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1.) The teacher is the one who teach students.

The students are the one who learns and understand the topic.

2.) For me, assessment is one of the most authentic measurement is learning.

3.) It is when the students fully understand the lesson and wherein, they are able to demonstrate it

4.) NCBTS has a big role on teaching-learning experience wherein it serves as foundation to set
standards and better goal on teaching. It unifies the audacity of teaching and make every teacher
globally competent and ready.

5.) Social regard for learning wherein the teacher serves as a role model of values pursuit of learning.
Social behavior is learned by observing and imitating the behavior of others. It should be open for
positive reinforcement that involves learning through the consequence of actions.

6.) Diversity of learning refers to the diversity of learners in teaching-learning process. As we know no
mas is alike to students have individual differences. As a teacher we can facilitate our students by
recognizing and respecting each and everyone of them so that we are able to design diverse set of
learning that all students must have the right to assess a full and engaging education on the same basis
their peers.

7.) Curriculum on education is specifically to a planned sequence of instruction and it is the totality of
students experiences that occurs in educational process.

8.) In learning environment domain students are equal regardless of their individual differences in
learning environment has a great factor to students wherein it focuses on social, psychological and

9.) Community linkages are vital to have a better and successful instructions and administration. Building
a good relationship to the members and stakeholders of the community has an impact for better
teaching-learning process.
10.) Paradigm shift refers to the occurance of change in education. The radical change in the core
concepts and practices of a given domain field or discipline.

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