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1. Metals are _____

a) Crystalline b) Amorphous c) Both d) None

2. A pure metal consists of ____

a) Two elements b) Single element c) Three elements d) Four elements

3. Cast iron belongs to _____

a) Non-ferrous metal b) Ferrous metal c) Both d) None

4. A glass is the most common example of ____

a) Crystalline solid b) Amorphous solid c) Both d) None

5. Metals have fixed melting point.

a) True b) False

6. Copper and Aluminum are the examples of ____

a) Non-ferrous metal b) Ferrous metal c) Both d) None

7. PVC i.e. Poly Vinyl Chloride belongs to _____

a) Rubber b) Thermosetting plastics c) Thermoplastics d) None

8. Sand and Brick are ____

a) Composites b) Polymers c) Metals d) Ceramics

9. Bamboo and Wood are nature made _____

a) Composites b) Polymers c) Metals d) Ceramics

10. Which one is a ferrous metal?

a) Steel b) Copper c) Zinc d) Wood

11. In general, the major classes of engineering materials are

a) Metals, ceramics, copper b) polymers, metals and composites
c) Steels, ceramics, polymers, aluminum d) Metals, ceramics, polymers and composites

12. The structure which has highest packing of atoms is

a) HCP b) BCC c) FCC d) Simple cubic

13. Metal with HCP structure is _____

a) silver b) iron c) magnesium d) aluminum

14. Which type of microscope is used to determine microstructure between 10 to 0.001 micron?
a) Optical b) Electron c) Both d) None

15. The structure at microscopic level is known as _____

a) Microstructure b) Macrostructure c) Both a & b d) None

16. In metallography, microscopic method provides information about _____.

a) Impurities in metal b) location & extent of segregation c) uniformity of structure d) All

17. Which test measures hardness_____

a) Brinell b) Rockwell c) Vicker’s d) All

18. The component deforming progressively under load at high temp is called _____
a) Resilience b)Creep c)Fatigue d) All

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19. Hardness of a material enables it to resist _____
a) Abrasion b) Penetration c) Plastic deformation d) All

20. This is a measure of toughness of a material

a) Tensile strength b)Yield strength c)Creep strength d) Impact strength

21. In Brinell hardness testing the timer for loading is

a) 1 Sec b) 2 Sec c) 5 Sec d) 15 Sec

22. The property of a material that enables it to be drawn in wire is called _____
a) Malleability b) Ductility c) Straining d) Plastic deformation

23. Which of the following material is having a lowest melting point

a) Iron b) Copper c) Silver d) Magnesium

24. Which of the following metals has highest specific gravity?

a) Iron b) Copper c) Aluminum d) Magnesium

25. Which of the following material has maximum ductility?

a) Aluminum b) Copper c) Mild steel d) Nickel

26. Crystalline solids have _____ arrangement of atoms.

a) regular b) random c) both a & b d) None

27. Chromium has following crystal structure -

a) simple Cubic b) BCC c) FCC d) HCP

28. Copper has following crystal structure -

a) simple Cubic b) BCC c) FCC d) HCP

29. Zinc has following crystal structure -

a) simple Cubic b) BCC c) FCC d) HCP

30. Packing efficiency of BCC structure is -

a) 68% b) 74% c) 70% d) 78%

31. Packing efficiency of FCC structure is -

a) 68% b) 74% c) 70% d) 78%

32. Packing efficiency of simple cubic structure is -

a) 68% b) 74% c) 70% d) 52%

33. Melting point of Aluminum is -

a) 760° b) 860° c) 960° d) 660°

34. Toughness may be defined as the ability of material to absorb ____ before fracture.
a) energy b) power c) moisture d) air

35. _____ is the property of material due to which a metal becomes fluid when it is heated.
a) Ductility b) Fusibility c) Plasticity d) Fluidity

36. Which material has the highest hardness?

a) steel b) titanium c) diamond d) tungsten

37. Crystal structure is the arrangement of ____ in different patterns.

a) electrons b) protons c) atoms d) crystals

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38. The smallest presentation of geometry of crystal structure of a material is called _______
a) crystal lattice b) unit cell c) crystal structure d) crystal

39. The arrangement of multiple unit cell together is called ______

a) lattice constant b) unit cell c) crystal structure d) crystal

40. A unit cell represents ______ of a crystal structure.

a) weight b) size c) geometry of atomic arrangement d) none

41. The _____ represents arrangement of unit cells in 3 Dimensional axes.

a) lattice constant b) lattice angle c) lattice structure d) none

42. Crystal structures are classified according to _____.

a) size of unit cell b) weight of unit cell c) geometry of unit cell d) both a & b

43. In simple cubic structure there are ____ no of corner atoms.

a) 1 b) 4 c) 8 d) 0

44. The average number of atoms in simple cubic structure is ____.

a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6

45. In ______ cubic structure the average number of atoms is 2.

a) simple cubic b) BCC c) FCC d) HCP

46. The elastic stress strain behavior of rubber is ______

a) linear b) non-linear c) plastic d) unpredictable

47. The indenter used in Brinell hardness test is a ______.

a) ball b) cone c) cylinder d) pyramid

48. For hardness test of copper in Brinell hardness tester, the diameter of ball is ____ mm
a) 1 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7

49. In C scale Rockwell hardness testing, the shape of indenter used is ______.
a) diamond cone b) steel ball c) steel prism d) none

50. The load applied in C scale of Rockwell Hardness testing is _____ kg.
a) 60 b)100 c) 120 d) 150

51. Steel ball is used as indenter in which type of hardness testing?.

a) Brinell b) Rockwell c) Vicker’s d) All

52. No of scales used in Rockwell’s hardness test are ______.

a) 12 b) 13 c) 14 d) 17

53. Resistance of material against any force is known as ______.

a) Stiffness b) malleability c) strength d) hardness

54. Material with same property in all direction may be termed as _______.
a) Creep b) anisotropy c) isotropy d) orthotropic

55. The study of metallography includes ______.

a) alloy constituent b) failure analysis c) metal structure d) All

56. In Rockwell hardness test, the minor load in all cases is ______ kg.
a) 5 b) 10 c) 20 d) 30

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57. Permanent deformation of material with respect to time due to constant load and variable
temperature is known as _____.
a) elasticity b) creep c) toughness d) none

58. Fatigue failure is caused by _______.

a) tensile stress b) compressive stress c) cyclic stress d) none

59. In cubic structure corner atoms are shared by _______ cells.

a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8

60. If hardness is indicated by 45 HRC, then C letter represents ______.

a) compressive value b) hardness value c) scale value d) type of indenter

61. Average no of atoms per unit cell in HCP structure are _____.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6

62. Knives are made for cutting operation by use of mechanical property ________ .
a) toughness b) hardness c) ductility d) elasticity

63. Stress in the material increases if load is ______ for constant area.
a) increased b) decreased c) same d) none

64. Ductility of a material ______ when it is heated.

a) decreases b) increases c) remains same d) none

65. When the stress is removed, the material does not return to its original dimension, but there
is permanent deformation which represents _______.
a) elasticity b) plasticity c) ductility d) toughness

66. APF of BCC is _____.

a) 0.52 b) 0.68 c) 0.74 d) 0.20

67. APF of FCC is _____.

a) 0.52 b) 0.68 c) 0.74 d) 0.20

68. For hardness test of copper in Brinell hardness test, the diameter is _____.
a) 1 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7

69. Ceramics have high _____.

a) ductility b) electrical conductivity c) brittleness d) thermal conductivity

70. Which structure has the highest APF from the following?
a) Simple cubic structure b) BCC c) FCC d) None

71. Metal with hexagonal closed packed structure is _____.

a) silver b) magnesium c) iron d) none

72. Identify the mechanical property of a material from the given list.
a) colour b) melting point c) toughness d) density

73. Diamond is used to cut glass by virtue of _____ property.

a) Toughness b) hardness c) plasticity d) elasticity

74. Average no of atoms per unit cell for HCP is/are _____.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6

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75. Select material property when subjected to cyclic or fluctuating loads.
a) Brittleness b) Ductility c) Resilience d) None

76. Identify the correct pair from the following for the type of application – related property
a) Thin wire - ductility b) Hook shape - malleability
c) metal sheet – elasticity d) rubber – toughness

77. Identify from the following the first step involved in the process of test sample preparation.
a) rough polishing b) fine grinding c) fine polishing d) etching

78. The resolving power & the magnification obtainable with scanning electron microscopes are
____ to the transmission electron microscopes.
a) High b) Less c) Equal d) None

79. Ceramic is an example of _______

a) Ferrous b) Non-Ferrous c) Non Metal d) None of these

80. If load is increased twice for the same area of material then stress value will be _____
a) Double b) Half c) Same d) None

81. Magnesium has ______ structure at room temperature.

a) Simple Cubic b) BCC c) FCC d) HCP

82. Atoms are arranged chaotically in ______ materials.

a) Crystalline b) Amorphous c) Mesomorphous d) Polymorphic

83. The basic sample preparation process for small size component consists of sectioning,
______ coarse & fine grinding, polishing.
a) Cutting b) Slitting c) Mounting d) etching

84. Mild steel is an example of _______ material.

a) Ferrous b) Nonferrous c) nonmetal d) none

85. The ability of a material to absorb energy in plastic range is

a) resilience b) creep c) fatigue strength d) toughness

86. The property of a material due to which it breaks with little permanent distortion, is called___
a) ductility b) brittleness c) malleability d) plasticity

87. The property of a material essential for spring material is ____.

a) stiffness b) ductility c) resilience d) plasticity

88. A steel with carbon above 0.8% is known as hyper eutectoid steel.
a) Agree b) Disagree

89. Which of the following is amorphous material?

a) Mica b) silver c) lead d) glass

90. The type of space lattice found in alpha-iron is

a) FCC b) BCC c) HCP d) None

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