Pantry Interview 2 - Anonymous J 1

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Abigail Valles 0:00

As of right now you've read through and saw the consent form.

Anonymous J 0:05
Absolutely and I read through it and I understand.

Abigail Valles 0:07

Ok, today is November 3. And how old are you?

Anonymous J 0:14
I am 19 years old.

Abigail Valles 0:16

What do you identify as?

Anonymous J 0:18
I identify as a male.

Abigail Valles 0:21

And what's your ethnic identity?

Anonymous J 0:23
Latino Mexican

Abigail Valles 0:25


Anonymous J 0:26
San Diego County, Escondido, California.

Abigail Valles 0:29

Are you a first generation student?

Anonymous J 0:31

Abigail Valles 0:32

Are you receiving financial aid?

Anonymous J 0:33

Abigail Valles 0:34

And how long have you been attending Chico?

Anonymous J 0:36
Since August 2020.

Abigail Valles 0:39

Okay, and what's your current major?

Anonymous J 0:40
My current majors is pre social work.

Abigail Valles 0:42

Alright. And for the first interview question, do you live off campus?

Anonymous J 0:46

Abigail Valles 0:47

Have you ever used snap or CalFresh before?

Anonymous J 0:49

Abigail Valles 0:51

Any point so far have you felt stressed for classes family or personal problems?

Anonymous J 0:55

Abigail Valles 0:57

Do you think that your eating habits have changed when you are stressed or at an emotional level?

Anonymous J 1:03

Abigail Valles 1:05

Okay, whenever was when your response to the to any of the questions so you can feel free to add

Anonymous J 1:11

Abigail Valles 1:12

Apart from a yes or no, it's just really more helpful.

Anonymous J 1:13
I think elaborating a little bit on I recently got EBT like in September, so before that, it was kind of
stressful because like, I'd be like, how Frick Am I gonna pay for food internet? I don't have the
money for this right now. So I'm just gonna like get ramen when they were going to another beauty
like it's definitely like, alleviated so much stress and I'm able to get things out like you know, like I
wasn't able to get before like the more like organic expensive things is specifically like a Trader Joe's
they accepted into so I've been popping off at Trader Joe's for sure.

Abigail Valles 1:44

I've heard a lot of people been doing that. Okay, and oh and that close. And has it impacted your
academics when you when you weren't eating well or not doing it?

Anonymous J 1:56
Yes. Because I would feel like really tired like in the in like August when we first started because I
wasn't getting you know, like one meal a day. And you know how like we both work at the dining hall.

Abigail Valles 2:06


Anonymous J 2:06
Like they barely put in the thing that we can get a free meal. So now that we have a free meal, I work
like I think really now like I eat twice a day. But when I'm not at work or you like once.

Abigail Valles 2:16

It's like one guaranteed meal that you're gonna be eating.

Anonymous J 2:18
Yeah, especially when you work

Abigail Valles 2:21

And let's see, are you familiar with any of the resources that the school provides?

Anonymous J 2:26
Yeah, like the pantry and also EBT they have like their own little thing.

Abigail Valles 2:31

If yes, what resources do you currently know about that serve to support students?

Anonymous J 2:37
Like, like I was in REACH, would that be considered as one?

Abigail Valles 2:41

Yeah, like just any of them like social well being, health, like food access, whatever.

Anonymous J 2:45
Yeah, like I was in REACH and that's basically for like guidance and mentorship. And also I'm a
Chico. It's called Chico Students Success Center Student, which like they provide a lot of support,
like I've had to be financially okay. And EBT like, they're the ones who helped me how to apply for
EBT. And-
Abigail Valles 3:05
so yeah, that's definitely helpful, like the entire like processing just like confusing. Okay. And what do
you know about what do you know about the pantry?

Anonymous J 3:18
I've never really gone to the pantry but my mentor for from reach was always tells me to go, but I
never really found the time to go because honestly, like, I don't really know where it is.

Abigail Valles 3:27

Oh, ok so like it's located in the Student Center like it tells you like there's a room. Don't go inside.
It's like literally on the side of the building. Right? You know that outdoor dining areas for the BMU
there's like the little side part where leads to the street.

Anonymous J 3:44
So is it like on the on the left side then, like if you walk down here?

Abigail Valles 3:48

Like if you if - if this is a BMU and the student centers over there, so let's say down the middle, yeah,
down the middle.

Anonymous J 3:57
Okay. All right.

Abigail Valles 3:58

It's like a weird outside place, because they don't have it inside. Okay. And what kind of help do you
think this food pantry offers?

Anonymous J 4:05
They I think they offer food. I know you have to give your ID number. Yeah, get to it.

Abigail Valles 4:11

It's like just an online form. And how reliable do you think this entry is?

Anonymous J 4:16
I think it probably is because my my mentor always tell us to go so I think it's pretty reliable that they
always have good there.

Abigail Valles 4:23

Yeah, and now all of like, the kind of like extra food that we don't get rid of at the dining hall. They
ended up giving it out as a free meal at the pantry. And to your knowledge, how do you think the
pantry gets his supplies?

Anonymous J 4:42
Probably donations, I don't know much.

Abigail Valles 4:45

Yeah. And what what first comes to mind when you think of the types of food that the pantry offers?

Anonymous J 4:52
Probably non perishable items because they're easier to store most likely. But I have no idea that's
what Sutter [Dining] was doing that. So that's really cool.

Abigail Valles 5:01

Yeah, and apart from that they actually do get like fresh veggies like eggs and dairy stuff like that.
Yeah, and like to get bread to that and like sometimes meats it can depends when you go and on
some occasions to have like snacks like chips, stuff like that. And by having a resource like this
accessible to all sit and stuff and alumni, do you think alleviate some stress in college students?

Anonymous J 5:25
Yeah, for sure. Especially if you are aware of it already. Like you just go into it. Like getting a can of
beans or like a kind of whatever. You can have a meal for the day. Yeah, very sustainable I think for
some students can afford it.

Abigail Valles 5:39

Does a food pantry sound like a place that can help you be successful in college prepare you for the
future? Why or why not?

Anonymous J 5:45
Oh, I think yeah, because it can give you the knowledge of how to look out for resources. You know
what I mean? Like obviously we can do that now because we're in college but when you're older, like
there's stuff for us when like we need health care we can afford it you know, there's different
programs that we can look for. So that helps us I know how to look for different resources that we

Abigail Valles 6:06

And in what ways do you think it can it can improve or affect the students quality of life?

Anonymous J 6:13
I think it helped by like feeding them, of course, feeding them and also having security of knowing
that you're gonna have to

Abigail Valles 6:20

Okay, how can the Wildcat Food Pantry benefits your student academic achievements along with
your peers?

Anonymous J 6:31
Well, again, having security I think that's another thing that people we look for because right now it's
a lot of uncertainty. You know, sometimes COVID like that, so what if we have another lockdown?
What if this shit happens? Like hopefully we don't, of course, like I don't want that to happen. But if it
does, and we have some resources to come,

Abigail Valles 6:48

yeah. Okay, and because you haven't been there before, and like you didn't know a lot of the entry.
What do you think the food pantry can kind of do better? So you you know about the research and
what they do.

Anonymous J 7:03
Like food pantry here, like I don't even know where it was. It's it exists. So I think it's like a bigger

Abigail Valles 7:12

Yeah. Okay. Well, I think that's all the questions unless there's anything else you want to add on or
no? Okay. Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed.

Anonymous J 7:21
Yeah, sure. I'll see you later.

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