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ELE 2110A Electronic Circuits

Week 14:
Positive Feedback and Oscillator

ELE2110A © 2008 Lecture 14 - 1

Topics to cover …
z Positive feedback
z Wien-Bridge Oscillator
z Phase Shift Oscillator

Reading assignment:
Chap 17.13 of Jeager and Blalock

ELE2110A © 2008 Lecture 14 - 2

Applications of Oscillators
z Clock input for CPU, DSP chips …
z Local oscillator for radio receivers, mobile receivers, etc
z Signal generation for signal generators in your lab
z Clock input for analog-digital and digital-analog
z …

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Positive Feedback

A( s )
= ( )
A (s ) =
f 1− A( s )β ( s ) 1−T ( s )

z Designed to produce an output even thought the input is zero

z Use positive feedback through frequency-selective feedback

network to ensure sustained oscillation at ω0

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Barkhausen’s Criteria for Oscillation
z For sinusoidal oscillations,
1− T ( jωo )= 0 ⇒ T ( jωo )= +1

z Barkhausen’s criteria:
∠T ( jωo )= 0° or multiples of 3600
T ( j ωo ) = 1

z An impulse input starts the

A( s )
= ( )
A (s ) = oscillation
f 1− A( s )β ( s ) 1−T ( s ) – Circuit noises, e.g., resistor
thermal noise, serve this purpose

z Loop gain greater than unity

causes a distorted oscillation to
ELE2110A © 2008 Lecture 14 - 5
Types of Oscillators
z Oscillators can be categorized as follows according to
the types of feedback network used:
– RC oscillator
– LC oscillator
– Crystal oscillator

z We will discuss the first type only

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Wien-Bridge Oscillator
β R R
V (s) = (1+ 2 )V (s) = GV (s), G = 1+ 2
1 R I I R1
Z (s)
Vo (s) = V (s) 2 , s = jω
1 Z (s) + Z (s)
1 2
Loop gain:
T(s) = o = j ω RCG
A V (1 − ω 2 R 2 C 2 ) + 3 j ω RC
Phase shift will be zero if (1− ω 2R2C 2 ) = 0,
Break the loop at P to find loop gain:
At ω0 =1/RC, T(j ω o ) = +
If G=3, sinusoidal oscillation is achieved.
This oscillator is used for frequencies up to
few MHz, limited primarily by characteristics
of amplifier.

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Phase-Shift Oscillator

z The RC network is to provide 180o phase shift at the desired

oscillation frequency
z At least three RC section is required:
– One RC section can provide 90o phase shift at most:
R jωCR
H RC ( s ) = =
R + 1 / jωC 1 + jωCR

∠H RC ( s ) = 90 o − tan −1 (ωRC ) ≤ 90 o
– Two RC sections provide 180o phase shift only at ω→∞.

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Phase-Shift Oscillator
One implementation:
We have:

s 3C 3 R 2 R
V ( s)
∴T (s) = o = 1
Vo '(s) 3s 2 R 2C 2 + 4sRC +1

Phase shift will be zero if (1− 3ωo2R2C 2 ) = 0,

KCL at v1 and v2: 1
∴ω =
⎡ sCVo'(s)⎤⎥ ⎡(2sC + G) − sC ⎤⎥ ⎡⎢ V1(s) ⎤⎥ At ω0

⎢ ⎥
= ⎢
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
ω o 2 C 2 RR
⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ − sC (2sC + G)⎥⎦ ⎣ 2 ⎥⎦
⎢ V ( s ) 1 R1
T(j ω o ) = 1 =
4 12 R
From v2 to vo:
For R1=12R, the Barkhausen’s criterion is met.
Vo (s)
= −sCR
V ( s) 1

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Amplitude Stabilization
z As power supply voltage, component values and/or temperature
change, the loop gain |Aβ| deviates from 1 Æ oscillation decays
(|Aβ| < 1) or grows (|Aβ| < 1)
z Amplitude stabilization circuit Æ automatically control the loop gain
such that Aβ=1
z Example in Wien-bridge oscillator:

R1 replaced by a
nonlinear resistor

G must = 3 When output amplitude increases

at oscillating freq. Æ R1 increases due to heat
Æ G decreases Æ amplitude decreases
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Amplitude Stabilization Circuit Example
Resistance control



z R4 and diodes D1 and D2 form a nonlinear resistor, whose value

depends on output amplitude

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Feedback Summary
z Feedback combines the advantages of passive circuits and active
z Properties of negative feedback
– Desensitize the gain
– Extend the bandwidth
– Reduce distortion
z Feedback circuits can be classified into four topologies
– Series-series, series-shunt, shunt-series, shunt-shunt
z Stability is a special issue in feedback circuits. Stability can be
determined by
– Nyquist plot
– Root locus diagram
– Phase and gain margin in Bode plots
z Oscillators employ positive feedback circuits

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