancers has a
high maximal oxygen uptake and muscular endurance acquired by
frequent engagement.
➢ Mental Benefits- Dancing help you coordinate your mind with your
body movement which refers to “neuromuscular coordination”. It also
helps relieve stress with the influence of relaxing, soothing and
dramatic music used in modern and contemporary dancing. Creative
thinking can be also nurtured through dancing especially with peers.

It also enhances the mood of any individual who participates in dancing
and activates self-expression.

➢ Emotional Benefits- In dancing, feelings and emotions play a vital role

in making an opportunity to express with the accompaniment of the
music that is relevant to your emotions. Dancing will enable
participants to connect with their feelings and focus on their mind with
the creative environment that dancing has.


Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter
before the number.
_________1. It is a genre of dance performance that developed during the mid-
twentieth century for formally trained dancers throughout the
world, with particularly strong popularity in the U.S. and Europe.
a. Contemporary dance b. Hip-hop Dance
c. Modern dance d. Street Dance
_________2. This dance genre is often done in bare feet.
a. Contemporary dance b. Hip-hop Dance
c. Modern dance d. Street Dance
_________3. He is often spoken of as the father of contemporary dance.
a. Isadora Duncan b. Isadora Lincon
c. Martha Graham d. Merce Cunnigham
_________4. Most of them are choose songs with deep massages that is
possible to be interpreted, or, instrumental song in which the
dancing technique will be used to put language on that song
a. Trainor b. Dancer
c. Instructor d. Choreographers
_________5. It is usually referring to the dance style which broke free from the
restraints of classical ballet in the late 1800s up to around 1960s
a. Contemporary dance b. Hip-hop Dance
c. Modern dance d. Street Dance

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_________6. This Dance started to develop around the ____ and was more
based on ballet technique in the legs with more modern upper
body and torso work.
a. 1960’s b. 1970 c. 1990’s d. 2000
_________7. Some dancers were able to perform in a ______and surroundings.
a. Noisy place b. Silent manner
c. relaxing Manner d. Dramatic Maner
_________8. It helps build muscle strength while increasing flexibility due to
lifting and bending movements.
a. Physical Benefits b. Mental Benefits
c. Emotional Benefits d. Health
_________9. Sense of balance and improvement in agility is to lifting and
bending movements.
a. Physical Benefits b. Mental Benefits
c. Emotional Benefits d. Health
_________10. In dancing, feelings and emotions play a vital role in making an
opportunity to express with the accompaniment of the music
a. Physical Benefits b. Mental Benefits
c. Emotional Benefits d. Health

Week 4- Let’s groove!

Directions: Create a simple modern dance routine following the proper

etiquette and safety. Record your performance using any multimedia devices
in video or pictures format or write a narrative of your performance.

Criteria for Contemporary Dance

Choreography Execution Improvised Total
(Creativity, (Timing & Coordination, Costume/Props
Artistry, Style) Projection & Expression)
50% 30% 20% 100 %

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At the end of this Guided Learning Activity Kit, you are expected to:
1. Understand the basic types of hip-hop;
2. Perform and execute the basic steps of hip-hop dance.

Lesson 3- Hip-Hop Dance

Definition of hip-hop dance:

Hip Hop is not just a form of dance; it is a culture-a way of life. Hip Hop
consists of four main elements: b-boying (breaking), dj-ing, graffiti art, and
mc-ing (rapping). Hip hop dance as we know it today evolved from three
underground dance styles: b-boying, locking, and popping. It then fused with
the ideas and choreographic elements of jazz dance to create a hybrid dance

Brief History
It refers to dance styles, mainly to street dance styles using hip hop
music, or that have evolved as a part of the hip hop culture.
The first and original dance associated with hip hop is b-boying, more
commonly known as breakdance, which appeared in New York City during
the early 1960s and truly became a cornerstone (or “element”) of hip hop as
a culture.
It refers, mainly to street dance styles, primarily danced to hip hop
music, or that have evolved as a part of the hip hop culture.
The first and original dance associated with hip hop is bboying, more
commonly known as breakdance, which appeared in New York City during
the early 1960s and truly became a cornerstone (or “element”) of hip hop as
a culture.

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Basic types of Hip-Hop and street dance

1. Breakdancing or breaking- is a form of street dance that incorporates

intricate body movements, coordination, style, and aesthetics. The
people who perform this style of dance are known as b-boys or b-girls.
They're sometimes called breakers.
2. Locking- is a style of funk dance, which is today also associated with
hip hop. The name is based on the concept of locking movements,
which basically means freezing from a fast movement and "locking" in
a certain position, holding that position for a short while and then
continuing at the same speed as before.
3. Popping -is a street dance adapted out of the earlier Boogaloo cultural
movement in Oakland, California. As Boogaloo spread, it would be
referred to as Robot tin in Richmond, California, Strutting movements
in San Francisco, California & San Jose, California, and the Strikin
dances of the Oak Park community of Sacramento, California which
were popular through the mid-1960s to the 1970s.
4. Boogaloo- is a freestyle, improvisational street dance movement of
soulful steps and robotic movements which make up the foundations
of popping dance and turfing; boogaloo can incorporate illusions,
restriction of muscles, stops, robot and/or wiggling.
5. Krumping- is a street dance popularized in the United States,
characterized by free, expressive, exaggerated, and highly energetic
movement. The youths who started Krump saw the dance as a way for

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them to escape gang life and "to express raw emotions in a powerful but
non-violent way."
6. Lyrical hip hop- There really isn’t one kind of force in lyrical hip hop
because you use different force to express different emotions. When
they are near each other there is more tension on the dancers because
they rely on each other.

How did lyrical hip hop start?

From what I know, hip hop began in the late 1960’s. Lyrical dance
started at the same time because people were dancing to express themselves
and tell stories.
So back to your question “What is lyrical hip hop?”
Hip-hop dance refers to social or choreographed dance styles primarily
danced to hip-hop music. Lyrical hip hop is hip hop dancing that tells a story
and contains more emotion then what original hip hop dancing would.
“Street dance” was a term coined originally to describe dances that
developed outside of the studio setting and in a social space like streets, clubs
and parks. The original street dances in include Breaking, Popping and
Locking. ... People who were Breaking called themselves B Boys or B Girls or
sometimes Breakers.
Some examples of street dance include breakdancing and hip-hop dances.
Hip-hop dance refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip-
hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture.
Locking - It was first made in 1970 by funk dancers in various clubs,
with one of the first dancers being Don Campbell (who supposedly invented
the 'lock' that the whole locking dance is now named after). It was very
popular in the 1970s and the dance itself is known to be relatively comic and
The purpose of street dance?
Popular with African-Americans and Puerto-Ricans, street dance was
used as an expression of resistance and cultural identity outside of the
mainstream. The energetic nature of street dance makes it popular with
young people on a variety of levels, both as an art form, a competitive activity
or for physical exercise.

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Fitness benefits
Improving stamina - Street dancing demands a range of energetic body
movements. However, it is important to remember that a little effort goes a
long way and regular workouts will greatly improve your body’s stamina over
More flexible hands, feet and joints - As opposed to many traditional
dances, street dancing moves may require the participant’s hands to support
their body weight, as well as the feet and leg joints. Regular street dancing
exercise will strengthen these areas over time and greatly improve their
Boosting mental self-confidence - Once you master the basics of
street dancing, and start to learn some tricks, your mental self-confidence
will improve tenfold. Your body will feel healthier and happier and so will your
Developing concentration and spatial awareness - The often complex
routines that street dancing requires may be hard to grasp in the early stages
of your training. Dancing alone or as part of a group, once these skills build
up, you will soon find that concentration and spatial awareness come to you
more naturally.
Styles of street dancing
Street dancing is an umbrella term used to describe various nuanced
dancing styles. Here are a few of the more popular street dancing types:
Popping - Emerging from California in the 70s, popping or body
popping refers to a style of dance where muscles are quickly contracted and
relaxed in order to create jerks and twitches in the dancer's body. Popping is
carried out repeatedly to the beat of a hip-hop or funk track. It works in
combination with various moves and stances to create a fluid and apparently
effortless effect.
Locking - Traditionally a funk dance, locking features quick and
distinctive upper body movements, with waving arms and hands combining
with more relaxed legs. Locking motions are often over-exaggerated, and
structured in time to the beat of the music.
Krumping - Krump is an expressive dance, similar to locking, that is
set to the rhythms of hip hop music. It is an aggressive exercise that sees
dancers ‘battle’ with each other by facing-off in direct competitions

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Week 5- Let’s be active.

Directions. Explore doing a variety of movements to the beat of some music
(for example, marching, swinging the hips, bending and straightening the
arms, lifting and dropping the shoulders, a bouncing movement of the knees
and feet). Record your performance using any multimedia devices in video or
pictures format or write a narrative of your performance.

Week 6- Let’s enjoy the day.

Directions. Choose and perform from the given type of hip-hop dance
mentioned above. Encourage the member of the family in performing. Observe
the health and safety protocol. Wear your appropriate attire.

Record your performance using any multimedia devices in video or

pictures format or write a narrative of your performance.

Criteria for Hip Hop Dance

Choreography Execution
Improvised Total
(Creativity, (Timing & Coordination,
Artistry, Style) Projection & Expression)
20% 100 %
50% 30%

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At the end of this Guided Learning Activity Kit, you are expected to:
1. understand the importance Festival Dance in the Philippines;
2. explore and perform famous festival dance.

Lesson 4- Festival Dance

What is Festival Dance?

Festival is an event usually marked as local or national holiday
celebrated A by a community and centering on some characteristic aspect of
that community and its religion or tradition. Festivals are usually associated
with harvest, thanksgiving, appreciation and religious commemoration. In the
Philippines, the Spanish word fiesta" is used to denote a communal religious
feast to honor a patron saint.

Philippine Festival Dances

Fiestas are important to many Filipinos because of the miraculous power
of their patron saints. It is one way of expressing gratitude to the saints for
being responsible on all good fortune and favor received. Fiesta is popular as
the traditional dances which are also celebrated as cultural awareness that
will be passed down to next generation. Fiestas reflect Filipino religion and
faith, which are the most essential part of society. The following are the
popular festival dances observed in the Philippines.

List of Popular Festivals in the Philippines

Philippine Festival – January
• Sinulog Festival | Cebu City
• Dinagyang Festival | Iloilo City
• Sinulog Sa Kabankalan | Kabankalan City
• Ati-Atihan Festival | Kalibo, Aklan
• Dinagsa Festival | Cadiz City, Negros Occidental
Philippine Festival – April
• Paynawen- Iba, Zambales
• Dinamulag Festival- Iba, Zambales

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• Bangus Festival – Dagupan City, Pangasinan
• Pasalamat Festival | La Carlota City
• Panaad Sa Negros Festival | Negros Occidental
• Imbayah Festival | Banaue, Ifugao

Philippine Festival – May

• Magayon Festival | Albay
• Manggahan Festival | Guimaras
• Pahiyas Festival | Lucban
• Balangay Festival | Butuan

Philippine Festival – June

• Hugyaw Kansilay Festival | Silay City
• Pintados Kasadyaan Festival | Leyte
• Mudpack Festival | Mambukal Resort, Negros Occidental

Philippine Festival – July

• T’nalak Festival | South Cotabato

Philippine Festival – August

• Kadayawan Sa Babaw | Davao City

Philippine Festival – September

• Sandurot Festival | Dumaguete City
• Minuluan Festival | Talisay City, Negros Occidental

Philippine Festival – October

• Masskara Festival | Bacolod City
• Lanzones Festival | Camiguin

Festivals and Fiestas in the Philippines

Ati-Atihan Festival
➢ Every 3rd Sunday of January the Ati-Atihan
Festival is a feast held in honor of the Santo
Niño held annually in January concluding on
third Sunday, in the town of Kalibo, Aklan in

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the Philippines. Celebrants paint their faces with black soot and wear
bright, outlandish costumes as they dance in revelry during the last
three days of this two week-long festival.
➢ Sinulog 3rd Sunday of January The festival honors the child Jesus,
known as the Santo Niño (Holy Child), patron of the city of Cebu. It is
a dance ritual that commemorates the
Cebuano people’s pagan origin, and their
acceptance of Christianity. The festival
features a street parade with participants
in bright-colored costumes dancing to the
rhythm of drums, trumpets, and native
➢ Dinagyang 4th Sunday of January, The
Dinagyang is a religious and cultural
festival in Iloilo City, Philippines held on
the fourth Sunday of January. Dinagyang
was voted as the best Tourism Event for
2006, 2007 and 2008 by the Association
of Tourism Officers in the Philippines.
Panagbenga Festival
➢ Panagbenga Festival Whole Month of
February, the festival in Baguio was
created as a tribute to the city’s flowers
and as a way to rise up from the
devastation of the 1990 Luzon
earthquake. The festival includes floats
that are decorated with flowers unlike
those used in Pasadena’s Rose Parade. The festival also includes street
dancing, presented by dancers clad in flower-inspired costumes, that
is inspired by the Bendian, an Ibaloi dance of celebration that came
from the Cordillera region.
Kaamulan Festival
➢ Kaamulan second half of February to
March 10 The Kaamulan Festival is a
Bukidnon ethnic-cultural festival, from
the Binukid word amul, “to gather”, is an
indigenous Bukidnon term for a gathering
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for any purpose. The Festival is held in Malaybalay City from the second
half of February to March 10, the anniversary date of the foundation of
Bukidnon as a province in 1917, to celebrate the culture and tradition
of the seven ethnic tribal groups—Bukidnon, Higaonon, Talaandig,
Manobo, Matigsalug, Tigwahanon and Umayamnon—that originally
inhabited the province.
Moriones Festival
➢ Moriones Holy Week, The Moriones is an
annual festival held on Holy Week on the
island of Marinduque. The “Moriones” are
men and women in costumes and masks
replicating the garb of biblical Roman
soldiers as interpreted by local folks –
Morion means “mask” or “visor,” a part of
the medieval Roman armor which covers the face.
Maleldo Festival
➢ Maleldo / Cutud Lenten Rites Good Friday, Every year on Good Friday
or the Friday before Easter a dozen or so penitents – mostly men but
with the occasional woman – are taken to a rice field in the barrio of
San Pedro Cutud, 3km (2 miles) from the proper of City of San
Fernando, Pampanga and nailed to a cross using two-inch (5 cm)
stainless steel nails that have been soaked in alcohol to disinfect them.
➢ Turumba Between April and May Every
year during the months of April and May,
the people of Pakil, in the province of
Laguna celebrates the Turumba Festival.
It commemorates the seven sorrows of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. It is held 7 times
each year between the months of April
and May. The first is held on the Friday before Palm Sunday and the
last falls on Pentecost Sunday.
Flores de Mayo & Santacruzan
➢ Flores de Mayo & Santacruzan 1st May –
31st of May, Flores de Mayo is a Catholic
festival held in the Philippines in the
month of May. Santacruzan is the queen of
Maytime festivals. It is a novena
procession, in commemoration of Saint
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Helena’s finding of the cross. Saint Helena was the mother of
Constantine the Great.
Carabao Festival
➢ Carabao Festival 14th May – 15th May Begining May 14th, the people
of Pulilan in Bulacan Province, San Isidro in Nueva Ecija Province, and
Angono in Rizal Province celebrate for two days. On the first day,
farmers pay pay homage to the beast of
burden which is the farmer’s best friend
– the lowly carabao. In the afternoon,
farmers lead their carabaos to the
church square to be part of the
procession. At the church, the carabaos
kneel for their blessings. On the second
day, the carabaos compete in a friendly
Pahiyas Festival
➢ Pahiyas Festival 15th May, Lucban
celebrates the Pahiyas Festival in
honor of the patron saint of farmers,
St. Isidore. This festival showcases a
street of houses which are adorned
with fruits, vegetables, agricultural
products, handicrafts and kiping, a
rice-made decoration, which
afterwards can be eaten grilled or fried. The houses are judged and the
best one is proclaimed the winner.

Obando Fertility Rites

➢ Obando Fertility Rites 17th May –
19th May Santa Clarang pinong-pino,
Ang pangako ko ay ganito, Pagdating
ko sa Obando, Sasayaw ako ng
pandanggo.” The Obando Fertility
Rites are a Filipino dance ritual. Every
year during the month of May, to the
tune of musical instruments made out
of bamboo materials, the men, women and children of Obando,
Bulacan, Philippines wear traditional dance costumes to dance on the
streets followed by the images of their patron saints San Pascual Baylon
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(St. Paschal), Santa Clara (St. Clare) and Nuestra Señora de Salambao
(Our Lady of Salambao), while singing the song Santa Clara Pinung-
Pino. The feast days or dance festivals are held for three consecutive
days: May 17 for St. Paschal, May 18 for St. Claire and May 19 for the
Our Lady of Salambaw. What makes the Obando fiesta unique among
Philippine festivals is the dance performed in the streets by the
childless women.
➢ Pintados Festival 29th June The
Pintados-Kasadyaan Festival is a merry-
making event lasting a whole month,
highlights of which include the Leyte
Kasadyaan Festival of Festivals, the
Pintados Festival Ritual Dance
Presentation and the Pagrayhak Grand
Parade. The Leyteños celebrate a
religious festival in a unique and
colorful way. Since the Visayans are experienced in the art of body
tattooing, men and women are fond of tattooing themselves.
Sandugo Festival
➢ Sandugo Festival July 1-2 The Spanish
colonization of the Philippines began
with a blood-sealed peace treaty on the
shores of Bohol . This historic event is
remembered today with an all-out fiesta
at the island's capital city. Check out
the Sandugo street dancing parade
featuring ten colorfully-dressed groups
dancing to the beat of drums. There's also a traditional Filipino
carnival, a martial arts festival, and Miss Bohol Sandugo Beauty
Pageant, among the dozen of other exciting activities.
Kadayawan Festival
➢ Kadayawan Festival Third week of
August, The Kadayawan Festival is an
annual festival in the city of Davao in
the Philippines. Its name derives from
the friendly greeting “Madayaw”, from
the Dabawenyo word “dayaw”, meaning
good, valuable, superior or beautiful.
22 | P a g e
The festival is a celebration of life, a thanksgiving for the gifts of nature,
the wealth of culture, the bounties of harvest and serenity of living.

Peñafrancia Fluvial Festival

➢ Penafrancia Fluvial Third Saturday
and Sunday of September. The
Peñafrancia Festival in Naga City,
Camarines Sur, Bicol Region. During
the festivities, people attend church
services, followed by parades on the
streets, fireworks, and feasting. The
ninth day, usually falling on the third
Saturday of September, is marked by a fluvial procession. The image of
the Virgin Mary is carried on a barge which is trailed by thousands of
devotees in boats gliding alongside. People who line the river banks
shout “Viva la Virgen! as the Virgin passes by.
Zamboanga Hermosa festival
➢ Zamboanga Hermosa Festival Date:
October 10-All roads in Mindanao lead
to Zamboanga, as the & quotiety of
Flowers & quot; celebrates its grand,
annual Hermosa Festival. The vintas,
those colorful native sea boats, once
again make their appearance in a fast-
paced, race-till-you-drop regatta.
There's also a wealth of cultural and flower shows, art exhibits, and
trade fairs. It's an all-out celebration of life - Chavacano style!
MassKara Festival
➢ MassKara Festival 3rd weekend
nearest to 19th October. The
MassKara Festival is a week-long
festival held each year in Bacolod City
, the capital of Negros Occidental
province. The festival features a street
dance competition where people from
all walks of life troop to the streets to
see colorfully-masked dancers gyrating to the rhythm of Latin musical
beats in a display of mastery, gaiety, coordination and stamina. The
word MassKara has a double meaning. First, it is a fusion of the English
23 | P a g e
word “mass” or many and “kara”, the Spanish word for “face.”
MassKara then becomes a “mass of faces,” and these faces have to be
smiling to project Bacolod already known in the late 70’s as the City of
Lanzones Festival
➢ Lanzones Festival 25th October Each
year there is a Lanzones Festival held
in October. The week-long festival is
one of the more colorful events in the
Philippines. The Lanzones festival
celebrated its 30th Anniversary last
October 2009.
Higantes Festival
➢ Higantes 23rd November Angono
celebrates the “Higantes Festival”
which coincides with the Feast of Saint
Clement, the Patron Saint of Angono.
➢ Higantes Festival is now promoted as
tourism-generating event in the
country. This attracts numerous
tourist from all over the world. The
higantes are made of paper-mache. Higantes measures four to five feet
in diameter and ten to twelve feet in height. Traditionally, it began in
the last century when Angono was a Spanish hacienda. This higantes
was influenced by the Mexican art form of paper-mache brought by the
Spanish priests to the Philippines.

Why we celebrate festivals?

Festivals are great ways of infusing refreshed air in our lives. It brings
the community to be as one in celebrating joyful events. It also helped people
to re s the stories behind the society of today through understanding its
history necessary to get away from the pushing and pressing lifestyles of
today's stressful times. And festivals give us an opportunity to celebrate,
socialize and break the monotony of lives.

Reasons why festivals need to be celebrated:

1. The more virtual we get, the more ritual we need. As one becomes
hooked in technology, the more there is craving for real connection.

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Festivals are as old as humanity that we need not forget the beauty that
is connected with it. According to the author of this blog, what we need
is IRL (In Real Life) experiences while we are drown in the sea of URLS.
When one needs a break from work and an antidote to burnout.
2. Festivals redefine "vacation." Been a ritualized into taking vacations
that lack discovery. Breaks from daily routine should be
transformational. Many are retiring from the word "occupation" for
work and "vacation for play." Most people see their happiness and
victories in the context of the group or village experience and not just
going out for a vacation.
3. Cultural Curiosity - a more robust life + a more peaceful planet.
Festivals are natural barrier disintegrators. Cultural curiosity is a
mindset that opens a window into the other and into oneself. There's
an intensity - both physical and psychological - that gets whipped up
in the midst of the dance.
4. Festivals allow you to push your limits. Some festivals are lively
competitions that one can enthusiastically observe and enjoy from
watching from the sidewalk. But when one shift from passive spectator
to active participant this is the greatest transformation
5. Festivals allow you to connect with new kindred spirits or experience
collective effervescence with close friends. Being with people who share
common interest is better than going online 24/7 and finding people to
chat. Festivals can bring out the best and, sometimes, the worst in
people. Some festivals are inherently magical meeting new friends and
interesting locals at every turn
6. Festivals bring you face-to-face with the highest expression of the
human spirit.
7. Sometimes we need an event to facilitate transformation. Seeing a
dance can even transform one who is plainly as a spectator
understanding the culture of another community creates this
transformation. The journey to a festival can provide surprising
collateral benefits. Festivals are often located in the rural places or
spectacular natural settings and away from the busy and crowded
streets of the urban region.


25 | P a g e
Week 7- It’s more fun in the Philippines
A. Directions: Complete the table below. Search for the following festivals
and their place of origin, Industry and the month of

Name of Festival Place of Origin Industry Month of Celebrated
Bangus Festival Dagupan Milk fish
April to May
(Example) Pangasinan Industry

B. Directions: Assume that you are tourist ambassador. Create a tagline that
will Promote the Philippine festival in Asia or other Countries
“It’s more fun in the Philippines”

Relevance to Originality Impact Total

the Theme (heatless, presentation,
colour harmony)
40% 35% 25% 100%

26 | P a g e
Week 8- My Festival dance

A. Directions: Create your own festival costume using recyclable materials

and perform a 5-minute Festival Dance. You may select from the famous
festival dance mentioned above. Wear your recycled costume in performing.
Record your performance using any multimedia devices in video or pictures
format or write a narrative of your performance. You may encourage the
member of the family to participate in the said performance.


Relevance True Color Artistry
representation of combination Design Execution and
regional culture Design Style Effective precision
and tradition Appropriate Use Projection
use Relevance to
35% 25% and concept 10% 100%

27 | P a g e

Directions: Multiple Choice. Read and understand the statements below and
choose the letter of the correct answer.
_______1. This festival is a feast held in honor of the Santo Niño held annually
in January concluding on third Sunday, in the town of Kalibo, Aklan
in the Philippines.
a. Ati-Atihan Festival b. Obando fertility rites
c. Sinulog d. Pintados
_______2. The festival honors the child Jesus, known as the Santo Niño (Holy
Child), patron of the city of Cebu. It is a dance ritual that
commemorates the Cebuano people’s pagan origin, and their
acceptance of Christianity.
a. Ati-Atihan Festival b. Obando fertility rites
c. Sinulog d. Pintados
_______3. It is a religious and cultural festival in Iloilo City, Philippines held
on the fourth Sunday of January.
a. Sandugo festival b. Dinagyang
c. Moriones Festival d. Panagbenga Festival
_______4. The festival includes floats that are decorated with flowers unlike
those used in Pasadena’s Rose Parade. The festival also includes
street dancing, presented by dancers clad in flower-inspired
costumes, that is inspired by the Bendian, an Ibaloi dance of
celebration that came from the Cordillera region.
a. Sandugo festival b. Dinagyang
c. Moriones Festival d. Panagbenga Festival
_______5. The Festival is held in Malaybalay City from the second half of
February to March 10, the anniversary date of the foundation of
Bukidnon as a province in 1917, to celebrate the culture and
tradition of the seven ethnic tribal groups that originally inhabited
the province.
a. Kaamulan Festival b. Moriones Festival
c. Turumba d. Flores de Mayo

28 | P a g e
_______6. This is an annual festival held on Holy Week on the island of
Marinduque that are men and women in costumes and masks
replicating the garb of biblical Roman soldiers as interpreted by local
folks – Morion means “mask” or “visor,” a part of the medieval
Roman armor which covers the face.
a. Kaamulan Festival b. Moriones Festival
c. Turumba d. Flores de Mayo
_______7. This festival between April and May Every year the people of Pakil,
in the province of Laguna that commemorates the seven sorrows of
the Blessed Virgin Mary that held 7 times each year between the
months of April and May.
a. Kaamulan Festival b. Moriones Festival
c. Turumba d. Flores de Mayo
_______8. It is a Catholic festival held in the Philippines in the month of May.
a. Kaamulan Festival b. Moriones Festival
c. Turumba d. Flores de Mayo
_______9. It is the queen of Maytime festivals. It is a novena procession, in
commemoration of Saint Helena’s finding of the cross. Saint Helena
was the mother of Constantine the Great.
a. Pahiyas Festival b. Moriones Festival
c. Santacruzan d. Flores de Mayo
_______10. This festival in honor of the patron saint of farmers, St. Isidore.
This festival showcases a street of houses which are adorned with
fruits, vegetables, agricultural products, handicrafts and kiping, a
rice-made decoration, which afterwards can be eaten grilled or fried.
a. Pahiyas Festival b. Moriones Festival
c. Santacruzan d. Flores de Mayo

29 | P a g e

Write 3 things that you have learned from this guided learning Activity kit, 2
things which need further explanation, and 1 word to represent today’s
learning session. Explain each of your answers.

A. Three (3) things that you have learned


B. Two (2) things which need further Explanation


C. One (1) word that represent today’s learning session


30 | P a g e
32 | P a g e
Multiple Choice: Lesson 2
Assessment week 8 1. A
1 a. 2. A
2. c 3. D
3. b 4. D
4.d 5. D
5. a
6. A
6. b
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. C
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. d
9. c
10. a
1. a
2. b
3. d
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. d
9. a
10. c
For week 1, 3 and 4 – answers may
vary on students understanding
For week 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 – students’
performance will be rated from the given
Key to Corrections

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