University 101 Interview Raquel 1

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Carlos Marin

Interview with raquel

Hi, this is Carlos, Do I have your verbal consent to record this video? And are you over the age
of 18?
Yes, I am over the age of 18. And I do consent to have this recorded.
For the first question, what's your major and year?
I am a freshman. And my major is political science.
Do you live off campus? No, I do not. What resources do you currently know that serve to
support students?
I know the full cat will be the Wellness Center and I also have heard about the College and
Career Center.
Thank you. Are you willing to use the resources they provide?
Yes, I am. If I need to.
Do you know what the Wildcat food pantry is?
Yes, I do.
What kind of help do you think the soup pantry offers?
I know that they offer free food to students.
How reliable do you think the soup pantry is?
I'd say it's pretty reliable based on past experiences.
To your knowledge, how do you think the food pantry gets its supplies?
From my understanding I think the local community donates food
thank you what first comes to mind when you think of the types of food that the pantry offers.
I'm sorry, can you repeat the question please?
Of course. What first comes to mind when you think of types of food that the pantry offers?
I know that they offer fresh produce, but they also have candy box goods.
Thank you by having a resource like this accessible to all students, staff and alumni. Do you
think it alleviates some stress in college
students? Yes, I'd say that those who are having financial difficulties and cannot afford to
purchase food is definitely a great option for them.
And what we do think it can improve our sex as students quality of lies.
I think it's safe from my personal experience. I don't think I would really change anything maybe
I think just a certain items do tend to run out a little quicker than others. But aside from that, I'd
say everything else is pretty good.
How can the Wildcat Food Pantry benefit your student academic achievements along with your
I'd say that definitely just having access to food. Definitely like helps me out. I know sometimes
I'm not really in the mood to go eat at the dining hall. So her center dining and if I wanted to just
get something in my dorm that was like provided by the school or I guess provided by the food
pantry and helps ensure they never go a day without.
Thank you. Last question. Does the food pantry sound like a place that can help you be
successful in college and prepare you for the future? Why or why not?
I think it can because it teaches you gratitude and it kind of lets you know that you're not alone
and like the situation that not everyone is has like access to food and I think being able to go to
the Panther food pantry. It's like accepted that. Like they're just like no judgement. And it's nice
to know like the school recognizes that not everyone has, you know, as easy of access to like
food and everything.
Thank you. Thank you for your time.
Of course

2nd Interview
Carlos Marin

Hi, this is Sam, do I have your consent to record this interview? Yes. And are you above the age
of 18? Yes, I am.
Already in for this first question. What's your major and here? My major is nutrition and public
health. And my year is freshman. Thank you. Do you live off campus? No, I don't. I live in
Whitney Hall.
What resources do you currently know that serve to support students? There's the Wildcat Help
Center. There's the safe space which offers counseling and therapy for any students who need
that. And there's also the art Resource Center for Students with disabilities or learning
disabilities which I think helped a lot of students who need the extra support.
Thank you. Are you willing to use the resources they provide?
Do you know what the Wildcat food pantry is? Yes, I do.
What kind of hope do you think the food pantry offers, I think offers help to a lot of low income
students or students who just don't have the ability to buy fresh produce from grocery stores
every week, and I think it also can just help basically anyone who might just need a few things
here and there. And they don't want to spend the extra money because like we're all college
students. I mean, it could be really tough. So I think it offers a lot of support to the students on
campus and I think that's really great.
How reliable do you think?
I think it's really reliable. It's open for pretty long hours, and it's pretty accessible. Most people
know where it is. If not, there's a lot of places where you can find that out. So I think it's just a
really great resource that's really accessible to lots of people and I think that makes it very
Well first comes to mind when you think of types of food that the pantry offers.
I think a lot about like foods that are easy to cook like canned meals, like soups or like
vegetables. They're just easy to heat up in a microwave. Or I also think about like things like rice
like uncooked rice, uncooked beans that you can just put on the stove and are really easy and
simple to do meal prep with.
Do your knowledge how do you think the food Patrick gets it supplies? I would think that it would
get a lot of its supplies from donations but I also would think that it could utilize food banks or
other resources like that, like the farmers market to get fresh and reliable produce for the
Or having a resource like this accessible to all students, staff and alumni. Do you think it
alleviates some stress in college students? I think it really does. I think it creates a space where
people don't have to worry about food or meals. And I know that if they don't have the resources
or the time that they can fall back on that and I think that it takes away a huge stressor because
obviously you know, food is such an important part of everyone's lives and being hungry is
something that can definitely super like affect someone. So I think it's really great that we all
have this resource.
How can the Wildcat Food Pantry benefit your student academic achievements along with your
peers? I think that it can feed my mind as well as my peers because as a nutrition major, I
believe that a healthy mind starts with healthy food and good eating habits. And without the
Wildcat Food Pantry I feel like a lot of people wouldn't have that ability. So I'm really grateful and
I think it helps everyone improve their ability to study well and do well in school.
Just as food pantry sounds like a place that can help you be successful in college and prepare
you for the prepare you for your future wire. I think you really can because it's just a great
resource to think about, especially in the future when I get a job and other things. I feel it is a
great resource to just fall back on and know that there are resources like that elsewhere as well.
And that there's no shame in going to a food pantry to get accessible and cheaper food products
to help nourish life.
Thank you This concludes Thank you

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