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Progress Test 1

Name _Kukharskyi Mykhailo Score

1 body language
2 uncomfortable
3 don`t know
4 easy to see
5 telling the truth
6 straight
7 fidgeting
8 catch
9 drop me off
10 detached
11 wake
12 am seeing
13 tell
14 thinking

15 I`ve been
16 I visited
17 find
18 have to
19 drove
20 I`m planning
21 must
22 I`m working
23 I`ve saved up
24 are appearing - appear
25 what are you thinking? What do you think?
26 I`ve seen - I saw
27 aren`t let - aren`t allowed
28 I`m often getting up - I often get up
29 mustn`t - don`t have to

Functional language
30 If I sit here?
31 Go to the train station?
32 To the train station, please?
33 One pound, please
34 Does this bus go to the train station?
35 Can I have a single ticket to the train station, please?
36 That will be one pound, please.
37 Do you mind if I sit here?
38 He`s tall and has wavy brown hair
39 He`s clever and very polite
40 Skiing and going to the cinema with me
1 make a first impression
2 I consider myself
3 I could see
4 People consider
5 I don`t see myself
8 NG
10 T

Dear Carl,
I`m so happy that you will meet my friend John and he can stay with you. That`s
really important for me. I really hope you`ll get on well with him and you two will
spend amazing time together.
John looks like tall and slim guy with a strong face. His eyes have deep blue color
and his hair is blonde. He loves to wear oversize clothes, so I`m sure he`ll be wearing
them, but also John likes casual style, so maybe he can be wearing a shirt with a tie
and a jacket.
As I said in previous letter - John is the best friend of mine. He was with me in every
period of my life, either good or bad. He`s very kind and tolerant person, but if
people are trying to abuse his kindness, he`ll be very angry. John knows how to
protect himself and his friends and that`s the main part of his character.
John`s unique feature - he can talk on every theme. No, really, we haven`t ever got a
problem with discussing something. As I can remember, you`re the real chatterbox,
so I hope you`ll get on well. By the way, you should know a little about his hobbies,
interests and preferences. So, John loves going to the gym, because he`s a sportsman,
but at the same time he loves reading and he`s real bookworm. John is a vegetarian,
as you are, so maybe you`ve got much more similarities with John than you thought
you would have.
I hope you`ll spend an amazing time with John. Don`t forget to write me back. Thank
Miss you,
Your Michelle

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