DR Rizal

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Dr. Jose Rizal is one of the greatest men I ever known in the Philippine history.

His family
represented an admirable mixture of culture in their heritage and many of the best
characteristics of these were passed on their son Jose. Dr. Jose Rizal loved to travel and has
indomitable courage. And because of his contribution and heroism for the country, many
people are deeply moved to fight for freedom. But behind this heroism is his mother. His
mother taught him to open his eyes and heart to the world around him. She taught him to
value and not to waste a single second of his resources and learning’s. She nurtures her
children to not be a patriotic of money. Jose’s mother taught many things to her children.
Above all these things, Rizal always refused violence but instead expressed his views through
his writings. And his love for the people and freedom costs his life. These led to the revolution
against Spain.

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