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My name is James “Lebron James”

What's in a name? A name is something you turn to when you hear it being called from a friend down the hall. A name is one
first things you receive when you enter the world. When a child is born, the parents name him or her as per their wish. The
name him or her in accordance to their cultural practices, events, names of dead relatives, materials and tools used, animals
others. Names always play critical roles in people’s lives. Different names may to mean different things. 

             Names mean so many different things and come from so many different places. The name in which I received is
Danielle is a 1-syllable boy James comes from the Hebrew name Jacob, and means “supplanter.”  . I think my name's mea
very religious sounding. When I first heard the meaning of my name I was around the age of seven, I always wondered w
parents would have given me such a religious name when we never went to church. I later found out that they weren't loo
meanings at all but named me after some famous professional basketball player which is Lebron James. It’s a funny thin
also love to play basketball and it is one of my hobbies. Sometimes, when I’m about to shoot the ball, some of my friends
“Lebron James tumira, pasok”. In a way I think James is a name that has grown on me. Now that I'm older a lot of my friends
tease me Lebron James or James Harden, it has a nice little ring to it. When people call me by my nickname it makes me f
I'm a part of a small group of very close friends.

             As I continue to grow older, I will continue to enjoy my nickname even more, as I think back I will always wonder
would have been like if my parents would have named me other name than “James”. That’s why Our names are an inc
important part of our identity. They carry deep personal, cultural, familial, and historical connections. They also give us a se
who we are, the communities in which we belong, and our place in the world.

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